Saturday, September 14, 2024

What Are The Characteristics Of Disability

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What Is The International Classification Of Functioning Disability And Health

Borderline Personality Disorder and Intellectual Disability

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, also known as ICF, is a classification of the health components of functioning and disability. The World Health Assembly on May 22nd, 2001, approved the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and its abbreviation of “ICF.” This classification was first created in 1980 and then called the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps, or ICIDH by WHO to provide a unifying framework for classifying the health components of functioning and disability. The World Health Organization published the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in 2001 that covers

  • Activity

Demographic Factors And Duration Of The Disorder

ID begins in the first two decades of life. The age and characteristics of onset depend on the cause of the disability and the severity of the neuropsychiatric dysfunction. The identification of children with more severe ID typically occurs early in life. These children often have dysmorphic features and associated medical conditions and higher rates of behavioral and psychiatric disturbances. Individuals with severe intellectual disability may show delayed motor, language, and social accomplishments within the first 2 years of life. Individuals with mild intellectual disability may not be recognized until early school age because that is when their difficulties with academic learning become apparent.

Depending on its cause, ID may be stable and nonprogressive or it may worsen with time. After early childhood, the disorder is chronic and usually lasts an individual’s lifetime however, the severity of the disorder may change with age. For example, visual or hearing difficulties, epilepsy, childhood psychological or head trauma, substance abuse, and other medical conditions may affect the course of the disorder. Conversely, an early intervention may improve adaptive skills.

Limitation Of The Present Study

Because this study used cross-sectional data, there are several limitations. Findings that number and severity of activity limitations significantly related to severity of disability are suggestive of pattern of progression of disability. Disabilities develop with time and the processes are dynamic by nature. The applicability of the patterns of disability progression should be verified in longitudinal survey data. The hierarchic model presented in this article is also hypothetical and need to be tested in a longitudinal study.

Concept of LoS is not satisfactory operationalized and characteristics of LoS are not well described at present time. Further studies on disablement process describing progression from locomotive organ disorders to impairment to functional limitation and disability are needed to develop strategies for prevention and restoration of disabilities resulting from locomotive organ disorders.

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How Does A Learning Disability Affect You Emotionally

Much research has demonstrated that students with learning disabilities experience emotional distress related to their difficulties. Students with learning disabilities tend to have higher levels of emotional concerns, such as depression, loneliness, and low self-esteem, than do their peers without disabilities.

What Are Characteristics Of A Slow Learner

Learning disability

Slow learners tend to learn slower and are, in most cases, unable to retain what they learn. They also have a very short attention span. Learning does not happen incidentally for slow learners and they have to be directly taught. And they cannot link one learning to another unless specifically told.

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Characteristics Of Intellectual Disability

Each intellectually disabled person presents with different types of characteristics, based on the severity of the retardation, adaptive skills and other co-existing disorders.

The characteristics of intellectual disability depend on the severity of the developmental delay and also the co-existing conditions.

Mild Intellectual Disability

  • No unusual physical signs, but slight delay in developmental milestones.
  • Capable of self-help skills.

What Is The Difference Between Physical Disabilities And Health Impairments

ERIC Digest #459. Used in the special education context, physical disability or orthopedic impairment includes severe disabilities that adversely affect educational performance. … The term special health impairment refers to a variety of health problems that dictate the need for special medical or educational services.

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Other Characteristics That May Be Present:

  • performs differently from day to day,
  • responds inappropriately in many instances,
  • distractible, restless, impulsive,
  • says one thing, means another,
  • difficult to discipline,
  • doesnt adjust well to change,
  • difficulty listening and remembering,
  • difficulty telling time and knowing right from left,
  • difficulty sounding out words,

Signs Your Child May Have A Reading Disability

Characteristics of Learning Disabilities & Impact on Educational Outcomes – TRU
Red Flag: A below average reading level

Signs to watch for: Your child has difficulty reading material assigned at his or her grade level. He or she is consistently behind the level of his or her peers.

Red Flag: Difficulty sounding out words

Signs to watch for: Your child has trouble pronouncing words that he or she should know or confuses the sounds of certain letters.

Red Flag: Difficulty recognizing words

Signs to watch for: Your child doesnt recognize words that he or she should know or easily confuses similar-looking words.

Red Flag: A lack of fluency when reading

Signs to watch for: When reading aloud, your child takes frequent pauses between words and lacks expression in his or her tone.

Red Flag: Problems understanding what was just read

Signs to watch for: Your child has a low level of comprehension when it comes to reading. He or she also has trouble understanding, recalling, or summarizing what he or she has just read.

Red Flag: Problems connecting what is read to previous knowledge

Signs to watch for: Your child has trouble connecting ideas from what he or she has read to other concepts he or she has previously learned.

Red Flag: Anxiety about reading

Signs to watch for: Your child is overcome with anxiety when reading, especially if he or she is asked to read aloud. He or she frequently says I cant do it or I dont understand.

Red Flag: Avoiding reading altogether
Red Flag: Difficulty with spelling and writing
Red Flag: Easily distracted when reading

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Traumatic Brain Injury And Post

Students returning to college after serving in the military may require disability accommodations due to traumatic brain injury and/or post-traumatic stress disorder. These students may exhibit qualities of any combination of the above disabilities.

Accommodations may include extended time testing and breaks without time penalty.

What Conditions Are Not Developmental Disabilities

Any condition that is first detected or manifested in the adolescent years or young adult years is typically not considered a developmental disability. For example, if a teenager is struck by a car and is unable to communicate and or becomes disabled, this is typically not considered a developmental disability. An adult diagnosed with ADHD is not considered to have a developmental disability .

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Considerations And Instructional Strategies

  • If needed, introduce yourself at the beginning of a conversation and notify the student when you are exiting the room.
  • Nonverbal cues depend on good visual acuity. Verbally acknowledging key points in the conversation facilitates the communication process.
  • A student may use a guide dog or white cane for mobility assistance. A guide dog is a working animal and should not be petted.
  • When giving directions, be clear: say left or right,step up, or step down. Let the student know where obstacles are for example, the chair is to your left or the stairs start in about three steps.
  • When guiding or walking with a student, verbally offer your elbow instead of grabbing his or hers.
  • Allow the student to determine the most ideal seating location so he or she can see, hear and, if possible, touch as much of the presented material as possible.
  • Discuss special needs for field trips or other out-of-class activities well in advance.
  • Assist the student in labeling lab materials so that they are easily identifiable.
  • Familiarize the student with the layout of the classroom or laboratory, noting the closest exits, and locating emergency equipment.
  • Ask the student if he or she will need assistance during an emergency evacuation and assist in making a plan if necessary.

People With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Learning Disability  Report

Autism is an umbrella description which includes Autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome and atypical autism. Autism affects the way information is taken in and stored in the brain. People with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions and other activities. Impairments usually exist across three main areas of functioning:

  • social interaction
  • communication, and
  • behaviour .

Many people with an autism spectrum disorder also have sensory sensitivities, i.e. over or under sensitivity to sight, touch, taste, smell, sound, temperature or pain.

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Rights And Government Policies

The disability rights movement aims to secure equal opportunities and equal rights for disabled people. The specific goals and demands of the movement are accessibility and safety in transportation, architecture, and the physical environment equal opportunities in independent living, employment, education, and housing and freedom from abuse, neglect, and violations of patients’ rights. Effective civil rights legislation is sought to secure these opportunities and rights.

The early disability rights movement was dominated by the medical model of disability, where emphasis was placed on curing or treating disabled people so that they would adhere to the social norm, but starting in the 1960s, rights groups began shifting to the social model of disability, where disability is interpreted as an issue of discrimination, thereby paving the way for rights groups to achieve equality through legal means.

Advocacy for disability issues and accessibility in the republics of the former Soviet Union has become more organized and influential in policymaking.

What Are The Four Characteristics Common To Most Definitions Of Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities may manifest as difficulty: processing information by visual and auditory, means, which may impact upon reading, spelling, writing, and understanding or using language, prioritizing, organizing, doing mathematics, and following instructions, storing or retrieving information from short

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How To Recognize The Signs Of Deafness

Some of the common characteristics of deafness commonly found in classrooms include the following:

  • Difficulty following verbal directions
  • Some difficulties with social/emotional or interpersonal skills
  • Will often have a degree of language delay
  • Often follows and rarely leads
  • Will usually exhibit some form of articulation difficulty
  • Can become easily frustrated if their needs are not met which may lead to some behavioral difficulties
  • Sometimes the use of hearing aids leads to embarrassment and fear of rejection from peers

What Are Some Myths About Disabilities

Intellectual Disabilities

There are many. Some include that children with disabilities do not notice things in the environment and/or are not affected by positive or negative events as much as non-disabled children that they dont experience love or attachment that they cant become independent that they dont have sexual feelings and are not sexual that children with disabilities are all the same that theyre burdens to their families that their behaviors are nonsensical and have no meaning that they should not be part of our communities that they cannot work at all that they do not have feelings and that they are not as valuable or precious as other children.

Its a heartbreaking list of untruths. Children with disabilities are as remarkably human as any of us, with challenges many of us could never imagine.

Whats it like to live with a disability?

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What Do We Mean By The Term Disability

In general, a person with a disability is a someone who has a long-term physical, hearing, seeing, cognitive, mental or emotional impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. Disability, however, occurs on a continuum and there is no clearly defined line between those who have a disability and those who do not.

The definition of disability varies based on the purpose of defining it. The ADA definition differs from the definition used by the Social Security Administration because one is used to protect civil rights and one is used to provide cash benefits.

The social model says that disability is an interaction between the person and the environmentthat people are limited by barriers in society, not solely by their disability. These barriers can be physical, programmatic or attitudinal. Therefore, our job is to adjust the financial environment to meet the needs of all.

The disability population is diverse in terms of disability characteristics and lived experience.

There are between 40-57 million people with disabilities in the United States, which is about 13-20 percent of population.

Concerned About A Child

Are you worried about a child you think may have a disability? Know that youre not alone. If you think its time to find out for sure, Damar can help. Well help you learn where to startand support you every step of the way through diagnosis and, if necessary, a unique treatment plan.

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What Is A Specific Learning Disability

A specific learning disability is a disorder that interferes with a students ability to listen, think, speak, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations.1 Students with a specific learning disability may struggle with reading, writing, or math.2

The term specific learning disability is commonly used in federal and state law, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , and by many private and public schools.3

  • 63%Of people know someone who has a learning disability5
  • 43%Of people wrongly think that learning disabilities are correlated with IQ5
  • 10-15%Of school-aged children have a learning disability4

People With Acquired Brain Injury

6. special education

Acquired brain injury refers to any type of brain damage that occurs after birth. The injury may occur because of infection, disease, lack of oxygen or a trauma to the head. Around 160,000 Australians have some form of acquired brain injury, with more men affected than women.

The long term effects are different for each person and can range from mild to profound. It is common for many people with ABI to experience:

  • increased fatigue
  • some slowing down in the speed with which they process information, plan and solve problems
  • changes to their behaviour and personality, physical and sensory abilities, or thinking and learning
  • may also have difficulty in areas such as memory, concentration and communication.

A person with an Acquired Brain Injury does not have an intellectual disability and does not have a mental illness


  • Allow more time and greater flexibility for training and induction.
  • Provide clear and thorough explanations and instructions.
  • Minimise stress to maximise concentration and performance.
  • Give verbal and written instructions or try giving examples to illustrate ideas and summarise ideas.

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Characteristics Of Developmental Disabilities

All children develop differently however, there may be particular speech and language, communication, physical, motor, social, and behavioral symptoms to watch out for. In general, children with developmental disabilities acquire skills at a slower pace than other children of similar age. We share information about what to look for on our Developmental Milestones page.

Intellectual Disability: Causes And Characteristics

Intellectual disability causes children with the condition to take longer than typical children to sit, crawl, walk, speak, and take care of their personal needs. They have trouble learning at the same rate as other kids in school. Impaired children experience considerable challenges in two primary areas: intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior involves the use of everyday life skills. Researchers have discovered hundreds of causes of intellectual disabilities, but for about one-third of affected people, the cause remains a mystery.

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The Characteristics Of Disabilities Essay

The Characteristics of DisabilitiesIntroductionDuring development, there are some instances whereby a child encounters developmental disabilities that are caused by diverse factors.

The disabilities in turn affect their bodies influencing how the body system works hence how the child behaves. Developmental disabilities are birth defects which often have life long consequences for instance the nervous system disabilities that affect the functioning of the spinal cord, the brain and the nervous system and they cause mental retardation to include, Down Syndrome, autism and fragile X syndrome. Sensory related disabilities are those affect vision, sight and hearing ability. Metabolic disorders for example phenylketonuria affect how the body processes the substances that is needed for general body function. While degenerative disorders like Rett syndrome on the other may cause mental and physical disorders.

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According to the studies, it has been found out that children suffering from mental retardation have the same characteristics that are applicable in other types of disabilities. One of the common characteristics of a disabled child is delay in the rate of cognitive development. The child depicts delayed evolution through various stages of development and in the long run, the child ultimately fails to undertake formal tasks during maturity.

The Accuracy Of The Sipp

What Is An Intellectual Disability?

There is no independent information with which to verify the SIPP-based classifications of persons as having or not having developmental disabilities. The classifications must therefore be judged on their consistency with other available information about persons with developmental disabilities. This can be done by comparing the prevalence rates implied by the SIPP data with rates estimated from other information. In addition, the severity of developmental disabilities should be reflected in the SIPP data about impairments and receipt of disability benefits.

The Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities. The prevalence estimates presented in the first two rows of Table 1 clearly indicate the differential inclusiveness of the three alternative definitions. The narrow definition classifies almost 1.3 million noninstitutionalized persons between the ages of 16 to 72 years old as having developmental disabilities. This estimate suggests a prevalence rate for developmental disabilities of approximately 0.8 percent of the adult noninstitutional population. The middle definition indicates that over 1.7 million adults would have developmental disabilities while the broad definition classifies 4.6 million such persons as developmentally disabled.

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What Are The Causes Of Intellectual Disabilities

Experts have pinpointed three major causes of intellectual disabilities. These causes include:

  • Down syndrome
  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • Fragile X syndrome

Mental health professionals and doctors categorize these intellectual impairments and the causes of intellectual disabilities in these ways:

  • Genetic conditions intellectual disabilities caused by genetics come from abnormal genes. Parents may pass these abnormal genes on to children or errors could arise when genes combine in the womb that causes intellectual disabilities. Abnormal genes can occur from infections during pregnancy or from things like overexposure to radiation from X-rays. The intellectual disabilities associated with several genetic diseases, such as:
  • Phenylketonuria a genetic disorder caused by a missing or defective enzyme. Children with PKU cannot process a protein known as phenylalanine. Without proper care and treatment, phenylalanine builds up in the blood causing intellectual disability.
  • Down syndrome a chromosomal disorder. These types of disorders occur randomly too many or too few chromosomes cause these conditions. Sometimes a change in the structure of a chromosome can cause these disorders.
  • Fragile X syndrome a gene disorder located on the X chromosome. Fragile X syndrome represents one of the leading causes of intellectual disability.
  • Malnutrition
  • Environmental toxins
  • Infections of the mother
  • Rubella
  • Syphillis
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