Monday, September 9, 2024

Is Ptsd A Permanent Va Disability

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How Do I Know If Im Permanent And Total

VA Disability: How PTSD Often Prevents Veterans From Working

Check the letter to see if you have any future examinations, read the VA explanation of the determination it has made on your case, and be sure to double check the letter for a section featuring a check box indicating that your VA rating is Permanent and Total. Call the VA directly at 1-800-827-1000 if you have

What Are Some Of The Va 100 Percent Permanent And Total Disability Benefits

Here are some of the VA 100 permanent and total disability benefits.

#1. No Cost Healthcare and Prescription Medications and VA Co-Pay Reimbursement

Veteransare charged a copayment for nonservice-connected care provided directly by VAor through a community provider outside of VA. The copayment amount isbased on the type of health care service you receive and your financialsituation. Copayment rates for each service are listed below.

SomeVeterans may be exempt from paying copayments and may qualify for free healthcare and/or prescriptions based on special eligibility factors. You can exploreyour eligibility for VA health care benefits using the online Health BenefitsExplorer tool or by contacting VA at 877-222-VETS .

#2. Dependents Educational Assistance

If your disabilities are determined to be 100 Permanent and Total , the DEA allows your spouse and children to be eligible for certain educational benefits.

A child is authorized 45 months of accredited schooling. VApresently pays a monthly stipend of around $805.00 for a fulltime student,subject to change. They can receive guidance counseling, tutors, etc. If achild has been in school and then the veteran receives a retroactive benefitthat includes the school dates, then the student can file for reimbursement forthe months that he/she qualified on the retroactive date.

A dependent spouse can also qualify for schooling. The dependentstudent or spouse must handle all the necessary paperwork.

Phone: 733-8387

What About Incorrect Rating Decisions

Often the rating decision is just incorrect. VA fails to grant PTSD cases but it also fails to consider other issues. VA denies a mental health disorder because the veteran filed for one disorder and actually has a different one.

Veterans, unless they have a doctorate in psychology, are not able to officially diagnose their own mental health disorders. Therefore, when a veteran claims PTSD, the VA can deny it. However, the VA must see if he has another condition.

The VA should determine if the veteran has another diagnosis, which it often does not do. Veterans can often avoid this process by filing a claim for a more generic issue such as acquired psychiatric disorder. Another option would to be to file for service-connected mental health disorder. By filing for benefits in this manner, the VA is responsible to diagnose and/or use medical records.]

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When Are You Subject To A Va Reevaluation

According to M21-1, the VAs Adjudication Procedures Manual, VA Raters shall NOT schedule a Routine Future Examination when:

  • The disability is Static, without material improvement over five years,
  • The disability is Permanent in character and of such nature that there is no likelihood of improvement,
  • The Veteran is over 55 years of age ,
  • The evaluation is the prescribed schedular minimum within its diagnostic code,
  • The evaluation is 10 percent or less, OR
  • The combined evaluation would not change even if the VA reevaluation resulted in a reduced evaluation for one or more disabilities.

Expert Tip: When deciding if a disability is Static, VA Raters shall only order a future examination if there is objective evidence stating clearly a disability is likely to improve.

The principles expressed above apply equally to:

  • Initial Routine Future Examinations and,
  • Reexaminations requested in the interest of substantiating sustained improvement.

Therefore, where one or more of the above criteria are applicable, and the evidentiary record includes a single examination report portraying improvement in a disability that has persisted at its assigned level of evaluation for 5 years or longer, do not proceed with scheduling an additional reexamination unless doing so is:

  • Required by regulation, OR
  • Warranted in light of unusual circumstances, such as in cases of Veterans over age 55.

How Do I Get A 70% Ptsd Rating

Permanent and Total VA Disability Ratings for PTSD

First, at the 70 percent PTSD rating level, we are looking at a veteran who lives his or her life in nearly continuous state of panic that limits the veterans ability to function independently or act appropriately. The last part of that sentence is key: limits independent functioning and appropriate behavior.

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How Disability Ratings Are Calculated

Under schedular criteria, the VA determines what percentage of a veterans body is impaired by their service-connected disability. Ratings are awarded from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. A 0% rating means that a veterans condition is service-connected but causes no measurable impairment, while a 100% rating means the condition causes severe impairment leading to an inability to work or live independently.

When a veteran has multiple disabilities, the ratings for each individual impairment arent simply added together. Since a veteran cant be more than 100% disabled, the VA subtracts the secondary condition from the disability causing the most impairment. This VA math makes it hard to receive a 100% rating despite experiencing serious difficulty performing everyday activities.

Talk To Our Va Disability Lawyers About Your 100% P& t Ptsd Benefits Claim

Free Legal ConsultationNeed help with your 100% P& T PTSD rating claim? Give the PTSD veterans disability benefits lawyers at Woods & Woods a call. There is never a fee for a legal consultation about your 100% P& T PTSD rating claim. We can discuss your 100% P& T PTSD rating claim see what legal avenues are available to you. There is never an obligation to hire Woods & Woods just because you gave us a call about your 100% P& T PTSD rating claim.

Get Help ApplyingNot sure where to begin your 100% Permanent and Total PTSD rating application? Give us a call. Woods & Woods will never charge for help with your 100% Permanent and Total PTSD rating application. Weve helped thousands of veterans apply for benefits at no cost. Some veterans obtain a 100% Permanent and Total PTSD rating on their initial application. If you do, congratulations! You dont owe us a penny for our help. If youre unhappy with your rating, you have the option to hire our veterans disability lawyers for the appeal process.

Get Help AppealingIf you are denied your 100% Permanent and Total PTSD rating or rated too low, you have the option to appeal. The veterans disability lawyers at Woods & Woods only charge if your appeal is successful. We have represented many veterans seeking a 100% Permanent and Total PTSD rating.

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For many people, seeing is believing. But ifyoure looking at a person who has an invisible disability,what youre seeing can often be deceiving. And, when a personwith an invisible or hidden disability attempts to access long-termdisability benefits from insurers, seeing can becomedisbelieving.

In this blog post, I define invisible disabilities, explore oneof these disabilities in moredetail, and explain why and how persons with these disabilities canbe doubly disadvantaged when dealing with insurance companies.

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How The Va Rating System Works

What is the Difference Between 100% Permanent & Total Disability Ratings for Veterans from the VA.

The Department of Veterans Affairs publishes a schedule of disabilities and the accompanying VA disability percentages that can be awarded for such medical issues. Not all medical issues are rated the same and some can never exceed a certain percentage, while others may only be permitted to be rated at 0 percent.

Still others can max out at 100%. It all depends on the nature of the injury, illness, or condition and the VA regulations that govern how such conditions must be evaluated in the VA medical claims process.

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What If You Lose Your Military Service Records

If youve lost your military service records, there are several actions you can take. Here are ways to request your records:

  • Mail or fax Standard Form SF 180: Request Pertaining to Military Records to the National Personnel Records Center
  • Write a letter to the NPRC at 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138
  • Go to the NPRC in person
  • Contact the state or county Veterans agency
  • Hire an independent researcher

If your records were lost in the 1976 fire at the NPRC, you may submit a Buddy Letter. This is a letter from a person over the age of 17 who witnessed the event that caused your disability.

Va Disability 5 Year Rule Explained: When Can The Va Reevaluate My Disability Rating

In this post, Im going to deep-dive the VA Disability 5 Year Rule, to include when you might be subjected to a VA reevaluation of an existing disability rating.

Ill also mythbust the Why, How, What, and When behind Routine Future Examination timelines and VA rating reductions.

Generally, the VA disability 5 year rule means the VA can reevaluate your existing VA disability rating within 5 years of your initial examination, if and only if, your disability condition is expected to show material improvement over time.

However, the VA may still reevaluate your disability rating past the 5 year deadline if your condition has substantially improved, as shown by medical evidence.

The key principles VA Raters consider when making a VA reevaluation request is whether your current VA disability condition is considered Static, and/or Permanent.

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What Is The Purpose Of A Va Disability Rating

Disability ratings reflect the severity of a veterans service-connected illness or injury. This rating determines the amount of monthly compensation youll receive. It also designates your eligibility for other VA benefits.

For individuals with more that one disability, the VA calculates a combined rating. This involves more than just adding your separate ratings together. Thus, your combined rating may not equal the sum of your ratings.

Here is a video explaining how the VA combined ratings table works from one of our Veterans Disability Lawyers.

How Much Va Disability Compensation Can I Receive For Ptsd

VA Permanent and Total Disability for PTSD

The amount you receive in monthly benefits depends on the disability rating assigned for your PTSD. Each disability rating percentage increment on VAs rating schedule corresponds to a different monthly benefit amount. The higher the disability rating, the more a veteran receives in monthly compensation.

As of December 1st, 2020 the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:

  • 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
  • 10 percent disability rating: $144.14 per month
  • 30 percent disability rating: $441.35 per month
  • 50 percent disability rating: $905.04 per month
  • 70 percent disability rating: $1,444.71 per month
  • 100 percent disability rating: $3,146.42 per month

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What Is A Permanent Disability

A permanent disability exists when it is reasonably certain, based upon medical evidence, that the level of impairment will continue for the rest of the veterans life.

Translation: Your disability is unlikely to show material improvement over time.

In this instance, the disability will be assigned a permanent evaluation WITHOUT the need for future examinations.

VA Raters are required to exercise prudent judgment and refer to 38 CFR 3.327 in determining the need for review disability examinations.

For example, it is the policy of Veteran Benefits Administration to request future examinations only when absolutely necessary, and every effort should be made to limit cases where future examinations are requested.


Take advantage of a FREE VA Claim Strategy Session with an experienced Veteran Coach. Learn what youve been missing so you can FINALLY get the disability rating and compensation youve earned for your service.

What Ispermanent And Total Disability

Total disability and permanent disability are two separate criteria that the VA considers. A Veteran can be totally disabled, but the disability may be temporary or permanent.

The VA considers a Veterans disability to be permanent when the medical evidence indicates that you will have the disability for the remainder of your life. Age can be a factor in the VA deciding whether a disability is considered permanent. As a result, younger Veterans may have more of a challenge obtaining a Permanent designation for their service-connected disability.

You may have one severe service-related disability or several service-connected disabilities that lead to a 100 percent VA disability rating.

The VA deems a disability to be total when the service-connected injury or impairment of body or mind leaves the Veteran unemployable or unable to maintain substantially gainful employment. Being awarded Total Disability as a result of Individual Unemployability provides for payment at the 100 percent rating. Substantial gainful employment is work that produces earnings above the poverty level.

A total disability may not necessarily be permanent. For instance, a Veteran can have a temporary total disability due to surgery or a combined total rating before improving and dropping down to a lower percentage.

A 100 percent total disability rating is difficult to obtain. Permanent and total are two separate criteria. That is important to keep in mind.

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What If You Dont Agree With The Va Ruling

Many times, veterans arent satisfied with the VA ruling. If this applies to you, you have the right to file an appeal. There are several options for making an appeal.

Its prudent to consider getting advice from an experienced VA disability lawyer. They can make sure you know about all your options and assist you with the appeal process.

One approach is to file a Notice of Disagreement , VA Form 21-0958, with the VA. You must file this within one year from the date of the VAs decision. Note that this is not the date you received it.

When completing this form, dont give details about why you disagree with the decision. You will be able to discuss this later, but the NOD is not the place for this information. Doing so could limit your right to appeal issues not mentioned on the form.

As you complete the process and consult with an expert, you may find other factors you wish to appeal. For example, if you describe an issue on the NOD, you must provide new evidence to support your claim.

This claim must show that the VA made an error. Sometimes the VA has inaccurate records or dates for an incident or your eligibility. This can impact your rating and your compensation.

Here, one of our VA disability lawyers talks about what we do when we appeal your case to the Veterans Administration.

When Will Va Assign Staged Ratings

100% T& P | my journey | VBA | VA claims | PTSD | anxiety disorder | mental health | VA disability

Staged ratings are when the VA changes a disability rating based on the severity of the condition over a period of time. Since claims can take multiple years to be resolved, the VA looks at how the severity of a condition changed during that period of time, and rates the veteran accordingly. Staged ratings can occur when the Veterans condition has worsened or bettered from when he or she initially filed the claim, and when the claim was adjudicated.

For example, a veteran filed a claim for an increased rating above 10% for his back condition in 2009. He was then granted an increased rating in 2013, but his back condition progressively worsened throughout those four years. The VA granted him an increase from 10% to 30% from 2009 to 2011 based on the severity during that period, and they then granted him 40% from 2011 forward.

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What Is Permanent And Total Disability

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs uses rating schedules to determine the amount of benefits a veteran qualifies for. Depending on the veterans condition, the VA will use the criteria for that condition to rate the veteran based on their ability to work.

If the veteran is awarded a 100% disability rating AND their disability is permanent, they qualify for VA Permanent and Total Disability. The VA considers Permanent and Total Disability as a condition that is rated 100% and has no chance, or close to no chance, of improving.

As mentioned, compensation is based on the veterans ability to work. So, if the condition renders the veteran permanent and total disabled, the veteran will receive full compensation from the VA.

What Are Permanent And Total Va Disability Ratings

Permanent and total disability, or P& T, refers to veterans whose disabilities are total and permanent . Though permanent and total is often used as a single phrase, veterans can have a total disability that is temporary, or a permanent disability rated less than 100 percent. Permanent and total ratings are protected from being reduced and may entitle you or your family to additional VA benefits.

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What Happens After Va Grants Service Connection For Ptsd

Once a veteran establishes service connection for their PTSD claim, thebattle isnt over. The veteran must do what he can to make sure the VA gives him the correct compensation.

Compensation is based on the rating VA assigns a veteran . This rating is based on how severe the veterans PTSD symptoms are.

Because the ratings are based on the veterans symptoms, its important to have medical records. These records should detail the symptoms the veteran suffers, and how they affect the veterans life.

Again, this is another area where having medical opinions is crucial to building a strong case. The max rating is 100%, but this is hard to get. A lot of veterans end up with a 70% rating and unemployability because they cannot work.

The VA will use a C& P exam to help them determine what the appropriate rating is. A veteran should review the PTSD rating criteria that VA uses. The veteran should discuss with family and friends how they see PTSD affecting the veteran. This will give the veteran evidence he needs to assure the C& P examiner as a full picture of his problems.

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