Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Is A Behaviour Support Plan In Disability

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Positive Behaviour Supports in Practice – Developing and Implementing a Behaviour Plan

A person with disabilitys behaviour support plan will take account of the persons interaction with mainstream services and form part of their person-centred and holistic plan. While the NDIS Commission is only responsible for the provision of behaviour support services funded through the NDIS, it may be appropriate, if the person with disability consents, for their NDIS behaviour support plan to be shared with other parties they engage with .

A behaviour support plan that incorporates person-centred and evidence-based strategies should be able to work effectively across the various service settings the person with disability accesses.

When Is A Human Rights Committee 2 Required To Review A Bsp

The HRC serving the consumer must review any BSP that includes:

  • Planned restraints to protect the consumer or staff from harm to ensure they are the least restrictive alternative to meet the individuals needs
  • Mechanical restraints used to prevent injury caused by inappropriate behavior
  • Restrictive procedures that are not restraints
  • Medications used to address behavior, mood, thought processes or psychiatric symptoms . A physician and the facility/executive director must approve the use of psychotropic medications before they are administered
  • Aversive consequences . A physician and the DDSN State Director or designee must approve the use of aversive consequences before they are administered.

Webinar: Unauthorised Restrictive Practices

This webinar provides information relating to a notice that was issued on 6 July 2020 by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commissioner to registered providers in New South Wales and South Australia that have used one or more restrictive practices in the period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. The notice requested information on the providers use of unauthorised restrictive practices in circumstances where the use is not in accordance with:

  • an authorisation and there is an authorisation process in relation to the use of the restrictive practice and
  • a behaviour support plan for the NDIS participant.

Responses to questions asked by providers at the webinar, as well as others we have received about the use of restrictive practices, are contained in the document, ‘Unauthorised use of restrictive practices: Questions and answers’.

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Which Restrictive Practices Are Regulated And What Providers Are Required To Do

Restrictive practice means any practice or intervention that has the effect of restricting the rights or freedom of movement of a person with disability. Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Rules 2018 certain restrictive practices are subject to regulation. These include seclusion, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint, physical restraint and environmental restraint. Read more about restrictive practices and provider obligations.

Review Of Current Plan

behaviour support plan template

This includes full evaluation of previous plan, consultation with stakeholders, data gathering and analysis, behavioural functional assessment and protocol and procedures for any regulated restrictive practices .

*We require the following hours of support in your NDIS plan. If you do not have these hours funded in Capacity Building Improved Relationships, please contact us to discuss how we can support your review to the NDIA.

**All time estimates do not include travel. Travel is charged as per the NDIS Price Guide. A list of current fees and charges for behaviour support services can be obtained from the NDIS website.

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What If A Behaviour Support Plan Does Not Contain A Regulated Restrictive Practice

Behaviour support plans that do not contain a regulated restrictive practice do not need to be lodged with the NDIS Commission.

Note: Use of restrictive practices that are not detailed in a behaviour support plan or do not have the required authorisation and consent may constitute a reportable incident under the NDIS Rules 2018.

Identify Strengths And Needs

What skills does the child have? For example a student who cannot sit still in class may be a great help to working on the stage crew for a production. It is important to establish the childs level of insight, reasoning skills and capacity to control their behavior.

What does the child enjoy and hate? This can help to establish positive and negative reinforcements of behaviors. Other points to be included for consideration are, values/culture, biomedical/physical factors, environmental factors, motivation, intervention history, learning history, learning style, and relationships.

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What To Watch Out For

Kids change over time, and so should their behavior plans. The school should review the BIP every so often, and adjust it if theres new information or if the child needs a change.

Sadly, lots of behavior plans dont work out at first. That could happen if theres a mismatch between the behavior problem and the strategies in the plan. Sometimes, the school assumes a child is acting out for one reason, but its not the real reason.

For example, if a child is cracking jokes to hide a reading difficulty, then letting the child be part of the talent show might not help.

Another pitfall is that a school and a family set up a plan but dont come back to review it. If the behavior plan doesnt change with the child, it can get outdated quicklyespecially if there are rewards or incentives in the plan. What works at first might soon become old hat and need to be switched out.

The best way to see if a plan is the right move is for teachers and families to talk about a childs behavior. Use these conversation starters to get the ball rolling. You can also learn about behavior strategies that teachers use in classrooms.

Positive Behaviour Support Is A Way Of Working With People With Mental Illness And Disabilities To Improve Their Life With Positive Strategies And By Addressing Challenging Behaviours

Intellectual Disability Behaviour Support Program

Positive Behaviour Support, or Specialist Behaviour Intervention Support, involves intervening to improve a persons life, particularly where they have been showing challenging behaviours.

Challenging behaviour means behaviour that is often complex, unpredictable and difficult to understand.

The types of behaviour can include: self-harming, aggression, property damage, and more.

These behaviours can impact on a person’s life and make it difficult for others to support them.

Sarah Lysaught, Complex Support Specialist at Open Minds said: We dont believe its the person that is challenging, only that they are in a challenging environment and its a challenge to find a solution. We work closely with individuals and their families to offer more choice and independence and improve their quality of life.

Challenging behaviours are often misread, but with the right environment and the right support, can be reduced or stopped.

Positive behaviour support focuses on understanding why a person is behaving in this way and working out how the persons needs can be met without using challenging behaviours.

For example, if someone can’t communicate that something is wrong and that they need help, they become frustrated.

This frustration can mean that they’re unable to express themselves without using a certain behaviour.

Positive behaviour support might help by:

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The Role Of The Senior Practitioner

The Senior Practitioner leads the NDIS Commissions behaviour support function. It is the role and responsibility of the Senior Practitioner to:

  • Oversee behaviour support practitioners and implementing providers who use behaviour support strategies and restrictive practices
  • Provide best practice advice to practitioners, providers, participants, families, and carers
  • Receive and review provider reports on the use of restrictive practices
  • Follow up on reportable incidents that suggest there are unmet behaviour support needs

What Is A Behaviour Support Plan

A behaviour support plan is a document prepared in consultation with the person with disability, their family, carers, and other support people that addresses the needs of the person identified as having complex behaviours of concern. The behaviour support plan contains evidence-informed strategies and seeks to improve the persons quality of life.

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Autism Q & A: Positive Behavior Support Plans

Positive behavior support is an all-encompassing system of behavior management. Behavior is supported through a structured plan that positively addresses the persons behavior as well as his or her quality of life. Positive behavior support is based in the principles of applied behavior analysis and involves understanding factors that impact behavior including antecedents and consequences. It is also embedded in the values of person centered planning.

Person centered values require intervention and support tailor-made to meet the needs and unique goals of the individual, with movement towards community and social involvement and personal choice. The fundamental philosophy of positive behavior support is that most behavior, challenging or adaptive, serves a specific function or purpose in the life of the person. This Autism Q and A will provide basic information about developing positive behavior support plans. Please see our website for additional fact sheets on this topic.

Question: What is a positive behavior support plan?

There are three parts of the plan:

  • antecedent and setting event supports and strategies,
  • teaching new behaviors, and
  • increasing reinforcement for the new behavior while changing the teams response to the problem behavior.
  • All three parts are essential to achieving true change in problem behavior.

    Question: What are the steps in developing a positive behavior support plan?

  • Determine an objective and clear definition of the interfering behavior.
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    Behavior Support Plan Template

    If it is likely to occur again, implementing providers must take all reasonable steps to engage a behaviour support practitioner to develop an interim behaviour support plan within 1 month. The behaviour support plan must include information about the restrictive practice and how it is used.

    Implementing providers must also obtain authorisation for the restrictive practice in accordance with any state or territory requirements.

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    Including People With Disabilities In Pbs

    Aspect works in partnership with Autistic people to co-produce research, deliver training, collaborate in service planning, present at conferences, and in peer mentoring programs. By collaborating with Autistic people we are recognising their expertise and their right to contribute to support services, which is best captured by the motto of the Autism Self-Advocacy Network nothing about us without us.

    What Is Behaviour Support

    Behaviour support can help children and their families prevent or reduce behaviours of concern, which usually occur when a childs needs are not being met by their environment, further impacting their quality of life. Our experienced psychologists and behaviour support practitioners use an evidence-based model called Positive Behaviour Support which focuses on a range of preventative strategies to assist with developing new skills, communicating effectively, managing emotions and so much more.

    Behavioural therapy takes a collaborative and capacity building approach by engaging and working with the family, their educators and other health professionals. This ensures that the important people in the childs life have the right tools to support their behaviour in all environments.

    Behaviours of concern present differently in different people. It is important to remember that some behaviours perceived as being of concern may be age-appropriate, for example, a three-year-old not wanting to share or wait their turn. Others challenges may be because the child has learning difficulties, a medical condition or with disability.

    Our therapists are experienced in working with children who have complex needs, developmental delay or disability.

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    Who Can Develop A Behaviour Support Plan

    A behaviour support plan can only be developed by practitioners who are considered suitable by the Commissioner to undertake functional behaviour assessments and develop behaviour support plans. They will be considered suitable pending assessment against the Positive Behaviour Capability Framework. Behaviour support practitioners must be registered with the NDIS to provide specialist behaviour support .

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    How Does A Behavior Support Plan Shape Behavior?

    A Behaviour Intervention Plan is what takes the observations from a functional assessment and turns them into a concrete plan of suggestions. It is also sometimes known as a behaviour protocol or behaviour treatment plan. It should be based on a functional assessment or a functional analysis so that the suggestions made are function-based. The plan should also be focused on positive replacement behaviours and skills that can replace the targeted negative behaviour when possible.

    Having a BIP in place means that everyone can be on the same page when dealing with a disruptive or negative behaviour. Students often come into contact with many people throughout the day therapists, teachers, family members and other staff. In order to avoid intermittently reinforcing a negative behaviour , everyone should know the defined protocol in handling the behaviour.

    Remember: The protocol may not always work and may need to be tweaked. But the only way to know if it is working is to try it consistently and take data. If one team member decides that they dont like the protocol and dont implement it, well never know!

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    What Is The Role Of The Ndis Commissions Behaviour Support Function

    The NDIS Commissions behaviour support team is responsible for providing clinical leadership in behaviour support and promoting the reduction and elimination of restrictive practices.

    The goal of behaviour support in the NDIS is to improve quality of life outcomes for people with disability and reduce and eliminate restrictive practices.

    Who Takes Part In The Bsp Process

    A professional staff person who meets DDSN standards for knowledge of behavior supports with input and participation from:

    • The consumer or parent/guardian
    • Family members closely involved with the consumer
    • Staff of the facility where the consumer lives
    • Staff of the workshop or place of employment
    • The Human Rights Committee, if required.

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    So What Is A Behavior Support Plan

    Prevention: A behavior support plan is a document that tells us how to prevent the challenging behaviorwhat antecedents we can change or remove to keep from triggering the behavior. It uses the FBA information to help us figure out which antecedents we need to address. For instance, if letting the student know ahead of time that a transition is upcoming, that would be included in the plan.

    Replacement: A behavior support plan includes information about what skills are being taught to replace the challenging behavior. These are the behaviors that are appropriate but serve the same function as the challenging behavior. For instance, learning to call someones name for attention. It should include information about how to teach the skill so the staff knows what to do and what will be implemented. While this information may also take the form of goals in the IEP, it is important that it still be in the plan so that everyone is reminded of the need to facilitate and teach the skills. The great thing about a positive behavioral support approach is that we can teach the behaviors we want to see when the challenging behavior isnt happening. And everyone is more amenable to instruction when they arent in the middle of a crisis.

    So, that is where I will pick up with the next post is to talk more about these areas of the plan and a format for putting it together. In the meantime, what do you think is important to include in a behavior support plan?

    How Does Positive Behaviour Support Work

    Behavior Intervention Plan

    Positive behaviour support is an evidence based approach, meaning its proven to be successful based on research.

    It is a way of supporting people that respects their human rights and improves their quality of life, using encouragement and reward.

    When a person shows challenging behaviour, a Complex Support Specialist can help.

    Positive behaviour support includes:

    1. Person centred planning identifying the goals, strengths and needs of the person.

    2. Including others – who live and work with the person to contribute to the assessment, planning and implementation process. This can include family members, carers, support workers, and other professionals.

    3. Assessment and intervention a functional behaviour assessment to understand the reason for the behaviour.

    4. Developing a Positive Behaviour Support Plan this plan lays out strategies for improving the persons life and addressing any needs. The plan is for both the person and anyone involved in their life so that everyone can work together. This includes prevention, responding to early warning signs, and reactive strategies.

    5. Reducing restrictive practices Restrictive practices are limitations placed on a person to prevent them from harming themselves or others. These practices limit a persons rights or freedom in some way. Positive behaviour support aims to reduce or end the use of restrictive practices. This focuses on quality of life and respect for the persons human rights.

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    Using A Behavior Intervention Plan

    When a behavior plan is agreed to, the school and staff are legally obligated to follow it. If the school and staff dont follow it, the consequences of the behavior should not be inflicted on the student. However, as with so many provisions of IDEA , this may take a lot of vigilance, advocacy, and battling by parents to make sure that everyone who is to take these interventions into account does so in a complete and informed way.

    Any time a complaint is made about your childs disability-related behavior, ask whether the BIP was implemented and why it wasnt effective in this situation.

    Dont assume that the plan has been explained to people like gym, art, or music teachers, or to lunchroom staff. Confirm this with your IEP team or take it upon yourself to distribute copies.

    As your child grows and develops and changes classrooms and schools, the BIP will need to change too. Its not a set it and forget it kind of thing. Even small changes like a new classmate that riles up your child or a teacher taking maternity leave may require some new behavioral strategizing.

    Behaviour support is about creating individualised strategies for people with disability that are responsive to the persons needs, in a way that reduces the occurrence and impact of behaviours of concern and minimises the use of restrictive practices.

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