Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Cerebral Palsy A Learning Disability

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Spinal And Hip Abnormalities

Introducing Cerebral Palsy Alliance – high quality, evidence-based training in the disability sector

Abnormalities of the spine and hips are associated with cerebral palsy and can make sitting, standing and walking difficult, and cause chronic pain. 1 in 3 children with cerebral palsy have hip displacement. Children and adults who have a severe physical disability or those whose body is affected on both sides are at greater risk of hip problems. This means that people who use wheelchairs most of the time are more at risk of hip problems than those who walk with assistive devices or independently.

Living With Cerebral Palsy Infants Children And Adults

When thinking of the future for a child with cerebral palsy, it is important that parents keep a positive attitude, just as one would with any child. It is equally important to understand the child’s abilities. A parent’s hopes are likely a mix of realistic and unrealistic dreams for the child professional help can enable the parent to adopt realistic goals. Often, a communication breakdown can occur when parents and health care experts discuss living with cerebral palsy, and the ways it affects infants, children, and adults. Improved communication between parents, physicians, and educators can enable a child to function at his or her utmost capability. Defining potential and ability is most critical during the teenage years and beyond, when the patient’s abilities are clearer to everyone involved. Learn more about how to handle children with cerebral palsy.

What Are Special Education Programs

A special education program is an education program geared towards children with disabilities. These programs are often specially designed to focus on children with birth injuries such as cerebral palsy and Erbs palsy. However, children with other forms of disabilities are also welcome at many special education programs.

Special education programs such as 504 plans can help your child get the proper accommodations for their disability at a public school. There are also scholarships designed to meet the needs of children with birth injuries such as cerebral palsy.

It can be difficult for parents to be aware of every special education opportunity. If you want to learn about which local opportunities are right for your family, talk with your local health care provider or a health care organization focused on your childs specific birth injury.

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How It Affects People

Children with cerebral palsy will have difficulties controlling their muscles and movements. The condition itself, however, is not progressive.

Depending on the area of the brain affected, some children may experience associated difficulties which become apparent as they develop. These difficulties can include:

  • Crawling and walking, dressing, maintaining posture.
  • Feeding and speech
  • Sleeping
  • Hearing or Visual impairment
  • Epilepsy – affecting one in three children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
  • Behavioural problems such as anxiety or hyperactivity these affect one in four children with cerebral palsy

A common misconception is that people with cerebral palsy inevitably have learning disabilities. This may have arisen because people with the condition can have problems controlling their facial movements and speech, and it can be difficult to understand them at first.

Cognitive or learning disabilities do occur and it is estimated that 45% of children with cerebral palsy have a learning disability.

However, as with any other children, there is a wide range of intelligence, and many perform very well at school.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy and each person with it is affected in a different way, but physiotherapy and other therapies can often help people become more independent.

Does Cerebral Palsy Affect Intelligence

Cerebral Palsy

Does cerebral palsy affect intelligence? While cerebral palsy does not affect cognitive functions like intelligence, about 50% of individuals with CP have an intellectual disability.

This article will explain why intellectual disabilities are so common amongst individuals with cerebral palsy and how to overcome them.

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Homeschooling Children With Learning Disabilities

Many parents of children with birth injuries decide to choose homeschooling. Homeschooling may be the best option if you believe that public schools cannot provide your child with the right amount of attention and resources for academic growth and success.

Many homeschooled children with learning disabilities are utilizing online learning options. Parents homeschooling their children can help them with the pace, presentation and instruction of online learning. This level of customization can create a personalized learning experience which may be best suited for your child.

National organizations such as the National Center for Learning Disabilities can answer your questions on homeschooling a child with a disability. You may also want to talk with your local health care provider.

How Many People Have Cerebral Palsy

About one in every 400 children is affected by cerebral palsy in the UK, with the condition affecting people from all ethnic and social groups. .

Scope works with disabled people and their families, offering practical support through information, education and everyday care, and aiming to challenge assumptions about disability.

The NHS also has a page dedicated to cerebral palsy.

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What Teachers Should Know

Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects muscle tone, movement, and coordination.

CP affects each child differently. Some kids have balance problems that affect how they walk. Some have trouble with small movements, like forming letters on a page. Others have problems with more areas of the body, including the arms, legs, and face. This can make it hard to walk, talk, see, hear, learn, and more. Some kids with CP also have other medical problems, like seizures.

Theres no cure for CP, but therapy can help improve a childs skills. Kids may benefit from occupational therapy , physical therapy , and speech therapy. To get around, they may have braces, crutches, or a wheelchair. Kids also may use technology for writing and communicating.

Is Cerebral Palsy A Mental Disability

How it feels speaking with cerebral palsy learning disability

Adults with Cerebral Palsy May Have Elevated Risk of Some Mental Health Disorders. Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in children. CP is caused by brain damage early in life that affects muscle coordination. People with CP may have lifelong challenges with movement, communication, and health.

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Options For Private Schooling

Private school for a child with a disability can be a great option for those dealing with specific needs or restrictions that would directly impact their education.

The two general types of private school are:

  • Conventional Private School
  • Special Education Centers

Both types of schooling present a number of advantages and disadvantages for a child with CP that should be taken into consideration.

Full Inclusion In Public School

Students should be mainstreamed within the education system as often as possible. This allows them to be in an environment where other students are exhibiting age-appropriate behaviors and learning from each other.

Full inclusion gives all children a chance to participate in a normal classroom setting. A child with cerebral palsy would be accompanied by a teachers aide or counselor instead of being taken out of the classroom and excluded from the group. Children would still have access to self-contained classrooms and one-on-one help when needed for specific lessons or testing.

However, the one major disadvantage to full inclusion within public schooling is that a student with CP may not receive the help or attention they need in the classroom due to teachers being insufficiently trained or preoccupied with other students. Also, this may not be the best option if a child is dealing with a severe physical restriction or mental ability, as they could become overwhelmed or disruptive in a typical classroom setting.

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What Are Some Of The Signs That A Child May Be Struggling With A Cognitive Impairment

A childs cognitive impairment might be something that is difficult to detect. Typically, parents realize that something is different about their child as a child fails to meet established developmental benchmarks. Still, the signs that a child has a cognitive impairment might be written off to other factors. It goes without saying that if a parent suspects that something is wrong, he or she could consult a physician even if the issue at hand seems minimal.

Child development experts know that young children, even from a young age, respond to their environment, sometimes positively and other times negatively. The key to determining if a child has a cognitive impairment is to observe him or her in the home environment. Is a child off in his own world and unresponsive? Does he or she seem uninterested in the people or activities within the home?

Even when children are babies, they should respond to external stimulations such as noises, the sound of a mother or fathers voice, or a touch. If a child is not responsive under those conditions, he or she should be seen by a physician immediately.

Some of the signs that a child has a cognitive impairment include:

  • Aversion to physical interaction
  • Trouble responding to others
  • Trouble speaking

Additionally, there are some associated conditions that seem to be present in many children with cognitive impairment, including:

  • Blindness or significant vision loss
  • Deafness or hearing loss

Understanding Cerebral Palsy And Learning Disabilities: Key Points

Intellectual disability from cerebral palsy

Although learning disabilities are common in individuals with cerebral palsy, they are not direct outcomes of CP.

When a learning disability is combined with motor impairment, children can struggle to communicate their needs. Luckily, learning disabilities can be improved through neuroplasticity. Consistent practice can stimulate neuroadaptive changes in the brain and strengthen the neural pathways for developing new skills.

Every learning disability is unique, so personalized, one-on-one attention is ideal. Hopefully, this article helped you understand that with the right support, resources, and accommodations, children with cerebral palsy can overcome their learning disabilities. Good luck!

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Treatments And Intervention Services

There is no cure for CP, but treatment can improve the lives of those who have the condition. It is important to begin a treatment program as early as possible.

After a CP diagnosis is made, a team of health professionals works with the child and family to develop a plan to help the child reach his or her full potential. Common treatments include medicines surgery braces and physical, occupational, and speech therapy. No single treatment is the best one for all children with CP. Before deciding on a treatment plan, it is important to talk with the childs doctor to understand all the risks and benefits.

Options For Educating A Child With Cerebral Palsy

Parents play a vital role in their childrens education. It is critical that educational services and support begin as early as toddlerhood to allow for proper development of important life skills.

As a result of the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004, all children with disabilities are entitled to Free Appropriate Public Education .

FAPE ensures that children with disabilities receive appropriate instruction based on their individual needs. This provides children with access to mainstream education as well as the ability to develop self-sufficiency and social skills.

The four general types of education available for children with disabilities are:

  • Public school
  • Homeschool
  • Tutoring

Things such as learning disabilities, limited mobility and the familys financial situation must all be considered when determining which program is the best fit for a child with CP.

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Cognitive Impairment & Cerebral Palsy

Not everyone with cerebral palsy will have an intellectual disability. In fact, some people with CP are fully-developed mentally and have no cognitive issues at all. When there are mental impairments however, they can be severe.

Cerebral Palsy and Mental Impairment

Cerebral palsy is oftentimes accompanied by certain developmental disabilities. About 1/3 of children with cerebral palsy have mild cognitive impairment, 1/3 have moderate to severe impairment, and 1/3 show no signs of cognitive impairment at all. Approximately 1/4 of children with CP reportedly have additional learning problems.

To make certain that your child gets the proper treatment for these conditions, its imperative that you understand them for who they are, and learn what you can do to make life for your child easier and more-rewarding.

Signs Of An Intellectual Disability

Learning To Clean With A Disability | Independence with Cerebral Palsy

Intellectual disabilities can be mild , moderate , severe , or profound . Milder intellectual impairments may go unnoticed in young children and become more apparent as they get older.

Because intellectual disabilities are common amongst individuals with cerebral palsy, parents need to be aware of symptoms so they can start therapeutic treatment as early as possible.

Individuals with intellectual disabilities and cerebral palsy may have difficulty interacting with others and performing self care due to impaired mobility and cognition. Early intervention may prevent the development of problematic behaviors like self-harm and aggression. If you suspect your child is demonstrating signs of intellectual disability, consult with their pediatrician for a professional diagnosis.

Signs of an intellectual disability include:

  • Problems communicating and understanding social cues/situations
  • Delayed responses
  • Difficulties with logical thinking and problem-solving
  • Delays in crawling and walking
  • Avoiding social interaction
  • Easily distracted and difficulty with concentration
  • Short memory span
  • Inability to recognize familiar voices or faces
  • Delayed language development

Up next, well discuss important considerations for assessing intellectual disabilities in children with cerebral palsy.

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Cerebral Palsy Isnt An Intellectual Impairment But

Cerebral Palsy is a series of muscle and movement disorders. People with Cerebral Palsy have limited mobility or coordination of their arms and or legs. Although permanent, CP is fortunately non-progressive, meaning it does not worsen over time.

Cerebral Palsy does not on its own affect a persons intelligence. However, as many as 30-50% of children with CP have some form of cognitive impairment caused by a coexisting condition. Although we do not always understand what causes cognitive impairment, often the same trauma that causes CP during labor and delivery can also affect other areas of the brain and cause a cognitive impairment.

For example, if a child experiences hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, also known as HIE, meaning that parts of the brain do not receive sufficient oxygen flow during labor and delivery, the brain injury that occurs may cause both CP and other disorders.

Common coexisting conditions that relate to intellectual or learning barriers during childhood development may include:

  • Short attention spans
  • Autism
  • Language and communication difficulties
  • Emotional and behavioral struggles

There does seem to be a correlation between more severe cases of CP and intellectual impairment. However, some children with severe CP have no intellectual impairments whatsoever, and some children with mild CP have severe intellectual impairmentsso nothing is a certainty.

This Podcast Is Part Of A Series That Highlights Adjustments That Can Be Made In The Classroom To Enable Students With Disability To Access And Participate In Education On The Same Basis As Their Peers

In this episode, we talk about common adjustments teachers can make in the classroom to support students with cerebral palsy . Cerebral palsy is a lifelong disability that affects movement and posture and is typically caused by damage to the brain before birth. The impact of CP will vary for every student and it can range from minimal to considerable levels of physical disability. Some students with cerebral palsy may experience involuntary motions or erratic movements. Others may have difficulty with balance and coordination and/or fine motor skills. Students may therefore require the use of specialised equipment such as a wheelchair or walking frame or assistance to walk. Students with cerebral palsy may present with an intellectual impairment, a communication disorder, vision and hearing impairment, sleep and behavioural disorders, and/or associated epilepsy.

Year 6 student Will discusses the impact of experiencing regular spasms and explains why physical education is particularly difficult for him. His mum Jordan talks about how CP impacts on his comprehension and explains the importance of giving him extra processing time. Teacher Janine Collins discusses why its important to seek student feedback to be able to put in the most effective adjustments and speech pathologist Rachael McGlynn explains that a good place to start with classroom adjustments is by assessing the physical environment and looking at what equipment the student may need.

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Assessment And Monitoring Of Clinical Complications And Comorbidities

Bone and joint disorders

1.4.1 Discuss with adults with cerebral palsy that:

  • their musculoskeletal function may deteriorate gradually, and any changes should be investigated to identify treatable causes

  • early recognition of bone and joint disorders enables early treatment, which may improve outcomes.

Osteoporosis and fracture risk

1.4.2 Be aware that low bone mineral density is common in adults with cerebral palsy, particularly in people:

  • with reduced mobility or reduced weight bearing

  • taking anticonvulsants or proton pump inhibitors

  • who have had a previous low-impact fracture.

1.4.3 Consider assessing for risk of fractures secondary to osteoporosis in adults with cerebral palsy. Risk factors to assess include:

1.4.4 Consider a dual-energy Xray absorptiometry assessment in adults with cerebral palsy who have 2 or more risk factors , particularly if they have had a previous low-impact fracture.

1.4.5 Consider referring adults with cerebral palsy for specialist assessment and management, for example, to a rheumatology, endocrinology or bone health service, if they have:

  • a high fracture risk or

  • a positive DXA result.

Mental health problems

Intelligence And Cerebral Palsy: The Facts

Adapted Physical Education for Autism, Intellectual ...

Many birth injuries are caused by medical negligence. Talk to an attorney today.

In this post, we will cover how Cerebral Palsy may or may not affect a childs intelligence and how to determine if a child may have intellectual impairments.

This information was compiled from medical journals, non profits, and experts who study Cerebral Palsy.

Keep reading to learn more about intelligence and Cerebral Palsy.

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