Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How Do You Calculate Va Disability

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Va Disability Pay Chart Expectations For 2022

VA Disability: How To Calculate Your Percentage

The announcement for the following years’ change in COLA doesn’t typically come out until October. However, based on the Consumer Price Index, VA disability pay could increase anywhere from 5 to 6 percent in 2022.

We will update our charts here accordingly when the numbers are finalized.


  • Rates for more than one child are shown separately and are not included with any other compensation rates unless otherwise stated. For example, a Veteran with a 70% disability rating, spouse and four children would receive $1,975.71 .
  • Where the Veteran has a spouse who is determined to require Aid and Attendance, add the figure shown as additional for A& A spouse to the amount shown for the proper dependency code. For example, a Veteran with a 70% disability rating and an Aid and Attendance spouse and two minor children would receive $1,830.71 .
  • What You Need To Know About Va Combined Disability Ratings

    In cases where the VA must rate a veteran for more than one medical issue, the VA uses a combined ratings table to determine the final percentage.

    The VA points out that its disability system is not additive, which the VA official site explains means that if a Veteran has one disability rated 60% and a second disability 20%, the combined rating is not 80%. This is because subsequent disability ratings are applied to an already disabled Veteran, so the 20% disability is applied to a Veteran who is already 60% disabled.

    The VA Combined Ratings Table is a tool used by the VA to make the combined rating determination. The table is lengthy and requires each disability to be listed in order of severity and the VA rater follows a procedure using the ratings matched with the table to arrive at the accurate combined disability percentage. The VA official site offers an example of how this calculation is made:

    • A veteran is rated with a 50% disability and is also rated with a different medical condition at 30%
    • According to VA calculations, the combined value will be found to be 65 percent, BUT
    • The 65 percent must be converted to 70 percent to represent the final degree of disability
    • In a different example on the VA official site, a veteran rated with two disabilities at 40% and 20% requires a calculation to arrive at the combined value of 52%
    • The 52% must be converted to the nearest degree divisible by 10, which is 50%.

    Va Math: The Fuzzy Math Behind Your Va Disability Rating

    If you have one disability, then the rating for that disability and the rating for your total disability will be one and the same.

    However, most of us have more than one service-connected disability.

    So how does the VA consider all of them and wind up with one combined VA rating percentage?

    If you receive several ratings for corresponding disabilities, they will not just be added together in a cumulative nature.

    If you are rated at 70% for PTSD and 50% for Sleep Apnea, you wont be 70% + 50% = 120% disabled.


    Because its physically impossible to be more than 100% disabled.

    Instead, the VA starts with your highest overall rating, multiplies the next highest rating into the previous one, adds it on, and so on.

    In the example I just gave, the VA would take the highest rating first, the 70% for PTSD.

    According to that number, they would assume that 100% 70% = 30% of you is still healthy.

    Then they multiply that remaining 30% by the rating for your Sleep Apnea disability, which is 50%.

    Take 50% of 30% and you wind up with 15%.

    Add that 15% onto the original 70%, and you wind up with an 85% total disability rating, which would be rounded up to a 90% combined VA disability rating.

    The process continues for each disability remaining from highest to lowest.

    Is that clear?

    Clear as mud, but its the system we have.

    But rather than trying to run your own calculations, just use our FREE Combined VA Rating Calculator above!

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    How To Calculate Veterans Pension

    Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. If eligible, your pension benefit is the difference between your countable income and the annual pension limit set by Congress. VA generally pays this difference in 12 equal monthly payments.

    Current Va Disability Compensation Amounts Based On Rating

    VA Disability Rating &  Compensation Calculator for Android ...

    The VA updates its schedule of benefits each year.

    As of December 1st, 2020 the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows:

    • 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month
    • 10 percent disability rating: $144.14 per month
    • 20 percent disability rating: $284.93 per month
    • 30 percent disability rating: $441.35 per month
    • 40 percent disability rating: $635.77 per month
    • 50 percent disability rating: $905.04 per month
    • 60 percent disability rating: $1,146.39 per month
    • 70 percent disability rating: $1,444.71 per month
    • 80 percent disability rating: $1,679.35 per month
    • 90 percent disability rating: $1,887.18 per month
    • 100 percent disability rating: $3,146.42 per month

    At a rating of 30 percent or higher, veterans are eligible for additional benefits for dependents living in their household. If your spouse, minor children, or parents live with you and depend on you financially, you can receive additional monthly compensation for them.

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    You Or Your Family Members May Be Eligible For Increased Benefits

    Our mission is to deliver Social Security services that meet the changing needs of the public.

    Its not unusual for a benefit recipients circumstances to change after they apply or became eligible for benefits. If you, or a family member, receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income , certain life changes may affect eligibility for an increase in your federal benefits. For example, if your spouse or ex-spouse dies, you may become eligible for a higher Social Security benefit.

    To find out if you, or a family member, might be eligible for a benefit based on another persons work, or a higher benefit based on your own work, see the information about benefits on the Social Security website. You can also use the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool to find out if you could get benefits that Social Security administers. Based on your answers to questions, this tool will list benefits for which you might be eligible and tell you more information about how to qualify and apply.

    The questions and answers below are about a few of the life changes that could possibly increase your benefits.

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    What Other Factors Does The Va Take Into Account For Disability

    There are other factors that make the ratings change too. For example, if a veteran has a rating on each leg or each arm then those ratings are combined together and give the overall combined rating an extra boost. Also, if a veteran has too many ratings on one arm or leg then VA stops counting those ratings. Further, a veteran can step up to 100% through total disability due to individual unemployability. That veteran must show that he cannot work and that he meets a certain rating.

    The only help the VA offers veterans is to provide a chart and a couple dozen rules and exceptions. Ironically, the VA does not even use this chart. Instead the VA has its own combined rating calculator. VA employees actually call it the Combinator.

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    What If I Have Both Service

    The VA is required to evaluate each of your service-connected disabilities independently and assign a rating to each. However, if you have both service-connected and non-service connected disabilities and it is very difficult to determine which condition is causing your symptoms, the VA is required to apply the “benefit of the doubt” rule. The benefit of the doubt rule means that when the VA can’t tell which disability is causing your symptoms, they have to assume that your service-connected disability is causing them . This can help you to get a higher rating.

    What Are Va Disability Retro Benefits

    How to determine your VA disability rating

    VA typically pays a veteran from the date that he filed a claim. Most of the time that is months or years before the veteran wins. Once he does win he receives his new rate every month going forward. But the VA must also pay that back paythe retro paymentto the date of the claim. To calculate an estimate of your retro benefits,

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    Va Disability Rating And Compensation

    The VA is responsible for assisting veterans with a peaceful transition back to civilian life, which may include educational or financial assistance like VA Loans. But for vets who have become disabled due to military service, reacclimating to the employment component of civilian life can be difficult, both emotionally and in terms of generating sufficient income to support themselves and/or dependents. The VA will step in to alleviate this burden and give an injured vet the dignity and assistance they deserve in repayment for serving their country.

    As weve seen, the exact amount of disability compensation provided by the VA depends on a VA disability rating that reflects the impact of a disability on a vets ability to work. If they have multiple injuries, the VA will leverage a formula to find the combined VA disability rating. And lastly, if a veteran has dependents such as a spouse, children, or parents in their care, they may receive additional compensation.

    Will Social Security Recipients Get A Raise In 2021

    Social Security and Supplemental Security Income benefits for approximately 70 million Americans will increase 1.3 percent in 2021 . Read more about the Social Security Cost-of-Living adjustment for 2021 . The earnings limit for people reaching their full retirement age in 2021 will increase to $50,520.

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    Do You Deserve A Higher Va Rating

    Are you stuck, frustrated, and underrated?

    In my brand-new FREE 45-minute video training youll learn 3 SECRET VA Disability Claim Tips that could get you a higher VA disability rating , even if youve already been denied

    Heres what youll learn in todays VA Claim SECRETS video training:

    VA Disability Rating Calculator Tip #1:How to Get a VA Disability Increase, Take Control of YOUR claim, Get an Immediate VA Disability Rating Increase, and Have it Decided 6 Months FASTER.

    VA Disability Calculator Tip #2:How to Legally, Morally, Ethically, and Medically Get a 100 Percent VA Disability Rating and Over $3,000/month, Tax-Free, for Life

    VA Rating Calculator Tip #3:How to Write Your Statement in Support of a Claim and Obtain Buddy Letters, So YOU Can Get the VA Rating and Compensation You Deserve.

    Proving A Service Connection

    How Do I Find Out My Va Disability Rating Online

    Once you have an official PTSD diagnosis, youll need to be able to prove a service connection for your condition. In essence, a service connection is a specific incident or set of circumstances that could have caused your condition. In the case of PTSD, almost any aspect of military service is enough to be a service connection.

    If you served in a combat zone, were taken prisoner, or lost friends in the service, those can all qualify as service connections. Harsh service conditions, such as poor hygiene conditions or inhumane discipline can also qualify. The incident you use as your service connection will need to be something documented in your military records.

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    Example Of Monthly Disability Payment Calendar

    To demonstrate how to Social Security Disability calendar works, we have selected the month of May to show you how to read the calendar above.

    For May 2021:

    • 1- If your birth date falls on the 1st 10th day of the month, Social Security disability benefits are paid on May 12th.
    • 2- If your birth date falls on the 11th 20th day of the month, Social Security disability benefits are paid on May 19th.
    • 3- If your birth date falls on the 21st 31st day of the month, Social Security disability benefits are paid on May 26th.

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    How Does The Va Disability Rating System Work

    During the review and approval process, the VA assigns your condition a disability rating. The evidence you submit to demonstrate the severity of your disability helps the VA determine what rating your condition warrants.

    Most VA disability ratings range between 0 and 100 percent in increments of 10. There are exceptions, however. For example, mental health conditions are rated at 0, 10, 30, 50, 70, and 100-percent. Intervertebral disc syndrome has a maximum disability rating of 60-percent when evaluated based on incapacitating episodes.

    It is important to know that not all disabilities are rated the same way or under the same criteria. The VA generally reserves the 0-percent rating for conditions that it does not determine to be significantly limiting. On the other hand, the 100-percent rating typically corresponds with total disability, or a condition that VA deems extremely limiting. The ratings in between are determined based on rating criteria, which is why the thoroughness and credibility of the evidence you submit is so important.

    You must receive a disability rating of 10-percent or higher to be eligible for a monthly benefit check from the VA. At a 0-percent rating, you can qualify for certain ancillary benefits, such as health care, but you will not receive monthly compensation.

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    How To Calculate A Permanent Partial Disability Claim

    According to the Social Security Administration, permanent partial disability cases are the most common type of disability case. Over half of all disability cases are a permanent partial disability claim. The amount you can receive from an insurance company for permanent partial disability is determined by a formula that takes into consideration several factors, such as your disability rating, age and current income. Although the general formula applies to all states, the permanency disability rating and maximum wage in each state varies widely, so your final permanent partial disability claim can change a lot depending on the state you claim from.

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    Getting From 90% To 100% Requires A Significant Change In Disability As To Get To 100% The Combined Rating Needs To Be 95%

    How Do I Get A 100 Percent VA Disability Rating

    If a combined rating is at 88% and a veteran is awarded 20% for a new condition, the combined rating is 90.4%, which rounds to remain at 90%.

    The math:

    If you are curious as to how the math works, this is an example of the combination using the math.

    First, VA starts by saying the Veteran is 100% not disabled. This is our base score.

    First Rating = 100% x 50% = 50% , if we stopped here the overall percentage would be 100%- 50%= 50% overall rating. But, we have a second rating

    50% x 30% = 15% take 50%-15%=35%, if we stopped here the overall percentage would be 100%-35%= 65%, which rounded gives you 70%

    but we have a third rating

    35% x 10% = 3.5% take 35%-3.5%= 31.5%, stopping here gives an overall percentage of 100%-31.5%= 68.5% which is rounded to 70%.

    Avoid the Headache of VA Math

    Let us help you with your VA disability calculations. Contact us for a free, no obligation case review.

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    How Is My Permanent Partial Disability Compensation Calculated

    Its a bit less straightforward than it should be. But at the base level for every percentage you are awarded you are paid two weeks of temporary total disability. So if you are found to have a 10% permanent partial impairment you are paid 20 weeks of temporary total disability compensation.

    The trick is, its paid differently than temporary total disability is paid. That is where the confusion comes in. To that end Ohio workers comp lawyer Kip Malek has made a very helpful step-by-step tutorial on how to actually calculate a Ohio permanent partial disability compensation award, otherwise known as a C92 award:

    Qualifying For Retirement Benefits

    Retirement benefits, like SSI and SSDI, are a type of monthly payment paid to eligible Americans by the SSA. Once you have amassed enough work credits, paid into Social Security through federal taxes, and reached age 62, you can begin collecting retirement benefits. The amount of your monthly benefit depends on how much you worked, how much money you made, and whether you decide to keep working past the age of 62.

    If you wait until your full retirement age , your monthly benefit will increase. And, if you are able to and decide to keep working until you are 70 years old, you can maximize your monthly retirement benefits. Once you begin receiving retirement benefits, you will continue to receive them for the rest of your life.

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    How To Determine Your Disability Compensation

    To determine your disability compensation, you need to file a claim with VA. The VA rates your disability by severity after reviewing every piece of evidence in your claim.

    You may only receive compensation for a single diagnostic code per condition, even if that condition satisfies more than one diagnostic code. However, those with more than one condition may receive additional compensation based on the combined rating system.

    You may receive additional compensation if:

    • You have very severe disabilities or loss of limb
    • you have a spouse, children, or dependent parents
    • you have a seriously disabled spouse

    Note: If you have more than one child or your spouse receives Aid and Attendance benefits , be sure to include the figures from the Add row.



    a.) Rates for each school child are shown separately. They are not included with any other compensation rates. All other entries on this chart reflecting a rate for children show the rate payable for children under 18 or helpless. To find the amount payable to a 70% disabled veteran with a spouse and four children, one of whom is over 18 and attending school, take the 70% rate for a veteran with a spouse and 3 children, , and add the rate for one school child, $197.00. The total amount payable is $1,975.71.

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