Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Calculate Short Term Disability Benefits

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Regular Or Own Occupation

The definition of “regular or own occupation” plan means you’ll receive benefits if you’re unable to perform the main duties of the job you had at the time the disability started.

You’ll still receive benefits even if you can work in a different job from the one you had before your disability, based on your training, experience and education. Some policies don’t allow you to get benefits, or may reduce your benefits, if you begin working in a different job.

In group policies, it’s common that policies have regular or own occupation plans for a specified period of time. At the end of the specified period of time, usually after the first 2 or 5 years, the disability policy will often change to the any occupation definition.

Own occupation plans that never change in definition are often purchased individually and usually cost more than any occupation plans.

You may want to consider an own occupation plan if you have a specialized occupation that would require you to take a significant pay cut in order to work in another field.

Is Short Term Disability Insurance Worth It

Whether a short term disability policy is right for you is a decision only you can make. But considering that over 1 in 4 of todays 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire,3 having a short term disability policy in place can help you feel confident that youre protected, whatever challenges life may bring. If youre not sure how a short term disability policy will fit into your overall financial plan, talk with a financial professional who can help you figure out how to best protect yourself.

How To Calculate Your Monthly Cost

Step 1: Divide your annual salary by 52 to calculate your weekly earnings.

Step 2: Multiply this amount by the benefit percentage defined above in the Available Coverage section. For example, 60% would be .60. Now you have your gross weekly benefit.

Step 3: Use the chart above to find your Monthly rate based on age. Multiply this rate by your gross weekly benefit, or the maximum gross weekly benefit, whichever is less.

Step 4: Divide the total by 10. The result is your Monthly cost.

Who Can Elect Coverage

You: All active, full-time regular employees of AU, regularly working a minimum of 30 hours per week in the US, who are citizens or permanent resident aliens of the US. Coverage is effective immediately.

Gross Weekly Benefit
50% of your weekly covered earnings $1,500
Employees Monthly Cost of Coverage

Age Monthly Rate Per $10 of Weekly Benefit
95-99 $0.403

Actual pay period premiums may differ slightly due to rounding. Rates vary by age and may be subject to change in the future.

Is Your Job Protected While You Take Short


Unlike a leave of absence you might take under the Family and Medical Leave Act , short-term disability doesnt offer any direct job protection. Many people are surprised to hear that you can legally be fired from your job while on leave, and you also arent entitled to the exact same position when you return.

However, the Americans With Disabilities Act protects people who meet the ADAs definition of disability, and makes it far more challenging for companies who are covered by ADA to fire an employee due to their disability.

Before terminating an employee, the company must first determine whether or not there are any accommodations they could make that would allow the employee to adequately do their job.

The company must work with the employee to try several variations of accommodations in an effort to find something that works. If theres no reasonable way to enable that person to fulfill the essential responsibilities of their position, only then can the employer explore termination of the employee.

Find Your Base Period

Your benefit amount is based on the  quarter with your highest wages earned within the base period.

A base period covers 12 months and is divided into four consecutive quarters. The base period includes wages subject to SDI tax that were paid about 5 to 18 months before your disability claim began. The base period does not include wages paid at the time your disability begins. For a DI claim to be valid, you must have at least $300 in wages in the base period. The following information may be used to determine the base period for your claim.

If a claim begins on or after January 1, 2021:

January, February, or March: The base period is the 12 months ending last September 30. Example: A claim beginning February 14, 2021, uses a base period of October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020.

April, May, or June: The base period is the 12 months ending last December 31. Example: A claim beginning June 20, 2021, uses a base period of January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020.

July, August, or September: The base period is the 12 months ending last March 31. Example: A claim beginning September 27, 2021, uses a base period of April 1, 2020, through March 31, 2021.

October, November, or December: The base period is the 12 months ending last June 30. Example: A claim beginning November 2, 2021, uses a base period of July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.

You can get a general estimate by using our online calculator.

Should You Offer Disability Insurance

Offering disability insurance alongside other benefits like health insurance and life insurance can make your employees feel highly valued by your company and can boost morale around the office. However, sometimes a robust benefits package just isn’t feasible for a small-business budget. In that case, you can choose to provide education about disability insurance options and help your employees find a policy that suits their needs.

Work with your human resources department to determine other disability policies you can institute to care for your employees. You can even experience tax benefits by hiring people with disabilities, and it can give other employees some peace of mind to know that you’re an accommodating employer.


Short Term Disability Vs Ssdi

Another common belief is that Social Security Disability Insurance can cover temporary disabling events. While this is true in some cases, SSDI benefits are the most difficult to qualify for.

Social Security generally will not consider you disabled if you work and earn more than $1,220 in a month. If you are not working, Social Security will consider whether you can work. If you can, you will not qualify for SSDI benefits – even if itâs not the type of job you did before your injury or illness.

According to the Social Security Administration, only 34 percent of SSDI claimants had their applications approved from 2006 to 2015. Even if you qualify for SSDI, benefits will likely replace only a small fraction of your income. The average monthly disability benefit in 2017 was $1,172.

Benefit Reductions Conditions Limitations And Exclusions

Effects of Other Income Benefits- This plan is structured to prevent your total benefits and post-disability earnings from equaling or exceeding pre-disability earnings. Therefore, we reduce this plans benefits by an amount equal to any Social Security retirement and/or disability benefits payable to you, your dependents, or a qualified third party on behalf of you or your dependents. Your disability benefits will not be reduced by any Social Security disability benefits you are not receiving as long as you cooperate fully in efforts to obtain them and agree to repay and overpayment when and if you do receive them. Disability benefits will be reduced by amounts received through other government programs, sick pay, employer funded retirement benefits, workers compensation, franchise/group insurance, auto no-fault, and damages for wage loss. For details, see your Certificate Insurance.

Termination of Disability Benefits- Your benefits will terminate when your disability ceases, when your benefit duration period is exceeded, you earn more than your allowable Covered Earnings, or the date you refuse to participate in rehabilitation services.

Exclusions- This plan does not pay benefits for a disability which results, directly or indirectly, from any of the following:

In addition, the plan does not pay disability benefits any period of Disability during which you are incarcerated in a penal or corrections institution.

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Short Term Disability Vs Fmla

People also sometimes confuse short-term disability with the Family and Medical Leave Act . The FMLA is a federal law that protects workers who need time off for various family and medical reasons. It stipulates that you must be given up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for:

  • Having children.
  • Health problems.
  • Taking care of sick family members.

The law also protects you from being dismissed from your jobs while taking a leave of absence that is covered by the law.

However, the law does not provide a replacement for any income you might lose while taking leave . Plus, there are several qualifications to be eligible for FMLA leave:

  • Employees must have worked at the employer for 12 months and 1,250 hours.
  • Also, it only applies to employers with 50 or more employees.

Learn More:Short-Term Disability vs. FMLA

How Much Time Off Do You Get With Short

While I might sound like a broken record, a concern like, How long is short-term disability? is another aspect that can vary depending on your own plan.

By definition, its short-term, but it can range in duration. Ive seen be as short as 30 days and as long as one year, Bartolic says, pointing to the maximum covered benefit periods hes seen in his own practice. It depends on the overall structure of the disability benefits through the employer.

Your time off also depends on your specific health problem. The medical field has guidelines as to how long recovery should take, explains Bartolic. That provides a roadmap for your employer or plan provider to establish a reasonable amount of time for you to be out of work.

What if things are really serious and youre not looking at a few weeks or even months away from the jobbut much longer? That would fall under a long-term disability benefit, if your employer offers such a thing.

As the names imply, short-term disability is used to cover injuries or illnesses that persist for a shorter amount of time . In contrast, long-term disability comes into play for any issues that will take you out of work for longer than that.

New York Employees Can Receive Up To 26 Weeks Of Paid Short

If you are injured or you become ill while not on the job, you may be eligible for New York State short-term disability benefits under its Disability Benefits Law . While these benefits are limited both in amount and number of payments, they can be very helpful in providing cash to those who are temporarily unable to work.

Whats The Difference Between Short Term And Long Term Disability Insurance

Group Short

As the name indicates, short term disability insurance is intended to cover you for a short period of time following an illness or injury that keeps you out of work. While policies vary, short term disability insurance typically covers you for a term somewhere between 13-26 weeks and can replace anywhere from 40-70% of your income during that benefit period. If you have both short term and long term disability policies in place, short term disability will pay you benefits during the waiting period before your long term disability coverage begins, at which point youll transition from one policy to the next to receive benefits. For that reason, it makes sense to have both policies to help ensure an unexpected illness or injury wont derail your financial confidence for a few months or for several years. 

What Are Your Options If Your Short

The first thing to do is to carefully read the correspondence thats saying its not being approved, advises Bartolic. That will tell the person a lot, and will tell them what to do if they disagree with the decision.

Most disability plans in America are covered under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act , which means claims are reviewed through the lens of this federal law.

If your plan is covered by ERISA, the law requires that the denied individual be presented with a right to appeal that decision. Its a mandatory feature of it, explains McDonald. That period of appeal is 180 days. During that time, you have perhaps your single best opportunity to give evidence to the insurer or plan administrator about why theyre wrong and why youre entitled to those benefits.

If you go through the appeal process and still are unable to convince them of your disability, then unfortunately youll have to initiate a lawsuit.

Disability Benefits For Veterans

You may be eligible for disability benefits if you’re on disability from your service in the Canadian Armed Forces or Merchant Navy.

You may get social assistance payments from:

  • your province or territory
  • your First Nation

These payments will depend on your household income, savings and investments.

  • medications
  • medical aids or devices

How Much Coverage Should You Consider Getting

A good benchmark for deciding what percentage of your income you’ll want to aim to replace is to obtain enough coverage to maintain your family’s current standard of living, up to the limits of what is offered by the insurer.

When determining how much replacement income you’ll need if you become disabled, it is best to go with a conservative estimate to make sure you’ll have adequate coverage.

How Much Does Short Term Disability Insurance Cost

The cost of short term disability insurance is determined by the underwriting process. The underwriting for short term disability insurance may differ slightly from long term disability policies.

Individual long term disability insurance requires full underwriting. Insurers have to assess a personâs risk of filing a claim because benefits may be paid out for a long period. Therefore, insurers will assess your application based on your age, health, gender, the level of risk associated with your job, and any hobbies or interests that could cause disability.

On the other hand, disability insurance carriers may not fully underwrite short term policies. As stated earlier, many short term policies sold on an individual basis are guaranteed issue, which means no underwriting. Others may only require the answering of questions about your health without the medical exam required for long term disability insurance.

Injuries that cause temporary disabilities generally are not related to the insuredâs age, health, job, or other risk factors. They just happen, be it a bad fall that causes a broken bone or a complication of pregnancy. Still, you may be asked about pre-existing health conditions that disqualify you from coverage or that will limit your benefits.

The main factors that affect the cost of short term disability insurance include:

To File A Disability Claim Contact Unum At 1 673

Know when it’s time to file your claim:  If you are scheduled to be out of work, such as an upcoming hospital stay, you will want to file your paperless-telephonic claim within 30 days of your last day worked.  If your absence is unscheduled, call as soon as possible.

  • Have the following information ready:  Your address  Employer name   Policy number 473015  Last day of active full-time work  Salary  Nature of your claim  Treating physician’s name, address, phone and fax numbers
  • Make the call:  Dial 1.888.673.9940 to file your telephonic claim with a Unum Disability Customer Service Representative
  • Seriously Do You Really Need To Understand Your Short

    Heres the short answer: yes. While its not exactly a fun topic to think about, its important that you familiarize yourself with the details of your planso you dont have to get up to speed when you actually need the benefit.

    However, wading through our own plan documents is a step that most of us skip. That informational booklet is immediately relegated to our desk drawer or filing cabinet.

    Do you remember the first day you started your job? Its kind of a firestormyou cant focus well or often, says McDonald. So we dont spend a lot of time achieving clarity about the benefit in the beginning. We only acquire an understanding of it when we are in deep need of the benefit.

    But particularly if you have an existing problem or condition, youre going to want to know the ins and outs of the benefit thats available to you.

    Anybody who goes into a new job and has any kind of serious medical condition that could at some point in time render them unable to work, I think its a good idea to be able to see the actual short-term and long-term disability plan documents to see how they define disability and how they handle pre-existing conditions, adds Bartolic.

    Ideally, youll never have to take advantage of your short-term disability benefits. But in the event that the unexpected happens, youll be glad that you took the time to understand whats offered to you. This explainer is a good place to start, but you also need to read through the details of your specific plan.

    Types Of Disability Insurance Available

    Individuals can obtain short-term and long-term disability insurance through an insurance agency or through an employer-sponsored policy. However, there are also federal and state disability programs operated through the Social Security Administration or state equivalent.

    Short-term disability insurance provides monthly checks, typically just a portion of your income before taxes, for up to one year. After that, a long-term disability insurance policy provides financial assistance. Another plan called supplemental disability insurance will provide you with additional income above and beyond what is offered by an employer-sponsored plan.

    In addition, you can seek out a policy called mortgage disability insurance to specifically cover your mortgage payments in the event of a disabling illness or injury. Business owners can pay for the business equivalent of mortgage disability insurance, called business overhead expense disability insurance, to ensure their employees, utility bills and rent payments continue to get paid. However, business overhead expense disability insurance will not cover the business owner’s salary, so it’s important to still take out a long-term disability insurance policy.

    Personal Assets / Income


  • Emergency Fund: An emergency fund might cover a shorter-term disability, but if you become disabled for longer than 3-6 months, your emergency fund will dry up very quickly.
  • Other Assets: depending on the assets you own, you may be able to dip into these to cover income while suffering from a disability. Eating into your retirement assets should be avoided, because whether you are still disabled or have recovered by retirement, you will still need income when you do retire or when most disability benefits stop at age 65.
  • Part-time work: when you become disabled, you may still be able to work at reduced hours, lower requirements, etc.
  • Calculating Benefit Payment Amounts

    Your Weekly Benefit Amount depends on your annual income. It is estimated as 60 to 70 percent of the wages you earned 5 to 18 months before your claim start date and up to the maximum WBA.

    Note: Your claim start date is the date your disability begins.

    We will calculate your WBA using a base period. To receive these benefits, you must have paid into State Disability Insurance during your base period. You will see this listed as CASDI on your paystub.

    Why Do You Need Short Term Disability Insurance

    Medical expenses and job loss are two of the most common reasons individuals file for bankruptcy.2 If you lost your income because you were injured or became too sick to work, would you be able to cover your living expenses, plus additional medical bills? For most people, the answer is no. Short term disability helps cover the expenses that come with taking time off work to care for your health. Since short term disability is designed to replace a portion of your income for a short period of time, many people also choose a long term disability policy in case their illness or injury keeps them out of work for longer than their short term disability plan would cover them.

    Disability Vs Unemployment Vs Workers’ Compensation

    Disability insurance is not the same as unemployment insurance or workers’ compensation. Unemployment insurance provides temporary and short-term financial assistance while an individual is between jobs but is capable of working and is actively seeking a job. Workers’ compensation is paid by employers when an illness or injury occurs while an employee is on the clock and for which the employer may be held liable. Sometimes, benefits can be obtained from more than one program, such as from individual disability insurance and Social Security disability.

    Is Mental Health Covered With Short

    What if its not something physical that takes you away from the demands of your job? What if youre struggling with depression or some other mental health issue that makes it nearly impossible to fulfill your work responsibilities?

    Mental health can be covered by many short-term disability plans . However, youre going to need to have proof that this is an issue youve been struggling with for some time.

    You should be talking with a psychiatrist before your leave, says McDonald. There should be a really solid foundation of what the problems are.

    What Agency Handles Short

    The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board, under the New York State Department of Labor, oversees short-term disability benefits. New York State law requires that every covered employer provides insurance to cover short-term disability benefits for their employees. Under the Workers’ Compensation Board, the New York State Insurance Fund provides insurance to a vast majority of employers in New York State.

    The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board can be contacted regarding short-term disability insurance for employees who are disabled due to non-work-related illnesses or injuries at 462-8881 or 353-3092. NYSIF may be contacted directly if the insurance fund is your employer’s insurer.

    Another option that is available to employers is the ability to apply to the Board for an exemption that allows them to self-insure, meaning they would pay short-term disability benefits themselves instead of paying for insurance to do so. If your company self-insures, contact them directly to coordinate disability payments.

    What Evidence Do You Have To Provide To Collect Short

    Your physician will need to sign off on your claim form before you even submit your application, to vouch for the fact that your injury or illness prevents you from working.

    After you submit your claim, your employer or the insurance company who administers your short-term disability plan will request that you submit your medical records so that they can review them and verify that theyre consistent with your disability claim. Contact your healthcare providers office to find out the best way to send those records over.

    It can feel a little invasive to hand over these types of private documents, but know that its a standard part of the benefits process.

    Making A Coverage Change

    Complete the Voluntary Disability Insurance Enrollment and Change Form at any time of year if you want to:

    • Enroll for the first time or re-enroll
    • Increase your coverage
    • Change your coverage because of a qualifying event

    Return the form to Employee Benefits in the Donhowe Building. For re-enrollment or increasing coverage you will need to provide proof of good health . Complete the statement of health form on the Unum website and use access code 3BPP4WN.

    You can decrease or cancel your disability coverage only during Open Enrollment in November or for a qualifying event. Open Enrollment changes take effect the following January 1.

    Review Std Plan Options

    How Do I Calculate Long

    Now that you know your estimated weekly STD benefit, review the Options below to determine which one is best for you.

    Option 2 – 7 Day Waiting Period

    Option 2 pays your weekly benefit less deductible income after 7 calendar days of disability. The minimum benefit you will receive is $100 per week. The minimum benefit pays in the event you are eligible for deductible income.

    Option 3 – 14 Day Waiting Period

    Option 3 pays your weekly benefit less deductible income after 14 calendar days of disability. The minimum benefit you will receive is $100 per week. The minimum benefit pays in the event you are eligible for deductible income.

    Option 4 – 30 Day Waiting Period

    Option 4 pays your weekly benefit less deductible income after 30 calendar days of disability. The minimum benefit you will receive is $100 per week. The minimum benefit pays in the event you are eligible for deductible income.

    Option 5 – 45 Day Waiting Period

    Option 5 pays your weekly benefit less deductible income after 45 calendar days of disability. The minimum benefit you will receive is $100 per week. The minimum benefit pays in the event you are eligible for deductible income.

    For All Options

    • The maximum period in which you may receive benefits is 90 days. The 90 days includes the number of days in the benefit waiting period you selected.
    • You must exhaust all all but 80 hours of accrued paid leave time and satisfy the benefit waiting period before STD benefits are payable.

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