Monday, September 2, 2024

What Is The Requirement To Get Disability For Vision

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Criteria For Vision Loss

Vision Problems and Social Security Disability Claims

These criteria include:

  • The loss in your central field of vision You cannot see better than 20/200 in your better eye to qualify.
  • A shrinking field of vision If you can prove that your visual field is narrow, then you may qualify. To prove this, you will need to take several vision tests that will measure your field of vision. The doctor will need to record what you can see when youre focusing on a specific point. The diameter of what you can see around that point should be around 30 degrees or less.
  • Visual impairments If you have issues that cause unfocused or blurry vision, or a lack of vision, you may qualify. You must have 20/200 vision or worse in your better eye to meet the definition of having a visual impairment.

The loss of vision can greatly affect your ability to work and to perform day-to-day tasks. Fortunately, you could qualify for Social Security benefits for vision loss. Find out how you can apply for Social Security disability benefits for your vision loss by contacting us at . Also, you can reach us via our contact form and awesome LiveChat feature. Consultations are free, and we are available at your convenience 24/7.

The information on this blog is for general information purposes only. Nothing herein should be taken as legal advice. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute a representative-client relationship.

Benefits For Disabled Widows Or Widowers

If something happens to a worker, benefits may be payable to their widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse with a disability if the following conditions are met:

  • The widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse is between ages 50 and 60.
  • The widow, widower, or surviving divorced spouse has a medical condition that meets the definition of disability for adults and the disability started before or within seven years of the worker’s death.

Widows, widowers, and surviving divorced spouses cannot apply online for survivors benefits. However, if they want to apply for these benefits, they should contact Social Security immediately at 1-800-772-1213 to request an appointment

To speed up the application process, complete an Adult Disability Report and have it available at the time of your appointment.

We use the same definition of disability for widows and widowers as we do for workers.

Get A Free Case Evaluation

Applying for disability benefits for eye problems can be an uphill battle, as anything less than complete vision loss is not always recognized as disabling. A Social Security Disability lawyer can help you prepare and present a compelling case for the benefits you need. To get in touch with an SSD lawyer who takes cases in your area, complete the Free Case Evaluation form today.

Additional Resources

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Appealing The Denial Of Your Disability Tax Credit Application

  • You can call the CRA and request further clarification on your application.
  • You can write the CRA and request a review of your application. In such a case, you should also include any new or updated medical report or letter from a medical practitioner who is familiar with your situation.
  • You can appeal the CRAs decision by raising a formal objection within 90 days of the CRA sending you a Notice of determination.
  • You can submit a fresh T2201 form using new information about your impairments and/or use a different medical practitioner with more specific knowledge and a better understanding of your impairment and/or the DTC eligibility criteria.



Facts About Low Vision

How Blind Do You Have To Be To Get Disability

Most surveys and studies indicate that the majority of people in the United States with vision loss are adults who are not totally blind instead, they have what is referred to as low vision. You may have heard the terms “partial sight” or “partial blindness” or even “poor vision” also used to describe low vision. Those descriptions are no longer in general use, however.

Here is one definition of low vision, related to visual acuity:

  • Low vision is a condition caused by eye disease, in which visual acuity is 20/70 or poorer in the better-seeing eye and cannot be corrected or improved with regular eyeglasses.

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Qualifying For Vision Loss Under A Medical Vocational Allowance

In some cases, a diagnosis might not qualify for Social Security disability benefits because the diagnosis will not prevent the applicant from working entirely. However if the disability will prevent the applicant from performing duties expected in his job then the SSA will look to the medical-vocational guidelines to determine if the limitations meet the criteria.

The medical-vocational guidelines examine exertional and nonexertional limitations that would impact an applicants ability to work. The category of nonexertional demands include mental, postural, manipulative, communicative and environmental, while exertional demands include walking, sitting, standing, lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling.

Under the guidelines, the applicant will be evaluated to determine whether he or she is able to perform sedentary work, light work and medium work. If someone is determined not to be disabled, then the guidelines will determine if that person can adjust to other work, and when the applicant is considered disabled the guidelines will determine whether the applicant cannot adjust to other work. The SSA will look at unskilled occupations that an applicant can perform, as well as transferable skills that can be used in other positions.

What Is The Disability Tax Credit

The Disability Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit created by the Canadian Government and Canada Revenue Agency and its purpose is to reduce the amount of income tax Canadians with disabilities and/or their families and supporters would have to pay annually hence assist with the various financial implications and expenses of having a disability or a substantial impairment. The DTC also provides an extra credit/refund if the person found eligible is under 18 years of age at the end of the year.

The tax credit is broken down into Provincial and Federal amounts, with the Federal portion being the same across the country and the Provincial percentage varying from Province to Province.

To be found eligible for DTC, you must experience difficulty performing activities of daily living such as walking, feeding yourself, hearing, speaking, or other debilitating conditions that affect day-to-day living.

After you are found eligible for DTC, many other federal, provincial, or territorial programs such as RDSP, Canada Workers Benefit, and the Child Disability Benefit are available to you.

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Ruta 55 From Ontario Suffering From A Depressive Disorder

Rutas major depressive disorder was diagnosed in 1998 and she became drug resistant 6 years ago, due to her severe mental disorder, Ruta cannot perform daily living activities and cannot make appropriate decisions or judgments. In order to approve Rutas DTC the CRA requested additional information from her physician. Disability Credit Canada reviewed the medical history again and worked with the Dr. to provide the CRA with the information they requested.

Rutas DTC was approved, she was found eligible for the DTC from 1986-2023 and received $16,135.76 in total retroactive refund.

Back Pay And Vision Loss

Eye / Visual Disorder Disability Insurance Benefit & Claim Information

If you are no longer able to work because of vision loss, filing your disability claim could seem challenging. To ensure your claims success, hard medical evidence will be essential. Provide a detailed list of providers who treated you for your vision loss, including all doctors, optometrists, ophthalmologists, clinics, eye care facilities, and hospitals. You must provide a detailed list of all providers, their addresses and phone numbers, and when possible, the dates of service. You might be eligible for backpay, which could date back to when you filed your claim for Social Security disability. That backpay will begin from the date you became disabled until the date you were approved for disability benefits. Usually you will receive an installment of backpay within 60 days after your disability benefits approval.

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You Can Receive Disability Benefits Even If You Are Not Blind:

Even if your vision does not meet the requirements of blindness, you may still be entitled to receive disability benefits, if your visual problem alone or combined with other health problems prevents you from working. To qualify for SSD benefits, you need to be gainfully employed for a period of time where you have gained enough credit points for you to get SSD benefits. For SSI payments in cases of the individual being legally blind it is not mandatory for you to have been gainfully employed for any significant time but the income and available resources must be good enough for you to qualify for SSD benefits for blindness.

It is better to hire a disability lawyer to successfully claim disability for vision.

Streamlined Process For Determining The Disability Access Requirement

The NDIA has developed a list of conditions and state or territory disability programs which are designed to streamline the access process in certain cases.

Where a prospective participant has a condition included in List A or List B, or is an existing client of a disability program included in List C , the NDIA will be satisfied that the person meets one or more of the disability requirements.

8.6.1 ‘List A’ Conditions

Where a prospective participant has been diagnosed with a condition/s on List A the NDIA will be satisfied that the person meets the disability requirements without further assessment. A person does not need to have a condition on List A to become a participant in the NDIS.

8.6.2 ‘List B’ Conditions

Where a prospective participant has been diagnosed with a condition/s on List B the NDIA will be satisfied that the person has a disability attributable to one or more impairments that is, or is likely to be, permanent without further assessment.For prospective participants diagnosed with a condition/s on List B, the NDIA will only need to assess whether the prospective participant:

  • has an impairment/s that result in substantially reduced functional capacity to perform one or more activities
  • has impairment/s which affect the persons capacity for social or economic participation and
  • is likely to require support under the NDIS for the persons lifetime.

A person does not need to have a condition on List B to become a participant in the NDIS.

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When Does An Impairment Affect A Person’s Capacity For Social Or Economic Participation

The NDIA must be satisfied that a prospective participant’s impairment/s affect their capacity for social and economic participation ).The NDIA is required to only consider whether any permanent impairment, or permanent impairments when considered together, affect a person’s social or economic participation.

For example, the NDIA must be satisfied that a prospective participant’s permanent impairment/s affect their capacity to find or maintain work, play sport, go to the movies, perform voluntary work or travel.

This disability requirement does not require a person’s impairment to reduce, substantially reduce or affect to any particular degree their social or economic participation. Rather, the impairment merely needs to affect the person’s social or economic participation. Therefore, people who retain substantial capacity for social or economic participation may still satisfy this disability requirement .

Vision Loss And Your Ability To Perform Physical Work

Disability Insurance

While vision loss may not directly impact your ability to perform such tasks as walking, pushing, pulling, lifting, and bending, it will most likely affect your ability to do any of these activities safely in a typical work environment. Most claimants have little trouble demonstrating that they are no longer capable of performing physical work if they have suffered significant vision loss.

However, if your vision is correctable, you are likely to be turned down for Social Security Disability benefits unless there are extenuating circumstances that cause your vision loss to disqualify you for all available work.

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Is Wearing Glasses A Disability

Wearing glasses to compensate for partial vision loss does not automatically make you eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The SSA defines disability for vision loss in a medical guide called the Blue Book. Your physician can help you understand the criteria used by the SSA to define vision loss as a disability. Wearing glasses does not match any of the criteria listed in the Blue Book for vision loss.

The Blue Book lists the severity of symptoms you must match for vision loss in Section 2.0. Under Section 2.02 of the Blue Book, loss of central visual acuity requires a disability applicant to prove a measurement of 20/200 in the better eye. Contraction of visual strength can qualify you for vision loss benefits under Section 2.03 of the Blue Book. Section 2.04 lists the issues that cause blurry vision or the absence of eyesight.

The key to proving you suffer from a vision loss disability is to present the result of tests that measure the strength of your stronger eye. Nowhere in the Blue Book does it state that simply wearing glasses can get a disability claim by the SSA. Therefore, the answer to the question, Is wearing glasses a disability is clearly no.

Qualifying For Disability Benefits With Vision Loss

If you or someone you love has vision loss, you may be eligible for financial assistance. The Social Security Administration offers monthly benefits for people who are unable to work due to a serious and long-term condition. Vision loss often qualifies for assistance, so long as your blindness prevents you from working and earning a steady income.

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Medical Evidence Of Vision Loss

As discussed above, individuals having a corrected vision of 20/200 or greater or peripheral vision of 20° or less are only required to provide an eye exam report highlighting these findings to be eligible for vision loss benefits . For individuals whose vision does not meet these thresholds, the Blue Book outlines other criteria which, if met, will qualify for vision loss benefits. They also detail the acceptable method of proving the existence of these issues.

Individuals whose vision does not meet any of the Blue Book criteria must provide an eye exam that details their vision limitations and the reason for the loss. They must also describe how these vision issues negatively impact their ability to function. This can be done by completing a residual functional capacity assessment, or RFC. The SSA typically approves a disability benefits application if the RFC demonstrates that the disability will decrease your daily productivity by 20% or more.

If the SSA determines that your vision loss makes it impossible for you to do your previous job, they will consider whether there is any other work you could perform taking into consideration your age, education, and prior work experience.

The social security disability attorneys at The Good Law Group leverage 30 years experience to help individuals apply for and receive the vision loss benefits they deserve. There is no cost to you unless you are awarded benefits. Call us to schedule a no-cost initial consultation.

Fixed Period Of Disability:

Qualification Steps for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
  • There is a special rule that in the future could help you receive a greater amount of retirement or disability benefits.
  • You can use this rule if you are blind and are not currently receiving disability benefits because you are working.
  • If your earnings are lower due to your blindness, they can exclude those years by calculating your Social Security benefits for retirement or disability in the future.
  • Because Social Security benefits are based on your average lifetime earnings, your benefit will be greater if you do not count those years. They call this rule a fixed period of disability.

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Disability Insurance Claims For Eye Disorders

If you have a private disability policy or a group disability plan, you may be entitled to long term disability insurance benefits for loss of vision. However, insurance companies are highly skeptical of disability claims for vision impairments or blindness.

Insurance providers are quick to protect their own interests, which often means they find ways to deny legitimate claims. Many insurance carriers simply do not recognize the seriousness of eye disorders as a disabling medical condition. Disability providers may deny claims on the premise that a person who is visually impaired can still function and work, and that eye problems are generally treatable.

While short term disability benefits for blindness or vision loss may be quickly awarded under a policy, long term disability benefits can become much more complicated under the same policy.

Dont let severe vision impairment devastate your familys finances. If your insurance company wont pay, speak with national disability attorney Marc Whitehead. Our law firm is here to fight for your right to the long term disability insurance benefits you deserve.

Medical Evidence You Will Need

The Social Security Administration uses the Disability Evaluation Under Social Security Listing of Impairments, commonly known as the Blue Book, to assess whether an applicant qualifies for disability benefits. The SSA will compare your diagnosis with the Blue Book, and they will also look at all of the information you provide in your application to make their final decision.

The Blue Book is very comprehensive but every case is different, so thats why they evaluate each claim on its own merit. Thats also why your application needs to be as thorough as possible.

To qualify for benefits with vision loss, you must submit a copy of the medical report from your doctor outlining the diagnosis. The report should include all relevant tests, such as lab work and imaging, along with the treatment plan and any medications that are part of treatment.

You should also include any side effects youre experiencing, as sometimes side effects can be as debilitating as an illness. With vision loss, you might use eye drops that trigger a reaction to bright light, for example, and this would be an important piece of information to include.

Remember, the more information you provide, the more accurate the final decision on your claim will be.

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