Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Nerve Damage Considered A Disability

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VA Disability Benefits for Nerve Damage

Depending on your type of peripheral nerve disorder, its severity, and its cause, your doctor will suggest a treatment plan. Sometimes, this plan involves surgery, medications, devices like a TENS unit, assistive devices like canes and braces, and lifestyle changes.

Unlike brain and spinal nerves, your peripheral nerves continue to grow throughout your life. This makes them more resilient and can allow for a fuller recovery. However, while doctors can repair herniated discs, remove pressure from your carpal tunnel, and prescribe medications that minimize your pain, they cannot repair every damaged nerve.

How Functional Limitations Limit The Type Of Work You Can Do

Determining how your chronic pain limits you physically can be tricky. You may be able to stand or walk for an hour without resting, but only by gritting your teeth against the pain. Or perhaps a long walk feels fine at the time, but you pay for it later with sore muscles or exhaustion. When applying, you need to be realistic about how your pain would limit you in full-time employment. If you can only stand or walk an hour at a time by ignoring a great deal of pain, you probably cannot stand or walk an hour at a time every day to do a job.

And don’t forget to write down all the things you do to relieve your pain throughout the day. Do you have to put your feet up periodically? Do you need to lie down or nap every day? Is it important that you are able to stand up and stretch your legs when whenever you want? Do you have to apply heat or cold packs throughout the day? These are physical limitations that affect your ability to work some full-time jobs, so you need to include them in your application. Remember, if you don’t write it down, Social Security won’t know all the ways your pain limits you.

Contact An Experienced North Carolina Ssd Benefits Lawyer

The SSA maintains a list of impairments that are considered so severe that they automatically qualify one for disability benefits as long as all other requirements are met. These conditions are found in the SSAs Blue Book, which describes the medical evidence that is needed to prove the impairment.

You can also be declared disabled if you have a condition that is considered to be equal in severity to a listed impairment.

Even if you dont have a listed impairment or one considered equal in severity to a listed one, you may still be deemed to be disabled if you can show that your medical condition keeps you from working or doing any other type of work.

Allow Hardison & Cochran to put its skill and experience to work for you in seeking disability benefits. In particular, we can help you to gather the medical evidence you need to show you are disabled.

Contact us today;and receive a free and immediate review of your case.

For More Information:

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Carpal Tunnel In The Workplace

Carpal tunnel syndrome can be incredibly painful. causing tingling, pain, numbness in the affected hand. It can also make it difficult to use that hand, particularly when it comes to grasping and other fine motor movements. If you have been diagnosed with CTS, you may find it challenging to carry out the normal functions of your job.

CTS can make it hard to perform basic tasks, such as:

  • Lifting items
  • Writing
  • Using tools;

In some cases, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by repetitive motions performed at work. Even if this is not the case, having to perform certain movements at work, like using a mouse, typing, or using a vibrating tool, can exacerbate the symptoms of CTS and make it harder to reduce the inflammation of the median nerve.

Symptoms of CTS can also distract you from being able to perform your job, and may even lead to other conditions, such as depression. Constant pain and an inability to fully use your hand and arm can make it harder to concentrate even if you dont need that hand or arm to perform your job.

A Tie Goes To The Veteran

Is Trigeminal Neuralgia Considered A Disability & Is It A ...

If there are two equally strong exams with conflicting data, or if the sciatica issue can be equally rated under two different codes, then the one that offers the highest rating will be used. Remember, every conflict is resolved in support of the higher rating. If they can be shown to warrant separate ratings, then they will be combined together.

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Running With Sciatic Pain

I love running!

But running with sciatica? I was skeptical.

Although running doesnt cause sciatica, you use a lot of your lower body, which is usually affected by sciatica.

On top of that, the bouncing motion and impact from hitting the ground could cause aggravation in your back, legs and feet

With that said, running has great benefits! It can help you ;

  • Strengthen your back and abs
  • Up your cardio game
  • Ease back into an exercise regime, since its suited for all ages and every level of fitness

If youre a runner and live with sciatica, remember to stretch first!

Its a great way to warm up, youd be more limber and should recover faster too. ;

Heres a quick 7-minute pre-run stretch for you. It takes me the same amount of time to find my sneakers.

Talking about sneakers, how are yours holding up?

How you run and how supportive your shoes are have a greater effect of your sciatica than you think!

If youre able to, custom-fit is ideal. Otherwise, look for shoes with built-in shock absorber.

Or how about no shoes at all? Thats right barefoot over grass or a sandy beach! ;

Start slow, your tender toes may not have touched the bare earth since who knows when. Its a liberating feeling

What Underlying Back Conditions Cause Nerve Root Compression

The SSA notes several examples of back conditions that can involve nerve compression:

  • herniated disc
  • facet arthritis, and
  • vertebral fracture.

There may be other back problems that lead to nerve root compression that the SSA didn’t list; benefits can be awarded for nerve root compression caused by other conditions as well, if the condition meets the requirements above.

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Explain How Your Peripheral Neuropathy Prevents You From Working

To qualify for long term disability benefits due to peripheral neuropathy, your condition must be severe enough to significantly diminish your ability to perform your work.

If your work is physical or requires you to be on your feet, your peripheral neuropathy may make it very difficult for you to work. ;You may be unable to tolerate the prolonged standing/walking or use the tools required to perform your job.; It may also become difficult or dangerous for you to navigate your work environment.; In some cases, you may even pose a physical danger to others .

Even if your work is sedentary , your peripheral neuropathy may be disabling. ;Your condition may be disabling if your symptoms worsen with prolonged sitting, you have difficulty getting up from the seated position, or you lack the fine motor skills necessary to use a computer on a sustained basis.

Make sure to document the specific ways your neuropathy interferes with your job duties.

List Of Neurological Disorders And Their Descriptions

VA Disability for Nerve Damage and Nerve Conditions

Synopsis: Alphabetical list of currently known Human Neurological Conditions including short definitions for each type of disorder. A neurological disorder is defined as any disorder of the body nervous system. They can affect the brain as well as the spinal cord and body nerves. According to the University of California, San Francisco, there are more than 600 neurological disorders that strike millions each year.

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What Are Peripheral Nerves

Your nervous system is made up of two essential parts. First, your central nervous system, which includes your brain and spinal cord, processes and responds to information. Second, your peripheral nervous system, uses nerves that run throughout your body to connect the central nervous system with your muscles, organs, and other structures.

There are three main types of peripheral nerves:

  • Autonomic nerves control unconscious activities like breathing, heartbeat, and digestion
  • Motor nerves control intentional muscle movements letting you walk, talk, reach, and grasp
  • Sensory nerves transmit information that your brain interprets as touch, temperature, and pain
  • Doctors frequently compare your peripheral nerves to telephone lines or internet cables. When they malfunction, the messages they transmit can become garbled, misconstrued, or even lost. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling, burning pain, sensitivity to touch, and muscle weakness.

    Doctors refer to these malfunctions as peripheral nerve disorders or neuropathy, and there are more than 100 different known peripheral disorder diagnoses. Today, an estimated 20 million people live with a nerve disorder.

    Speech And Language Assessment

    What follows are a list of frequently used measures of speech and language skills, and the age-ranges for which they are appropriate.

    • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool
    • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
    • MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories
    • The Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale
    • Preschool Language Scale
    • Expressive One-word Picture Vocabulary Test
    • Bankson-Bernthal Phonological Process Survey Test
    • Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 2
    • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test

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    % Individual Unemployability For Nerve Damage

    Individual unemployability, often referred to as TDIU, means that VA is required to pay veterans at the 100 percent rate, even if their service-connected conditions do not combine to a 100 percent rating, if the veteran is unable to work as a result of those conditions.

    As such, if a veterans nerve condition is preventing them from standing, sitting, walking, lifting heavy objects, etc. without substantial pain, veterans may have trouble securing and maintaining a job.; If this is the case, they may be eligible for TDIU.; This alternative to the 100 percent rating is important as it is often very difficult to achieve the highest rating for nerve damage on its own based on the rating criteria outlined above.

    Can I Obtain Social Security Disability For Peripheral Neuropathy

    10 Tips for healing sciatic nerve pain according to health ...

    Peripheral neuropathy can severely limit mobility and other physical activities. This makes it very difficult or impossible to be independent, which makes it tough to hold down a job and support yourself. However, if your condition meets certain criteria, you may qualify for disability benefits.

    The nerve damage that results in peripheral neuropathy can be caused by physical trauma such as car accidents, botched surgical procedures, or repetitive stress injuries. It can also be caused by diseases, disorders, cancers, infections, or exposure to toxins, as well as genetic disorders and nutritional deficiencies. Diabetes mellitus, an endocrine disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels, is a common cause of peripheral neuropathy. As many as 70 percent of diabetics in the United States have some form of nervous system damage, according to the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. People who suffer from CMT may find it difficult to maintain employment due to the symptoms of the disease. In such cases, applying for disability benefits for peripheral neuropathy may be appropriate.

    To qualify for disability benefits for peripheral neuropathy, you must meet the criteria in the Social Security Administrations Blue Book:

    If you do not meet the criteria in the Blue Books disability listing, you may be able to prove you are entitled to benefits by having the SSA conduct a residual functional capacity evaluation.

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    What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome that causes numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and arm. It is caused by pressure on the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of a persons wrist. There are a number of potential causes of CTS, including health problems, repetitive hand motions, and the anatomy of your wrist.

    The median nerve provides sensation to the palm side of your thumb and fingers . It also sends signals to move muscles around the base of your thumb. When the nerve is compressed or irritated, carpal tunnel syndrome may result.

    The symptoms of CTS usually start gradually, with tingling and numbness in the fingers or hands. This sensation may then travel from your wrist up your arm. At the same time, a person with CTS may experience weakness in their hand and drop objects as a result.

    There are a number of risk factors that may make a person more likely to experience CTS. These include:

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed through a combination of a review of symptoms, a physical examination, and tests such as a nerve conduction study and/or an electromyography test. There are a number of treatment options available for CTS, including splinting your wrist, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid injections. If CTS is caused by another medical condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis, treating it may help to reduce the symptoms of CTS.

    What Is Diabetic Neuropathy

    Chronically elevated levels of blood glucose may cause nerve damage that is painful and disabling. The nerve damage can occur throughout the body, but is most often experienced in the legs and feet. Neuropathy may feel like pain or numbness in your extremities. It can even affect your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels, and heart. Neuropathy is a common, but serious, complication of diabetes.

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    What Does This Mean To You

    • Have you developed neuropathy in two extremities as a result of your diabetes?
    • Have you followed the treatment prescribed by your doctor?
    • Does the neuropathy continue to interfere with walking or using your fingers, hands, and arms?

    If you answered Yes to all of the above, you may qualify for Social Security Disability based upon your diabetic neuropathy. Seek a qualified Social Security Disability attorney to help you prove your claim.

    How To Increase Your Chances Of Approval With Neuropathy

    Neuropathy, Nerve Pain and Social Security Disability

    If you have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and you want to file a claim for Social Security disability benefits, there are things that you can do to improve your chances of approval.

    The most important aspect of your claim is the medical documentation you provide, as this is the basis upon which the Social Security Administration will evaluate your claim.

    The SSA will look at your application to determine whether you can return to the work you were doing before, you cannot adjust to new work and that your disability will last at least one year.

    When you look at your application, you should make sure that it provides evidence that supports your claim that you cannot work.

    The rule of thumb about what medical information you should provide in your application is this: Include everything. The more information you provide, the greater your chances of approval.

    Your application should include a report from your doctor detailing your diagnosis and relevant medical history, the results of lab tests and imaging scans, your treatment plan, a list of all medications you are taking and any side effects you have experienced and any other information that will highlight how your diagnosis prevents you from working.

    You should think of your application in terms of providing an explanation as to why you cannot work, with the documentation you provide serving as the proof.

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    Proving The Existence Of An Impairment Beyond Pain

    Pain is a major symptom of ilioinguinal neuralgia and may be the cause of many of the limitations that occur due to the disease. While Social Security will consider pain as a factor in determining whether or not you are disabled, pain cannot be used as the sole basis for your disability claim. You must prove that there is a medical basis for your pain. Specifically, for iloinguinal neuralgia, you must provide documentation from your doctor of damage to the iloinguinal nerve as the basis for your pain. For more information on how Social Security assesses the pain despite its subjectiveness, please see our article on how Social Security evaluates claims with chronic pain.

    Does Disc Bulge Or Bulging Disc Qualify For Disability Benefits

    The Social Security Administration uses a manual for granting disability benefits to claimants which lists out medical conditions which qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. This manual is known as the Blue Book. This manual has a comprehensive list of medical conditions which according to SSA qualify for Social Security Disability benefits provided the claimant fulfills the criteria specified in the Blue Book.

    Based on the Blue Book, SSA considers Disc Bulge or Bulging Disc a disorder of the Spine and has listed it in Section 1.04 of Blue Book. In order to qualify for disability due to Disc Bulge or Bulging Disc, the first and foremost thing is that the claimant should have proof that the condition has been present for nothing less than a year of diagnosis or is expected to last for a year. This is a tough ask as symptoms of disc bulge or bulging disc either resolve on their own within a year or may be corrected by surgical procedures like spinal fusion, laminectomy, or discectomy. Additionally, the claimant needs to prove that the symptoms caused by the bulging disc are significant enough that based on the age, educational qualifications, and job history the claimant is not able to work in any position in a productive manner consistently.

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