What Are Ssdi Benefits
Social Securitys Disability Insurance Benefits are federally funded and administered by the U.S. Social Security Administration . Social Security pays disability benefits to you and certain members of your family if you have worked long enough and have a medical condition that prevents you from working for at least 12 months or is expected to end in death.Benefits.gov, the Official Benefits Website of the U.S. Government
SSDI benefits are designed to provide financial relief to working Americans who are diagnosed with a long-term medical condition that prevents them from continuing their employment responsibilities. If you apply for SSDI and your application is approved, you will begin receiving disability payments from the Social Security Administration.
How To Apply For Educational Benefits
Check with the VA before you begin your program to make sure that your educational program is approved and eligible for reimbursement. Call the VA Regional Office in the state where you will be attending your program.
Complete the Dependents’ Application for VA Education Benefits and submit it to the VA Regional Office in the state where you plan to attend school or training. If you are already in school, you will also have to ask the school or job to complete and an Enrollment Certification form. Submit the Enrollment Certification along with your application.
Individual Unemployability & Ptsd Claims
Total Disability Individual Unemployability benefits are for veterans that cannot work from their service-connected conditions. TDIU benefits are available for both mental and physical conditions. TDIU benefits pay the same as a 100 percent VA disability rating.
PTSD Individual Unemployability benefits are available for veterans with employment problems. If your PTSD and related conditions are severe enough and you cannot obtain or keep meaningful employment, you may be eligible.
Have questions about Individual Unemployability benefits? Give us a call. There is never a charge to talk to Woods & Woods Individual Unemployability lawyers.
Have you been denied Individual Unemployability benefits? We can help. Woods & Woods Individual Unemployability benefit denial lawyers only charge a fee if your appeal is successful. Our VA benefits appeals lawyers have filed thousands of appeals against the VA.;To get your free PTSD Individual Unemployability claim evaluation, .
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What Are Va Benefits For Back Pain
First of all, although it is possible to receive benefits for pain incurred during your time in service without a diagnosis, it is not guaranteed. A current diagnosis is always recommended if possible to obtain. In addition to your current diagnosis, you will need to include a NEXUS letter and DBQ to partner with your medical evidence and in turn, prove your service-connection. Without these outside documents, you are significantly decreasing your chance of winning your VA disability for back problems claim.
In determining benefits, the VA refers to the back as the thoracolumbar spine. This is the term used to reference middle or lower back pain. The VA considers upper back pain in the same category as neck pain. Therefore, anything above middle or lower back pain will be referred to as the cervical spine and falls under a different rating system.
The thoracolumbar spine is composed of two parts of the spine; the thoracic and the lumbar . These are the two areas that will be examined in order to determine benefits for any back pain.
File A Claim For An Increased Rating
The disability rating VA assigns in its initial rating decision may be satisfactory at the time; however, your condition may worsen years later.; This is another way to increase your VA disability rating from 70% to 100%. If you are outside of the one-year period to file an appeal with VAs decision, you will likely have to file a new claim for an increased rating.; You can submit any new documentation or evidence you have supporting that your service-connected condition has worsened.
VA will treat this as any other claim and issue a rating decision in response.; In the legacy appeals system, the evidence must be new and material, whereas under AMA, it must be new and relevant.; Under AMA, if you wanted to file again for an increased rating after the previous appeal period expired, VA has been unclear in whether you need to file a supplemental claim or a VA Form 21-526 .; The Regional Offices have accepted both, reflecting an inconsistency in both adjudication and accepting forms.
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Vocational Rehabilitation And Employment Program
The VR&E Program assists veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find and keep suitable jobs. For veterans with service-connected disabilities so severe that they cannot immediately consider work, this program offers services to improve their ability to live as independently as possible.The VR&E Program includes the following services:
Comprehensive rehabilitation evaluation to determine abilities, skills and interests for employment.
Vocational counseling and rehabilitation planning for employment services.
Employment services such as job-training, job-seeking skills, resume development and other work readiness assistance.
Assistance finding and keeping a job, including the use of special employer incentives and job accommodations.
Post-secondary training at a college, vocational, technical or business school.
Supportive rehabilitation services including case management, counseling and medical referrals.
Independent living services for veterans unable to work due to the severity of their disabilities.;
Ssa Expedited Processing For Veterans
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+ Best 100 Percent Disabled Veteran Benefits: The Ultimate Guide
In this post, we will be covering the;25+ Best 100 Percent Disabled Veteran Benefits;in detail, along with tips, strategies, and lessons learned to help veterans get the VA disability benefits youve earned for your honorable service.
Weve also compiled a complete list of the top 100 percent VA disability benefits for veterans in 2021 along with action-steps so you know HOW to get them.
In our experience at;VA Claims Insider, many disabled veterans with a 100% VA rating dont realize the incredible state and federal benefits they qualify for by law.
This means you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of VA disability benefits you deserve for you and your family.
Alright, lets explore some of the incredible state and federal benefits available to veterans with a 100 percent VA disability rating.
Can Veterans Work While Receiving Tdiu
There are certain situations where VA can still consider and grant TDIU when a veteran is working.; Again, the regulation requires that you are unable to secure and follow substantially gainful employment.; VA considers jobs that result in annual income less than that of the federal poverty threshold to be marginal employment.; Importantly, veterans who are only engaging in marginal employment are still eligible for TDIU.
There are additional circumstances where veterans can earn above the federal poverty threshold and still receive TDIU benefits.; Here, veterans must be receiving extensive and unreasonable accommodations from their employer, resulting in a protective work environment.; If the accommodations are afforded due to the veterans service-connected conditions, and without such accommodations the veteran would not be employed, TDIU should be considered.
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Vocational And Rehabilitation And Employment Benefits For Veterans Dependents
Eligible dependents can also pursue vocational rehabilitation and employment services.; This means that they can get career counseling, guidance on how to access various VA benefits, and personalized academic counseling.; If a veteran is entitled to DEA benefits it opens up dependents eligibility for VR&E benefits as well.
About Va Claims Insider
VA Claims insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. Were here for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and who wish to learn more about that process. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Independent Medical Opinions & Nexus Statements for a wide range of disability conditions.
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Are Veterans With A 100% Permanent And Total Rating Guaranteed To Receive Ssdi
A VA compensation rating of 100% Permanent and Total does not guarantee that you will receive Social Security disability benefits. To be approved for Social Security benefits, you must meet Social Securitys definition of disability.United States Social Security Administration
While many veterans with a 100% Permanent and Total rating are awarded SSDI, there are no automatic approvals. Veterans must complete an SSDI application in order to be approved and begin receiving benefits. You can apply online for SSDI or call 1-800-772-1213 to begin the application process. Or, if you prefer to apply in person, you can visit any Social Security office.
% Ratings For Cancer And Residuals
The VASRD offers 100 percent disability ratings for service-connected cancer, regardless of the type.; Generally, when you are first diagnosed with an active form of cancer, VA will assign a temporary 100 percent disability rating.; Once you enter remission, you will be re-evaluated six months following the end of treatment and then get rated on any residual symptoms you may have.; For example, veterans with prostate cancer will be assigned a 100 percent rating while the cancer is active as indicated above.
After the cancer enters remission, veterans are typically rated for urinary dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, and similar symptoms.; The ratings that VA assigns following the temporary total period for residuals can be appealed if you feel as though the symptoms are actually more severe.; As such, it is important to consider the rating VA assigns after reducing the temporary 100 percent in order to ensure the proper rating is assigned.
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Back Pain For Veterans
Spine impairment is one of the leading causes of disability among veterans. Because most of those serving in the military frequently carry and lift heavy loads or engage in quick shifting and running in the line of duty, there is repeated stress and trauma on the joints which affect the health of the spine.
Fortunately, this fact has become more recognized by the VA and those creating policies for the VA. However, it is still important you know how to communicate your pain in order to receive the best possible benefits. Understanding the rules used to determine VA disability for back problems and their ratings will be helpful as you pursue help.
Total Disability Based On Individual Unemployability : Compensated At 100% Rate
By demonstrating;TDIU, you can receive the monthly disability compensation amount for 100percent even if your combined disability rating is actually less than 100 percent.; TDIU is awarded when veterans are unable to obtain and maintain substantially gainful employment due to their service-connected conditions.; Importantly, TDIU can be due to any service-connected conditions that contribute to their unemployability .; Furthermore, such service-connected conditions can be taken in combination when considering TDIU.; That is, veterans do not have to show that their depression alone prevents them from working.; Instead, veterans can argue that their depression combined with their knee and back conditions make them unable to work.; In order to qualify for TDIU on a schedular basis, veterans must demonstrate the following:
- They are unable to secure and follow substantially gainful employment due to their service-connected conditions; and
- They have one service-connected condition rated at 60percent or higher; or
- They have multiple service-connected conditions, one of which is rated at least 40percent disabling, with a combined disability rating of at least 70percent
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Best Way To Get 100 Va Disability: The Experts Guide
Fellow disabled veterans, if youve ever wondered about the best way to get 100 VA disability, listen up, because this expert guide is for you!
Brian Reese here,;VA disability claim expert, CEO @ Military Disability MadeEasy;and founder @;VAClaims Insider.
Today Ill be breaking down the best way to get 100 VAdisability using tips, strategies, and lessons learned from helping over 5,000disabled veterans increase their VA disability rating through oureducation-based resources.
Oh, and just so you know, these VA disability increase strategieswork regardless of your current VA rating, but especially if youre wonderinghow to increase VA disability from 80 to 100 and how to increase VA disabilityfrom 90 to 100.
Standard Va Disability Claims
With standard VA disability claims, the VA gathers evidence and compiles all supporting documents.
If the VA is unable to obtain a needed document, they may require your help. When help is required, it typically applies to documents not held by a federal agency, such as private medical records, employer information, and documents from state or local governments.
As with all claims programs, be prepared to provide your DD214 , service treatment records, VA medical records, and private medical records about your claim. Those needing help applying for their VA disability claim may also work with an accredited attorney, claims agent, or Veterans Service Officer .
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Is Ptsd Easy To Claim For Va Disability
According to the top 3;easiest VA claims to win;data, PTSD is an easy thing to claim for VA disability.
The VAs own internal data reported to congress,describes veterans as having the following ratings for PTSD:
- 2.2% of all VAdisability recipients for PTSD have a 0 PTSD rating.
- 7.1% of all VAdisability compensation claim recipients for PTSD have a 10 PTSD rating.
- 23.7% of all VAcompensation claim recipients for PTSD have a 30 PTSD rating.
- 25.9% of all VAdisability recipients for PTSD have a 50 PTSD rating.
- 28.0% of all VA claimrecipients for PTSD have a 70 PTSD rating.
- 13.1% of all VAdisability claim recipients have a 100 PTSD rating.
Types Of 100 Percent Va Disability Ratings
Total disability ratings, or 100 percent disability ratings, from the Department of Veterans Affairs are often confusing to veterans, particularly because they are unsure if they can work after receiving this rating.
The Savannah veterans disability attorneys of The Nye Law Group have put together a helpful guide to 100 percent VA disability ratings. The guide explains the different types of total disability ratings and when you can work if you have received one of these ratings.
If you are struggling to obtain the benefits you are entitled, our experienced VA disability lawyers may be able to help you. Contact us today for a free, no obligation legal consultation.
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Eligibility For Va Disability Compensation
Veterans with a service-connected physical or mental disability that makes everyday tasks difficult or impossible may be eligible for VA disability benefits.
Eligibility to file a VA disability claim is dependent on meeting one of the following conditions as set by the VA:
- A Veteran who became sick or injured while serving in the military, or
- A Veteran with an illness or injury before enlisting that was worsened by service, or
- A Veteran with a service-connected disability that didn’t appear until after separating from the military
The VA will need evidence to support your disability claim when applying, which we discuss in the next section.
What If I Have More Than One Disability
We;use a method called the whole person theory to determine what we call your combined disability rating. We do this to make sure that your total VA disability rating doesnt add up to more than 100%. Thats because a person cant be more than 100% able-bodied.
Read below to find out more about how we;calculate your combined disability rating.;
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Percent Schedular Disability Ratings
There are two ways in which you can receive a schedular 100 percent disability rating: you have a 100 percent rating based on one disability alone; or you receive a combined disability rating of 100 percent, meaning the combination of all of your disability ratings for each service-connected condition is 100 percent.; However, it is important to note that disability ratings are not added together in the traditional way.; Instead, VA uses its own form of math when combining disability ratings.; To avoid doing VA math by hand, use the VA math calculator found on our website.; Importantly, VA does round up.; Therefore, if the VA math calculator produces an outcome of 75 percent, it means you are likely entitled to an 80 percent combined disability rating.; On the other hand, if the VA math calculator produces an outcome of 73 percent, then you are only entitled to a 70 percent combined disability rating.
A Surviving Spouse May Be Entitled To Certain Va Benefits If The Veteran Dies
Surviving spouses who were married to veterans with 100% total disability ratings are permitted to apply for VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation after the death of the veteran.
Joe Wallace is a 13-year veteran of the United States Air Force and a former reporter for Air Force Television News
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How To Increase My Va Disability Rating Tip #5: Obtain A Buddy Letter From A First
How to Increase My VA Disability Rating
A VA;Buddy Letter;isa credible written statement, completed by a competent individual 18 years ofage or older, who has direct, first-hand knowledge of an event or injury, andoffers an account of what they witnessed or are witnessing in support your VAdisability claim.
These personal statements can be from a fellow servicemember, spouse, friend, pastor, co-worker, boss, adult child, or any othercompetent and credible witness who can discuss your disability condition andunderlying symptoms.
What Form Should I Use for a Buddy Letter?
A;Buddy Letter;completed on the VA Form 21-4138 can literally be the cornerstone in winning your VA disability claim.
Because a Buddy Statement constitutes lay evidence underthe law, which simply means after the fact evidence.
And many times, a veteran lacks medical evidence ordocumentation about an in-service incident or event from their militaryservice.
A Buddy Statement helps fill-in-the-blanks for the VA Rater,and can help prove a veterans story on at least as likely as not basis forthings like the Nexus requirement for service connection.
Listed below are the 4 essential elements of a buddy letter,along with a VA buddy letter example.
How to Write a VA Lay Statement in 4 Simple Steps
When writing or obtaining a buddy letter in support of aveterans VA disability claim, you can simply use the VA Form 21-4138,Statement in Support of a Claim.
A great VA buddy letter is short and sweet.