Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What Is The Difference Between Disorder And Disability

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Blue Book Of Mental Impairments

Antisocial Personality Disorder vs. Borderline Personality Disorder

Qualifying mental disorders for disability are outlined in a disability handbook knowns as the Blue Book of mental impairments. The Social Security Blue Book provides information regarding what mental disorders qualify for social security disability. The Blue Book of disability and mental disorders outlines conditions from a listing of impairments under a mental disorder subheading. There are nine categories of mental disorders outlined in the Blue Book, although other mental health conditions that are not listed may also qualify for benefits.

The 9 categories of mental disorders in the Blue Book includes:

Descriptions Of Disorder And Handicap:

Disorder: A disorder usually refers to a disease that disturbs proper functioning.

Handicap: A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits the subjects movements, senses, and activities.

Characteristics of Disorder and Disability:

  • Treatment:

Disorder: Almost all of the disorders can be cured with medication, remedy, and can be healed.

Disability: While some problems can be cured, but some cannot be cured although they can be reduced through the use of medication.

  • Examples:

Disorder: Panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, hypomania, delusional disorder, schizophrenia, and going to bed disorder are some illustrations of disorders.

Disability: Physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, physical disfigurement, physical disabilities, mental illnesses, and neurological disabilities couple of types of disabilities.

Learning Disabilities Vs Intellectual Disabilities

Considering the terms learning disabilities vs intellectual disabilities can be confusing at first. After all, isnt learning an intellectual function? And cant learning enhance intelligence? While the terms learning and intelligence can and do relate to each other, learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities are two very different concepts, affecting kids and their potential in unique ways. This look at learning disabilities vs intellectual disabilities will end some of the confusion.

Like learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities impact learning. They are both covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act , the special education law that ensures that children receive individualized support at school. These similarities are significant, but understanding these disabilities comes from grasping their differences.

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What Is The Difference Between A Learning Disability And A Learning Difficulty

In general, a learning disability constitutes a condition which affects learning and intelligence across all areas of life, whereas a learning difficulty constitutes a condition which creates an obstacle to a specific form of learning, but does not affect the overall IQ of an individual. For example, Downs syndrome is classed as a learning disability, whereas dyslexia is classed as a learning difficulty, in that it only affects an individuals relationship to the processing of information, usually manifested in problems with reading, writing, and spelling.

Difference Between Disability And Impairment

Definition Of Handicapped Disability

Disability vs Impairment

The image of a person sitting in a wheelchair comes to our mind whenever we hear the word impairment or disability. This is because of the similarities and overlap between the two terms and also because of the way we have been led to believe. Disability is a rather generic term that includes impairment and refers to lack of ability or restriction of ability to perform a task to the level that is considered normal for other human beings. Impairment is a related concept that talks about abnormality or loss of structure or functionality of one or more body parts. There are many more differences between disability and impairment that will be highlighted in this article.


Disability can be a result of impairment such as visual or hearing impairment. It could be because of activity limitations that are the difficulties experienced by people in performing certain activities, or it could be a problem of participation in situations in life. Thus, it becomes clear that disability is a problem bigger than just impairment.


What is the difference between Disability and Impairment?

Disability is a generic term whereas impairment is specific.

Disability is at a non-medical level whereas impairment is at a medical level.

Impairment is an abnormality in the structure or function of an organ.

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Different Types Of Disabilities

You may come across many disabilities in your work life. Some examples of common disabilities you may find are:

  • vision Impairment
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • physical disability.

If your staff memberâs disability is not clear to you, ask how it effects their work and if they need adjustments so they can work to the best of their ability.

DO NOT ask the person how they got the disability

Vision impairment refers to people who are blind or who have partial vision.

When talking with a person who is blind or has a vision impairment:

  • always identify yourself and any others with you
  • ask if the person requires assistance, and listen for specific instructions, however be prepared for your offer to be refused.

If guiding a person, let them take your arm, rather than taking theirs. Describe any changes in the environment such as steps, obstacles, etc.

If the person has a guide dog, please remember the dog is working and should not be patted, fed or distracted.


  • Ensure front of office staff are briefed and prepared on how to greet and assist people with vision impairment.
  • Allow more time and greater flexibility for training and induction.
  • Be aware that glare and poor lighting may exacerbate vision impairment.

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Who Is Eligible For Ada

Who Is Protected Under the ADA? The ADA protects qualified individuals with disabilities. An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities has a record of such an impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment.

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Is Disorder A Disability

The disability listings contain criteria that the disorders must meet to be considered disabling. But even if your disorder doesnt meet the listing, if you can prove you cant do even a simple, unskilled job due to emotional, psychiatric, or brain-related problems, you could get disability benefits.

Areas Of Dysfunction :

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An individual with an I.Q.3 below 70 would be labelled as intellectually disabled. An overall subaverage intellect usually affects all major areas of functioning including

  • Communication

Learning Disability is confined to difficulties in areas pertaining to learning skills like

  • reading,
  • understanding and
  • visual processing.

The I.Q. of a learning disabled person may be average and he/she may show no difficulty in communication or self help skills.

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Question: Whats The Difference Between A Learning Disability And An Intellectual Disability

In the U.S. these terms have very different meanings. An intellectual disability describes below-average IQ and a lack of skills needed for daily living. This condition used to be called mental retardation.

A learning disability refers to weaknesses in certain academic skills. Reading, writing and math are the main ones.

Several causes need to be ruled out for a child to be identified with this type of disability. Her learning challenges cant be caused by low intelligence. Problems with hearing or vision also need to be ruled out. The same goes for a lack of educational opportunity.

One way parents can get confused between the two is by searching online. Thats because the British call learning disabilities learning difficulties. And they call intellectual disabilities learning disabilities.

Both types of disabilities affect learning. And both are covered by special education law. But theyre not the same thing. This is one of the most common misconceptions about learning disabilities in the U.S.

Difference Between Intellectual Disability And Learning Disability

Categorized under Disease,Health | Difference between Intellectual Disability and Learning Disability

Aetiologies of intellectual disability

Difference between Intellectual Disability and Learning Disability is well defined in science and psychology yet people often mistake one for the other.

Intellectual Disability is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder that affects ones social, academic, communication, and daily life functions. Until few years, Intellectual Disability was wrongly called Mental Retardation. However, with the advancement in the classification and taxonomy of disorders, the term Intellectual Disability was coined and is now used for people who have an intelligence level below average.

Learning Disability, on the other hand, is a condition which affects the different areas of learning and interferes with the academic achievements of the individual. It includes reading, writing, comprehending and organizing language and mathematics. Learning Disabilities were previously mistaken to be intellectual faults. But with increase in the medical and psycho-social advancements, it has been proved that just a low I.Q. level is not enough to indicate Learning Disability.

This statement can be justified by saying that world famous personalities like Albert Einstein and Walt Disney were victims of Learning Disability in their childhood. However, their future achievements are known to all and show that they were intellectually above average.

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What Happens To Disability Payments When You Turn Age 65

Disability payments may be rolled over into retirement payments, paid in lieu of retirement payments, or paid in addition to retirement payments. People receive disability payments from sources including private insurance, Social Security and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs . People who receive disability from the VA may also receive disability from Social Security or another program. Disability benefits may or may not be affected when you reach the retirement age of 65.

Unbiased Record Reveals The Unanswered Questions On Difference Between Dysthymia And Clinical Depression

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In discussing conditions that include adjustments in state of mind, it is very important to explain that not all clinically depressed states show a psychiatric problem. If your spouse abandons you or you shed a parent, its normal to really feel depressed. In such instances, the depression might be a recurring difference between dysthymia and clinical depression, extremely reduced, pessimistic state of mind yet is proper to the conditions. The borderline individual demonstrates much more sensitivity to fairly minor occasions and also demonstrates contradictory feelings that erupt over a short time.

A person with bipolar illness will certainly experience episodes of mania as well as at various other times experience episodes of depression. These arent the regular durations of happiness as well as unhappiness that everyone experiences every now difference between dysthymia and clinical depression and then. Instead, the episodes are extreme or serious state of mind swings, like a pendulum that maintains arcing greater and higher. These various other ailments as well as misdiagnoses can make it tough to deal with bipolar disorder.

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Intellectual Skills Vs Social Communication

Intellectual Disability manifests itself in tasks such as reasoning, problem solving, planning, abstract thinking, decision-making, academic learning or learning by own experience. All this is observed on a day-to-day basis, but it can also be evaluated using standardized scales.

In the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder, the main diagnostic criterion It is not the intellectual area, but the area of social communication and interaction What is manifested in the following way: little social-emotional reciprocity unwillingness to share interests, emotions, or affections the presence of a qualitative impairment of communication and a difficulty in adapting behavior to the norms of different contexts.

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What Is The Difference Between Activity Limitation And Participation Restriction

The World Health Organization published the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in 2001. The ICF provides a standard language for classifying body function and structure, activity, participation levels, and conditions in the world around us that influence health. This description helps to assess the health, functioning, activities, and factors in the environment that either help or create barriers for people to fully participate in society.

According to the ICF:

  • Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual.
  • Participation is a persons involvement in a life situation.

The ICF acknowledges that the distinction between these two categories is somewhat unclear and combines them, although basically, activities take place at a personal level and participation involves engagement in life roles, such as employment, education, or relationships. Activity limitations and participation restrictions have to do with difficulties an individual experiences in performing tasks and engaging in social roles. Activities and participation can be made easier or more difficult as a result of environmental factors, such as technology, support and relationships, services, policies, or the beliefs of others.

The ICF includes the following in the categories of activities and participation:

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Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental, emotional and psychiatric conditions. The type, extent, and severity of symptoms can widely vary from person to person. Mental health conditions do not always follow a predictable pattern and can present at any point during a persons lifespan. When mental illness notably impacts a persons ability to function on a daily basis in academic, occupational or social settings, the term psychiatric disability is used.

Mental illness is a disability when it disrupts performance and negatively influences a persons day-to-day activities. The degree and extent that a persons functioning is impaired is another important factor in defining mental health disability.

Some Characteristics Of Asperger’s Syndrome

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Those with Asperger’s syndrome are typically of average or above average intelligence, and can show a wide range of behaviours and social skills. People with Asperger’s syndrome may display some of the following characteristics:

  • difficulty in forming friendships
  • ability to talk well, either too much or too little, but difficulty with communication
  • inability to understand that communication involves listening as well as talking
  • a very literal understanding of what has been said. For example, when asked to ‘get lost’, as in go away, a person with Asperger’s syndrome will be confused and may literally try to ‘get lost’
  • inability to understand the rules of social behaviour, the feelings of others and to ‘read’ body language. For example, a person with Asperger’s syndrome may not know that someone is showing that they are cross when frowning
  • sensitivity to criticism
  • a narrow field of interests. For example a person with Asperger’s syndrome may focus on learning all there is to know about cars, trains or computers
  • eccentricity.
  • Establish routines and predictable environments.
  • Inform people with autism what is about to happen before it occurs.

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Learning Disabilities Vs Intellectual Disabilities: What Constitutes A Learning Disorder

Learning disabilities are processing problems within the brain. There are three main categories of disability plus others, all of which can disrupt a childs ability to learn in those areas. The three core learning disabilities affect the fundamental academic areas of reading , writing , and mathematics . Within each area, different kids can experience different effects and difficulties.

In addition to dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, different learning disabilities types include auditory, language, and visual processing disorders plus nonverbal learning disorder. The primary feature of a learning disability is that it is a processing problem of the brain. In addition to learning difficulties, kids with learning disabilities can experience such things as:

  • Motor skills deficits, both fine and gross
  • Problems with hand-eye coordination
  • Slow processing speed
  • Difficulties with logic and reasoning

The struggles a child with a learning disability faces are varied because of the differences in each disability, but in general, they involve what has been called weaknesses in certain areas of the brain .

Outside of their area of disability, children with learning disabilities generally do well in school. The concept, smart kids with learning disabilities, is often used to describe these children.

If these traits define learning disabilities, what describes intellectual disabilities?

Disabilities: Definition Types And Models Of Disability

Updated/Revised Date: 2021-08-08Author: Disabled World | Contact us

Synopsis: Definition of disability including types of disabilities and defines the meaning of the various models of disability. Disabilities can affect people in different ways, even when one person has the same type of disability as another person. Categories of disability types include various physical and mental impairments that can hamper or reduce a person’s ability to carry out their day to day activities.

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Difference Between Disability And Disorder

Key difference: Disability is an injury that restricts the functions or movements of a person. Disorder is an illness that causes disruption to the functions of a person.

Disability is the consequence of an impairment caused to a person. It is essentially a medical condition, which doesn’t allow a person to function in a normal manner. Disability can be present in a person since birth, or can come about during his/her lifetime.Disabilities can be characterized into various forms such as phsical disability, mental disability, sensory disabily, olfactory disability, etc. It is noteworthy that words such as disorder, impairment, handicap, etc. are used interchangeably with disability. However, these terms also have their own associations, such as the term ‘disorder’ is often used for mental disabilities and ‘impairment’ is used for sensory disabilities such as vision impairment, speech impairment, etc.

Comparison between Disability and Disorder:

Whats The Difference Between Mental Illness And Mental Disorder

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According to The World Health Organization, one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.

Mental illnesses and disorders can strike at any time and are not discriminative of who they affect. Some people will struggle with their mental health for years while others may always have to manage the symptoms of their condition.

But what is the difference between mental illness and mental disorder? Keep reading this article to learn more about the differences.

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