Thursday, July 25, 2024

Does Foot Drop Qualify For Disability

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How Bad Can Peripheral Neuropathy Get

Flat Feet VA Disability Ratings (Pes Planus)

If you have peripheral neuropathy and you do not address it with treatment, it could get worse. When peripheral neuropathy is left untreated, you could see more nerve damage in the affected areas that could become permanent.

For example, if you have peripheral neuropathy in your feet, it could get worse If you do not treat it. You could develop m foot ulcers that could cause serious bacterial infections in your feet due to a lack of blood flow.

Because peripheral neuropathy attacks the nerves, it can get serious to the point where someone with peripheral neuropathy could develop paralysis if it attacks the motor nerves.

If left untreated and if it’s serious enough, peripheral neuropathy can get bad enough where it effects the heart. Peripheral neuropathy can affect some of the functions of the heart and circulation system when it affects these nerves leading to a serious condition, that is called cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.

What starts off as a burning sensation and tingling in the hands and fingers, it left alone and untreated it could develop into something more serious.

Which is why at the first symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, it is recommended that you seek treatment from a doctor. If you are seeking treatment from a doctor and the symptoms are not getting better or are getting worse and you can no longer work because of peripheral neuropathy, then you may want to apply for Social Security disability benefits.

Find Out How You Can Qualify For Disability With Neuropathy

If you have neuropathy and it is so severe it impacts your ability to work, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits. There are a couple of parameters that you have to meet in order to qualify for Social Security disability benefits with neuropathy.

First, your neuropathy must be severe enough that you will be out of work for at least 12 months or more. Your condition and symptoms need to match the SSA’s medical guideline of disabilities that qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Peripheral neuropathy is a condition listed in the SSA’s Blue Book for conditions that qualify for disability benefits.

Second, will need to have earned enough work credits in order to qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Since Social Security Disability Insurance is the disability programs for those who at one point could work, but now can no longer because of a disability like peripheral neuropathy you need to have worked enough in order to qualify for SSDI benefits.

So, in order to get disability with peripheral neuropathy, you must meet the medical and work requirements outlined by the SSA. If you meet both requirements, you may be able to qualify for disability benefits with neuropathy.

Neuropathy And Your Ability To Perform Physical Work

A number of symptoms associated with neuropathy can make it difficult or impossible to perform physical work. Paralysis and ataxia can affect your ability to walk, bend, lift, or perform many of the actions required for physical labor.

If you experience touch sensitivity, make sure that is thoroughly documented as well. Touch sensitivity, if it is severe enough, can make it impossible to do any job in which you may be bumped or jostled. This obviously rules out the vast majority of existing physical jobs.

Make sure that your medical records include all specific limitations your doctor places on your activities, as well as all daily activities that are affected by your neuropathy. Limitations should be very specific, and should include any limits on standing, walking and lifting.

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Can You Get Disability With Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. If you have diabetes and you have nerve damage as a result from it, you could qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

Diabetic neuropathy often affects the legs and feet. If you can no longer work full time anymore because of diabetic neuropathy, you may be able to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance .

SSDI benefits are for workers who at one point could work, but now can no longer because of a disability, like diabetic neuropathy.

If you have worked enough and have earned enough work credits and you meet the medical criteria outlined by the SSA, you could qualify for disability benefits with diabetic neuropathy.

Could You Qualify For These Benefits

Foot Drop Brace

When considering whether you may qualify for Loss of Use of Feet, some other questions to ask yourself are:

  • Can you balance on one foot without holding onto something for support?
  • Are you able to push off of one foot to take a large step?
  • Can you stand on your toes to reach a top shelf?
  • Do you require the use of a wheelchair or rollator?
  • Do you experience foot drop? Does your foot ever drag while walking?
  • Do you trip or fall often?
  • Are you able to go up and down stairs easily?

Keep in mind, the loss of use of your feet may also help you qualify for Aid and Attendance. If you require the assistance of a spouse or other person to help you with daily activities due to the loss of function in your feet, you may also want to consider filing for this special monthly benefit. And if you have been denied benefits, let us know! We help veterans with their appeals.

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Spinal Stenosis Occurs When The Spaces Within The Spine Narrow Putting Pressure On The Nerves That Travel Through The Spine

Spinal stenosis usually develops slowly and can occur anywhere in the spine, but there are two main types: cervical spinal stenosis where narrowing of spaces in the spine occurs in the neck, and lumbar spinal stenosis where narrowing occurs in the lower back. Lumbar spinal stenosis is the most common form.

In cervical spinal stenosis, the most common symptoms include:

  • Weakness in hands, arms, feet or legs
  • Neck pain
  • Difficulty with walking or balance
  • Numbness or tingling in arms, hands, feet or legs
  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction .

Frequently Asked Questions About The Ada And Qualifying Service Dogs

Your disability is enough to qualify you for a certified service animal. You dont need to have social security disability, nor do you need to qualify your service animal through a mental health professional because the ADA only allows those asking about you and your service animal two questions:

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
  • What task is the animal trained to perform?

Because of this, housing providers and staff of businesses cannot inquire about disability, require medical documentation, require a unique identifier for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its abilities.

Your service animal is a service, like a medical assistant, and is not considered to be a pet. Because they are service animals, it gives them the rights to be with you in public spaces. Service animals provide support for you as you live with your disability, so while no regulations are surrounding the training and registration of service animals, keep in mind that service animals are for those with disabilities, and are not just a free pass for you to take your pet anywhere youd like. The ADAs regulations are clear not but everyone will be aware of it. Local agencies such as NYs MTA would recommend registering your Service Dog so you have a Service Dog ID handy in case you are asked.

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Getting Social Security Disability From Orthopedic Injuries

If you suffer from an orthopedic injury, you may be wondering how to get orthopedic injury disability help to assist you financially. Getting disability help can be a lengthy process and it is conditional upon many factors, not the least of which being your orthopedic injury itself.

Our team will guide you through the process and make sure that you win your disability claim.

There are many different types of orthopedic injuries that may qualify a citizen to receive disability help, but all qualifying conditions have a couple of things in common. Specifically, they must cause severe impairment of functioning, and they must be chronic problems that cause pain or loss of mobility/function over a long period of time or even permanently.

One orthopedic injury disability qualifying condition is major dysfunction of one or more joints. This means that you have a visible deformity of a major, weight-bearing joint that causes chronic pain and impedes not only your ability to move but to also sit/stand/remain in one position comfortably. Alternatively, to qualify for disability help under this classification you may suffer from involvement of an upper joint that prevents fine motor movement.

Contact us right now for a free consultation and win the disability benefits you deserve!

  • What type of accident was it?*
  • When did the accident occur?*YYYY dash MM dash DD
  • What is your Age?*
  • Qualifying For Disability Due To Spinal Nerve Root Compression

    Do I Qualify For Disability Insurance Benefits If I Have Cancer

    The Social Security Administration recognizes that severe nerve root compression can be debilitating, and as a result, it has created an official impairment listing in the SSA’s “Blue Book” of impairments. If your condition matches the requirements in this listing , you can get Social Security disability benefits.

    Under the listing for nerve root compression , the SSA specifies the symptoms and severity required for nerve root compression of any kind to qualify as a disability. Basically, evidence of pressure on your spinal nerve root or spinal cord must be accompanied by all of the following:

    • pain
    • limitation of motion in the spine
    • loss of sensation or reflexes
    • muscle weakness, and
    • a positive result on the straight-leg-raising test, both in a sitting or supine position, if the lower back is involved.

    In addition, your nerve root compression problems must have lasted or be expected to last 12 months or more.

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    Peripheral Neuropathy Secondary To Diabetes

    Peripheral neuropathy often appears secondary to diabetes. In 2012, 29.1 million Americans had been diagnosed with diabetes. That number undoubtedly has gone up, because at that time there were 86 million Americans age 20 and older who were pre-diabetic. Veterans receiving service connected compensation for diabetes mellitus through the United States Department of Veterans Affairs are also eligible to receive disability compensation for any and all conditions secondary to diabetes. The complications and co-morbid conditions associated with diabetes are grouped into two categories: macrovascular and microvascular.

    How Does The Va Define Loss Of Use Of Feet

    The VA defines Loss of Use of Feet for the purpose of special monthly compensation when no effective function remains other than that which would be equally well served by an amputation stump at the site of election below the knee with use of a suitable prosthetic appliance. More specifically a veteran who is unable to balance or propulse is entitled. If the veteran cannot balance on his or her foot or push off with the foot to ambulate, he or she has no effective remaining function of the foot.

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    Foot Drop Treatment For Peroneal Neuropathy

    Treatment typically depends on the type of trauma to the peroneal nerve. A few examples include1:

    • Foot and ankle brace to aid in walking and prevent tripping
    • Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles of the leg and foot

    Surgery may be recommended in the treatment of laceration injuries, acute compartment syndrome, and tumors. Surgery may include nerve repair, nerve grafting, or tendon grafts.1

    Check If Your Impairments Long Term

    VA Disability Ratings and Benefits for Foot Drop

    A long-term effect means something that has affected you or is likely to affect you for at least a year. For example, if you had an operation that will make walking difficult for at least a year, thats long term.

    Your impairment will still be considered to be long term if the effects are likely to come and go. These are known as fluctuating or recurring effects.

    For example, youve had periods of depression for a few months at a time but then months in between where it doesnt affect you. Each episode of depression lasts less than 12 months, but it can meet the definition of long term if:

    • it has a substantial adverse effect when it happens, and
    • it could well happen again

    Your impairment will also still be considered to be long term if its likely to affect you for the rest of your life even if thats going to be less than a year.

    The definition of what is long term is in Schedule 1 of the Equality Act 2010.

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    Foot Drop Treatment Methods

    Treatment for foot drop depends on the underlying cause. If the underlying cause is successfully treated, the person’s foot drop may improve or disappear entirely. If the underlying cause cannot be treated, foot drop might be permanent. Specific treatment for foot drop can include the following:

    • Nerve Stimulation: At times, stimulating the nerve that lifts the foot improves foot drop.
    • Splints or Braces: A brace on your ankle and foot, or a splint that fits into your shoe, may help to hold your foot in a normal position.
    • Surgery: Depending upon the cause and if your foot drop is fairly new, nerve surgery might be helpful. If foot drop is long-standing, a doctor might suggest surgery that fuses foot or ankle bones, or a procedure that transfers a functioning tendon to a different position.
    • Physical Therapy: Exercises that strengthen your leg muscles and help you to maintain the range of motion in your ankle and knee might improve gait issues associated with foot drop. Stretching exercises are especially important to prevent the development of stiffness in your heel.

    How To Qualify For Benefits If You Do Not Meet A Listing

    Many people who apply for disability based on their foot drop symptoms and the related limited mobility do not meet a Blue Book listing. This means they will need to rely on their Residual Functional Capacity to get benefits.

    Your RFC is an evaluation of your current abilities. This evaluation requires a doctor to review your application, records, and medical evidenceor conduct an in-person examto complete the assessment. Most commonly, the doctor who performs this will:

    • Work for Disability Determination Services
    • Be your own primary care physician or
    • Be a third-party physician paid by the SSA.

    Based on this evaluation, you will receive a statement of:

    • How often you can work
    • The type of work you can do and
    • How long you can work.

    If your RFC proves you cannot work, you might qualify for benefits. If you have questions about how to qualify for benefits through the RFC process, contact us today.

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    Does Your Foot/ankle Injury Keep You From Doing Your Job

    Simple sprains can be treated at home with RICE:

    • Rest You should avoid putting weight on the injured area as much as possible.
    • Ice For the first 48 hours, you should put ice on the area every 3-4 hours for 15-20 minutes. This will help with reducing any inflammation.
    • Compression Use an ACE bandage to wrap the foot or ankle.
    • Elevation Keep the foot or ankle elevated with pillows above your heart to reduce swelling.

    However, if your job requires that you walk or stand for prolonged periods such as many jobs with the U.S. Postal Service or Transportation Safety Administration , you may be unable to fully carry out your duties if you have suffered a serious foot or ankle injury.

    For instance, you may need to stay off your feet for days or weeks. You may also need to obtain an X-ray or MRI to ascertain the extent of the damage or to see if the foot or ankle is broken. If your job requires you to be on your feet, you may not be able to function at work at all until it is healed.

    Medical Evidence Required To Meet Listing 104a

    How to Apply for Social Security Disability

    Unlike other spinal disorders, the SSA’s listing for nerve root compression does not technically require objective evidence of the condition, such as x-rays, MRIs, or CT scans. This means that a comprehensive spinal exam by an orthopedic doctor, including testing your reflexes, sensation, muscle strength , and range of motion, along with your subjective reports of pain and your doctor’s estimate of your ability to walk, bend, squat and rise, might be able to suffice as evidence of disability — in theory anyway.

    MRIs, X-Rays, CT scans, or myelography reports that show abnormalities of the spine would help a great deal in getting your back problems approved for disability. The SSA will also look at how often you have been to the doctor, and for how long, and what treatments you have tried . The effects, side effects, and efficacy of the treatments should be thoroughly documented by your doctor.

    Most Social Security claimants for nerve root compression problems don’t qualify under the above official SSA impairment listing for spinal disorders, because it is quite difficult to meet all of the requirements. If you also have a diagnosis of stenosis or arachnoiditis, you should add these to your claim, as you might be able to qualify for disability benefits under those listings as well.

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    How Does The Va Rate Loss Of Use Of Feet

    Ratings for the loss of use of a foot often qualify veterans to receive benefits similar to those due to veterans whose injuries have required amputation of that limb. Even where a veteran is already entitled to a 100% rating, a loss of use rating may qualify the veteran for special monthly compensation above that 100% rating.

    Additionally If You Have Other Medical Conditions Social Security Must Consider How Those Health Issues Combined Together Limit Your Ability To Hold A Job And Perform Necessary Daily Tasks

    Applicants often have more than one illness or injury that prevents them from working full time. By itself one disorder may not meet the requirements of an impairment as stated in Social Securitys Blue Book. However, if you have multiple medical conditions, Social Security must consider how those health issues, combined together, limit your ability to hold a job and perform necessary daily tasks.

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