Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Determine If Child Has Learning Disability

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Tests Used To Evaluate Learning

Diagnosing a learning disability in public schools requires several types of tests. Common tests used to diagnose a learning disability include tests of intelligence, achievement, visual-motor integration, and language. Other tests may also be used depending on the evaluator’s preferences and the child’s needs.

The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act requires that a diagnosis of a learning disability is not made on the basis of a single test.

How To Get The Support You Need

Contact the Learning Disability Helpline, our advice and support line, for guidance and information about what support we can offer you.

Or why not take a look at our online community? This is a space for parents and family carers of people with a learning disability to share experiences, advice and support. 

Collect Information About Your Child’s Performance

Organizing information about your child will help you to monitor progress. Meet with your child’s teachers and other school personnel to understand his or her performance and attitude towards school. Observe your child’s ability to study, do homework and finish the tasks you assign at home. Keep a file of all the materials about his or her education including tests and results. Keep a record of what you notice and about your talks with professionals. This dated information will be valuable in planning for your child.

Method 3 Of 4:testing Your Child For A Learning Disability

  • 1Assess your childs intelligence potential through an IQ test. While IQ tests are imperfect and are not an objective way of determining intelligence, they can provide a ballpark indicator of a persons potential intelligence.XResearch source You can work with your childs school to facilitate the IQ test. If the school cant provide the test, they can put you in touch with a child psychologist or therapist who can provide the test.
  • In order to have a learning disability, your child must test as being of average or above average intelligence.
  • 2Ask the school to administer a standardized achievement test. This might be on reading, writing, math or a combination of all 3 subjects. The standardized test will evaluate your childs academic performance and help qualify the amount of knowledge they have understood, remembered, and are able to reproduce.XResearch source
  • If your child scores low on both the IQ test and the standardized achievement test, they will most likely not be diagnosed as having a learning disability. The same situation applies if the child scores high on both tests.
  • 3Compare the test scores with the help of a counselor. The IQ test identifies your child’s potential achievement, while the standardized test measures your child’s actual achievement. Therefore, if your child tests 115 on the IQ test but only 95 on the standardized test, there is a gap of 20 points between potential and achievement. This may indicate a learning disability.XResearch source
  • Signs And Symptoms Of Learning Disabilities: Preschool Age

    How to Tell If Your Child Has a Learning Disability

    • Problems pronouncing words.
    • Trouble finding the right word.
    • Difficulty rhyming.
    • Trouble learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, or days of the week.
    • Difficulty following directions or learning routines.
    • Difficulty controlling crayons, pencils, and scissors, or coloring within the lines.
    • Trouble with buttons, zippers, snaps, or learning to tie shoes.

    Many Ways You Can Help Your Child

    If youre concerned about your childs problems with learning or think your child may have an LD, we recommend that you talk with your childs teacher and pediatrician. Teachers and other education specialists can perform screening or evaluation tests to determine if there really is a problem.

    Your childs doctor may want to test your childs vision and hearing to rule out other possible problems. He/she may refer your child to a pediatrician who specializes in neurodevelopmental disabilities, developmental and behavioral pediatrics, or child neurology. Other professionals who can help are psychologists and educational specialists.

    Most children who have learning problems can still be successful in school by developing different ways of learning. Special educational services to help children with LDs may be available in your school district. These may include specialized instruction, non-timed tests, or sometimes changes in the classroom that are geared toward your childs specific learning style.

    One effective way to ensure that your child is indeed getting help is for teachers to develop a written plan that clearly describes the services your child needs, when and how they are administered, and if they are benefiting your child. This plan is called an Individualized Education Program . Once an IEP is in place, it should be reviewed regularly to make sure your childs needs are being met.

    What To Do Next

    Just because the signs are there, it doesnt necessarily mean its a learning disability. There may be another underlying cause like depression for example for your childs academic performance and behaviour, says Motzoi.

    Even before its determined what the underlying problem is, parents should communicate their concerns to their childs teacher. Let him or her know what the situation is, Larocque says, and devise a plan to move forward with the childs learning.

    In order to get a definitive diagnosis a psycho-educational assessment should be scheduled. This involves the child taking a standardized test that looks into their intellectual, social and emotional development.

    READ MORE: Back to school: 4 common problems and solutions

    Assessments can be scheduled either through the school board or with a private psychologist.

    What an assessment helps you with is to get a good sense of your childs intellectual abilities overall and how they compare with other children their age, Motzoi says. By the end of the assessment you have a better idea of where the learning difficulties are coming from. It can also help you understand whats underlying the learning disability such as dyslexia. Once you know then you can tailor the interventions a little better.

    Make sure to reassure your child, too, says Larocque, and let them know you support them.

    Is There A Non

    At the discretion of the State and Local Education Agencies, a child with a disability, aged three through nine, may include a child who is experiencing developmental delays, as defined by the State and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures, in one or more of the following areas: physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, or adaptive development, and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Learning Disabilities: Ages 10

    • Difficulty with reading comprehension or math skills.
    • Trouble with open-ended test questions and word problems.
    • Dislikes reading and writing; avoids reading aloud.
    • Poor handwriting.
    • Poor organizational skills .
    • Trouble following classroom discussions and expressing thoughts aloud.
    • Spells the same word differently in a single document.

    Paying attention to developmental milestones can help you identify learning disorders

    Paying attention to normal developmental milestones for toddlers and preschoolers is very important. Early detection of developmental differences may be an early signal of a learning disability and problems that are spotted early can be easier to correct.

    A developmental lag might not be considered a symptom of a learning disability until your child is older, but if you recognize it when your child is young, you can intervene early. You know your child better than anyone else does, so if you think there is a problem, it doesnt hurt to get an evaluation. You can also ask your pediatrician for a developmental milestones chart or access one in the Get more help section below.

    Parenting A Child With A Learning Disability

    Finding out your child has a learning disability can be overwhelming. Many parents find the process of diagnosing a learning disability incredibly frustrating, and then once the diagnosis comes, they face an uphill battle to get their child the help they need.

    The best thing you can do as a parent is simply to love and support your child. These tips can also help you help your child:

    1. Learn everything you can. Get all the facts about your child’s learning disability and how it affects the learning process. Research services and supportive strategies so that you’ll be able to take an active role in deciding on the right treatment for your child.

    2. Be your child’s advocate. Work with your child’s school to develop an IEP — a special plan that sets goals for your child and describes support that may be needed to reach those goals. Understand special education laws and school policies so you can make sure your child is getting the most out of school. Many services may be available, but they may not be offered until you ask for them.

    3. Make sure your child has healthy habits. A child who gets plenty of sleep at night, eats a balanced diet, and gets plenty of exercise is a healthier child, both mentally and physically.

    4. Pay attention to your child’s mood. Learning disabilities can be bad for a child’s self-esteem. Keep an out for symptoms of depression, such as moodiness, changes in or appetite, or loss of interest in their usual activities.


    Internalizing And Externalizing Behaviors

    An important first step in identifying children with learning disabilities is to recognize the behaviors that they typically display. There are many different behaviors that a child with a learning disability can display. However, common behaviors that most children with learning disabilities demonstrate fall into two categories: internalizing and externalizing behaviors.

    A child who demonstrates internalizing behaviors is not necessarily an introvert. Instead, they become quiet and withdrawn when faced with a learning situation that they are not confident in. Other internalizing behaviors include boredom, disorganization and inattention.

    Likewise, a child who demonstrates externalizing behaviors is not necessarily an extrovert. Instead, they become loud and disruptive when they are faced with learning situations that they are not confident in. Other externalizing behaviors include delinquent behaviors, aggressive behaviors and clowning around.

    Learning Difficulties And Early Signs Of Learning Disorders

    Learning difficulties and early signs of learning disorders are often picked up in the first two years of school, when children start classroom-based learning in reading, writing and maths.

    If your school-age child has learning difficulties or a learning disorder, you might notice that they:

    • dislike reading, writing or maths and/or find reading, writing or maths hard
    • have a lot of trouble spelling common words, using rhyming words or counting
    • find it hard to spot the sounds and syllables in words for example, the k sound in monkey
    • find it hard to link a number to the associated word for example, 5 and five
    • dont feel confident about schoolwork.

    If your child has early learning difficulties, it doesnt automatically mean they have a learning disorder. Some children take longer than others to develop literacy and numeracy skills. Or there might be other things that make it hard for children for example, theyve missed a lot of school or they have hearing or vision problems.

    So How Would You Know To Suspect That Your Child Or Adolescent Has A Learning Disability

    How to know if your child has learning disabilities ...

    Students with LD have difficulty processing information in one or more of several areas of learning. They may have problems getting information into the brain . They may have difficulty with sound input or with visual input . This student may have difficulty integrating information once it is received in the brain. These problems may include the ability to sequence information, to infer meaning , or to organize information. Some may have problems with the storage and retrieval of information or memory. The memory problem might involve information still in the process of being learned or material that has been learned but not retained .

    Finally, students may have difficulty getting information out of the brain . This problem may impact the ability to send information to their muscles. For example, a student with this problem may have difficulty coordinating the muscles of the hand and have slow, tedious and awkward handwriting . Additionally, this student may have difficulty getting thoughts onto paper . Students also may have difficulty with language output, including problems organizing their thoughts, finding the right words, and expressing themselves.

    What Is The Prognosis For A Person With Dyslexia

    The prognosis for children with dyslexia is variable and dependent on the cause. In the case of primary dyslexia, the earlier the diagnosis is made and intervention started, the better the outcome. It is also important to focus on the child’s self-esteem, since dealing with dyslexia can be extremely frustrating. Lastly it is important to recognize that many well-known and successful individuals have suffered from dyslexia, including Albert Einstein and Steven Spielberg, just to name a couple.

    If Your Child Is Between The Ages Of 0

    These agencies offer services for infants and children with special needs in your state.These are services for infants and children, designed to identify and treat any problem or delay as soon as possible. The early intervention services may be offered by a public or private agency. Make an appointment for the agency to conduct an evaluation free of charge.

    The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities has an archived website which features extensive information in Spanish.

    Laziness Vs Learning Disability

    Integrated Learning Strategies is a learning and academic center. As a reminder, ILS is not a health care provider and none of our materials or services provide a diagnosis or treatment of a specific condition or learning challenge you may see in your child or student. If you seek a diagnosis or treatment for your child or student, please contact a trained professional who can provide an evaluation of the child.

    Do you ever feel like you are the older brother in Big Hero 6, Tadashi, who is always trying to get his younger brother, Hiro, to make more of himself and reach his potential? If you are like me and loved that movie, you already know that Tadashi struggled with Hiro because he saw all the intelligence and genius within him, but couldnt get him to channel all that passion and knowledge into something good and worthwhile.

    So many of the parents I talk to that have children who struggle in school tell me the same thing. Most parents say, I know my child is smart. I can see it, but I cant push them to do better in school or get them motivated. Ive seen parents push and push their child each day, doing everything within their power to do better in school without success. The more they try, the more their child shows , even when they give rewards or take privileges away.

    So instead of beating yourself up, or maybe even your child, lets first take a look at some of the that could be preventing them from taking the next step to better performance in school.

    In Preschoolers Look For:

    • Communication delays, such as slow language development or difficulty with speech. Problems understanding what is being said or problems communicating thoughts.
    • Poor coordination and uneven motor development, such as delays in learning to sit, walk, color, and using scissors. Later watch for problems forming letters and numbers.
    • Problems with memory and routine; for example, not remembering specifics of daily activities and not understanding instructions. Possibly, problems remembering multiple instructions.
    • Delays in socialization including playing and relating interactively with other children.

    Pay Attention To Learning Styles

    We all have different learning styles and this is key to understand.

    Some people prefer to read, others need to write or draw figures when they are learning and many need visual or auditory stimuli to grasp concepts and ideas. Verbalizing our thoughts is also another modality in which we learn.

    If you suspect that your child has a learning disability, being aware of various learning modalities can be very useful for your child because it can help them overcome their challenges. The moment a child concludes that there is something wrong with them, this is precisely when all their problems begin. If parents can encourage their children to learn within a style that they find most comfortable prior to this point, many problems associated with learning disabilities can be avoided altogether.

    What Should You Do If You Think Your Child May Have A Learning Disability

    If you think your child has a learning disability, speak with your child’s doctor, teacher, or school counsellor. You can also ask your child about any problems that he or she may be having in school.

    You may want to have your child tested. Your doctor or a school professional will ask you what signs of a learning disability you and your child’s teachers have seen. Your child will also be asked questions.

    A single test can’t diagnose a learning disability. Tests may include reading and writing tests, as well as those that focus on your child’s personality, learning style, language and problem-solving skills, and IQ .

    Signs Of A Learning Disability

    Many children with learning disabilities are extremely smart. In fact, they can use their strengths to hide certain difficulties, like using a phenomenal auditory memory to avoid reading or taking notes. But signs of an LD usually appear before children are expected to read and write. There are also many different types of LDs, and it’s possible for a child to have more than one. If you notice your 3- to 5-year-old having difficulty rhyming words, singing the alphabet song, or mispronouncing words more than other children their age do, these could be signs of a learning disability. Here are a few more red flags that indicate your school-aged child may have an LD:

    • Mispronouncing words
    • Word substitutions
    • Poor spelling
    • Difficulty copying shapes, letters, and words
    • Letter and word reversals after 7 years of age.

    Although these signs may indicate your child has an LD, be sure to first rule out visual impairment, which may cause reading difficulties. Have your child evaluated by a developmental optometrist to make sure glasses aren’t the solution, and always seek a professional for more opinions or an evaluation.

    Signs And Symptoms Of Learning Disabilities And Disorders

    What Is a Learning Disorder? How to Know If Your Child Has ...

    If youre worried, dont wait

    If you suspect that your childs learning difficulties may require special assistance, please do not delay in finding support. The sooner you move forward, the better your childs chances for reaching their full potential.

    Learning disabilities look very different from one child to another. One child may struggle with reading and spelling, while another loves books but cant understand math. Still another child may have difficulty understanding what others are saying or communicating out loud. The problems are very different, but they are all learning disorders.

    Its not always easy to identify learning disabilities. Because of the wide variations, there is no single symptom or profile that you can look to as proof of a problem. However, some warning signs are more common than others at different ages. If youre aware of what they are, youll be able to catch a learning disorder early and quickly take steps to get your child help.

    The following checklists offer some common red flags for learning disorders. Remember that children who dont have learning disabilities may still experience some of these difficulties at various times. The time for concern is when there is a consistent unevenness in your childs ability to master certain skills.

    What Is A Learning Disability Exactly

    The learning disability is defined as any mental condition that prevents a person from acquiring the same amount of knowledge as others in their age group.

    Do you want to learn more about the different types of learning disabilities? Keep reading to find out the 5 most common learning disabilities special education and their symptoms.

    Video: Common Learning Disabilities

    Common Types Of Learning Disabilities

    The three most common learning disabilities are dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and dyslexia. The prefix ‘dys-‘ is Greek meaning ‘an impairment of,’ so the three most common disabilities are an impairment of doing math, writing or reading.

    Dyscalculia is a learning disability involving math. There is no single type of math disability, and individuals with dyscalculia have a lifelong learning disability. Dyscalculia can also affect people differently at different stages of their lives. Having trouble understanding math does not indicate dyscalculia. Symptoms of dyscalculia vary greatly; however, some common symptoms are the inability to recognize sequences and inability to recall math facts. In order to be successful in math, you have to have a good memory, be able to recognize sequences and have good organizational skills. A student with dyscalculia may have these skills in other areas, but in math, these skills are not present. For example, a student may be able to recall facts like football statistics but may not be able to recall their multiplication tables.

    Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing, which requires a complex set of motor skills. Dysgraphia covers the physical act of writing, comprehension and synthesizing information. Just having sloppy handwriting doesn’t indicate dysgraphia. Symptoms of dysgraphia include difficulty with writing letters and words, organization of thoughts and consistency in neatness.

    What Does Idea Require When Determining Eligibility For Special Education And Related Services Based On Developmental Delay

    When determining eligibility for special education and related services based on developmental delay rather than a specific category, IDEA requires the following:

  • If the state decides to allow eligibility based on developmental delay, local districts will be able to choose whether or not they wish to follow suit. If the state does not adopt the developmental delay category, local districts may not use the category for establishing eligibility for special education and related services.
  • States may not require local districts to adopt and use the term developmental delay for any of its students.
  • States that adopt the developmental delay category may apply it to children aged three through nine or a subset of that age range, e.g. aged three through five
  • States and local districts who choose to use the developmental delay category may also use one or more of the specific categories.
  • States may adopt a common definition of developmental delay for its programs under IDEA, Parts B and C.
  • If a local district uses the developmental delay category, it must conform to the states definition of developmental delay and the age range adopted by the state.
  • What Is A Learning Disability

    A learning disability, in simplistic terms, concerns how a person receives and processes information. The term Learning disability carries a negative connotation because the issue is not necessarily concerned with a disability so much as it is a learning style. It is true that children who present with a learning disability do in fact have psychological challenges compared to an average child, however there is no reason why these challenges should limit them.

    Guide For Assessing Persons With Disabilities

    What do you need to know about the disability?

    The Learning Disability Association of Canada defines learning disabilities as followed:

    “Learning disabilities refer to a number of disorders which may affect the acquisition, organization, retention, understanding or use of verbal or nonverbal information. These disorders affect learning in individuals who otherwise demonstrate at least average abilities essential for thinking and/or reasoning. As such, learning disabilities are distinct from global intellectual deficiency.

    Learning disabilities result from impairments in one or more processes related to perceiving, thinking, remembering or learning. These include, bur are not limited to: language processing; phonological processing; visual spatial processing; processing speed; memory and attention; and executive functions .”

    Learning disabilities range in severity and may interfere with the acquisition and use of one or more of the abilities that are listed below.

    The LDAC definition of learning disabilities also specifies that:

    “Learning disabilities may also involve difficulties with organizational skills, social perception, social interaction and perspective taking.

    What information or professional documentation is needed?

    Typically, the professional documentation should include:

    What are the key elements to consider?

    When determining assessment accommodations for persons with learning disabilities, the following three elements should be considered:

    For an interview:

    Not Living Up To His Potential

    If you notice that a student who seems as if he should be succeeding, but he isnt either in one specific subject or in his overall school performance it could be a sign that he has learning disorder.

    This is often described as a discrepancy between ability and aptitude i.e. a gap between what it seems a student should be able to do and what hes actually able do.

    Some examples of how this gap might appear in the classroom include:

    • A student who writes fantastic essays but has serious difficulty getting through basic math assignments, or vice versa.
    • A kid whos great at answering questions in class but cant get her point down on paper.
    • A student whose intelligence is obvious in person, but isnt reflected on his report card.

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