If You Have Congestive Heart Failure Yet Your Medical Condition Does Not Match Social Securitys Impairment Listing You May Still Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits If You Have Another Impairment For Example Kidney Or Thyroid Disease
Applicants often have more than one illness or injury that prevents them from working full time. By itself one disorder may not meet the requirements of an impairment as stated in Social Securitys Blue Book. However, if an applicant has multiple medical conditions, Social Security must consider how those health issues, combined together, limit an applicants ability to hold a job and perform necessary daily tasks. Social Security will also evaluate how your limitations affect your ability to work , taking into account your age, level of education and work experience.
How Do I Get The Social Security Disability Benefits I Deserve
If you no longer can work because of congestive heart failure or your doctor has told you to apply for Social Security disability, you should hire Nancy Cavey to help you:
The SSA is in the business of denying claims and will use any reason to deny your benefits. The odds of getting your Social Security benefits are greater when you are represented by an experienced Social Security Disability attorney like Ms. Cavey.
What Is Heart Disease
Heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease, is a category of cardiovascular disease that is caused by a build-up of fatty deposits, calcium deposits, inflammatory cells or plaque in the coronary arteries. This creates a block that limits the supply of blood to the heart, which leads to ischemia or cell starvation due to a lack of oxygen. The patients heart could slow down or stop completely. Symptoms include pain in the chest, shoulder, back, jaw or neck, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, sweating, and an irregular heartbeat.In order to claim disability benefits for heart disease, the worker must be able to prove that his or her symptoms are due to myocardial ischemiaa blockage of the coronary artery. Diseases that fall under this category include myocardial infarction, stable angina, unstable angina and silent ischemia.
Myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction is commonly known as a heart attack. This happens when blood stops flowing to a part of the heart resulting in damage to the heart muscle. The pain feels like a heartburn that lasts for a few minutes.
Stable angina. Stable angina, which is sometimes called effort angina, is triggered by physical activity like running or walking. Emotional stress has also been identified as a precipitant. This manifests as chest discomfort that dissipates when the trigger is removed or ceases.
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What Heart Conditions Qualify For Disability
If you have a heart problem that is so severe that it makes it impossible for you to work full time, you may be wondering what heart conditions qualify for disability.
Some of the more common heart problems which often qualify for Social Security disability benefits include chronic heart failure, chronic venous insufficiency, congestive heart failure, coronary heart failure and heart transplant.
There are many other heart conditions that qualify for disability to go alongside those conditions.
If you had a heart condition, in order qualify for Social Security disability benefits there are two parameters that you need to meet. You have to meet the medical requirements, as well as the work requirement outlined by the SSA.
To medically qualify for Social Security disability benefits with a heart condition, your heart condition needs to be serious enough that it will force you to be out of work for at least 12 months or longer.
Your heart condition and its symptoms need to match one of the listings in the SSAs Blue Book. The Blue Book is the SSAs medical guide of conditions that can be approved for Social Security disability benefits.
Section 4.00 of the Blue Book is the cardiovascular system section that outlines what heart conditions qualify for disability and what medical evidence you need in order to be approved for Social Security disability benefits.
What Conditions Qualify As A Disability
With more than 20 years of experience in this area of the law, we have significant experience with a wide range of disability insurance cases. We have seen many different types of disabilities and we are familiar with what conditions disability insurance challenge the most.
You can rely on us to help you if you suffer from any of the following disabilities:
- Musculoskeletal system disabilities: Spinal disorders, carpal tunnel syndrome, amputation, disc disease, etc.
- Senses loss: Loss of speech, vision loss, loss of hearing , or Menieres Disease.
- Respiratory system disabilities: Chronic mycobacterial infections, COPD, lung transplant, etc.
- Cardiovascular/cardiac disabilities: Heart transplant, heart failure, recurrent arrhythmia, etc.
- Hematological disabilities: Sickle cell disease, chronic anemia, liver transplantation, etc.
- Endocrine system disabilities: Obesity, adrenal gland disorders, pituitary gland disorders, etc.
- Neurological disabilities: Parkinsons, stroke, seizure disorder, Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, etc.
- Mental disorders: Autism, Bipolar Disorder, depression, Schizophrenia, PTSD, etc.
- Malignant neoplastic disease: Myelofibrosis, Lymphoma, Leukemia, cancer, etc.
- Immune system disorders: Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Immune Deficiency, Scleroderma, etc.
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Lonnie Roach A Partner In The Austin Law Firm Bemis Roach & Reed Has Successfully Assisted Hundreds Of Clients Including Those Suffering From Chronic Heart Failure Who Have Been Denied Long Term Disability Benefits
A client of ours from Round Rock had congestive heart failure, uncontrolled arrhythmias, and a surgically implanted pacemaker.
This previous heart condition was later complicated by a paralyzed diaphragm that caused chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency. The client was determined to have a Class 5 physical impairment by her treating physician, a Board Certified Cardiologist. She was similarly certified as suffering a Class 5 physical impairment by a Board Certified Pulmonologist. She satisfied Social Securitys criteria for total disability under at least three separate sections. Her pathology was demonstrated by multiple, objective tests and she had been certified as totally disabled by a cardiologist and a pulmonologist. Despite all of this, Sun Life denied her claim. We handled her appeal got her benefits reinstated.
The former president of a company in Houston had been receiving disability benefits, and then was denied.
The Social Security Administration concurred with his physicians that he was disabled from any gainful activity, much less his former occupation as president of a multi-national corporation. At the time of denial, over ten years after the initial disability determination, he was placed on a heart transplant list. The physician on whom Hartford allegedly relied to deny benefits stated that the client could not work at any occupation. Nonetheless, The Hartford denied his claim. After filing suit, we were able to get his benefits reinstated.
What Is Ejection Fraction
Ejection fraction refers to a measurement that is used when a medical professional is determining the health of the heart of a patient. Blood is pumped out of the heart with each contraction of the muscle. The percentage of blood that is pumped out of the ventricle during this movement should fall between 55 and 70 percent.
The results of an ejection fraction test show doctors how effective the heart is at pumping blood. The detection of a dysfunction during this test can indicate a significantly increased risk of heart failure. People who have an ejection fraction that falls below the normal range may have heart damage, high blood pressure or weakness in the heart.
Medical professionals typically require further testing if an ejection fraction measurement falls below the normal range. Additional testing helps to pinpoint the problem to allow the proper treatment to be administered.
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Objective Symptoms Of Congestive Heart Failure
Your medical record must show the following evidence of either systolic or diastolic heart failure.
Systolic failure. This occurs when the heart has weakened pumping strength and can be shown by one of the following:
- the heart’s ejection fraction is 30% or less during a period of stability , or
- the heart’s left ventricular end diastolic dimensions are larger than 6.0 cm.
Diastolic failure. This occurs when the heart is unable to fill properly, and must be shown by all of the following:
- thickness of left ventricular wall and interventricular septum 2.5 cm or larger on imaging
- an enlarged left atrium 4.5 cm or larger, and
- normal or elevated ejection fraction during a period of stability .
Qualifying For Disability Under The Chronic Heart Failure Listing
The Social Security Administration will evaluate whether a patient with CHF qualifies for disability under its listing for âchronic heart failure.â To qualify for disability benefits under the SSAâs listing for chronic heart failure, you must have been diagnosed with severe continuing heart failure despite being on heart medication. The SSAâs listing doesnât require that you have fluid retention at the time of evaluation to get disability benefits, but your medical records should show that you had fluid retention at some point in time. You must have the required objective symptoms and functional limitations below.
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When Is Congestive Heart Failure Considered A Disability Making You Eligible For Disability Benefits
The Social Security Administration has detailed criteria in its Blue Book listing that must be met in order for CHF to be considered a disability. A person must have one of these types of CHF:
- Systolic failure. This is a type of CHF where the heart has weakened pumping strength. To qualify for SSDI, the percentage of blood pumped out of the heart with each heartbeat, which is referred to as the hearts ejection fracture, must be 30 percent or less or the hearts left ventricular end-diastolic dimensions must be larger than 6.0 cm.
- Diastolic failure. Diastolic failure occurs when the heart cannot fill properly. To meet the SSDIs definition of disability, the thickness of the left ventricular and interventricular septum has to be 2.5 cm or larger, the left atrium must be enlarged at 4.5 cm or larger, and there must be a normal or elevated ejection fraction during a period of stability.
In addition, a person must show that he has one of these symptoms:
- Inability to perform an exercise tolerance test at a workload equivalent to 5 EMTs or less
- Continuing symptoms of heart failure that limit activities of daily life
- Three or more episodes of CHF in the last 12 months that required treatment in an emergency room or hospital for at least 12 hours
If an applicants medical condition does not meet these requirements, he may still be eligible for SSDI benefits if he can show that his congestive heart failure is so disabling that it prevents him from performing the duties of any job.
Why Was My Heart Failure Disability Application Denied
Every year, around 550,000 new cases of congestive heart failure are diagnosed in the United States. CHF has the capacity to drastically affect ones health and lifestyle, leading many patients to seek disability benefits for help.
However, in many cases , disability applicants find that their initial claim attempt is denied. If this is true for you, do not worry continue below to see how you can continue your disability case moving forward. Some heart defects, such as congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and heart transplants, can automatically qualify you for disability benefits through the “Blue Book” List of Conditions.
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Qualifying For Disability With Heart Problems Under Reduced Functional Capacity
If you cannot get approved by meeting the criteria of a listing in the Social Security Blue Book, you can still be approved using a residual functional capacity . If your treating physician will complete one of these forms, it can be very beneficial to your case as your regular healthcare provider is more familiar with your overall health and all your medical problems.
An RFC will detail all your medical conditions, the treatment plan, if the treatment was effective, any medications that you take, the symptoms of the condition, your side effects from treatment, and any limitations and restrictions.
The RFC is very precise, so it basically spells out your condition and how it affects you. As an example, it may state that you cannot stand for longer than one hour because of fatigue and because of swelling of the extremities.
It may say that you must reposition yourself every thirty minutes, or that you cannot lift more than 5 pounds. Because of shortness of breath and chest pain, you may not be able to walk more than 500 feet without having to stop and rest. It will detail if you can bend, squat, reach, and carry items.
It will help the disability reviewer understand what kind of work if any you can do and if you are able to work a full-time job.
Filling Out The Application
This is what you will need. Get it all together before you start actually filling out the application.
- Social security number and proof of age, usually a certified birth certificate
- Names, addresses and dates of places you have worked
- Your most recent tax return
- Name, addresses, phone numbers of doctors or treatment facilities where you received carewith dates of treatment
- Names, doses and frequency of any medicines you are taking
- Copies of medical records from all your doctors and treatment facilities for the last three years, including reports of any lab work, procedures or surgery, and office notes
- A detailed letter from your doctor describing you, your condition and how it affects your ability to do normal activities and work.
The letter is a critical part of the application. SSA decisions are often made based on what doctors and hospitals say about your condition. The letter should include:
- Your doctors qualifications
This site provides instructions, information, a benefits calculator and an online application for SSA disability benefits. You will need to take four steps to file your application.
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Meeting Disability Criteria With An Rfc
If you dont meet the disability requirements per the Blue Book, you may still be able to qualify using the vocational medical allowance. This process considers your conditions, your symptoms, your age, your educational level, your past work experience, and any transferable skills.
Your doctor will be asked to complete a residual functioning capacity form that will completely detail how your ailment has impacted your life. It will indicate if you have to reposition yourself every two hours, if your mental confusion impacts your memory and ability to do repetitive work, if you have severe swelling that causing weeping of the skin that renders you unable to walk or stand, and how any other symptoms come into play in regards to your ability to work or care for yourself.
Providing as much documentation as possible for your case can help you more easily win your benefits because they have evidence of your condition and how your life is severely impacted. Make sure your physician maintains thorough notes and documents any problems that arise from your condition so they can be used to support your disability claim. Check out other tips on how to apply for heart failure Social Security disability benefits here.
I Have A Heart Condition Do I Qualify For Disability Benefits
In the United States, February is all about the heart. Not only do we celebrate Valentines Day in February, but we also raise awareness about heart disease during February as part of American Heart Month. In addition, today is National Wear Red Day, a day set aside to raise awareness about womens heart health.
If you have a heart condition, February is the perfect month to learn more about how Social Security handles heart disease. Can you qualify for Social Security disability benefits if you suffer from a heart condition?
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Why It Is Advisable To Hire Disability Attorney For Winning Disability Benefits For Heart Failure
In majority of cases of Social Security Disability benefits, the claimants who apply get their claims denied initially. This is because most of the claimants do not have any experience of how to present their case in front of the judge at the time of hearing. If case is presented with inadequate objective evidence then the judge or hearing officer may find it difficult to believe the disease is severe enough to be considered for SSD benefits. That is why it is always wise to hire an experienced Social security disability attorney to win disability for heart failure. An SSD attorney often has an experienced consultant preparing the case. The consultant employed by attorney most often has worked as nurse or physician assistant. Attorney will present the well-prepared case to judge that is supported by several objective evidences. The attorney also has significant knowledge as to what the judge might ask at the time of hearing and what information needs to be put in front of the judge at the time of hearing to win a disability claim. An SSD attorney is paid only after the claimant wins the case and hence the attorney goes all out to try and win the disability claim for heart failure for his or her client