Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Scheuermann’s Disease A Disability

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Is Scheuermann’s Disease Hereditary

Scheuermanns’s Disease (Kyphosis)

Similar to scoliosis, Scheuermann’s disease is a hereditary condition, but it is multi-factorial so there is no clear inheritance pattern. There are two main types of Scheuermann’s kyphosis, one with an apex at the mid-thoracic level and one type with the apex located at the thoracolumbar junction .

Does Scheuermanns Disease Qualify For Disability Benefits

Scheuermanns disease can result in impaired mobility, breathing problems, heart issues, and disfigurement-related withdrawal and isolation. The condition is in the Social Security Blue Book under Section 1.04: Disorders of the Spine under the subheading Abnormal curvatures of the spine.

Because Scheuermanns can affect various body systems, determining whether or not a person meets the definition of disabled is complex. The Social Security Administration can evaluate Scheuermanns disease under various listings, depending on the claimants symptoms. In addition to evaluating an adult claimant with Scheuermanns under Listing 1.04, the SSA may also reference:

  • 09A
  • 09C
  • 00ff
  • 00ff and/or
  • 00 , as appropriate.

Other consequences should be evaluated according to the listing for the affected body system, explains the SSA.

For example, to qualify under the listing of 14.09A: Inflammatory arthritis, you must have persistent inflammation or persistent deformity of either 1) one or more major peripheral weight-bearing joints resulting in the inability to ambulate effectively, or 2) one or more major peripheral joints in each upper extremity resulting in the inability to perform fine and gross movements effectively.

In many disability cases, it is a combination of these associated conditions that will enable you to meet the criteria for disability.

Can You Fix Scheuermann’s Disease

Scheuermann’s Disease is not necessary to correct. However, patients may elect to receive treatment for the condition to try to relieve discomfort and improve flexibility in their back. Surgery may be able to rectify the condition, but there are many other options for pain relief that are not nearly as invasive.

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Why Is Alignment Important

Spinal alignment is closely related to quality of life, pain and disability. Several studies have shown the relationship between spinal alignment as measured on radiographs and Health Related Quality of Life scores and have details how improvement in spinal alignment correlates to improved patient outcomes. Hyperkyphosis in the thoracic spine is associated with adverse health effects including impaired physical function, pain and disability, impaired pulmonary function, increased risk of death.

Treatment For Poor Posture And Hyperkyphosis


Current evidence recommends early conservative treatment for correcting spinal alignment and improving posture. Chiropractic BioPhysics is a proven method of spine correction and rehabilitation using mirror image® concepts of rehabilitation. CBP methods include corrective exercises, adjustments and traction that rehabilitates the spine to normal. CBP has produced several case series and cases studies demonstrating the effectiveness in correcting spinal alignment such as reducing forward head posture, decreasing thoracic kyphosis and improving sagittal balance:

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What If My Spine Disorder Doesnt Meet A Listing

If you are disabled because of a spinal disorder, but your condition doesnt meet the criteria of a listing, you may still be approved for disability benefits. You can use a medical vocational allowance to apply.

The medical vocational approach takes your medical condition, symptoms, restrictions and limitations, treatment, side effects, age, work history, transferrable skills, and educational background into consideration. As an example, those who are older than 50 and who have limited educational background and work history are much more likely to be approved than someone who is younger and well educated.

They take everything into consideration together to determine if you can perform any kind of work to earn a living. Part of this process involves using a residual functional capacity form. If your treating physician will complete a form, you are much more likely to have a successful disability claim.

Your physician is much more familiar with your situation and will know what you can and cannot do. The RFC should be very detailed.

Your disability lawyer will help you gather the supporting documentation and medical records that you need to get your claim on the right track and be approved for benefits. Your disability attorney may even contact your doctors directly and ask them to complete the RFC forms, so he or she can review the form and ensure you have a strong case before it advances to the next level.

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If you have a spinal condition that keeps you from working, you should start the application for disability benefits from the SSA. When you apply for disability benefits, documentation is essential to your claims success. Most claims are denied on the initial review, and if that happens, you can file a request for reconsideration.

When your claim is denied, they will tell you why your claim wasnt approved and based on that, you will be able to determine what you need to help show them that you are disabled. You should gather that additional information and send it to them after you file your appeal.

Your claim will not be approved without the needed information. You will also need to file your appeal before time runs out. If you miss the deadline, you will have to reapply for disability benefits and start the process all over.

When you have a disability lawyer, your attorney will be sure that everything is filed by the deadline and that all the needed documentation is provided to the SSA for review. You can retain a disability attorney at anytime during the claims process. Complete the Free Case Evaluation on this page to get connected with a disability lawyer that takes cases in your area today!

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Ssd Medical Qualifications For Back Pain

The SSA uses their own medical guide to evaluate disability benefits applications that they receive. This guide, known as the Blue Book, helps to determine whether or not an individual meets the criteria to be considered disabled and eligible for SSDI. There is no listing for back pain, but there are listings that apply to specific conditions that do cause back pain. There are several qualifying conditions that may cause debilitating back pain that can be found in the Blue Book.

As an example, degenerative disc disease does not have a specific listing, you have to have severe symptoms such as requiring assistance to walk, needing to adjust your position more than every two hours and suffer from nerve-specific problems. It may result in additional problems that may be found under a listing in the Blue Book.

Rheumatoid arthritis, however, does have a listing in the Blue Book that refers to ankylosing spondylitis, which involves a fixation of the spine of at least 45 degrees or if you ankylosing spondylitis or another form of spondyloarthropathy with a fixation of the spine of at least 30 degrees as well as moderate involvement of two or more bodily systems.

Many back pain problems can be classified under Section 1.04, which deals with spine disorders. If you can prove that your particular back pain meets the equivalent for spinal disorders, you would meet the requirements set forth in the medical guide.

This particular listing includes:

Spine Disorders And Your Ability To Perform Physical Work

Chronic pain, scoliosis, Scheuermann’s disease: how posture correction and good ergonomics can help

While there are many different spinal disorders, and sufferers may have a number of different symptoms and varying degrees of severity, the majority of people with spine disorders will have some level of difficulty performing physical work. The spinal chord affects nearly every physical function of our bodies.

Most people with spine disorders will experience pain. It is important for Social Security Disability claims that you make very clear how your pain affects your range of motion and your ability to perform physical activities. This should be corroborated by the medical reports your doctor fills out. Make sure that all medical reports include concrete limitations of what you can and cant do on a daily basis.

When considering your ability to do physical work, the Social Security Disability adjudicator will be particularly concerned with your spinal disorders impact on your ability to stand for long periods of time, walk, bend, pull, push, and lift.

To a large extent, the level of physical work you are considered capable of performing has to do with how much you can lift, and how often you can reasonably be expected to lift . You will want to make sure your Social Security Disability claim includes information regarding limitations on how much you can lift and how long you can be expected to continue lifting.

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Social Security Disability For Scheuermanns Disease

f you or your child has been diagnosed with the condition, you might be eligible to collect Social Security disability benefits for Scheuermanns.

Scheuermanns disease, or juvenile kyphosis, is a skeletal disorder that develops during childhood. This disorder results in a curved back or hunchback appearance, and can lead to severe and debilitating pain, self-consciousness and emotional disorders, and other serious conditions.

While treatment may be helpful for some, many people with severe cases of Scheuermanns are unable to work due to their condition. For help getting social security disability for Scheuermanns disease in Raleigh, call a disability attorney from Lunn & Forro, PLLC.

Our firm has is dedicated to helping people with disabilities in Raleigh and throughout North Carolina secure the benefits they are entitled to. Call us today for a free case evaluation to see how we can be of service to you: .

How To Correct Your Posture

If you experience discomfort in the above test and can’t easily correct your posture, you may have some joint, ligament or muscular movement restriction. All of these problems can be quickly assessed and quickly improved by your physiotherapist. Please consult them for advice.

Having difficulty maintaining a normal upright posture? You are probably suffering from reduced muscle endurance or strength. But these can both be easily improved with some practice of the right exercises. Your physiotherapist is an expert in prescribing the best postural exercises for you in a stage-appropriate manner to help you improve your posture without causing unnecessary pain or injury.

Your physiotherapist may also advise a posture brace or prescribe some posture taping to quickly assist you in achieving and maintaining a good posture.

Contact your physiotherapist for posture advice specific to you and your needs.

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Listing 118 Abnormality Of A Major Joint In Any Extremity

To qualify as disabled under this listing, you must have all of the following:

  • chronic joint pain or stiffness
  • abnormal motion, instability, or immobility of the joint
  • an X-ray, MRI, other imaging or exam that shows an anatomical abnormality of the joint, and
  • a physical limitation that doesn’t leave you with at least one hand available for work. Specifically, you need medical documentation that one of the following is true:
  • you can’t use either hand to do work, or
  • you can’t use one hand, and you need the other to operate a one-handed wheelchair, cane, crutch, or other device, or
  • you need a walker, bilateral canes or crutches, or a wheelchair or scooter that requires both hands.

While the listing applies to extremities , you can argue that your limitations are equal in severity to those in the listing.

Complications Caused Due To Kyphosis

Scheuermanns Disease

Kyphosis does not exhibit many signs or symptoms. Here are the signs, symptoms, and complications you may notice while developing Kyphosis.

  • Hunchback or Rounded back When Kyphosis develops and becomes visible you can notice hunchback. The size of the hunchback depends on the degree of spinal curve that occurs due to Kyphosis.
  • Back Pain Not all people who develop Kyphosis experience pain but some of them do. Normally adolescents experience back pain indicating the development of Kyphosis.
  • Stiffness A few people may also experience stiffness along with back pain.
  • Breathing Difficulty Again, this is not a symptom experienced by everyone with Kyphosis. People with a severe degree of Kyphosis may experience difficulty in breathing.
  • Digestive Problems Severe Kyphosis may compress the digestive tract and as a result, the person may experience some digestive issues.
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    Can You Play Sports With Scheuermann’s Disease

    Athletes with curves less than 50 degrees that have undergone appropriate rehabilitation and are pain free can return to sport without restrictions. Individuals that require bracing are allowed to partake in sports, with removal of brace during practice and competition, as long as they too are rehabbing without pain.

    Your Best Sleeping Position

    Everybody has their favourite sleeping position. However, some are better for you than others. Try to sleep in a posture that helps you maintain the curve in your lower back. We recommend lying on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with your knees slightly bent.

    It is preferable to not sleep on your side with your knees drawn up to your chest . However, some back conditions will find this preferable. You should seek the advice of your physiotherapist if you are in doubt.

    If you are suffering back pain, you could try lying over a lumbar roll or peanut cushion at night to make you more comfortable. A rolled sheet or towel tied around your waist may also be helpful. You may wish to avoid sleeping on your stomach, especially on a saggy mattress. This sag can cause back strain and can be uncomfortable for your neck.

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    Is Scheuermanns Disease A Disability

    The Social Security Administration can evaluate Scheuermanns Disease under Listing 1.04, Disorders of the Spine but as mentioned in the preamble of this listing 14.09A or 14.09C may be more on point. In addition, if there are respiratory issues use 3.00,cardiac issues 4.00 or a mental disorder, 12.00. The child equivalents of these listings are found here.

    Please note that as of April 2, 2021, Listing 1.04 no longer exists and has been replaced with the Listings found here: . After we receive additional guidance from SSA we will alter this post to accommodate for the new listing.

    In my experience the above listings are difficult to meet and you may not be able to work with your symptoms even though you do not meet these listings. A combination of pain, limitation of motion and medication side effects may preclude work for you. Surgery for Scheuermanns Disease helps many but there are always exceptions. Also, you may be unable to work years after your surgery because while your body changes, the screws and rods of a fusion do not.

    If you are unable to work or if your child is suffering from Scheuermanns Disease file a claim for SSI/SSDI as soon as possible and call The Bishop Law Firm. We want to help!

    What Is The Cause Of Scheuermann’s Disease

    What is Scheuermann’s Disease?

    The cause of Scheuermann’s Disease is unknown, but it tends to run in families. Symptoms of Scheuermann’s Disease include hump appearance in the back, muscle cramps or spasms, pain or stiffness in the back after sitting for long periods, reduced flexibility, or pain when doing activities that require twisting.

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    Teenager Neck & Back Pain

    Teenagers can be particularly vulnerable to back pain, mainly due to a combination of high flexibility and low muscle strength and posture control.

    The competitive athlete and most individuals who exercise regularly or maintain fitness and core stability control are less prone to spine injury and problems due to the strength and flexibility of supporting structures. Luckily, issues involving the lower lumbar spine are rare in athletes and account for less than 10% of sports-related injuries. Injuries do occur in contact sports and with repetitive strain sports. Your physiotherapist can assist in the resolution of any deficits in this area.

    Sports such as gymnastics, cricket fast bowlers, and tennis have a higher incidence of associated lumbar spine problems related to repetitive twisting and hyper-bending motions.

    Spondylolisthesis is a significant concern and needs to be appropriately treated by a physiotherapist with a particular interest in these types of injuries. Luckily, most injuries are minor, self-limited, and respond quickly to physiotherapy treatment.

    Scheuermanns Disease Diagnosis And Treatment

    If you think your child has Scheuermanns disease, specialists start by reviewing medical history and test results, and performing a physical exam.

    A diagnosis is given if:

    • Three vertebrae in a row show wedging of 5 degrees or more.
    • The angle of the curvature of the spine is 50 degrees or more.

    Tests used to diagnose Scheuermanns disease might include:

    • X-ray: X-rays taken from the side help show if any vertebrae are wedged.
    • MRI: MRIs show detailed images of affected vertebrae, as well as surrounding tissues and the spinal cord.
    • CT scan: If needed, a CT scan can offer a more detailed view of the vertebrae.

    Your child might receive treatment for Scheuermanns disease to relieve pain, correct abnormal curvature of the spine, or prevent a curvature from worsening.

    Kyphosis treatment varies depending on:

    • The age of your child.
    • The severity of the curvature .
    • The preferences of you and your child.

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    What Is Your Best Mattress

    Select a firm mattress or an ensemble that does not sag. If necessary, place a board under your bed’s mattress. You can also set the mattress on the floor temporarily if needed. If you’ve always slept on a soft surface, it may be initially painful to change to a more rigid surface. Try to do what’s most comfortable for you.

    Untreated Scheuermanns Disease: A 37


    Scheuermanns patients had a higher risk for back pain and disabilities during activities of daily living than controls, also known as Scheuermanns kyphosis is due primarily to a growth abnormality caused by osteochondrosis, the back of the vertebra grows normally, and idiopathic juvenile kyphosis of the spine, Scheuermanns patients had a higher risk for back pain and disabilities during activities of daily living than controls.Scheuermanns and SSA DisabilityScheuermanns and SSA Disability Scheuermanns or Scheuermanns kyphosis is a condition which occurs when the vertebrae or the spine grows unevenly causing increased back pain and kyphosis or unnatural curving of the spine, there are increased risks of disc degeneration and cord compression, self-consciousness and emotional disorders, is a skeletal disorder that causes irregular vertebral growth in the upper or lower back, although there seems to be hereditary element.There are only a few follow-up studies of untreated Scheuermanns disease, It isScheuermanns diseaseOverviewScheuermanns disease, p < 0.001) and in carrying a 5 kg load for at least 100 m in the middle of the back, This disorder results in a curved back or hunchback appearance, It is found mostly in teenagers and presents a significantly worse deformity than postural kyphosis.

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