Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Being Born With One Kidney A Disability

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Anomalies Of The Urethra

Living with one kidney
  • Extra flaps of tissue may develop in the urethra, slowing or blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder .

When the flow of urine from the kidneys is blocked or slowed, or when urine is able to flow backward to the kidney, urine can build up in the kidney and cause it to swell, a condition known as hydronephrosis. This is often the first sign of a kidney and urinary tract problem, as the enlarged kidney can be seen in routine prenatal ultrasound images.

Limit Your Alcohol Consumption

You may still be able to drink alcohol if you have kidney disease, but it’s advisable not to exceed the recommended limits of more than 14 alcohol units a week.

Speak to your GP or care team if you find it difficult to cut down the amount of alcohol you drink.

Find out more about cutting down on alcohol.

Bilateral Renal Agenesis: Information For Parents

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What Are The Complications Of A Solitary Kidney

Complications from a solitary kidney are rare but may include

  • increased protein in the urine, known as albuminuria.
  • a lower-than-normal glomerular filtration rate , which measures how quickly your kidneys filter wastes and extra fluid from your blood. While less common, this complication can at times lead to kidney failure.
  • high blood pressure.
  • high blood pressure during pregnancy. This complication less commonly results in organ damage in the mother or child, a condition known as preeclampsia.

People with kidney agenesis or kidney dysplasia can be at an increased risk for developing kidney disease. For example, if your solitary kidney functioned normally during childhood, you still have an increased risk of having decreased kidney function as an adult.4,5

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia And Disability

THREE kidneys discovered in a man!

Children with CDH who have the more serious lung problems are more likely to have difficulty growing because of the illness, requiring more calories to grow and maintain health. Some may need a feeding tube in order to get the amount of nutrition they need to grow.

Many times, babies with CDH will experience Gastroesophageal Reflux, causing things such as heartburn, feeding issues, vomiting, or lung issues.

Medications prescribed by a doctor can help to control Gastroesophageal Reflux, but occasionally babies with CDH who experience it require surgery to treat it.

Other baby’s with CDH have developmental disabilities, and may not crawl, sit, stand, or roll over at the same time babies without developmental disabilities do.

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Complications Of Chronic Kidney Disease

If you have kidney disease but don’t meet one of the listings above, you can still get disability benefits if you’ve experienced serious complications over the last year. For example, some individuals with kidney disease suffer from congestive heart failure, stroke, hypertensive crisis, or acute kidney failure requiring hemodialysis. If you were hospitalized at least three times for such complications within one year, you can qualify under this listing .

About Bilateral Renal Agenesis

Bilateral renal agenesis is a rare condition where both kidneys do not develop.

Most babies are born with 2 kidneys, one on the left side and one on the right side. Kidneys are part of the urinary system. They filter waste and additional fluid from the blood and this is removed from the body in the form of urine . Kidneys also produce hormones that help strengthen bones, control blood pressure and direct the production of red blood cells.

Kidneys form in the very early stages of a babys development. After around 12 weeks of pregnancy, they start to produce urine which contributes to the amniotic fluid . Babies need amniotic fluid for their lungs to develop.

A baby developing as expected

As babies with bilateral renal agenesis do not have any kidneys, there is very little or no amniotic fluid at the time of the 20-week scan. No fluid or small amounts of fluid around the baby means that their lungs will not develop properly. Sadly, this means that these babies will not survive after birth. There is no way to stop or cure this condition.

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What Is Kidney Failure

Kidney failure, also known as end-stage kidney disease, occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to adequately remove waste from your blood and control the level of fluid in your body. Kidney failure can happen suddenly or gradually. People with kidney failure need dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive.

If you have kidney disease, it does not mean that you will develop kidney failure. One in ten Australians aged 18 and over has at least one sign of chronic kidney disease, and over 23,000 Australians receive dialysis or a kidney transplant for kidney failure.

You can lose up to 90 per cent of your kidney function before experiencing symptoms. In many cases, the signs of disease arent noticed until the kidneys are close to failure.

‘i Was Lucky To Make It Out The Orphanage’: Oksana Masters’ Extraordinary Journey

Sacral Agenesis Doesnt Stop Me Living My Life | BORN DIFFERENT

Given up for adoption in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster, the Ukrainian-born American has gone on to win medals at the summer and winter Paralympics

The home gym is built out, Netflix and Hulu have been trawled to their depths, and Paralympic champion Oksana Masters is nostalgic for Taco Tuesdays at restaurants near her seasonal base in Illinois. Most of all, she is missing the rush of competition, the buzz at the core of her identity since she first sat in a rowing boat as a teenager.

Her story began in Ukraine in 1989. In a likely legacy of the radiation spewed by the Chernobyl disaster three years earlier, she was born with one kidney, a partial stomach, six toes on each foot and webbed fingers on each thumbless hand. Her left leg was six inches shorter than her right and shinbones were absent in both.

Given up for adoption by her birth family, she lived in three orphanages before she was adopted at the age of seven by Gay Masters, a single American woman who brought her to the US after a fraught two-year process.

In Survivor, a video published in March on the Players Tribune website, Masters opens up about the sustained physical, emotional and sexual abuse she endured in Ukraine.

If my story could help in some way shine a light into one specific orphanage or a system and changes those kids lives forever, then that, I cant even put that into words how much that would mean to me.

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Can I Get Disability Benefits For Kidney Disease

Chronic renal failure caused by kidney disease can qualify you for Social Security Disability benefits in many circumstances. It’s not important what has caused your kidney disease , just that you have symptoms of renal failure that is chronic . CRF can also be referred to as chronic kidney failure or end-stage renal disease .

What Are Congenital Anomalies Of The Kidneys And Urinary Tract

Congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract are birth defects affecting the form and function of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Babies are usually born with two kidneys, which filter waste and excess liquid from the blood. The kidneys also produce hormones that help strengthen bones, control blood pressure, and direct the production of red blood cells. The filtered waste, in the form of urine, drains from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureters, and is excreted from the bladder through the urethra.

Congenital anomalies are abnormal variations in the anatomy at birth that affect the function of the kidneys and the healthy excretion of urine from the body.

Types of congenital kidney and urinary tract anomaly

Anomalies can be found in each part of the urinary tract.

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Benefits For Claimants With A Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant gives an individual 12 months of disability automatically, after that the first year, Social Security will evaluate ongoing disability eligibility upon an individual’s residual impairments. When Social Security determines if an individual has had medical improvement post-transplantation, the agency will consider things like kidney rejection episodes, renal infection frequency, side effect of immunosuppressants and corticosteriod treatment, other systemic infections, neuropathy, or other organ system deterioration. Social Security can also consider the fact that an individual has an absence of symptoms, signs, or laboratory findings that are indicative of kidney failure when making a medical improvement determination.

Faq: Living Kidney Donor

Baby born with no kidneys celebrates first Christmas ...

Most kidneys for transplant are from people who have died and whose families give permission for organ donation. But there aren’t enough of these organs for everyone who needs one. Nationally, more than 70,000 patients are on the kidney transplant waiting list, and more are added each year.

Living donor kidney transplants are an important option. They’re possible because we’re born with two kidneys. When surgeons remove one of the donor’s kidneys, the remaining kidney grows slightly to compensate for the loss of the other and the kidney can function normally.

Here are some questions and answers about living donor kidney transplants:

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What Are The Symptoms Of Solitary Kidney

In general, people born with kidney agenesis or kidney dysplasia show no symptoms, lead full healthy lives, and may never discover they have a solitary kidney. Some people discover they have a solitary kidney by chance after having an x-ray, an ultrasound, or surgery for an unrelated condition or injury. A minority of people develop progressive loss of kidney function, and they can develop symptoms associated with chronic kidney disease.

A small percentage of babies born with kidney agenesis have other birth defects, such as an absent anus, an absent or smaller-than-normal bladder, an absent or smaller-than-normal uterus, a smaller-than-normal lung, club feet, or a hole in the heart wall separating the two lower heart chambers.5

Applying For Social Security Disability With Kidney Disease

If you are applying for SSDI benefits, you can apply online on the SSA website, by phone at 1-800-772-1213, or at your local Social Security office. If you are applying for SSI benefits, you may start the application online, but must complete the application in person at an SSA office. The SSA has an office locator to help you find your nearest office. There are at least four SSA offices in every state.

Maintaining detailed records that illustrate the severity of your kidney disease will increase your chances of getting approved for benefits. The SSA will need copies of all of your lab reports, test results, treatment summaries and outcomes, and descriptions of surgeries. You may also have to have an estimated glomerular filtration rate test and a kidney or bone biopsy. Each doctor who treats you should provide a note that describes your condition, your symptoms and your limitations.

If your initial claim is denied, you may appeal the decision online or at your local SSA office, or even in court. Most denials result from lack of medical evidence or a technical error while applying. Take your time carefully completing your initial application to improve your chances for a speedy approval.

Deanna Power is the community outreach manager for Social Security Disability Help.


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Are Dietary Changes Needed

In general, people with one healthy kidney dont need special diets. However, its always good to:

  • have a healthy well-balanced diet
  • reduce your salt intake

Dietary restrictions arent usually necessary for people who have received a transplanted kidney but its still worth following a healthy diet and watching your salt intake. However, you will probably be advised to avoid fresh grapefruit or grapefruit juice because they can interfere with certain medications. If you are advised by your kidney consultant to make specific changes to your diet, ask to be referred to the renal dietitian and follow their advice.

For more information about diet and kidney disease take a look at our dietary hints and tips.

Do Kidney Diseases Qualify For Ssdi

Being a Parent With a Disability | One Born Every Minute

Luisa worried about her husband, Barry, as his kidney disease worsened. Her primary concern was keeping him as healthy as possible. However, she still had to worry about how they would support themselves if he was no longer able to work. She knew the government had disability programs to help in situations like this. However, she thought disability benefits were only paid to people who were completely unable to function. Luisa wondered if kidney diseases qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. Thats what we will look at in this article.

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How Is Arpkd Diagnosed

ARPKD is diagnosed when typical features and symptoms of the disease are present in the kidneys and liver. These features and symptoms are widely variable and can appear before birth, later in childhood or, more rarely, in adulthood.

If ARPKD is suspected, investigations and tests will be carried out such as blood tests and scans to confirm the diagnosis. The usual type of scan used is an ultrasound. This uses soundwaves to make images of the inside of the body. Using ultrasound, a technician or doctor can spot cysts in the kidney and liver.

Genetic testing can be used to support a diagnosis, although its not routine and is usually only carried out when parents already have a child with ARPKD. There is more information about genetic testing further on in this information sheet.

Siobhan Powell Whose Parents Rosita Boland Interviewed In 2016 Died A Year Ago This Week

Johanne holds Siobhan who cannot walk, is non-verbal, does not eat solid food, is doubly incontinent, and has only one kidney. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons

August 5th, 2021: Its almost five years since I interviewed Johanne and Alan Powell about their profoundly disabled daughter, Siobhan, who was 32 at the time. Yesterday Johanne put up a blog post that she had written on what would have been Siobhans 37th birthday. The post revealed that yesterday was also the first anniversary of her daughters death. Siobhan, who couldnt walk, speak or eat solid food, died on August 4th, 2020, between lockdowns. Her parents continued to campaign on her behalf until the very end of her life. What follows is the original article, from November 2016. Rosita Boland

Im not doing this job by choice, Johanne Powell says. Im doing this job because I have to do it, because there is no alternative. I dont want to do it any more. Im bored. Im bored out of my tree doing the same thing day in, day out, with no changes. I swear to God I could walk into a supermarket and rob the place blind, because once you have a child in a wheelchair, by definition youre a good person. It doesnt matter what you really are.

Powell is talking about the challenges of caring for her disabled daughter, Siobhan, who is 32. Siobhan is the only child of Johanne and Alan, her husband of 39 years.

I was going to be the perfect mother Before she was born

It can make or break a marriage

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Social Security Disability And Kidney Disease

The SSA Blue Book describes conditions that are eligible for disability benefits, as well as the associated test results or symptoms that are required for the condition to be considered a disability. You typically need to meet or exceed at least one of the criteria to qualify for disability benefits.

In the Blue Book, kidney disease can be found under Genitourinary Disorders in Section 6.00. For your kidney disease to be considered a disability by the SSA, at least one of the following statements must be true:

1. You have chronic kidney disease and need dialysis.

2. You have chronic kidney disease and have had a kidney transplant less than one year ago.

3. You have chronic kidney disease with reduced kidney function and at least one of the following:

a. Renal osteodystrophy: a bone disease caused by failing kidneys, with severe bone pain and abnormalities.b. Peripheral neuropathy: a nerve disease that causes pain, numbness, tingling and muscle weakness in various parts of the body from toxins the kidneys couldnt filter out.c. Fluid overload syndrome: a condition where water and salt are retained in the body and causes abnormally large blood vessels with high blood pressure, swelling of the skin, or a BMI of 18.0 or less from weight loss.d. Anorexia with weight loss determined by body mass index of 18.0 or less, calculated on at least two occasions at least 90 days apart during a consecutive 12-month period.

How Does Social Security Evaluate Kidney Disease

Two kidneys

Social Security evaluates kidney failure under its disability listings for “genitourinary” impairments. These listings call for disability benefits to be granted in cases where any of the following is present:

  • the need for regular dialysis
  • completion of a kidney transplant
  • reduced glomerular filtration combined with symptoms of damage
  • nephrotic syndrome, or
  • serious complications of kidney disease.

We discuss each of these situations below. If you don’t have any of the above problems, yet you still can’t work due to kidney failure, you still can win disability benefits if you can show Social Security that your condition causes such limitations it keeps you from working. More on this below. First, we’ll look at Social Security’s official disability listings on kidney failure.

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