Who May Be Eligible
SSDI:;A worker who becomes disabled. Also, certain family members may be eligible. These family members, with some limitations not fully described below, may include:;
- The workers spouse, if the spouse is caring for their child who is younger than age 16 or who is disabled;
- The workers spouse, if the spouse is age 62 or older;;
- The workers child if the child is younger than age 18. If the child is still in grade school or high school full time, the child can receive benefits up to age 19;;
- The workers child who is age 18 or older, if this adult child is disabled and became disabled before age 22;
- The workers divorced spouse, if:;
- The divorced spouse is age 62 or older,
- Was married to the worker for at least 10 years, and
- Is not currently married.
SSI:;U.S. citizens and certain legal immigrants who are financially needy. Also, who are at least 65 years old, blind or disabled.
What Is The Application Process Like
The application process to file a disability claim is relatively easy, but it is slightly more complex than the 15-minute application process for Social Security retirement benefits.
You can apply for disability benefits online at www.socialsecurity.gov, and youll need to have the following information:
- Your Social Security number
- Your birth certificate
- Medical information, such as names of doctors and hospitals where youve received care, medications you take, medical records you have, and relevant lab test results
- Details of your work history
- Your most recent W-2 or tax return
Once youve applied, there are a few other forms that need to be completed. Youll need to file a form that tells the SSA information about your medical condition, and your healthcare professionals may need to fill out forms as well. The SSA will then make a decision on whether you meet its definition of disabled.
As you might imagine, all of this paperwork, and the subsequent evaluation of your case, takes time. The SSA advises that processing a disability benefits application can take three to five months, so if you become disabled, apply as soon as possible.
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Now You Know What Could Cause Your Social Security Benefits To Stop
Social Security disability benefits may provide you with your only income if you can’t work. It’s important to know what could affect that income.
Now you know that the rules differ depending whether you’re receiving SSDI or SSI benefits. However, benefits could stop if you work too much while receiving them; if your medical condition improves and you are no longer defined as “disabled”; or, for SSI, if you exceed asset limits. Your benefits could also end if you switch to retirement benefits.
With these factors in mind, you can plan for how to protect your access to benefits, or how to adjust your budget once you know your benefits will be coming to an end.
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If You’re Not Sure Why You Received A Payment
Contact the authorizing agency directly to find out why they sent the payment. You may be able to find the authorizing agency in the memo line of the check. View this diagram of a sample Treasury check to help you locate the authorizing agency contact information on your own check. Scroll about half way down the page to see the diagram.;
If you’re unable to find which;agency authorized the payment, .;They;can help you determine which government agency you need to contact. To find which;RFC;you need to call, look for its city and state at the top;center of the check.;
Use the Treasury Check Verification System to verify that;the check is legitmate and issued by the;;government. ;
The Other Parts Of Medicare
- Medicare Advantage Plan people with Medicare Parts A and Part B can choose to receive all of their health care services through plans that are offered by private companies and approved by Medicare. For more information, we recommend you read Medicares How do Medicare Advantage Plans work?
- Medicare Part D helps pay for medications doctors prescribe for treatment. For more information on the enrollment periods for Part D, we recommend you read Medicares How to get prescription drug coverage page.
If you receive Medicare and have limited resources and income, you may be eligible for Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs.
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How Does The Social Security Administration Determine Disability For Veterans
Veterans applying for Social Security disability benefits need to meet several eligibility criteria.;
To be eligible, you:
- Must be unable to do substantial work because of your medical condition; AND
- Your medical condition must have lasted, or be expected to last, at least one year or result in death.;
Again, while the VA awards disability benefits for partial or short-term disability, the SSA does not. Veterans need to fully meet these requirements to be eligible.;
In some cases, an applicants condition will improve, and the SSA would no longer deem them disabled. In this case, the veteran would qualify for a closed period of disability. The requirements include:
- Medical evidence must show that the applicant was unable to engage in substantial work for a continuous period of 12 months, but the applicants condition improved by the time the disability decision was made.;
- The applicant must file an application within 14 months after the disability ended.;
- Applicants that meet the above requirements must wait five months before their first disability payment. Applicants can receive up to 12 months of retroactive benefits from the filing date.;
Next Steps For Apply For Ssdi Or Ssi Benefits
Evidence required by DDS for case documentation
Once you apply for disability benefits with the SSA, the Disability Determination Services , a division of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, will review your case. DDS will review medical information and vocational information, if necessary, that includes:
- A history of all work performed in the last 15 years
- A description of;the physical demands;and skill requirements for each job
- Educational history
When all required medical and vocational information is received, the disability examiner and staff physician and/or psychologist carefully evaluate each claim, using a sequential evaluation process.
The following people or agencies can help supply the information that is needed to process a claim for disability benefits.
- Treating physicians and psychologists
- Consultative examinations authorized by the DDS
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Not Following Up On Your Claim Status
First, you should follow up to make sure that Social Security received all of the information you submitted. Second, you should confirm that the information they received included all of the information they wanted and that they are not waiting for any additional information you need to supply.
Once this is done, you should then check on the status of your claim every 30-60 days to ensure that your claim is still pending with their office. Decisions that they issue often get lost.; Therefore, you should always follow up with Social Security until you receive a written decision.
Applying for both Social Security and VA disability benefits is no easy feat. However, by taking the time to do so, youre ensuring that you receive all of the support youre entitled to as a veteran.;
Comply With Your Medical Treatment
In correlation with the above tip, it is as important to comply with your physicians prescribed medical treatment than it is to have it.; In order to win your disability claim, you have to prove that, despite complying with your medical treatment, you are still unable to work.;;
The point is: are you doing all you can to comply with your doctors prescribed course of treatment?
And despite your compliance, are you still unable to work?
If you disagree with your physicians recommended treatment plan, then you should discuss this with your physician. They can then document this and explore potential treatment alternatives.;
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Ask A California Disability Lawyer: Can I Apply For Ssdi By Myself
We often try to do things by ourselves instead of hiring professionals. Sometimes its because of a can-do attitude, and sometimes we just hope to save a little money. But the problem is that professionals have more in-depth knowledge. They know how to handle problems when they arise. For example, you might need to apply for benefits like Social Security Disability Insurance . The forms are online, so it should be easy, right? If you are wondering if you can apply for SSDI by yourself, ask a California disability lawyer.
Heres why.
Will The President’s Promise Protect Retirees
This Biden quote on Social Security may be comforting to current and future retirees who worry about the fate of the benefits program. After all, if Biden is unwilling to cut benefits, it may seem like things can’t change for the worse.;
There’s just one problem. Social Security’s trust fund is on track to run dry in 2035 or earlier, unless some changes are made to shore up the program. If the trust fund runs out, an automatic 24% benefits cut would have to occur as benefits could only be paid out of current revenue being collected.;
Lawmakers need to act to prevent this from occurring — and the sooner the better, as each year of delay only makes it more difficult and expensive to fix the coming shortfalls. And since Democrats currently have an extremely narrow majority in both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, any reforms to Social Security would likely have to be bipartisan.;
While Biden has suggested fixing Social Security’s financial situation by assessing more taxes on high earners, Republicans generally favor approaches such as raising full retirement age — which is a de facto benefits cut.;
If lawmakers were to reach a bipartisan compromise to shore up Social Security,; it almost assuredly would need to include ideas from both sides of the aisle, which would probably mean more taxes, but also some changes that reduce benefits. This is what happened the last time Congress made major reforms to the program back in 1983.;
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What Other Requirements Are Beneficiaries Required To Meet
In order to receive Disability Insurance, a worker must have worked during at least one-fourth of his or her adult lifetime and during at least 5 of the 10 years before disability onset. There is also a five-month waiting period before a worker can qualify for benefits.
Supplemental Security provides assistance to people with severe disabilities who have very low incomes and assets and who either lack sufficient work history to be covered for Disability Insurance or receive only a very small Disability Insurance benefit. It is important to note that many Supplemental Security beneficiaries, although lacking the sustained work history necessary to be insured under Disability Insurance, have worked and paid into the Disability Insurance system. And others, particularly women, are not eligible for Disability Insurance because they took time out of the paid labor force to care for children or other family members.
Workers must apply for and exhaust all other available benefits before qualifying for Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security. Accordingly, Social Securitys disability programs serve as a true last resort for people with severe disabilities and little to no ability to work.
Reaching Retirement Age While On Ssdi
Social Security disability beneficiaries who reach full retirement age will see their disability benefits stop, since one cannot receive both Social Security disability benefits and Social Security retirement benefits at the same time. If you’re receiving SSDI when you reach full retirement age, you will instead begin to receive payments under the Social Security retirement benefits program.
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If Your Spouse Also Worked Under Social Security
If your spouse is eligible for retirement benefits on their own record, we will always pay that amount first. But, if the spouses benefit that is payable on your record is a higher amount, they will get a combination of the two benefits that equals the higher amount.
If your spouse will also receive a pension based on work not covered by Social Security, such as government or foreign work, their Social Security benefit on your record may be affected.
The Facts On Social Security Disability Insurance And Supplemental Security Income For Workers With Disabilities
Endnotes and citations are available in the PDF and Scribd versions.
Nearly one out of every six working-age Americans29.5 million peoplehas a disability, making them much more likely to experience economic hardship than people without disabilities. Many people with disabilities are able to work, although they face greater challenges finding work than people without disabilities. But many individuals with severe and long-lasting disabilities have no or only limited capacity to work and are particularly vulnerable to economic hardship.
For roughly 12 million people with disabilities, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income, both core components of our nations Social Security system, provide critical lifelines. The modest but vital assistance that Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security provide makes it possible for individuals with severe disabilities and health conditions to live independently, keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, and pay for needed, often life-sustaining medications and other basic expenses.
This issue brief answers some of the common questions about Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security. Our focus in this brief is on nonelderly adults with severe disabilities. It is important to note, however, that Supplemental Security also provides vital support to some 1.2 million children with severe disabilities, as well as more than 2 million low-income seniors.
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How To Stop Social Security Benefits
If youre receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits, you can cancel or suspend the payments if you wish to do so. For example, you may have started to receive retirement benefits before age 65 and then returned to work to find your benefits are being significantly reduced by your earnings. However, your options for cancelling or suspending your benefits are limited, and can, in some cases, incur significant costs.
How Do Benefits Work And How Can I Qualify
While you work, you pay Social Security taxes. This tax money goes into a trust fund that pays benefits to:
Those who are currently retired
To people with disabilities
To the surviving spouses and children of workers who have died
Each year you work, youll get credits to help you become eligible for benefits when its time for you to retire. Find all the benefits Social Security Administration offers.
There are four main types of benefits that the SSA offers:
Learn about earning limits if you plan to work while receiving Social Security benefits
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Apply For Cpp Disability Benefits
To apply online, you must:
- be over the age of 18 and younger than 66 years
- have made CPP contributions
- have a Canadian address
Note: The Online CPP disability benefits application lets you save the progress made on your application after each completed section. You can come back to it within 90 days. This allows you to finish your application in multiple sessions.
You will not be able to apply online if:
- you live in Quebec and have contributed to both the CPP and QPP
- you are already in pay for CPP disability benefits
- you do not have a Canadian address
- your disability benefit was terminated because you returned back to work less than 2 years ago
- you have a payee on file
- you are under the control of a trustee
If any of the above applies to you, you will need to:
- mail the form or bring it to a Service Canada Centre
After you apply, you may sign in to your MSCA at any time to submit documents in support of your application for CPP disability benefits.
The Basics About Disability Benefits
The SSDI program pays benefits to you and certain if you are insured. This means that you worked long enough and recently enough and paid Social Security taxes on your earnings. The program pays benefits to adults and children with disabilities who have limited income and resources.
While these two programs are different, the medical requirements are the same. If you meet the non-medical requirements, monthly benefits are paid if you have a medical condition expected to last at least one year or result in death.
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If You Start Working Or Your Medical Condition Improves Or You Change Your Living Situation Your Disability Benefits Could Be Terminated
By Aaron Hotfelder, J.D., University of Missouri School of Law
If you’re receiving Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income , it’s important to understand the circumstances in which your disability benefits might be terminated. Returning to work and experiencing medical improvement are two of the most common reasons, but several other major life changes could cause your benefits to stop as well.
When Does Disability Pay More Than Social Security
Your PIA is the amount youd receive if you were to qualify for disability benefits. Its not that simple with Social Security benefits, however. While youre technically eligible to begin taking Social Security benefits at age 62, you wont receive your PIA until your;full retirement age , which will fall somewhere between 66 and 67. At 62, your benefit amount would be only 70% of your PIA, increasing gradually until you reach your FRA.
This means that between 62 and your FRA, your; disability benefit would be higher. And theres an additional benefit to taking disability: By electing for disability instead of Social Security, you allow your Social Security benefit to continue growing.
This disparity is even greater if you happen to become disabled after you turn, say, 63. The reason here is that your Social Security benefits will be determined by your PIA for the year you turn 62, while your disability benefits would be calculated with your PIA for the next year. Provided your AIME is the same or higher, then your PIA for the later year will be higher.
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