Thursday, July 25, 2024

Will Social Security Be Around In 2055

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The Ratio Of Workers To Beneficiaries

Will Social Security Be Around for Millennials?

According to the report, the combined Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance, or OASDI, costs have been increasing much more rapidly than non-interest income since 2008 and are projected to continue to do so through about 2040. In this time frame, members of the Baby Boomer generation are retiring, which is increasing the number of beneficiaries much faster than the number of covered workers is increasing. Subsequent generations with lower birth rates are replacing Baby Boomers at working ages, meaning there are fewer workers to replace Baby Boomers.

Between about 2040 and 2055, OASDI cost and non-interest income are projected to increase at more similar rates as the cost rate roughly stabilizes, reflecting the fact that the birth rate returned to above two children per woman between 1990 and 2008. Between 2055 and 2078, OASDI cost is projected to grow significantly faster than income because of the period of historically low birth rates starting with the recession of 2007 to 2009. From 2078 to 2095, cost is projected to grow somewhat slower than income, as birth rates return to a level of two children per woman for 2056 and thereafter.

Oasi And Di Trust Funds Separately

Although the financial status of the Social Security program is most often considered on a combined basis, as though there were just one trust fund, there are in fact two separate trust fundsone for the OASI program and the other for the DI program. Old-age benefits were enacted in 1935 and started to be paid on a monthly basis in 1940. Benefits for disabled workers below the NRA were not enacted into law until 1956. A separate trust fund has been maintained for the DI program ever since that time, in part in recognition of the special nature of disability and a desire to maintain separate focus on the financing of these benefits.

Currently, the DI program is projected to have a less favorable actuarial status than the OASI program. DI Trust Fund exhaustion is projected for 2020 under the trustees’ intermediate assumptions in the 2009 Trustees Report. Trust fund exhaustion is projected for 2038 for the OASI fund separately. The proximity of the trust fund exhaustion for the DI program requires special attention. Since 1983, DI program cost has risen above expectations to a much greater degree than has OASI program cost. This is not very surprising, as the benefits under the OASI program are far more predictable than those under the DI program.

2009 Social Security Trustees Report,

Inflations Effect On Social Security

COLA is the increase made to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income to counteract the effects of inflation. In 2022, individuals currently receiving Social Security benefits will receive a 5.9% increase, the highest raise since 1982. To determine the exact dollar amount you will receive in 2022, take your current benefit, and multiply it by 1.059%.

The increase in Social Security is to counteract the current uptick in the cost of consumer goods. These price increases include essential commodities such as oil and gas. And the expected rise in prices for most goods is 5.9%.

So, by understanding how COLA works, the likely outcome in the foreseen future is a combination of smaller Social Security increases, later ages to collect these benefits, and more income tax.

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There Will Not Be Dramatic Changes To Social Security

Despite the possibility of a decrease in benefits down the road, there are important reasons why dramatic changes will not be made to Social Security. First and foremost, it would be economically catastrophic to eliminate Social Security. Many retirees and future retirees rely entirely on Social Security as their primary source of income. So, to remove its financial benefits would be inhumane and cause irreparable financial implications to the United States government.

It is also political self-annihilation for the U.S. to consider eliminating the Social Security program. In a country that continues to face dramatic political polarization, Social Security is one of the only bipartisan issues that neither party is willing to touch.

Social Security changes are happening in general because the program is outdated. The reason these benefits are changing now and the changes that we are seeing are related to three significant factors: COLA , FICA and FRA .

What Can Congress Do About Social Security’s Funding Issue

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Munnell notes that there are two ways for Congress to solve the current long-term funding issue. The Social Security administration can either cut benefits for people or increase tax revenue.

Cutting benefits could mean reducing benefits for everyone or increasing the full retirement age again. Congress could also pass legislation that would increase tax revenue for the Social Security administration by raising the payroll tax rate or by increasing the Social Security payroll tax income limit from $147,000.

The last time Social Security faced a reserve deficit was 1983. The solvency issue was resolved through bipartisan legislation that, among other changes, increased the full retirement age from 65 to 67 over time and charged income tax on Social Security benefits

Recently, House Democrats introduced the Social Security 2100 Act which would increase Social Security benefits for low-income workers, change the price index the cost-of-living-adjustment is tied to and reapply the payroll tax rate to individuals making more than $400,000.

Since legislation regarding Social Security cannot be passed through reconciliation , any legislation would require support from both Democrats and Republicans, says Romig.

“All we need is political will and that is something in scarce supply, even in the best of times. 2034 to a congressperson is a long time away So there’s no incentive on the part of the people in Congress to solve this problem before it is imminent,” says Munnell.

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A Range Of Financial Measures

The financial status of the OASDI program can be considered in numerous ways. As indicated earlier, the most fundamental consideration is whether scheduled benefits will be payable on a timely basis as indicated by having positive trust fund reserve levels. Trust fund exhaustion, which is currently projected to occur for OASDI during 2037, would mean a precipitous drop in the level of benefits that could be paid. Thus, a projected date of trust fund exhaustion represents the time by which some change must occur. Congress can be expected to act by this time in order to avoid the dire consequences of inaction. A second fundamental consideration mentioned earlier is sustainability of the program on financial and political bases. Sustainability in both senses can be reasonably addressed by considering the share of the total output of the economy that will be needed to support the benefits provided by the program.

The fact that the 1983 amendments were enacted with a projected trust fund level that was declining rapidly at the end of the period toward exhaustion soon thereafter may be attributed at least in part to an overreliance on the single measure of actuarial balance. Since 1983, many additional measures have been developed and have been used widely. One of the best measures has been the concept of “sustainable solvency.”

Is It Likely That Benefits Will Be Cut

Some experts doubt that a big slash in Social Security benefits is forthcoming.

The ramifications of that event would be beyond traumatic for everyone in the country, said Joseph E. Roseman Jr., a Social Security expert and retirement planner at Retirement Capital Planners. Youve got a national disaster on your hands.

Thats why he thinks Congress will step in before 2035 to prevent such a deep cut in benefits. Mary Beth Franklin, a Social Security expert and contributing editor for Investment News, agrees that a big cut in benefits is unlikely.

As pensions are disappearing, people are relying more on Social Security, she said. Because of the programs popularity, politicians wont want to tinker with benefits for existing retirees and will likely have to find other solutions to the trust fund shortfall.

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What If I Continue Working In My 60s

Many people whose health allows them to continue working in their 60s and beyond find that staying in the workforce keeps them young and gives them a sense of purpose. If this sounds like something youâd like to do, know that working after claiming early benefits may affect the amount you receive from Social Security. Why? Because the Social Security Administration wants to spread out your earnings so you donât outlive them. If you claim Social Security benefits early and then continue working, youâll be subject to whatâs called the Retirement Earnings Test.

If youâre between age 62 and your full retirement age, and youâre claiming benefits, you need to know about the Earnings Test Exempt Amount, a threshold that changes yearly. For 2022, the Retirement Earnings Test Exempt Amount is $19,560/year . If youâre in this age group and claiming benefits, then every $2 you make above the Exempt Amount will reduce by $1 the Social Security benefits you’ll receive.

Contrary to popular belief, this money doesnât disappear. It gets credited back to you – with interest – in the form of higher future benefits. You may hear people grumbling about the Social Security âEarnings Taxâ, but itâs not really a tax. Itâs a deferment of your benefits designed to keep you from spending too much too soon. And after you hit your full retirement age, you can work to your heartâs content without any reduction in your benefits.

Social Security To Run Out Of Money Sooner Than Previously Expected

Finance Friday: Will Social Security be around for your retirement?

To avoid depletion, payroll taxes will need to be increased, benefits cut or both, and waiting will mean larger changes will be necessary, the Social Security Board of Trustees warns in an annual report.

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The combined asset reserves of the Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds are projected to become depleted in 2034, one year earlier than the agency projected last year, with 78% of benefits payable at that time, according to the annual Social Security Trustees report.

The trustees say Social Securitys cost has exceeded its non-interest income since 2010.

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When Social Security Runs Out: What The Program Will Look Like In 2035

Learn the policy options with Social Security running out. Social Security 101

The future of Social Security remains uncertain, forcing people to ask questions like, Will Social Security run out? According to the 2021 annual report from the Social Security board of trustees, Social Securitys cash reserves will be fully depleted by 2034 one year earlier than their 2020 report indicated. Annual taxes are expected to cover only about 78% of the benefits each year after that.

See what else awaits Social Security in the near future and find out what the program will look like in 2035 you might want to learn how to stretch your money now.

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What Does Insolvency Mean

In the context of Social Security, insolvency means the trust-fund financial cushion is expected to be exhausted by 2033. It doesn’t mean the system will stop paying benefits entirely around that time.

Even without this cushion, Social Security will still collect payroll and self-employment taxes and even income taxes . Still, all this portends a cut in benefits, an increase in taxes or other actions to get the systems cash flow back to equilibrium.

The going-broke misconception is a top Social Security myth cited by AARP.

Can You Claim An Rv As A Primary Residence

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According to, the United States federal government allows it’s citizens to claim either an RV or a boat as a primary residence. This means that a person who itemizes their tax deductions can deduct the loan interest of the boat or RV while they finance it. … Improvements, however, are tax deductible.

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Payroll Tax Increase Scenario

Upon trust fund depletion, the system could also be balanced by raising the payroll tax rate so that the tax income would be sufficient to pay scheduled benefits each year.

Size of Payroll Tax Rate Increases

The trustees project that paying scheduled benefits after depletion in 2035 would require an increase in the combined employee and employer payroll tax rate of 3.2 percentage points, from the current 12.4% to 15.6%, after insolvency in 2035.52 To sustain balance, the payroll tax rate would have to reach 16.5% by 2093, the last year of the 75-year projection period.53Figure 6 shows the combined payroll tax rate under current law and the combined payroll tax rate needed to pay scheduled benefits from 2019 to 2093.

Figure 6. Combined Social Security Payroll Tax Rate Under Current Law and Under the Tax Rate Increase Scenario, 2019-2093

CRS analysis of data from 2019 Social Security Trustees Report, Table IV.B1 .

Notes: Projections are based on the trustees’ 2019 intermediate assumptions. Under the trustees’ projections, the current 12.4% combined payroll tax rate is sufficient to pay scheduled benefits prior to 2035 on a combined basis.

Impact of Payroll Tax Increases

How Long Millennials Have To Work Before Retiring

Estimating a retirement age of 64 based on Gallup poll data, the oldest millennials who are now 34 years old will start retiring in about 30 years, and the youngest millennials who are now 18 will start retiring in approximately 46 years. What Social Security will look like for them is a critical question as they plan for retirement.

This year is the first time millennials are expected to surpass baby boomers as the largest segment of the workforce — one-third — according to the Pew Research Center. Estimating their retirement income, saving and investing now are essential steps for millennials to take whether or not the Social Security program changes dramatically over the next several years or decades.

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Calculate My Social Security Income

These days thereâs a lot of doom and gloom about Social Securityâs solvency – or lack thereof. And regardless of whether you think Social Securityâs future is secure, the fact remains that you shouldnât plan on living exclusively off your Social Security benefits. After all, Social Security wasnât designed to make up a retireeâs entire income.

Still, many people do find themselves in the position of having to live off their Social Security checks. And even if you have other income sources in retirement, Social Security can make up a significant part of your retirement income plan. That’s why itâs important to know all the rules surrounding eligibility, benefit amounts, taxation and more.

Do you need help managing your retirement savings? To find a financial advisor who serves your area, try our free online matching tool.

Who Is Eligible For Social Security Benefits


Anyone who pays into Social Security for at least 40 calendar quarters is eligible for retirement benefits based on their earnings record. You are eligible for your full benefits once you reach full retirement age, which is either 66 and 67, depending on when you were born. But if you claim later than that – you can put it off as late as age 70 – youâll get a credit for doing so, with larger monthly benefits. Conversely, you can claim as early as age 62, but taking benefits before your full retirement age will result in the Social Security Administration docking your monthly benefits.

The bottom line: Youâre eligible for Social Security Benefits if youâve paid into the system for at least a decade, but your actual benefits will depend on what age â between 62 and 70 â you begin to claim them.

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