Tuesday, May 7, 2024

My Girlfriend Has Ptsd And Is Pushing Me Away

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For Partners And Survivors

My Relationship is Great…So Why is My Boyfriend/Girlfriend Pushing Me Away?

Remember there is hope! People initially get into a relationship because there are things that draw them to one another. When you are having relationship difficulty related to trauma, the problems that arise can sometimes distract you from what you love about your partner and why you want to work in the relationship. A relationship can survive trauma if both people are willing to put in the effort it takes to heal.


  • Cook, J. M., Riggs, D. S., Thompson, R., Coyne, J. C., and Sheikh, J. I. . Posttraumatic stress disorder and current relationship functioning among World War II ex-prisoners of war. Journal of Family Psychology, 18, pp. 36-45. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14992608
  • Mills, B., and Turnbull, G. . Broken hearts and mending bodies: The impact of trauma on intimacy. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 19, pp. 265-289. Retrieved from http://www.recoveryonpurpose.com/upload/Broken%20Hearts%20and%20Mending%20Bodies%20The%20Impact%20of%20Trauma%20on%20Intimacy.pdf
  • The preceding article was solely written by the author named above. Any views and opinions expressed are not necessarily shared by GoodTherapy.org. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below.

    Ptsd: National Center For Ptsd

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    Support from family and friends is important for people with PTSD. At the same time, PTSD symptoms may create problems with trust or make it hard to talk through problems. Learn how PTSD affects relationships and read tips about how you can support someone with PTSD.

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    Trauma survivors with PTSD may have trouble with their close family relationships or friendships. The symptoms of PTSD can cause problems with trust, closeness, communication, and problem solving. These problems may affect the way the survivor acts with others. In turn, the way a loved one responds to him or her affects the trauma survivor. A circular pattern can develop that may sometimes harm relationships.

    I had distanced myself for quite some time from relationships and family. I had to go through a divorce.

    Chris Antonio

    Drawbacks Of Emotional Avoidance

    Emotions serve important psychological and physiological purposes. Your emotions provide you with information about yourself and the things going on around you. They communicate and motivate action. For example, fear tells you that you may be in danger sadness tells you that you may need some time to take care of yourself or seek help from others.

    While emotional avoidance temporarily suppresses difficult emotions, the emotions youre trying to avoid may grow harder to ignore over time. Your emotions may fight back in an attempt to serve their functions.

    If someone is determined to avoid feeling their emotions, they may eventually turn to more drastic and unhealthy ways to avoid them, such as substance use.? Avoiding your emotions also takes considerable effort, and as the emotions you are avoiding grow stronger, more and more effort is needed to keep them at bay. As a result, little energy may be left for the important things in your life such as family and friends.

    In addition, using all your energy to avoid certain emotions may make it difficult to manage other experiences, such as frustration and irritation, making you more likely to be on edge and angry. Research has also suggested?? that .

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    How To Treat Ptsd

    If self-coping doesnt work for your loved one, youll need to know how to treat PTSD another way. Find a doctor to talk to and offer to go to the visit together. Many people find answers in formal treatment. Psychotherapy and medication are very effective for recovering from a trauma. Learn about cognitive behavioral therapy and medications used to treat PTSD, and share this information with your loved one.

    Why They Push You Away


    Sometimes depressed partners are unaware that they are withdrawing from those they love and what they care about. Whether they are aware or not, it boils down to several reasons that are easier to understand from their perspective than try and interpret them from a personal perspective.

    Reasons Why:

    Scared of hurting someone or being hurt

    Forced energy and focus are among the top reasons why someone with depression becomes withdrawn.

    This can lead to mood swings when someone who is sad forces themselves to appear happy. It can only last so long, so it can appear like a mood swing or a personality issue.

    This then triggers unpleasant thoughts about themselves, such as:

    • I wouldnt want to be around myself right now, so why should they?
    • I am embarrassing myself and most likely them.
    • I am so frustrated. Why cant I be normal!

    It automatically results in no good solution for the person who is depressed because to be authentic to themselves would be a burden and bring others down. But to fake emotion is draining and hard.

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    How To Stop Pushing People Away In Relationships

    Self-reflection and awareness are the keys to overcoming intimacy problems. Often, pushing people away is an unconscious process, a defense mechanism to avoid stressful situations. When these mechanisms are in tip-top condition, we dont notice them. But when they malfunction, we get problems.

    Todays understanding of psychological defense mechanisms suggests that we can get a better grip on problematic behaviors by learning to recognize how we defend ourselves and why. Keeping a journal of how you feel day-to-day might help you spot patterns and emotional triggers.

    From there, you can start replacing problematic habits with positive ones. Letting people into your life is a gradual process, but you can do things to make it a smoother one.

    Start small for example, next time you get an Insta DM from a friend you keep ignoring, send a short message back instead of leaving it on unread. This way you can learn to redevelop trust in others.

    What Should I Expect When Dating Someone With Ptsd

    While PTSD affects everyone differently, here are some items your partner may be experiencing:

    #1 Flashbacks

    People who experience PTSD often relive moments of their traumatic event. They may have flashbacks of the actual event, or nightmares surrounding the event. Many things can trigger a flashback, such as a symbolic reminder of the event. For example it may be a date, a sound, a smell, a word or more. Frequent, intrusive thoughts of the event may play in their mind. PTSD doesnt just affect the mind it can affect the body too. People with PTSD may feel actual physical sensations when experiencing a flashback, such as pain or nausea.

    #2 Avoidance

    People with PTSD have experienced trauma, and they may seek to avoid the feelings of distress caused by trauma. Avoidance comes in many different packages. People with PTSD may use alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism. They may cut themselves off from family or friends, or they may avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma. They may feel physically or emotionally numb, or even detached from their body.

    #3 Feeling on edge

    People with PTSD may experience symptoms that people with anxiety experience. They may feel overly alert, on edge, jumpy or startled. They may have troubles sleeping or concentrating.

    #4 Difficult Beliefs & Feelings

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    Spend Quality Time With Her

    People suffering from PTSD and anxiety usually tend to withdraw and isolate themselves. The best thing you can do for her is to spend quality time with her. Sometimes she may try to push her away but you should be patient and always try to be with her. If you allow her to isolate herself, then it will make the situation worse. Spend as much time as possible with her and be a good listener. When you are always there for her, she will feel appreciated and that will make her put more effort into overcoming PTSD. Traumatized people usually push people that they love away because they think they are baggage. It is your role to stay close to your partner and reassure her that you are there for them and that you are not going anywhere.

    There Are Things You Can Look Out For

    Three CPTSD Behaviors that Push People Away

    Shannon Thomas, a clinical social worker, told Business Insider that there are several methods people use to sabotage intimacy in their relationships.

    “One is that we become critical of another person who is trying to bond with us,” she said. “We question their motives of trying to be close. We may tell ourselves that they don’t really care but are pretending. What we think is what we feel and will influence our behaviours.”

    Someone can push their partner away by saying they are busy with work or other activities, so they don’t have the time needed to invest in getting close to others. They can also create unnecessary tension by starting arguments or not putting in any effort, meaning the other person will eventually give up the pursuit.

    “Survivors of abuse have learned in real life that some people are not safe,” Thomas added. “This can create a fear response when a new relationship starts to feel ‘too close.’ Survivors of abuse will subconsciously keep people at an emotional distance. They set up barriers for the exact purpose of limiting connections so not to be hurt again.”

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    Use Non Judgemental Language

    If they still push you away, please respond with tenderness and especially without judgment! Let them know you love them, can see and feel their suffering, and want them to know they are not alone. If your loved one can see your face, hear your voice, or physically be close to you during this interaction, all the better, as your grounded and non-judgmental stance can help them feel safe, connected and protected.

    Here is some specific language and phrases you can try:

    • I can see that you are really upset right now and really feel for you. Please know I love and adore you, even when you are upset. Would you like me to stay close by or would you prefer I leave?

    • It looks like talking with me is really hard for you right now. My feelings are not hurt and will respect what you need from me, even if you would feel better if I leave. I will check in with you tomorrow or earlier if youd like.

    • I know you and know that sometimes you get overwhelmed or angry and want some alone time. I dont take it personally and hope you will text or call me when you are ready – I just want to know that Im here for you in whatever way you feel is best.

    Once your person has come out of the fight/flight or freeze response, which could be hours or even a few days, you may want to talk with them, in a non-judgmental and compassionate way, about seeking help from a trauma-informed mental health professional if this behavior seems to be happening more frequently.

    How Can I Help My Partner Who Has Ptsd

    First, remember that you are not a mental health professional. The best thing you can do for your loved one is to help get them professional help. The second best thing you can do is to be there for them in a way that is healthy for both of you.

    #1 Check in With Your Partner

    There are likely certain things that trigger your partners PTSD. One of the best things you can do for your partner is to check in on a frequent basis to understand their triggers and ensure that youre creating a safe environment . Ask them what their triggers are, and actively try to understand the root of the trigger is it a smell, a noise? Check in with them when youre entering new environments and ask them if theyre feeling safe and secure. Having an open dialogue will help ensure youre creating a safe environment and that youre prepared to respond in a healthy way should anything become unsafe for your partner.

    #2 Help Form a Routine

    Structure and routines provide a sense of safety. Consider what the routine in your relationship looks like and try to stick to it. Do you cook dinner together every night and then go for a walk? Do you wake up, make the bed, have coffee and read the news? Work with your partner to create a system that can provide a sense of safety and comfort.

    #3 Practice Patience & Understanding

    #4 Avoid Toxic Positivity

    #5 Take Care of Yourself

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    What To Expect When Dating Someone With Ptsd

    Research shows us that half of all people will endure at least one traumatic experience during their life, and an estimated 8% of them will end up with post-traumatic stress disorder. There are differing types of PTSD and PTSD affects each person uniquely. If youre dating someone with trauma, you can expect to potentially witness one or more of the following symptoms of PTSD.

    My Girlfriend Has Ptsd And Is Pushing Me Away

    Material things

    There is nothing more frustrating than having a girlfriend who is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder . It may overwhelm you and even push you away from her. If you have discovered that your girlfriend is suffering from PTSD and anxiety, you should not leave her even if you feel like you are being pushed away. Instead, that should motivate you, even more, to look for ways to help her.

    It is not easy to date someone with PTSD. More often, you will feel like she is pushing you away. You will also struggle to understand her behavior. You may feel like you are living with a stranger. If your girlfriend does not get help on time, she may start engaging in substance abuse which may lead to job loss and even further disagreements.

    Fortunately, having a girlfriend who is suffering from PTSD and anxiety does not mean that she cannot be helped. With the right assistance, she can overcome the problem allowing you to have the happy and stable relationship that you are longing for. In this article, we will give you tips on how to help your girlfriend who is suffering from PTSD and anxiety.

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    Pushing People Away After A Bad Relationship

    Breaking up with someone sucks. The end of a relationship, or even a marriage, can leave us wondering why we went to the trouble of investing in our exes in the first place. Or, it can have us hung up on previous connections that prevent us from reaching out to new boos.

    That could provoke a fear of future rejections and intimacy problems.

    Pushing people away because of an ex who sux might not develop into a long-term pattern of behavior. Once weve withdrawn a bit and focused on ourselves, we tend to want to get back out there and start meeting people again.

    Get Back To Loving Your Own Life

    You might have had the best life when you met, but now things are a bit dull. You might be forgetting how amazing you are or what you have to offer this world.

    Your work might be suffering or you might not be getting to see your family as much as youd like.

    Take this time to do those things better and get back to loving the life you have without him.

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    How Might Trauma Survivors React

    In the first weeks and months following a trauma, survivors may feel angry, detached, tense or worried in their relationships. In time, most are able to resume their prior level of closeness in relationships. Yet the 5% to 10% of survivors who develop PTSD may have lasting relationship problems.

    Survivors with PTSD may feel distant from others and feel numb. They may have less interest in social or sexual activities. Because survivors feel irritable, on guard, jumpy, worried, or nervous, they may not be able to relax or be intimate. They may also feel an increased need to protect their loved ones. They may come across as tense or demanding.

    The trauma survivor may often have trauma memories or flashbacks. He or she might go to great lengths to avoid such memories. Survivors may avoid any activity that could trigger a memory. If the survivor has trouble sleeping or has nightmares, both the survivor and partner may not be able to get enough rest. This may make sleeping together harder.

    Survivors often struggle with intense anger and impulses. In order to suppress angry feelings and actions, they may avoid closeness. They may push away or find fault with loved ones and friends. Also, drinking and drug problems, which can be an attempt to cope with PTSD, can destroy intimacy and friendships. Verbal or physical violence can occur.

    You Must Care For Yourself

    My Ex Girlfriend Pushed Me Away

    Caretakers in relationships with people with PTSD often forget to take care of themselves.

    I developed guilt associated with personal fulfillment or enjoyment, because its easy to get sucked into an unhealthy cycle.

    When I wanted to hang out with friends without having to spend an hour talking D. down or not check in consistently while I was traveling for work to let him know I was safe, I felt guilty.

    The partner of someone with PTSD will have to be strong a lot of the time. To do this, you must take care of your own mental health.

    Wen agrees. When youre in a caretaker role, you have to put the mask on yourself first, she says. It must be a conscious effort to carve out time for yourself. The caretaker has to stay strong if they are to become a support system, and they need to have support and healthy outlets to maintain that.

    After years of baby steps forward and monumental steps back, I ultimately made the decision to end the relationship.

    It wasnt because I dont love D. I love him and miss him every moment.

    But the issues surrounding PTSD that needed to be addressed called for dedicated commitment, time, and the help of a professional things he didnt say he was opposed to. Still, he never made the choices to show he was ready.

    The guilt, sadness, and feeling of defeat were all encompassing. For two months I barely left my apartment. I felt like I failed him.

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