Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Is The Law On Disability Discrimination

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Rights Of People With Disabilities

What is disability discrimination? | Equality law: discrimination explained

Canada seeks to reduce barriers and increase opportunities for people with disabilities, to ensure their full participation in our society. Our nation has a strong legislative framework that guarantees the equal rights of people with disabilities. In addition, a range of federal programs support the lives of Canadians with disabilities.

On this page:

  • The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • The History Of Disability Discrimination In The Workplace

    People with disabilities have a long history of oppression and discrimination. Historically, because of their perceived difference than everyone else, they have been ridiculed and marginalized in society. From the absence of ramps and intentional public isolation, the unjust treatment has made life harder for them.

    Deprived of specific human rights, it has been difficult for these individuals to enjoy the same quality of life that others have, which involves the privilege of employment. In the 1860s, some cities across the United States even went as far as enacting ordinances known as ugly laws which were passed to rid public places of any person described as unsightly or disgusting. This intensified the alienation of people with disabilities.

    The fire burning within advocates of disability rights started to stir change in the 1970s. More and more people began to gain courage and demand for equal treatment. The continuous protests and efforts to raise awareness prompted the government to pay attention to this pressing issue.

    These events led to the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 . The law opened doors for people with disabilities in many aspects including employment. But somehow, discrimination can still be observed in the corporate world.

    Should I File A Workplace Discrimination Complaint With The Eeoc

    Disability discrimination in the workplace is a violation of California state law and federal law. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforces federal ADA disability discrimination laws. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing is the state agency that handles complaints of disability discrimination.

    Before filing a discrimination complaint with the EEOC, an employee may want to work with a supervisor to resolve the issue. The employee could also contact the employers human resources representative or reasonable accommodation coordinator. If there is still no resolution, the employee can file a complaint with the EEOC or the DFEH.

    In some cases, California law offers broader protections for anti-discrimination cases than federal law. For example, California disability discrimination laws apply to employers with at least 5 employees. However, the ADA may only apply to employers with at least 15 employees. For this reason, some people in California prefer to file a disability discrimination complaint with the DFEH rather than the EEOC.

    You can file a disability discrimination complaint directly with the DFEH. In general, you must submit a pre-complaint inquiry within three years of the last incident of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. However, there are exceptions to this time limit, such as where the individual did not learn about the unlawful practice until after the expiration of three years.19

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    Disability Discrimination Attorneys In Portland Oregon

    Meyer Stephenson represents employees in disability discrimination cases throughout the state.

    Attorneys from Meyer Stephenson are experienced in a wide variety of disability discrimination claims. In Oregon, it is illegal to fire an employee due to their disability. It is essential that you consult an attorney with expertise in this area to help you.

    Our attorneys have substantial experience representing employees in Oregon disability discrimination claims.

    Have you experienced disability discrimination in the workplace? Do you have questions about disability discrimination? Allow an Oregon disability discrimination attorney to help. Contact us at Meyer Stephenson.

    Circumstances When Being Treated Differently Due To Disability Is Lawful


    Non-disabled people

    It is always lawful to treat a disabled person more favourably than a non-disabled person.

    Other disabled people

    Treating a disabled person with a particular disability more favourably than other disabled people may be lawful in some circumstances. For example:

    • where having a particular disability is essential for the job . For example, an organisation supporting deaf people might require that an employee whose role is providing counselling to British Sign Language users is a deaf BSL user
    • where an organisation is taking positive action to encourage or develop people with a particular disability. For example, an employer is aware that people with learning disabilities have a particularly high rate of unemployment, so sets up a mentoring and job-shadowing programme for people with learning disabilities to help them prepare to apply for jobs

    Occupational requirement and positive action are clarified in our statutory code of practice on employment.

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    Air Carrier Access Act

    In DOT v. Paralyzed Veterans of America, 477 U.S. 597 , the Supreme Court held that the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 did not apply to airlines that receive government funding. In response, Congress passed the Air Carrier Access Act, regulating disability accommodations for all airlines, including commercial ones.

    Under the Air Carrier Access Act, air carriers are prohibited from discrimination against qualified individuals with physical and/or mental impairments.

    However, private

    Can I Sue My Employer For Disability Discrimination In California

    Under California law, it is a civil right to have the opportunity to seek and hold employment without discrimination based on a physical or mental disability. Employees who are discriminated against because of their disability can file a lawsuit against their employers for unlawful discrimination.20

    An employee generally has to file a complaint with the DFEH or EEOC before they can file a lawsuit in civil court. This requires obtaining a right to sue notice before your case can be taken to court.

    You can request an immediate right to sue notice, without having to go through a complete DFEH or EEOC investigation. However, if you receive a Right-to-Sue notice, your complaint will not be investigated by DFEH. Alternatively, you may also wait until the DFEH dismisses your case or finds no violation before taking your case to court.21

    According to the DFEH, proceeding directly to court without an investigation by the DFEH is only advisable if you have an attorney. Your attorney can obtain a right to sue notice and file your case in California Superior Court, in the county where the discrimination occurred, or other relevant county.22

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    Who Enforces The Law

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the agency of the federal government responsible for investigating charges of job discrimination related to disability discrimination in workplaces of 15 or more employees. Most states have their own agencies that enforce state laws against discrimination .

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    When Is My Employer Required To Give Me An Accommodation

    An employer generally does not have to provide a reasonable accommodation unless an individual with a disability has asked for one.

    A request can be a statement in plain English that you need an adjustment or change in the application process or at work for a reason related to a medical condition. The request does not have to include the terms âADAâ or âreasonable accommodation.â Also, the request does not have to be in writing, although your employer is then allowed to ask for something in writing to document the request.

    A family member, friend, health professional, rehabilitation counselor, labor union, or other representative also may request a reasonable accommodation on your behalf. For example, a doctor’s note indicating that an employee can work âwith restrictionsâ is a request for a reasonable accommodation.

    Where more than one accommodation would work, your employer is allowed to choose the one that is less costly or that is easier to provide. Your employer may also ask you for additional documentation describing your disability and why the requested accommodation is needed, especially when your disability or need for accommodation are not obvious.

    The documentation required should be limited to a doctor’s note or other medical documents showing that you have a disability and need accommodation. Your employer should not require you to produce your entire medical or mental health history in order to receive accommodation for a specific disability.

    How To File A Public Accommodations Claim Under The Ada

    If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of a disability when trying to access a restaurant, sports venue, school campus, or other public accommodation, you may want to file a claim. One way to get started is to write a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice with the following information:

    • Name, address, telephone number
    • Name and address of business or organization being accused of discrimination
    • Description of the act or acts considered discriminatory, including dates and names of people involved
    • Any other information that may help your case

    Another option is to file a formal complaint in U.S. District Court.

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    What If Im Not Able To Do The Tasks That Make Up The Job

    It is not against the law to refuse someone a job if, because of their disability, they cant perform the inherent requirements of the position.

    In other words, you must be able to carry out the essential duties of the job.

    For example, a person with low vision may not be able to meet the inherent requirements of a job as a delivery driver.

    What Should I Do If Im Facing Disability Discrimination


    If you think you are being discriminated against due to your disability, you should try to resolve the matter internally by approaching your HR department.

    If this doesnt help, you need to seek the assistance of the EEOC.

    Before you can contact a discrimination lawyer and commence legal action against your employer, you need to get permission to do so from the EEOC.

    This involves filing a complaint against your employerknown as a charge of discriminationin which you list all the incidents of discrimination you have experienced.

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    What Laws Protect Victims Of Disability Discrimination At Work

    The ADAAA is the federal law that prohibits disability discrimination in the workplace with 15 or more employees. Under the ADAAA, you have the right to file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission .

    The EEOC will issue you a Right to Sue letter. This letter allows you to file a complaint in federal court.

    Most states have comparable disability discrimination laws. Some states require as little as one employee to enact protections.

    As a victim of disability discrimination, you may choose to file your claim under state laws. In these cases, you may file a claim with the state agency or directly with the state court in most states.

    When you work with the disability discrimination lawyers at the Derek Smith Law Group, we can help you determine the best laws suited for your claim. Our zealous attorneys will help you file your claim with the EEOC or state courts, depending on your case details.

    What Can I Do If I Experience Discrimination

    You may want to deal with the situation yourself by raising it directly with the person or people involved or with a supervisor, manager or discrimination/harassment contact officer.

    Making a complaint to the Commission

    If this does not resolve the situation, or you do not feel comfortable doing this, you can make a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission. You can also have someone such as a solicitor, advocate or trade union make a complaint on your behalf.

    It does not cost anything to make a complaint to the Commission.

    Your complaint needs to be put in writing. The Commission has a complaint form that you can fill in and post or fax to us or you can lodge a complaint online at our website. If you are not able to put your complaint in writing, we can help you with this.

    The complaint should say what happened, when and where it happened and who was involved.

    A complaint can be made in any language. If you need a translator or interpreter, the Commission can arrange this for you.

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    Title I Of The Ada And The Protected Individuals Under It

    One of the following must apply to a person for them to be eligible to be protected under Title I of the ADA:

    • Their main life activities are limited because of a physical or mental disability. These include such activities as walking, seeing, talking, hearing, learning, and working.
    • They have a documented history of this condition in their medical records.
    • Their employer believes that they have a disability.
    • Their connection with someone who has a disability, and caused them to be discriminated against. One such example of this is when an employer fears that insurance costs will rise because of the employees childs disability. They are ineligible for health insurance if their explanation for being denied is invalid.

    The second point for qualification under ADA is that the employee must have the skills or qualifications required for the job that they are looking for or have. The qualifications for the position are as follows: They must have all the necessary skills, experience, and education in order to qualify. The individual must be able to execute the core work tasks .

    Reasonable accommodation under Disability laws includes:

    Is it okay for the employer to ask about disability when you apply for a job?

    There is one exception to the rule of inquiring about a disability: if the employee voluntarily discloses their disability. To comply with an affirmative action program, some companies ask candidates to self-identify as having a disability.

    What If I’m Not Disabled Myself But Care For Or Live With A Person With A Disability

    What is Disability Discrimination?

    You are protected by the ADA if you are discriminated against because of your relationship or association with an individual with a known disability. The reason the ADA prohibits discrimination based on relationship or association is to protect you from job-related discrimination based on unfounded assumptions that your relationship to a person with a disability would affect your job performance, and from actions caused by bias or misinformation concerning certain disabilities.

    For example, if you have a disabled spouse and apply for a job, the ADA would prevent you from being denied employment because of an employer’s unfounded assumption that you would use excessive leave to care for your spouse. The ADA also would protect you if you do volunteer work for people with AIDS, and as a result had a discriminatory employment action taken against you that was motivated by that relationship or association.

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    Medical Examination & Questions

    When you apply for a job, the employer may not ask you if you have a disability. The employer can ask you about your ability to perform specific job functions.

    A job offer can be based on the results of a medical examination, but only if the examination is required for all entering employees in similar jobs. Medical examinations of employees must be job related and consistent with the business needs.

    What Are My Rights After Becoming Disabled Or Injured On The Job

    Work-related injuries must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if a worker is protected by the ADA. Only injured workers who meet the ADA’s definition of an âindividual with a disabilityâ will be considered disabled under the law, regardless of whether they satisfy criteria for receiving benefits under workers’ compensation or other disability laws. An employee also must continue to be âqualifiedâ to be protected by the ADA.

    Work-related injuries do not always cause physical or mental impairments severe enough to âsubstantially limitâ a major life activity. Also, many on-the-job injuries cause temporary impairments that heal within a short period of time with little or no long-term or permanent impact. Therefore, many injured workers who qualify for benefits under workers’ compensation or other disability benefits laws may not be protected by the ADA.

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    Discrimination On The Basis Of Disability

    As they apply to entities under the jurisdiction of the Office for Civil Rights , OCR enforces:

    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, including programs and activities that are conducted by HHS or receiving Federal financial assistance from HHS
    • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, covering access to electronic and information technology provided by HHS
    • Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, covering all health care and social services programs and activities of public entities
    • Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , ensuring that an individual is not excluded from participating in, denied benefits because of, or subjected to discrimination as prohibited under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , under any health program or activity, any part of which is receiving federal financial assistance, or under any program or activity that is administered by an Executive Agency or any entity established under Title I of the Affordable Care Act or its amendments.

    What Is A Covered Disability


    The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act protects employees with a covered disability from discrimination and harassment. Employees must work for a company with 15 or more employees to receive protections under the law.

    The ADAAA defines a covered disability as a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. These impairments can be chronic illnesses, physical ailments, missing limbs, learning disabilities, mental health disorders, or issues that require medical equipment to correct.

    Examples of covered disabilities include, but are not limited to:

    • Diabetes
    • Modifying job tasks

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