Saturday, May 4, 2024

Is Emdr Effective For Ptsd

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Finding An Emdr Therapist

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for PTSD

EMDR is a highly specialized therapy that should be conducted by a licensed mental health professional who has specific training in this complex approach. Some therapists are EMDR trained, meaning they have completed EMDR basic training. Others are EMDR certified, meaning they have conducted at least 50 EMDR sessions with patients and continue to further their education.

In addition to ensuring a therapist is certified to provide EMDR therapy, there are specific questions you may want to ask a potential therapist.

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Eye Movement Desensitisation And Reprocessing

Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing is a psychological treatment that’s been found to reduce the symptoms of PTSD.

It involves recalling the traumatic incident in detail while making eye movements, usually by following the movement of your therapist’s finger.

Other methods may include the therapist tapping their finger or playing sounds.

It’s not clear exactly how EMDR works, but it may help you change the negative way you think about a traumatic experience.

Why Is Emdr Therapy Controversial

EMDR therapy is a trauma therapy that is sometimes considered controversial. The reasons someone might think it is a controversial therapy option are the potential adverse side effects and the lack of long-term research. EMDR is safe and effective, but there are some risks associated with the therapy. EMDR therapy benefits those who have experienced trauma, as it can help to heal the psychological wounds of trauma. EMDR is preferred over regular talk therapy for its ability to directly address the memories and emotions associated with trauma. However, not everyone is a fan of EMDR therapy. In this article, well explore the reasons why EMDR is controversial and whether or not the controversy is warranted.

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About Dr Arielle Schwartz

Dr. Arielle Schwartz is a licensed clinical psychologist, wife, and mother in Boulder, CO. She offers trainings for therapists, maintains a private practice, and has passions for the outdoors, yoga, and writing. Dr. Schwartz is the author of The Complex PTSD Workbook: A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming Whole. She is the developer of Resilience-Informed Therapy which applies research on trauma recovery to form a strength-based, trauma treatment model that includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing , somatic psychology and time-tested relational psychotherapy. Like , and sign up for email updates to stay up to date with all her posts.

Phase : History Taking


First, youll work with your therapist to develop a treatment plan and treatment goals. This might include talking about your history, what emotional triggers and symptoms you experience, and what youd like to achieve from therapy.

Your therapist might also determine whether youd benefit from therapies or treatments alongside EMDR.

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Where To Turn For Addiction And Co

Frequently EMDR can be used to resolve trauma related to addiction as well as other types of trauma. When attending an alcohol and drug rehab, you have an opportunity to work with a trained therapist who can approach each situation to address trauma when necessary. This gives you the best chance to treat the physical and psychological symptoms related to trauma and PTSD and well as improve self-esteem and avoid a return to use.

If you are dealing with a substance use disorder and PTSD, The Recovery Village offers personalized addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders treatment. This individualized care can address core issues and provide the best chance possible for a fulfilling life in recovery.

Contact The Recovery Village now to learn more about our addiction treatment programs and find out how specific types of therapy can help you make the changes you need and deserve.

What Does Emdr Therapy Involve

EMDR therapy consists of eight phases. These phases occur over multiple sessions, with one session sometimes using parts of several phases. An example of this would be how phases 1 and 2 typically happen only in early sessions, while phases 3 through 8 are part of multiple sessions later.

For a single disturbing event or memory, it usually takes between three and six sessions. More complex or longer-term traumas may take eight to 12 sessions . Sessions usually last between an hour and 90 minutes. The eight phases are:

  • Patient history and information gathering. This part of the process involves your healthcare provider gathering information about you and your past. This helps them determine if EMDR is likely to help you. It also includes asking about upsetting or disturbing events and memories that you want your therapy to focus on, as well as your goals for this therapy.
  • Preparation and education. During this phase, your healthcare provider will talk to you about what will happen during EMDR sessions and what you can expect. Theyll also talk to you about things to focus on to help you feel more stable and safe during sessions. Theyll provide you with tools to help you manage your emotions.
  • Installation. During this phase, your healthcare provider will have you focus on the positive belief you want to build in as you process a memory. This positive belief can be what you said in phase 3 or something new you think of during phase 4.
  • Sense activation during phase 4

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    How Effective Is Emdr Therapy In Treating Addiction And Ptsd

    Frequently EMDR therapy is used alongside cognitive behavior therapy in addiction treatment programs. This combination is an effective technique that is endorsed by the American Psychiatric Association and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Combination therapy is used by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense and a variety of public and private mental health and addiction treatment programs.

    One study commissioned by Kaiser Permanente found that 100 percent of single-trauma victims and 77 percent of multi-trauma victims no longer had a PTSD diagnosis after just six EMDR therapy sessions. Another study looked at the effectiveness of EMDR in patients with a substance use disorder. It found that there is a significant reduction in conscious and unconscious drug craving after participating in this therapy.

    The Latest Research On Emdr For Ptsd

    EMDR for Complex PTSD (Does it Help or Hurt?)

    A recent meta- analysis by Wilson et al in 2018 examined 37 studies to evaluate the efficacy of EMDR treatment for PTSD. One of the major limitations across these studies is a lack of consistency and methodological quality, thus the goal of this most recent review study was to take a look at the best evidence for EMDR. Only studies that used a control group were included, where the control was either a wait-list group with no intervention, or some type of alternative therapy for PTSD.

    There was substantial heterogeneity between the studies in terms of study design, number of participants enrolled, number and length of treatments, and timing of follow up. There were also inconsistencies between outcome measures used to assess symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression and inconsistencies across the different scales used for evaluation. Despite these limitations, researchers found that EMDR therapy was significantly more effective than the control or other therapeutic interventions in reducing PTSD symptoms.

    Based on these latest RCTs as well as earlier research conducted on EMDR in PTSD patients, Wilson et al concluded that EMDR:

    • Significantly improves PTSD diagnosis and symptoms

    • Significantly reduces symptoms of depression, anxiety, subjective distress, paranoid thoughts, functional assessment, and severe fatigue

    Wilson et al summarized the limitations across studies:

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    The Seriousness Of Ptsd

    Its not unusual for a person that has experienced a traumatic event to have nightmares, flashbacks or disturbing memories. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious and potentially debilitating condition that can occur when a person witnesses or experiences a serious accident, violent assault, sudden death of a loved one, war or other life-threatening events.

    Many people who go through trauma recover, but people with PTSD continue to experience symptoms, sometimes in the long-term. Common symptoms of PTSD include:

    • Reliving the experience through memories and nightmares
    • Avoiding people, places, situations and thoughts associated with the trauma
    • Increased irritability including depression and difficulty sleeping
    • Negative mood and feelings of isolation and blame

    Exposure Therapy And Post

    If you are researching PTSD treatment options and wondering if EMDR or CBT is best for you, there is another modality you should know about. A specialized form of trauma treatment, and one type of CBT, is call exposure therapy. This involves assisting trauma survivors in re-experiencing trauma-related memories and triggers. This re-experiencing helps patients process the traumatic memory through imagined confrontation with memories and real-life exposure to trauma reminders.

    Typically, most trauma treatment exposure therapy takes place within the confines of institutions like the VA. Again, mostly what Ive seen in my practice is clients who did not want to participate in exposure based trauma treatment and preferred other modalities.

    When asked about this, they explained to me that they found the modality too overwhelming and dropped out of treatment.

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    Emdr: Effective Treatment For Veterans With Ptsd

    Upwards of 20% of veterans returning from the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan experience posttraumatic stress disorder . This condition has a long history among service members, so its important to have effective treatments available. EMDR for PTSD treatment offers hope for veterans, so providing it as part of customized treatment plans is essential.

    Therapists have utilized eye movement desensitization and reprocessing to treat PTSD for decades. Its effectiveness is exactly why Transformations at Mending Fences offers the approach. The Help For Our Heroes program offers EMDR for PTSD treatment for vets along with a variety of other therapeutic approaches.

    Our commitment to serving those who served is unwavering. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

    Which Is More Effective For Ptsd


    When it comes to PTSD therapy, there are a few main treatment approaches that are widely available. Many people have heard and read about both EMDR therapy and CBT therapy.

    But how are you to know which is better? After all, you will be investing your time, your money and your heart into healing and recovery. Of course you would want the trauma treatment approach that is best for you.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing has been found to be a more effective form of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy .

    A recent meta-analysis determined that EMDR is more effective for the treatment of PTSD symptoms when compared to CBT therapy. A meta-analysis is a research study that combines the results of multiple scientific studies.

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    Learn About How Emdr Therapy Can Be Used To Treat Both Ptsd And Addiction

    If a patient has post-traumatic stress disorder alongside a substance use disorder, it can be more efficient to treatment for the two conditions simultaneously. Not only are both conditions serious, but studies also show that there is a connection between the two. There is also evidence that eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy helps treat addiction and PTSD.

    Is Emdr Therapy Effective With Schizophrenia

    Two studies have indicated that EMDR therapy has provided positive treatment effects to traumatized psychotic patients . In the second study, treatment of PTSD has a positive effect on auditory verbal hallucinations, delusions, anxiety symptoms, depression symptoms, and self-esteem. Individuals with schizophrenia may have experienced distressing life experiences or traumas that exacerbate their symptoms. Using EMDR therapy to process memories of such events may be helpful in alleviating stress and reducing symptoms. In such cases, it would be assumed that treatment would be provided only after appropriate stabilization, and in the hands of an expert in this specialty area. Anecdotal reports have given preliminary support for this. However, more research needs to be conducted.

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    How Common Is Emdr Therapy

    EMDR therapy is very common around the world. In the United States, the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense list EMDR as a best practice in treating veterans experiencing PTSD. Research on EMDR includes dozens of clinical trials, research studies and academic papers. It has official approval from the World Health Organization and government organizations and agencies in the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany, among others.

    Emdr In Clinical Practice Guidelines

    EMDR for PTSD – National Center for PTSD with MUSA Productions – Whiteboard Animation

    EMDR has the highest recommendation across most clinical practice guidelines, including the Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline for Management of PTSD, the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies , United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, and Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. The American Psychological Association gave EMDR a conditional rating .

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    Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing For Ptsd

    Danielle Beauvais, PhD, Elissa McCarthy, PhD, Sonya Norman, PhD, & Jessica L. Hamblen, PhD

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a trauma-focused psychotherapy that is one of the most studied treatments for PTSD. A large number of studies demonstrate it is effective to treat PTSD when administered over approximately 3 months. EMDR has the strongest recommendation for being an effective treatment in most clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of PTSD.

    How Ptsd Is Linked To Addiction

    The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that more than 7.7 million American adults struggle with PTSD. People who have experienced a traumatic event or have been exposed to violence or natural disasters have a strong chance of developing PTSD. There is also a link between PTSD and addiction.

    Its not a lack of coping that causes PTSD, but rather the result of a change in brain chemistry. When trauma occurs, it can change the brains chemistry in much the same way as misusing substances does. This is why the presence of PTSD can also trigger a substance use disorder, and the two disorders can feed off of each other.

    According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, close to three-quarters of people that survive abusive or violent trauma report an alcohol use disorder. According to one study, about 45 percent of patients with a substance use disorder also screened positive for PTSD. After a traumatic experience occurs, the brain produces fewer of the natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins. A person with PTSD might turn to drugs or alcohol to enhance their mood, which artificially boosts these endorphins. Over time, they may rely on dangerous substances to relieve feelings of irritability, anxiety and depression.

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    Is Emdr Controversial

    Theres some controversy surrounding why EMDR works. The creator of EMDR, Dr. Francine Shapiro, later developed a working theory about how your brain stores memories after accidentally discovering the eye movement technique she later used to create this therapy technique.

    However, that controversy doesnt extend to whether or not EMDR does work. Dozens of controlled trials and research studies have analyzed EMDR and shown that its effective.

    Emdr Therapy For Ptsd

    Pin on emdr and ptsd awareness programs

    June is National PTSD Awareness Month. PTSD stands for posttraumatic stress disorder, a condition that some people experience after one or several traumatic events. EMDR therapy is shown to be one of the most effective treatments for PTSD. Common questions we receive about PTSD are:

    • What is trauma?
    • When does the experience of trauma cross the threshold into becoming PTSD?
    • How does EMDR therapy help?
    What is Trauma?

    Trauma is an event or experience of an event that overwhelms our ability to make sense of what is happening to us. Trauma affects many people. The American Psychological Association states that approximately one-half of all individuals will be exposed to at least one traumatic event in their lifetime.Some estimates state 70 percent of the population will experience trauma.

    What is PTSD?

    PTSD symptoms generally fall into four areas:

    • Re-living symptoms: flashbacks or nightmares.
    • Avoidance symptoms: staying away from activities, people, or places that are reminders of the trauma.
    • Cognition and mood symptoms: negative thoughts about self and world, extreme guilt, or lack of interest in things that used to be enjoyed.
    • Increased arousal symptoms: startling easily, having angry outbursts, and difficulty sleeping.
    EMDR Therapy for PTSD

    -Susanna Kaufman, EMDRIA Staff

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    What Are The Benefits Of Emdr

    After enough sessions of EMDR therapy, the patient should eventually be able to recall or discuss the event without having a response that results in a debilitating reaction. Research has shown that EMDR therapy is incredibly effective for those who have lived through trauma or suffer from PTSD. Many experiences immediate benefits, and most report no relapses in symptoms months after treatment has ended.

    How To Find An Emdr Therapist

    One of the most common ways of finding an EMDR therapist is word of mouth. Some primary care physicians, or even talk based therapists will be able to refer you to a reputable EMDR provider. In addition, most therapist directories have the option to select EMDR as a treatment modality when conducting a search in your area. Please also remember that EMDR can be conducted both in-person and online when treating PTSD.

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    What Are Emdr For Ptsd Risks

    You may feel uncomfortable when focusing on trauma-related memories or beliefs, especially at first. These feelings are usually brief and people tend to feel better as they keep doing EMDR. Most people who complete EMDR find that the benefits outweigh any initial discomfort. Read more about the side effects of EMDR.

    More information can be found at EMDR

    What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Emdr

    EMDR | The impact of EMDR on my PTSD 18 months later

    EMDR has several advantages.

    • It works. Dozens of studies have found that EMDR is effective.
    • It tends to work faster than other forms of therapy. People receiving EMDR typically start seeing results much sooner than with other forms of therapy.
    • It involves less homework. Other forms of therapy typically involve journaling or other types of homework outside of your sessions. EMDR usually involves only writing down any thoughts or ideas you want to bring up at your next session .
    • Its usually less stressful. EMDR focuses on processing and moving past your trauma. Other methods involve having you describe and even relive negative events.


    EMDR does have some drawbacks compared to other forms of therapy.

    • It only works with conditions related to traumatic experiences. If you have a mental health condition because of an inherited condition, an injury or other physical effect on your brain, EMDR is unlikely to help.
    • Why it works is still theoretical. EMDR was an accidental discovery. Experts still can’t fully explain why it works, despite the evidence that it works.
    • Its a new method. EMDRs creation happened in 1989, while other forms of therapy have been in use for much longer. More research is necessary before experts know if EMDR is a long-term solution or if people need additional therapy years or decades later.

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