Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Veterans Thank You For Your Service

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Thank you, Veterans!

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The following is a summary of some of the different experiences heard during the hour.Use the audio player above to listen to the full conversation.

We heard from many veterans during the hour, starting with David in Excelsior who is a Vietnam combat veteran. David told us, there are many veterans that Im aware of that have a complicated history with their military service and with the idea of someone saying, Thank you for your service. I hear it when I go to a big box store. Theyve been told, when someone pulls out their ID to get the veterans discount, to say, Thank you for your service. To me, it feels perfunctory. What it is not acknowledging is that complicated history that some of us have.

And yes, it changes over time for a veteran, but for those veterans with moral injury moral injury is something that often lies underneath PTSD for veterans and consequently moral injury has typically affected the veteran that they have seen or participated in while they were in the military that rocked to the core their belief of who they are as a human being.

Sandra called to say that she finds the phrase uncomfortable to respond to. Should she say, Youre welcome? Do people truly understand what it means to serve? When she hears that phrase, she thinks about the military colleagues she lost.

More Quotes From American Presidents

82. The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.President George Washington

83. To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with lots of pride in the heroism of those who died in the countrys service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations. President Woodrow Wilson

84. Its about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. Its about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that theyve earned when they come home. Its about serving all of you as well as youve served the United States of America. President Barack Obama

85. We remember those who were called upon to give all a person can give, and we remember those who were prepared to make that sacrifice if it were demanded of them in the line of duty, though it never was. Most of all, we remember the devotion and gallantry with which all of them ennobled their nation as they became champions of a noble cause. President Ronald Reagan

Words Of Gratitude To Veterans From The Yale Community

These members of the Yale community honor those who have served by sharing their words of gratitude.

Eliza Whalen Child Study Center It is because of all of those that do and have served, that I have the privilege to vote! Thank You ALL.

Susan P Brady Yale Divinity School Library Heartfelt thanks to all veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice and to all those who returned. Gods blessings.

Theresa Harper Surgery/Plastic Surgery My father was a Guard of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, my brother a Ranger, and nephew three terms in Afghanistan. Thank you.

Office of Diversity & Inclusion Thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedoms. Today and every day I am grateful for your sacrifices.

, Psychiatry Im proud to be the daughter of a Marine who proudly served. Thank you to all of the men and women in uniform for their courage.

Angie Chirico, Peabody MuseumThanks for our freedom always.

Frances Hackerman, School of NursingThank you so much for your sacrifices. You are loved and prayed for everyday.

Alicia Lakomski, Yale School of Public HealthI would like to thank my son Matthew Lakomski who served this country, as well as all the other men and women. Thank You.

Concetta Fusco, Paul Tsai China Center, Yale Law School Thank you for answering the most NOBLE call of our Country and standing for our flag in the U.S.A and in foreign lands.

Diane Villano, Development Real heroes dont wear capes. They wear dog tags.

Carolyn Claflin

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Veteran’s Day Thoughts: ‘thank You For Your Sacrifice’

If you have put yourselves in harm’s way for our great country, Thank you for your service!” And heartfelt thanks also to friends and family who have supported you.

In 1962 President John F. Kennedy addressed members of the First Armored Division at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Many years ago, there was found in a sentry box in Gibraltar a poem which said:

God and the soldier, all men adore

In times of danger and not before

When the danger is passed and all things righted,

God is forgotten and the soldier slighted.

This country does not forget God or the soldier. Upon both we now depend. Thank you.

To me, that accurately represents the purpose of Veterans Day. It is a reminder that freedom is not free it is a forced pause in our busy lives to recognize and thank our servicemen and women who put on a uniform to defend freedom and our democratic way of life.

Former Chief of Staff of the Army and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, General Bernard W. Rogers received the George C. Marshall Medal in 1999. He made a very interesting point about the unique nature of military service in our society.

A doctor contributes to his patients a priest to the members of his parish a lawyer contributes to his clients a politician to his constituents. But those privileged to wear our nation’s uniforms belong to a profession in which every member, every day, makes a contribution — no matter how small — to every citizen of this great land.

How To Use Thank You Veterans Messages And Quotes

Thank You Veterans for Your Service Stock Illustration

These short messages are perfect for sharing via text, email, or Social Media. A quick message to sent to a veteran or person on active duty can brighten their day and make them feel appreciated. It wouldnt take very much time to write a brief note or mail a card with a message to a veteran.

Other ideas would be making a contribution to a military charity in a veterans name, volunteering at a veterans organization, or you can even donate your frequent flier miles to charities that provide help to family members that want to visit a wounded warrior.

If you are in a position to do so, you could hire a veteran, or veterans spouse, bring in a veteran to speak to your company, or donate supplies to groups that are building or remodeling homes for veterans.

Whenever possible, you can frequent veteran-owned businesses or even add them to your companys supply chain. All of these are ways to thank veterans for their service and to recognize all they do for us on a daily basis.

We can never say thank you enough to all of our veterans.

Tim Moodie is a Copywriter and Creative Director. He spent many years writing messages for greeting cards, coffee mugs, and T-Shirts for Recycled Paper Products.

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Be Grateful People Dont Have To Know

Some people in the world will likely never know a world without extreme violence.

In the places veterans went, extremists run amok in the country and seemingly no one can stop them. Civil war is a part of the lives of everyday people.

War lives on their doorsteps and theres no way for them NOT to know about it.

I am immensely grateful that we as the United States have the power and strength that we have that prevents this type of experience for most Americans. We are lucky that we are able to shield the overwhelming majority of our fellow citizens from these experiences. Im grateful that it was only a small portion of us that had to bear these burdens.

Im also grateful that not everyone HAS to serve. Say what you want about the potential benefits of mandatory service, not requiring people to serve in the military is indicative of our nations power and preference toward personal freedom.

Veterans Day Employee Spotlight: Saying Thank You For Your Service

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / November 8, 2022 / As TMobile renews its commitment to hiring 10,000 veterans and military spouses by the end of 2023, one veteran employee shares a journey from hiding his PTSD to being encouraged to share his true story and supported with mental health resources to manage the challenges he faces.

When you thank Jamie Weare for his service you might notice he doesn’t say the words “Thank You.” Instead, he uses a universal language by signing the phrase with his hands. It’s a visceral response to your gratitude, even if, as Jamie admits, you’re most likely unaware of the specific sacrifices he’s made.

“When I got into the civilian world, I felt people didn’t really grasp it at the time,” explains the T-Mobile interim coach at the Menaul Call Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “They understood something happened and there’s a lot of ‘sorry for your loss’ and ‘thank you for your service,’ but to understand what that really means I think you have to have a loved one who served or have served yourself.”

What happened to Jamie after joining the Infantry in 2001 is not just a memory you neatly tuck away and move on from. It’s a part of who he is, and it’s also the part of him he suddenly felt he needed to hide when he began his journey back into civilian life.


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Why I Recommend Saying Thank You

I would like to send a clear message. In my view, regardless of a veterans era of service, branch of service, active or non-active status or deployment area of operation, etc., you should thank a veteran or service member for their service by specifically stating: thank you for your service.

In general, I recommend going over rather than under: acknowledging someones service rather than not doing so for fear of what the response might be. It is a blanket statement that can be applied to a large number of those who have served or who are currently serving in any capacity.

Many civilians and veterans alike have good intentions when they say the phrase thank you for your service. In most cases, it is highly likely that their intentions are to acknowledge the sacrifice and selfless service that many veterans and service members have made. Simply stating a phrase is one of the ways that they are choosing to honor the ones that they most likely see as allowing us to live the lifestyles that we do in a free land. Although America is not perfect, it strives to be.

Each year, as Veterans Day draws near, many people contact me and ask me what they could do for veterans. I have three recommendations:

  • Acknowledge Veterans for their service by saying a simple: Thank you for your service. Whether thats on Facebook, a text message, a phone call, a letter, or an in-person greeting, a basic acknowledgment can go a long way.
  • Veterans Day Quotes On Freedom Liberty And Patriotism

    Veterans Day Celebrations Thank you for your service

    55. Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. Calvin Coolidge

    56. Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit. Ronald Reagan

    57. Freedom is never free. Anonymous

    58. Freedom lies in being bold. Robert Frost

    59. This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Elmer Davis

    60. A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom. Bob Dylan

    67. From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Thomas Jefferson

    68. Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his countrys cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as best he can, the same cause. Abraham Lincoln

    69. One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation evermore! Oliver Wendell Holmes

    70. My patriotic heart beats red, white, and blue.

    71. Home of the free because of the brave. Unknown

    72. Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it. Unknown

    73. The willingness of Americas veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. Jeff Miller

    74. I think there is one higher office than the president, and I would call that patriot. Gary Hart

    75. Damn the wars but bless the soldier. T.L. Moffitt

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    How To Thank A Veteran On Veterans Day In A Letter Or Card

    It might not always be practical to thank a veteran you know in person. If you know of a veteran you want to thank and can only send a letter or card, this next section is for you.

    6. I know I may not fully understand all the sacrifices youve had to make, but I cant thank you enough for your service. I dont take our freedoms for granted and I respect you so much for the part you played in making sure we have them.

    This is a heartfelt message that shares how you feel about their service on behalf of the country.

    7. Send a letter package

    Ask your friends, children, and neighbors to write thank you notes to the veteran you know. Collect all the notes and send them together in one package so theyll have a bunch of cards to open.

    8. Send a series of letters

    To prolong the enjoyment of receiving letters and cards, have everyone you know write cards and letters, but instead of sending them in one package altogether, mail them one at a time, every other day. This way, theyll have a week or two of receiving cards. They might just write you back saying, thank you for your support.

    9. Thank you for serving our country and helping keep us free. I respect and honor you more than you know.

    Sometimes, simply thanking someone for what they have done is all that needs to be said.

    10. You are an inspiration to me. When I think of what it means to be a hero, I think of you.

    » Get help from GoodTrust:

    Ideas For Saying Thanks For Your Service On Social Media

    One great thing that comes out of social media is the opportunity to rally support for a cause. So, when holidays come around, take the time to use your platform for some good. Let people know both your support as well as your story.

    17. Happy Veterans Day, Dad!

    Although he may no longer be around, you can still honor your dad posthumously. But why stop there? You can send gratitude to every single member of your family who has served.

    18. Post a picture of the US flag

    If nothing else, a simple but powerful statement would be posting a picture of the US flag followed by as many #hashtags as you like.

    19. Expressions of gratitude

    As opposed to thanking someone particular, start a group conversation about how veterans have positively impacted people in your circle.

    20. To all the Sailors/Marines/Airmen/Soldiers/Coast Guardsmen, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    As a military spouse, remembering all of the people in your partners wheelhouse speaks for your support of the whole boat locker .

    While this descriptive sentiment was written for Sailors, you may want to elaborate on whichever branch they served in.

    21. On behalf and our employees, we would like to thank all service members for the sacrifice youve made to the protection of our employees and the American way of life.

    As a business, you may want to recognize the contribution of the US service members who’ve sacrificed their lives to ensure that you have the future privileges of commerce and enterprise.

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    ‘thank You For Your Service’: 2022 Veterans Day Events In The Suburbs

    • Communities and organizations throughout the suburbs will hold Veterans Day observances this week.Rick West | Staff Photographer, 2019

    Friday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day. It’s an opportunity to thank veterans for their service, and to learn more about and honor those who have served our country.

    Here’s a look at some ceremonies and events happening across the suburbs.

    You Dont Have To Say Anything To Tyfys

    Thank You for your Service Veterans Digital Art by Jacob Zelazny

    Its not always possible to sit there and talk with someone at length about your military experience. But it is possible to control how you react.

    Maybe the TYFYS came from the TSA agent looking at your military ID card. The security line at the airport isnt the time to spark a conversation. But you dont need to get upset.

    Maybe it was from a colleague at work on Veterans Day. They just stopped by your workstation to say TYFYS but, hey, its a hectic day and theres no time for conversation. Be grateful they even thought of you.

    Your reactions at the moment are entirely up to you. You can choose to walk away from that TSA agent or sit at your desk after your co-worker left and feel bitter and resentful. Or you can choose to not be.

    What You CAN Say to TYFYS

    Dont overthink this one.

    Its totally fine to just say Thanks and move on.

    But you may also take the opportunity to talk about your service.

    Thanks. I really enjoyed my time in the Air Force. I made some great friends and learned a lot.


    If you dont feel like talking you can always just say, Thanks and keep going on with the conversation.

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