Cultural Understanding Of What Causes Developmental Disabilities
Different cultures have different views of the causes of developmental disabilities.;Blame for a disability may be placed on the mother or both parents, or the childs condition may be considered an act of God. Here are some examples:1
- Traditional Confucian beliefs see the birth of a child with a developmental disability as a punishment for parental violations of traditional teachings, such as dishonesty or misconduct. The childs disability may also be seen as punishment for ancestral wrongdoing. The wider community may feel that the parents are responsible and be less likely to provide the family with sympathy or support.
- Individuals fromSouth-East Asian cultures may believe that developmental disabilities are caused by mistakes made by parents or ancestors.
- Indian cultures offer multiple causes for a disability, ranging from medicines or illness during pregnancy and consanguinity, to psychological trauma in the mother and lack of stimulation for the infant.
- In other cultures, the will of God or Allah, karma, evil spirits, black magic or punishment for sins may be seen as causes of disability. Some cultures freely combine traditional beliefs with biological models such as ;disease degeneration and dysfunction. Mexican, Haitian andLatin American cultures may see disability as the result of a mother being cursed.
Caring For An Adult With A Developmental Disability
Caring for an adult with a developmental disability is the same as caring for any other adult in the sense that they have the same basic needs. They need food, water, safety, love, a sense of belonging within their family and community, social interaction, and to develop a sense of independence and self-determination. Unlike other adults at the same age, they may require additional care. They may not be able to do the same things as other adults their age. For example, they may not be able to live independently, or go to work, or have a family of their own. Or, they may be able to do many of these things, but need some additional support.
It is very important to remember that just because the adult may have impairments, they are not children. Eveniftheyneedtohavecompletecare, theyshouldbetreatedasanadult. They should be provided with opportunities to socialize with other adults, to make choices, and to be as independent and self-reliant as possible. Alwaystreatadultswithdevelopmentaldisabilitiesasadults, notchildren.
The Effects Of Disability
Disability at any age brings about profound changes to lifestyle and attitudes. Acquiring a disability through illness or accident affects not only the person with the disability but family and friends as well. It becomes a dividing line of before and after and requires any number of adjustments physically, emotionally and psychologically.
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Children And Young People With Physical Disabilities
Under the;Equality Act, disability includes children and young people who have physical disabilities such as sensory impairments and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer.
Children and young people with such conditions do not necessarily have additional learning needs, but there is a significant overlap between these disabilities and additional learning needs.
Learning Disabilities Cause Frustration
Young children, adolescents, and adults with learning disabilities often exhibit confusing and contradictory patterns of performance. They perform certain tasks quite well while struggling considerably with other tasks.
For example, a child may be bright and interested in learning but struggle to behave appropriately when placed in a reading group with peers. They may frequently get overexcited and disruptive, causing the teacher to remove them from the group. The student might enjoy hearing the story read to the group, but then put their head down and kick their feet when asked to read aloud.
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Developmental Delay Or Disability
Disabilities are different from developmental delays. A child with a developmental delay is developing skills more slowly than most other children. This does not mean they have disability.
Not all children develop at the same rate, so some children naturally take longer to develop than others. Developmental delays can be short or long-term and can happen in any area of your childs development.
In contrast, disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism, some speech disorders, hearing impairment and intellectual disability will last for your childs whole life. They will have permanent delays in the area of their disability.
Caring For A Child With A Developmental Disability
Caring for a child with a developmental disability is the same as caring for any other child in the sense that they have the same basic needs. They need food, water, safety, love, a sense of belonging within their family and community, social interaction, and to develop a sense of independence and self-determination.
Unlike other children the same age, they may require additional care. They may not achieve the same developmental milestones, or they may achieve them at a later date than other children their same age. They may need extra help in school, or have additional members on their home health care team to help meet their needs. With extra support and treatment interventions, children with developmental disabilities can lead full and productive lives, filled with joy and happiness, just like any other children.
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Safety And Security Needs
A person who has a developmental disability may be reliant on others, including Home Health Aides/Personal Care Aides, to protect them from harm. Keeping the patients home clean and free from dirt by completing tasks such as laundry, vacuuming, and cleaning maintains a safe environment for the patient. Ensuring that patients properly use assistive devices such as canes, walkers, and wheelchairs also ensures their safety. Remember to always lock brakes on chairs that can roll during patient transfer. Be cautious of trip and fall hazards. Be proactive in preventing accidents.
Teach the patient to be as independent as possible within safety constraints. If something is not safe for them to do alone, Home Health Aides/Personal Care Aides should discuss this with them and help them complete the task. Maintaining good personal hygiene and washing hands is also an important part of the tasks Home Health Aides/Personal Care Aides complete to provide for the safety and security needs of their patient. Observing for signs of abuse or harm that may be going on in the home is a very important part of providing for the safety and security needs of a patient. Report any signs of abuse to a supervisor immediately.
Children And Young People
Understand child and young peoples development.1.2) Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important.Sequence of development is some thing that the child has to develop in order – for example they learn to recognise words before being able to attempt saying that word themselves or a baby has to learn to sit up and support their own weight before being able to crawl. The rate of development is the speed at which the child develops
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What Is Meant By Learning Disability
Learning disability used to be known as mental handicap or mental retardation. Other terms sometimes used are general or global developmental delay. A child with a;general learning disability;finds it more difficult to learn, understand and do things compared to other children of the same age. ;Like all children and young people, children with learning disabilities continue to progress and learn throughout their childhood – but more slowly.
The degree of disability can vary greatly. Some children will never learn to speak and so are likely when they grow up to need help with looking after themselves – feeding, dressing or going to the toilet. On the other hand, the disability may be mild and the child will grow up to become independent.
General learning disability is different from;specific learning difficulty;which means that the person has difficulties in one or two areas of their learning, but manages well in other areas of their development. For example, a child can have a specific learning difficulty in reading, writing or understanding what is said to them, but have no problem with learning skills in other areas of life.
What Amount Will The Entity Distribute
Reference no: EM132649413 Problem Mabel and Alan, who are in the 32% tax bracket, recently acquired a fast-food franchise. They both will work in the business and receive a salary of $175,000. They anticipate that the annual profits of the business, after deducting salaries, will be approximately $450,000. The entity will distribute enough cash each year to Mabel and Alan to cover their Federal income taxes associated with the franchise. Required a. What amount will the entity distribute if the franchise operates as a C corporation? b. What amount will the entity distribute if the franchise operates as an S corporation? c. What will be the amount of the combined entity/owner tax liability in parts and ?
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Explain How Internal And External Barriers That Affect Communication
As each child, young adult and adult with any of these disorders will be individual and unique; the barriers affecting communication will be different for each person you meet. A child, young person or adult with these physical disabilities may have delayed communication skills especially with the more severe disabilities like Cerebral Palsy and Downs syndrome which can severely affect them in different areas of development such as gross motor skills, fine motor skills, self care and communication. All of these need to be addressed with a kind, patient and understanding nature from the teaching assistant. Adults with severe physical disabilities may have difficulties communicating and accessing the school. Adults may have trouble interacting in social settings, may feel stigmatised or feel they are not accepted or understood.
Developmental Delay Vs Disability
Very often, doctors will refer to a child’s developmental disabilities as “developmental delays.” This euphemistic term can be very misleading. After all, a train that’s delayed does finally arrive at the stationand delayed gratification isn’t the same thing as NO gratification!
The vast majority of developmental disabilities are genetic in origin. It is not possible to “grow out of” your genetics. Thus, children don’t “grow out of” developmental disabilities.
If you have heard stories of children with a particular developmental disability suddenly being “cured,” be very skeptical. Chances are, that child had a mild version of the disability and a great deal of therapy.;As a result, that particular child may be able to function at age level, at least for a period of time.
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Explain How Disability May Affect Development
In your essay, youd better specify the disability and its impact. For there are loads of disability types, like cognitive, physical, psychological. And if, f.e., a person has a physical disability, like not able to walk, that person can still be socially active when a person with autism will definitely experience the impact of disability on her/ his social life. I would recommend to define disability types and explain how they affect the development of a person: in a social, physical or psychological way. Here you can look for research on Disability types and afterward just add your conclusions.
The Effect Of Disabilities On Play Skills
A disability, handicapping condition, or delay can affect how a child plays, the kinds of play the child engages in, and the child’s ability to use play as an avenue to learning and generalizing new skills or concepts. Although experiential background, personality. environment, and gender also affect how play skills develop, how children approach play, and the learning that the child takes from the play activity, children with disabilities will have distinct differences in their play. They may even need to be taught specific play skills before they can begin to learn through play.
The child may need to be taught such adaptations as how to get to materials or how to ask another child to play.
Physical Disabilities: Physical disabilities may affect the child’s play in a variety of ways, depending on how the disability restricts movement. The child may have difficulty moving to the materials or areas available for play. She may have difficulty manipulating materials in a constructive or meaningful way. Certain conditions, such as cerebral palsy, may also restrict the use of speech.
Because most disabilities can have an impact on more than one area of development, it is important to be aware of individual differences in the development and use of play skills. Careful observation of children’s interactions with objects and with people will provide a better picture of how a child’s disability affects her/his play.
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Types Of Developmental Disabilities
The impact on functioning and ability to achieve developmental milestones depends on the type of developmental disability the person has. Remember, each person is unique and has different strengths, talents, and areas they need help with. This is true for all persons, including people who have a developmental disability. It is important to always remember to treat each person as a uniqueindividual who has strengths, who is part of a family, and who can make a positive contribution to their family and community. Every person, regardless of having special needs, has the same physical and emotional needs that everyone else has. The job of a Home Health Aide/Personal Care Aide is to help the person have their physical and emotional needs met by providing self-care and emotional support.
A person with a developmental disabilitymay have more than one type of disability. For example, they may have an intellectual and a physical disability. Their ability to function may be impacted on both cognitive and physical levels. Rememberthough, thatjustbecauseapersonhasonetypeofdisability, suchasaphysicaldisability, thattheydonotautomaticallyalsohaveanintellectualdisability. They may have physical impairments, but be at the average or above average level of functioning on an intellectual level.
Unit 506/137 13 Analyse The Reasons Why Children And Young Peoples Development May Not Follow The Pattern Normally Expected
Unit 506/1371.3. Analyse the reasons why children and young peoples development may not follow the pattern normally expected.There are many factors that can influence why a child/young person may not follow the normal pattern for development. This may range from health issues, motivation to learn, sensory impairment, social and cultural issues, environment, physical disabilities and learning difficulties.Even before birth a child is developing within the womb. The parents are responsible in
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Emotional Concerns May Intensify Learning Disabilities
Abrams stated, “Constant failure and frustration may lead to strong feelings of inferiority, which in turn, may intensify the initial learning deficiency” . For example, anxiety experienced as a result of having difficulty with certain academic tasks may decrease a child’s ability to attend and concentrate.
Young Children With Disabilities: How Play And Learning Skills Are Affected
Children with disabilities will have significant differences in how they approach play and what they will experience during that play. They are limited in their ability to participate in self-initiated and self-regulated free play. This can cause an impact on their physical and cognitive development and will impair their ability to function independently and in their overall growth and development.
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Learning About Learning Disabilities
Some researchers have suggested that an increased understanding of what a learning disability encompasses may add to a child’s ability to deal with his or her learning disability. Specifically, Hall and Haws found that younger children with learning disabilities had greater depressive indicators than did older students. They postulated that older children may be better able to identify and deal with anxiety-provoking school situations, such as separation from peers, and may thus be less negatively affected.
Learning Disabilities May Exacerbate Existing Emotional Concerns
Many researchers have suggested that learning disabilities may negatively affect a child’s social or emotional functioning because the disabilities influence the child’s ability to develop positive interpersonal relationships. “Deficits in cognitive processing, which are sufficient to cause major learning problems in academic areas, are probably sufficient to cause major learning problems in nonacademic areas as well” .
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Children With Disability Case Study
ABSTRACTThe term, children with disabilities refers to children up to the age of 18 who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others. Such children are often marginalized and experience widespread violations of their rights. The exclusion of these children from the mainstream society makes them even more vulnerable and hence unable to enjoy a life of dignity and individuality. Factors like poverty; isolation; lack of support and infrastructural facilities further vitiate the conditions of these children. Broadly the disabilities that can affect chil-dren can be classified into physical and learning disabilities and both of these need to addressed dif-ferently.
Resources For Fostering Emotional Health
Brophy, J. . Teaching problem students. New York: Guilford Press.
McGinnis, E., & Goldstein, A.P. . Skillstreaming the elementary school child: A guide for teaching prosocial skills. Champain, IL: Research Press.
Rosenberg, M.S., Wilson, R., Maheady, L., & Sindelar, P.T. . Educating students with behavior disorders. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Shapiro, L.E. . Twenty-five ways to help children control their anger. Secarus, NJ: Childswork/ Childspaly.
Jean Cheng Gorman, formerly a teacher, Chula Vista, CA, recently completed a doctorate in Professional Child/School Psychology, New York University, New York.
Address correspondence to the author at 416 San Vicente Boulevard, #109, Santa Monica, CA 90402.
Copyright 1999 CEC.
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