Thursday, July 25, 2024

I Have Ptsd Now What

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What Can I Do If I Think I Have Ptsd

6 Misconceptions of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) | Mental Health 101 | Kati Morton

What can I do if I think I have PTSD?If you think you have PTSD, it’s important to get treatment. Treatment can work, and early treatment may help reduce long-term symptoms.If you think you have PTSD:

  • Talk to your family doctor.
  • Talk to a mental health professional, such as a therapist.
  • If you’re a veteran, contact your local VA hospital or Vet Center.
  • Talk to a close friend or family member. He or she may be able to support you and find you help.
  • Talk to a religious leader.
  • Fill out a PTSD screen and take it with you to the doctor. An online PTSD screen is available for PTSD related to stressful military experiences, but you can also answer the questions as they would apply to any other traumatic event.

Many people who might need assistance with something like the symptoms of PTSD are afraid to go for help.

  • 1 out of 5 people say they might not get help because of what other people might think.
  • 1 out of 3 people say they would not want anyone else to know they were in therapy.

A study that’s been done of soldiers coming home from Iraq found that only 4 in 10 service members with mental health problems said they would get help. Some of the most common reasons they gave were:

  • Worried about what others would think
  • Thought it might hurt their military career
  • Might be seen as weak

Why seek help?Here are some of the reasons why you may want to seek help.

Getting Professional Help For Ptsd

If you suspect that you or a loved one has post-traumatic stress disorder, its important to seek help right away. The sooner PTSD is treated, the easier it is to overcome. If youre reluctant to seek help, keep in mind that PTSD is not a sign of weakness, and the only way to overcome it is to confront what happened to you and learn to accept it as a part of your past. This process is much easier with the guidance and support of an experienced therapist or doctor.

Its only natural to want to avoid painful memories and feelings. But if you try to numb yourself and push your memories away, PTSD will only get worse. You cant escape your emotions completelythey emerge under stress or whenever you let down your guardand trying to do so is exhausting. The avoidance will ultimately harm your relationships, your ability to function, and the quality of your life.

Why you should seek help for PTSD

Early treatment is better. Symptoms of PTSD may get worse. Dealing with them now might help stop them from getting worse in the future. Finding out more about what treatments work, where to look for help, and what kind of questions to ask can make it easier to get help and lead to better outcomes.

PTSD symptoms can change family life. PTSD symptoms can get in the way of your family life. You may find that you pull away from loved ones, are not able to get along with people, or that you are angry or even violent. Getting help for your PTSD can help improve your family life.

Who Can Experience Ptsd Anyone

PTSD is a condition that affects people of all ages. No one is immune to trauma or how it affects the human brain. Depending on the person, PTSD may mean something different but be equally as impactful.

The experience of post-traumatic stress can vary depending on the trauma that the individual went througheven symptoms can vary between two people. In some cases, symptoms can appear nearly instantaneously. For others, it can take decades for symptoms to surface and be recognized. For many, theres a delayed onset of symptoms, when the brain is no longer as preoccupied or the person has the opportunity to absorb what has happened.

There is no definitive answer to why some people who experience trauma develop PTSD and others do not. A combination of elements may cause the disorder or make individuals more susceptible to post-traumatic stress, such as:

  • Exposure to trauma, including factors like the number of traumas experienced and the severity of those traumas
  • Familial histories of anxiety and depression
  • Emotional response
  • How your brain regulates the hormones and chemicals your body releases in response to traumatic events and stress
  • Occupations like soldiers, nurses, doctors, EMTs, law enforcement, and firefighters expose some people to more trauma than other in jobs

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The Five Stages Of Ptsd

PTSD can be a challenge, but help isnt far away. If you would like treatment or to help a loved one, we are here. Get in touch for more information below.

According to Australasian Psychiatry, over 1.15 million Australians or around 4.4% of our population experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder each year, and that number is set to rise to rates higher than ever previously reported.

The groups of people in our community with the highest rates of PTSD emergency workers and Defence Force personnel were those called on in 2019 and 2020 to provide the bushfire response and assistance during COVID-19 quarantine and lockdowns.

While these rates are expected to increase within these careers, the percentage is also increasing among health care workers who were quarantined. These pandemic heroes are now suffering PTSD at higher rates than the general public, due to the impact of COVID-19.

Due to the traumatic events we are all seeing in our lifetime, the prevalence of PTSD in Australia will only increase.

PTSD has long been associated with armed and emergency services, but we are finding that so many more everyday Australians are now dealing with the consequences of traumatic events, resulting in more and more PTSD, says Dr Anja Kriegeskotten, The Banyans Health and Wellness Consultant Psychiatrist.

Added to this is Australias increase in mental illness in veterans, who currently suffer PTSD at rate of 17.7% in the four years after discharge.

I Feel Sad All The Time

PTSD medical disorder vector illustration infographic diagram

Feeling sad, down, heavy or blue most of the time for more than 2 weeks can be a sign of depression. If youare concerned that you may be depressed, talk with your health care provider or reach out to a mental healthprofessional for support. If you are a Canadian Armed Forces member, a Military or a Royal CanadianMounted Police Veteran, you can also call the Canadian Armed Forces Member Assistance Program and Veterans Affairs Canada Assistance Service 24-hour toll-free line at or .

If you are a Canadian Armed Forces member, you can contact CanadianForces Health Services, or visit the YoureNot Alone website.

If you are a Veteran, you can also contact Veterans Affairs Canadaby at or .

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Ptsd Symptoms: Difficult But Totally Normal

Maybe you experience nightmares or flashbacks. The anxiety they bring can show up without warning, like the worst kind of surprise houseguest. And you might find yourself sucked into quicksand-like swamps of anger or guilt.

The good news: All of those symptoms are normal. You might be thinking, Thats supposed to be good news? But understanding where your symptoms are coming from is the first step toward healing. And you can heal and recover from PTSD it will just take some time, says psychiatrist Molly Wimbiscus, MD.

Persistent Sadness And Being Suicidal

Complex trauma survivors often experience ongoing states of sadness and severe depression. Mood disorders are often co-morbid with complex PTSD.

Complex trauma survivors are high risk for suicidal thoughts, suicide ideation and being actively suicidal. Suicide ideation can become a way of coping, where the survivor feels like they have a way to end the severe pain if it becomes any worse. Often the deep emotional pain survivors feel, can feel unbearable. This is when survivors are at risk of developing suicidal thoughts.

For more information about suicidal issues, see my website.

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Things You Need To Know About Trauma And Ptsd: Ptsd Awareness Month

My therapist prescribed me to drink more alcohol. I had described symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder , yet once again, the diagnosis was completely missed. Even worse, this uniformed therapist suggested that I drink wine medicinally, beginning in the morning, to help cope with what he said was high anxiety. What makes this horrible advice even more dangerous is the fact that upward of fifty percent of those with PTSD also battle substance use disorder.

Im Embarrassed To Have Ptsd

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If people with PTSD see it as a sign of weakness or damage, they may feel ashamed or secretive about it. Thismay be especially true if the person has angry outbursts, flashbacks or other symptoms of PTSD when inpublic.

Embarrassment and shame can lead trauma survivors to withdraw or keep quiet about their problems. But thiscan backfire and leave them isolated and unsupported.

Remember: PTSD is a normal response to abnormal circumstances.

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Rape Or Sexual Trauma

The trauma of being raped or sexually assaulted can be shattering, leaving you feeling scared, ashamed, and alone, or plagued by nightmares, flashbacks, and other unpleasant memories. But no matter how bad you feel right now, its important to remember that you werent to blame for what happened, and you can regain your sense of safety, trust, and self-worth.

How Does Ptsd Develop

After trauma, its normal to be in shock, have painful memories, and be upset by reminders. Trauma can alsochange how people think about themselves, others, and the world leading to more extreme ideas like nowhereis safe, or no one can be trusted.

For most, these reactions will lessen over time. But for some, these reactions continue and can be severeenough to disturb everyday life.

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Find The Best Treatment For You

Today, there are several treatment options for PTSD. For some people, these treatments can get rid of symptoms altogether. Others find they have fewer symptoms or feel that their symptoms are less intense.

You can learn about effective PTSD treatment options using the National Center for PTSD’s Treatment Decision Aid. It includes videos to explain how the treatments work.

You can also build a chart to compare the treatments you like most. Both psychotherapies and medications are included in the decision aid.

From the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs.

Arousal And Reactivity Symptoms Include:

Pagekathleen.sales, Author at PTSD Update
  • Being easily startled
  • Feeling tense or on edge
  • Having difficulty sleeping
  • Having angry outbursts

Arousal symptoms are usually constant, instead of being triggered by things that remind one of the traumatic events. These symptoms can make the person feel stressed and angry. They may make it hard to do daily tasks, such as sleeping, eating, or concentrating.

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Struggling To Cope With Trauma

Our providers can help you heal from trauma and manage PTSD.

But sometimes, we have a hard time coping with what happened.

Its normal to have distressing or negative thoughts for a time after experiencing or witnessing trauma. But PTSD causes repeated intense thoughts and feelings that affect how you behave. The symptoms interfere with your functioning, notes Penberthy. And, the symptoms of PTSD stay with you long after the event is in the past.

The trauma could be from any number of events, like:

  • Natural disasters
  • Serious accident
  • Military combat

Penberthy explains, We define trauma as a direct threat to one’s life, like serious physical injury or sexual violence, or witnessing the same physical attacks or immediate threat to life happen to someone else.

Although experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event is fairly common, not everyone who experiences or witnesses trauma gets PTSD. Interestingly, only a portion of people go on to develop PTSD. An estimated 6% of males and 10% of females experience PTSD.

Avoid Spending Lots Of Time Alone

Being around other people has been shown to make you less likely to experience poor mental health after a traumatic event. While this might not be possible, if you live alone you might want to see if you can move in with family or a close friend after a traumatic event. If this isnt possible, try to spend more time with people close to you, or stay in contact with them over the phone or through video calls.

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Causes Symptoms And Risks

PTSD is caused by experiencing or witnessing single, repeated or multiple events. For example:

  • serious accidents
  • physical and sexual assault abuse. This could include childhood or domestic abuse
  • work-related exposure to trauma. Such as being in the army
  • trauma related to serious health problems or childbirth
  • war and conflict torture

Not everyone who experiences trauma will develop PTSD.

The risk of getting PTSD depends on how the experience affects you. PTSD is more likely to develop if the traumatic event:

  • is unexpected,
  • Self help

How can the NHS help me?

You can speak to your GP about your concerns. They will be able to talk to you about treatment options and coping strategies. You dont have to do what your GP thinks that you should do. But you should listen to them.

Make sure that you understand the pros and cons of your treatment options before you make a decision.

Your treatment with be managed by your GP or the community mental health team . In some cases, your treatment maybe shared between both primary and secondary care. Healthcare professionals will agree who will monitor you.

Some people will get care under the Care Programme Approach . This means that you will have a care plan and care coordinator to make sure that you get the support that you need.

Look at the following section for more information on NHS treatment.

Adult social services

What other help is available?

There may be a different service available, such as employment or isolation support.

How Long Will It Take For These Feelings To Go Away

12 signs you might be suffering from PTSD

It can take a few days, weeks or even months to recover from a traumatic event.

If someone is still experiencing some distress after a month, but these feelings are improving slowly, they will probably get better and not need treatment.

However, if they are experiencing significant distress that is not improving at all after a month, or is still present after more than three months, this might be a sign that they have developed PTSD.

Here are some things you should try and do after experiencing a traumatic event:

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You Have Ptsd You Must Be A Veteran

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, PTSD is relatively common among veterans. About 12% of Gulf War veterans and 15% of Vietnam veterans have PTSD, compared to about 8% of the general population. The data from Vietnam veterans diagnosed with PTSD is from the 1980s when clinicians just began diagnosing it. As we have learned more about PTSD, it is estimated that closer to 30% of Vietnam veterans have experienced it.

However, as the stats show, not everyone who has served in the military has PTSD. So don’t assume someone has PTSD just because they fought in a war. “This assumption is actually creating more stigma,” said Blair. Also, keep in mind that veterans can come home with physical scars and other psychological consequences, not just PTSD, Blair said.

Your Ptsd Treatment Plan

Treatment for PTSD is individual, tailored to each person. Your treatment plan may be quite different from one a friend may be following. The most important thing to understand when starting PTSD therapy is that your treatment is designed to meet your goals and there is no set time for how long treatment can take. Some people adapt quickly and meet their goals in a few months, while others need longer-term or continuous treatment.

Treatment is also not static, meaning there isnt one treatment that must be followed throughout your therapy. Your doctor or therapist may try different approaches with you before you find the therapy or combination of therapies that works for you. This takes some patience and work on your behalf, but sticking with therapy can help change your life.

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I Know Firsthand Just How Scary And Isolating Living With Cptsd Can Sometimes Be But Over The Last Three Years Ive Come To Realize It Doesnt Have To Be A Life Lived In Silence

Until I was given the skills and the tools to know how to handle my emotions and deal with my triggers, I didnt really know how to help myself or help those around me with helping me.

The healing process hasnt been an easy one for me personally, but its been restorative in a way I know I deserve.

Trauma manifests itself in our bodies emotionally, physically, and mentally and this journey has been my way of finally releasing it.

There are a number of different approaches to treating PTSD and CPTSD. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a popular form of treatment, though some studies have shown this approach doesnt work for all cases of PTSD.

How Can Parents Help

I now have PTSD : raimimemes

If your child has been through trauma, here are things you can do:

  • Help your child feel safe. They may need extra time, comfort, and care from you for a while.
  • Help your child relax. Invite them to take a few slow breaths with you. Breathe in while you count to 3. Breathe out while you count to 5.
  • Do things together that you enjoy. Trauma can make it harder to feel the positive emotions that naturally help kids recharge. Play, laugh, enjoy nature, make music or art, cook. These activities can reduce stress and build your childs resilience.
  • Reassure your child. Let them know they will get through this. And that you are there to help.
  • Let your childs doctor know what your child has been through. Get a referral to a mental health professional .
  • Tell your childs teacher that your child went through a trauma. Kids with PTSD may have more trouble focusing on schoolwork. Ask for your child to have extra help or more time to do schoolwork if they need it for a while.

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