Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ptsd Childhood Trauma In Adults

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Childhood Ptsd Can Be Complex Ptsd:

Complex PTSD affects the brain long-term and can affect your closest relationships

Complex PTSD, or C-PTSD, describes traumatic events that are chronic, long-lasting or repeated. While PTSD usually results from a short-lived traumatic event, C-PTSD is generally associated with individuals who have experienced some variation of physical or emotional captivity. This is usually a result of childhood sexual and/or physical abuse or domestic violence, however, it can also result from any series of events in which the victim cannot escape the control of another person.

In children, C-PTSD often occurs before the childs cognitive abilities and sense of self have fully developed, thus affecting the way the brain and communication systems will eventually develop. In children with C-PTSD, the brain learns to constantly assume and respond to small signs of possible threat. As a result, the body is constantly flooded with adrenaline and cortisol.

Since fighting back or running away rarely is an option, the child will instead shut down, dissociate, and freeze. However, the adrenaline and cortisol continue throughout the body, affecting the immune system, digestive system, and possibly causing psychosomatic symptoms to develop.

The Brain Abuse And Cptsd

CPTSD can linger into adulthood or be diagnosed many years after childhood abuse, partially due to how trauma causes physical changes to the human brain. Neglect and all other forms of childhood abuse occur at pivotal stages in the development of the brain, altering the formation and function of the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. Your reactions are evidence-based, not just in your mind.

Its essential to understand and accept that your earliest experiences in life canand dolead to severe mental disorders in adults.

Eye Movement Desensitisation And Re

EMDR is another NICE recommended treatment for people who have experienced trauma and often re-live the events as nightmares and flashbacks.

EMDR involves recalling the traumatic event whilst making rhythmic eye movements similar to the eye movements we make whilst we sleep and are processing memories. This helps the brain to process the traumatic experiences and reduce the emotional content so that rather than re-living the experience, the experience becomes a memory, so that distressing symptoms associated with the traumatic event are reduced.

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Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy is another form of therapy for childhood trauma. EMDR is a form of psychotherapy in which a subject will recall traumatic memories while moving their eyes from side to side in a rhythmic pattern. This treatment has shown success in decreasing the negative effects associated with PTSD. EMDR typically lasts for 6-12 sessions.

Symptoms Of Childhood Trauma In Adults

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There are a number of different ways in which symptoms can manifest for adults living with childhood trauma. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut recipe to follow when diagnosing an adult with immediate signs of trauma, however, there may be some common physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms of trauma victims. Listed below are just a few common warning signs of childhood trauma in adults:

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Strategies To Manage Symptoms Of Childhood Trauma

The suggested activities below make excellent self-care activities for any number of concerns, but they are especially helpful for survivors of childhood trauma. You can do them on your own, or with the support of a trauma-informed professional.

  • Activities that Integrate Body and Mind
  • Synchronous Activities
  • Relaxation and Mindfulness Activities

What Does Childhood Trauma Look Like In Adults The Symptoms Of Complex

Trauma survivors can present with a wide range of problems and symptoms ranging from physical, psychological and maladaptive coping strategies and may report any of the following:

  • Re-experiencing or re-living unwanted memories as flashbacks or nightmares
  • Hyper-arousal: problems with sleep, irritability, anger, anxiety, hyper-alertness, exaggerated startle response
  • Hypo-arousal: feeling numb or cut off, feeling detached from others, dissociating, feeling flat or empty
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Avoiding thinking or talking about trauma related topicsers
  • Abuse of alcohol or abuse of substances to avoid and numb their feelings
  • Engaging in self-harm or having suicidal thoughts

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Types Of Therapy For Childhood Trauma

The events that occur to us in our childhood can cause a huge impact on our adult life. Usually, as time goes by, we reject those memories and bury them as if they have never happened. However, thats not a healthy coping mechanism. There are several types of adulthood therapy to help treat childhood trauma.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

This approach in therapy aims at finding the connection between our behaviors and our thoughts and feelings. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the current problems and symptoms of the patient. Our thoughts and feelings are connected to our behavior. Because of that, it can make us develop behavioral patterns that are dysfunctional in our daily routine. Over time, these behaviors impact our developing relationships. Our brain creates patterns that help us survive. As humans, we specialize in creating patterns to help reduce pain. However, those patterns are often not the best long-term strategy. To make an analogy, when somebody is wounded, making a tourniquet can make them survive enough time to be treated at a hospital. But that tourniquet is not the best nor the definitive solution for that wound.All in all, CBT will help you obtain a healthier and more balanced thinking pattern.

Psychodynamic therapy

Cognitive processing therapy

Narrative exposure therapy

Prolonged exposure therapy

With both kinds of exercises, the final goal is to reduce their negative symptoms and approach the trauma in a healthier and non-harmful way.

Get Support And Continue The Conversation With Our Survivor Community

Childhood Trauma: Managing PTSD Through Therapy | Julia Torres Barden | TEDxGraceStreetWomen

Support groupsa safe, judgment-free space and the compassion of otherscan also be a tremendous help and make an enormous difference.

For example, Louder than Silence: Ending Child Abuse and Neglect Survivor Community, launched by EndCAN through Inspire, offers a free online community of support groups. Its a safe place where people can be authentic, anonymously discuss their experiences and ask questions, get support from other survivors, and learn from other people who have been there.

EndCAN offers multiple resources and information to support adult survivors of child abuse and end child abuse and neglect. Your support ensures that together we are louder than silence!

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Ways To Recognize Childhood Trauma In Adults

Depending on the kind of early childhood trauma, different symptoms or health problems may be experienced. However, common effects of trauma may include some of them below.

Difficulty establishing healthy relationships

Adults who are healing from childhood trauma usually learn to interact with others in unhealthy ways. Sometimes, these interactions result in certain relational behaviors. These will depend on the kind of trauma they have experienced and what they have learned about others through this early life experience.

For example, if a person has child trauma due to neglect in their childhood, they may feel like they arent deserving of other peoples affection. This pattern develops because that is what they were led to believe when they were younger, oftentimes by family members or loved ones.

As a result, this person may stay in relationships where they are mistreated and neglected by their partner. They wont look for a different relationship because they feel like they dont deserve it.


Depression and anxiety

Apart from other mental health risk factors, people can also experience depression and/or anxiety as a result of childhood trauma. These two disorders usually appear hand-in-hand and can make the person feel hopeless and isolated. If youre struggling with depression or anxiety, you should consult the help of mental health professional.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Black & White Thinking

Black and white thinking is another byproduct of unresolved childhood trauma. This kind of cognitive distortion reflects the minds way of labeling things or people as either good or bad. Black and white thinking is also a defense mechanism people may use to make quick decisions during times of stress.6,7

Black and white thinking can cause many problems for a person including:2,6,9

  • Extreme mood swings
  • Difficulty emotional regulation

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How Trauma In Early Childhood Affects The Brain And Development

Early life experiences impact brain development and lay the foundation of a persons future, helping shape the makeup of their emotions, personality, and overall health and well-being.

When a child experiences a traumatic event or toxic stress defined as exposure to frequent/prolonged adversity the bodys stress response can disrupt brain development. This can lead to underdeveloped neural connections in the parts of the brain required for successful learning and appropriate behavior in school and the workplace.

When a childs brain experiences toxic stress, it releases a hormone that

MRI studies show that there is less gray matter in the prefrontal cortex in people who have experienced ACEs, which can explain why many individuals with ACEs may have difficulty regulating emotion, struggle with impulse control, and engage in potentially unsafe behaviors.

Early childhood trauma can increase a persons risk of stress-related disease throughout the course of their life. indicates that the risk of developing chronic illness is higher the more ACEs a person experiences.

Interested In Therapy For Childhood Trauma

What Is Ptsd And How Does It Affect A Person

If you are a resident of Pennsylvania and you are considering therapy for symptoms of childhood trauma in adulthood, the Center for Creative Counseling can help.

You may wonder whats wrong with you. You may feel as though you are broken and your past trauma will define you forever. But it doesnt have to be that way.

As one of my favorite trauma experts Dr. Eric Gentry said during a training:

you are not broken, you are over-adapted. All of those adaptations got you through, and now you are simply over-adapted.

Dr. Eric Gentry

Therapy can help you learn to rewire those over-adaptations that served you during your childhood. Therapy can help you learn to recognize when you are safe, stay in your body when triggered, and learn to manage your bodys response when you dont feel safe.

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Other Signs Of Childhood Trauma In Adults

Exposure to traumatic events can also cause poor self-esteem, depression, self-destructive behavior, and even difficulty trusting others. This can become especially problematic with age, as PTSD and traumatic events from childhood can actually result in adverse health effects in adulthood.

According to a Cleveland Clinic podcast,adults who experienced trauma as kids are much more susceptible to depression and mood disorders, as well as thoughts of suicide. They are also likely to abuse alcohol and other substances. Finally, they are more prone to developing chronic illnesses, like diabetes and heart disease, later in life.

The higher likelihood of developing chronic illness is potentially due to the fact that adults who experienced trauma as children are more likely to engage in high-risk activities like smoking.

This podcast also explained that doctors are researching the possibility that understanding someone’s past and their relation to trauma can lead to better treatment that could help in the prevention of these diseases and symptoms. It’s even possible that these traumas impacted the brain in a specific way.

Recognizing how the brain has been impacted could lead to advancements in treatment when it comes to therapy and medical intervention.

Ptsd From Childhood Trauma In Adults

According to the American Society for Positive Care of Children , there are 4.4 million annual reports of child maltreatment and 7.9 million reports of child abuse. In 91.4% of these cases, either one or both parents are the cause of the trauma.

Childhood trauma is a loose term thats used to decribe any of the following:

  • Terrorism and violence
  • Traumatic grief

If a child experience any of these types of trauma, they become more vulnerable to the development of PTSD. However, PTSD symptoms may not be immediately apparent and, in turn, a child can develop them later in life.

Children with PTSD will showcase common symptoms observed in adults, including:

  • Constant state of fear due to scary thoughts and memories of traumatic event
  • Reliving the trauma over and over again

One of the biggest difficulties with child PTSD is the fact that many dont receive the proper help they need. When a child experience PTSD goes untreated, it can lead to worsening of symptoms later in life.

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Signs Of Childhood Trauma In Adults

If you experienced trauma as a child, it’s likely that you are or have experienced some amount of post-traumatic stress disorder later in life.

This article explains what trauma is, what childhood abuse may look like, and how childhood trauma impacts adulthood.

If you are a victim of child abuse or know someone who might be, call or text the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453 to speak with a professional crisis counselor.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

What Is Unresolved Trauma Vs Unresolved Issues

How Childhood Trauma Can Make You A Sick Adult | Big Think

Unresolved trauma is an active and usually disruptive emotional response to a terrible event or experience. Trauma that is unresolved can be characterized by mental, physical, emotional and/or behavioral symptoms or distress. Unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, relationship problems and physical symptoms like headaches or nausea are some of the ways that unresolved trauma can manifest, according to the American Psychological Association.

There is an important distinction to be drawn between unresolved childhood trauma and unresolved childhood issues, both of which may benefit from therapy. Many people in adulthood may look back at how they were raised and identify areas of dysfunction In some cases, they may be able to trace the roots of a mental health condition like depression to specific issues in childhood.

While these issues may be significant enough to warrant therapy, they do not entail the experience of a traumatic or shocking event or situation during childhood. In this case, the more appropriate term for a persons experience would be childhood trauma.

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Signs Of Repressed Childhood Trauma In Adults

Rajy Abulhosn


Repressed memories, also known as dissociative amnesia, are a common occurrence in those who have experienced childhood trauma.1,2,3,4 While some are unable to recall a small period of time, others are missing entire years of their life. Along with memory loss, other signs of repressed trauma can include low self-esteem, substance abuse disorders, increased physical or mental illnesses, and interpersonal problems.2,5,6

Connect with a therapist that can help you heal from childhood trauma. BetterHelp has over 20,000 licensed therapists who provide convenient and affordable online therapy. BetterHelp starts at $60 per week. Complete a brief questionnaire and get matched with the right therapist for you.

Choosing Therapy partners with leading mental health companies and is compensated for marketing by BetterHelp

Signs You May Be Dealing With Lingering Effects Of Childhood Trauma

The incidence of childhood trauma in the United States is eye-opening more than two-thirds of children report at least one traumatic event by the age of 16. From bullying to abuse, trauma is an unfortunate part of growing up for many children, and the effects can very much carry over into adulthood.

To help make peace with a tumultuous past, Dr. Diana Ghelber and our team at the Institute for Advanced Psychiatry, offer a wide range of mental health services. Our goal is to help you reconcile past traumatic events so that you can move forward and pursue a happy and healthy life.

To get started, its important to recognize the signs that a past childhood trauma may still be haunting you, so we thought wed review some of the more common warning flags here.

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How Can Childhood Trauma Manifest

Children who have experienced childhood trauma may respond in different ways depending on their age at the time of trauma. Young children may become excessively clingy, have crying fits, display irritability, temper tantrums, engage in thumb-sucking or bed-wetting and act out the traumatic event during play. They also complain of stomachaches, headaches and other physical symptoms.

Between the ages of 6-11, children who have had no help learning how to heal from childhood trauma may show signs of an inability to concentrate, have trouble sleeping, want to spend more time alone, complain of more frequent headaches, stomachaches and/or other physical issues and become irrationally fearful. These children also have difficulties in school, lose interest in activities they enjoyed before and turn away from parents and friends.

Older children, ages 12-17, besides losing interest in activities and having more frequent complaints of headaches, stomachaches and trouble sleeping, may become resentful or angry. Theyre also more likely to refuse any help for their problems and may turn to and begin to abuse alcohol or drugs.

Other manifestations of childhood trauma in adulthood include difficulties with social interaction, multiple health problems, low self-esteem and a lack of direction. Adults with unresolved childhood trauma are more prone to post-traumatic stress disorder , suicide and self-harm.

Why Do People Repress Traumatic Memories

How Does PTSD Affect Relationships And Change Lives?

Most experts view dissociative amnesia as a defense mechanism one may use to block out painful past memories.1,2,4,6 Most of the time, repressing a trauma memory is an involuntary response, and not a conscious decision someone makes.2,3,4 Because children usually dont have the ability to prevent traumatic events like sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, dissociating can be their way of coping with such.3,4,6,7

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Ways To Manage Flashbacks

  • Establish a safe and calming environment: Create a safe space in your home where you can go to relax and feel calm if you feel a flashback coming on. This might include dim lighting, soft music, and comfortable furnishings.

  • Practice deep breathing exercises: When you start to experience a flashback, take slow, deep breaths to help calm your body and mind. This can help to reduce the intensity of the flashback and allow you to regain control.

  • Use grounding techniques:Grounding techniques can help to bring you back to the present moment and can be especially helpful during a flashback. Examples of grounding techniques include focusing on your surroundings, using your senses to describe what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel, or repeating a calming mantra to yourself.

  • Reach out for support: Dont be afraid to reach out for support from friends, family, or a mental health professional when you are experiencing flashbacks. They can provide you with emotional support and help you to cope with the difficult feelings that may arise.

  • Develop a self-care plan: Taking care of yourself is important when managing PTSD and C-PTSD often it comes down to managing yourwindow of tolerance. Create a self-care plan that includes activities that help you to relax and reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. This can help to prevent flashbacks and improve your overall well-being.

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