Thursday, July 25, 2024

How Many Weeks Is Short Term Disability

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What To Consider When Buying Disability Insurance

If you’re considering disability insurance, make sure you:

  • check with your employer to see if you already have group disability coverage with your employer’s plan
  • shop around, especially if you’re considering private disability insurance

Consider group insurance offered through a union, guild, or professional or alumni association. Premiums for this type of coverage usually increase as you get older. You’ll need to renew your insurance every few years.

Benefits Paid Must Be At Least Equal To The Amount Of Benefits An Employee Would Receive From The Ei Program

The weekly amount of benefits payable to employees under the plan must be at least equal to or exceed the amount of EI benefits that the EI program would pay.

For example, the basic EI benefit rate is 55% of a claimant’s average insurable earnings, up to a yearly maximum insurable amount of $56,300 in 2021. This means that claimants can receive a maximum payment of $595 in EI benefits per week. Therefore, for 2021, the short-term disability plan must provide at least 55% of an employee’s normal weekly insurable earnings, to a maximum of at least $595.

Please note the following

When calculating insurable earnings, employers must include any additional employment income the employee has earned on a regular basis, such as overtime, bonuses, and shift differentials.

The yearly maximum insurable earnings amount is reviewed each year. If an adjustment is made, it affects the maximum payment of EI benefits a person can receive. Therefore, if your plan provides a fixed maximum weekly amount of benefit that is equivalent to that offered by the EI program, your amount must be adjusted on or before January 14 of the year following the adjustment. This adjustment will ensure that the amount is still equal to or exceeds the amount of EI benefits an employee would receive from the EI program.


On January 1, 2020, your short-term disability plan specified that the maximum amount of benefits payable per week was $573, which was the same maximum payable under the EI program.

Employment Rights On Short

Employers have the right to fire a person who is on sick leave. Most employers wont do this, however. There are practical and legal reasons. Firstly, you must get reasonable notice of termination to be fired legally. Otherwise, without notice, they have to pay you severance. This is the same for those on sick leave and those actively working.

As an employee on sick leave, you may be protected by human rights laws. Namely, laws that prevent discrimination for disability. However, protection under these laws isnt guaranteed. Not all sick leaves qualify as a disability especially if youre expected to recover shortly.

Being protected under these laws can mean a few things. Your employment is protected but maybe not your specific role. And, your employer has a duty to accommodate your disability. They might modify your job, allow you to work reduced hours, or move you to a different role. 

If youre on sick leave that goes well beyond the short-term disability period, then your employer eventually has the right to stop your employment. Yes even without notice of termination or severance pay. 

To learn more, check out our page on employment rights and disability benefits.

Can I Skip One

Wondering which you could skip, short-term vs. long-term disability?

Well, that depends. Lets say you didnt have a paycheck for a month or two.

Could you get by on savings and PTO from your work?

If the answer is yes, then you may be able to get by without short-term disability insurance.

However, what if you were unable to work for a year or two? Because the average group long-term disability claim lasts 34.6 months.

Would you be able to continue to pay your mortgage? Your car payments? What about any medical bills from your disabling condition?

And even if you have more than two years worth of savingswhich would put you in a very small minority of Americanswouldnt you rather use that money for something other than covering your basic needs?

These are the types of considerations you need to weigh if youre considering short-term vs. long-term disability insurance.

Image by Bob Miller via and

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How To Apply For Short Term Disability Insurance Coverage

Disability Insurance

Many employers offer short term disability insurance coverage to employees as a group plan. Many companies even pay the full premium for their employees. A handful of states require employers to provide this coverage.

If you cannot get short term disability through an employer or other group membership, you can buy an individual policy. This can be done through an insurance agent or directly from an insurance company that offers this type of coverage.

Group plans are guaranteed issue, meaning you automatically qualify for coverage without going through underwriting. Short term policies sold on an individual basis are sometimes guaranteed issue as well.

However, most short term policies sold directly to an individual will require the applicant to answer health-related questions. These questions will ask whether you are currently or in the past have been treated for any number of pre-existing conditions. If so, you may be disqualified for getting coverage or have your benefits limited.

Learn more about disability insurance and pre-existing conditions.

How Much Paperwork Is Involved

The exact paperwork youll be required to complete is again dependent on your specific plan. But the process typically begins with a relatively straightforward claim form that requires some information from you , your employer , and validation from your doctor that your condition prevents you from working.

Fortunately, if you find yourself confused about any of the documents or applications, you can ask for helpwhether its from your companys own HR department or even people at your doctors office.

I actually found the team at my physicians office to be extremely helpful, says Tiernan, who admits her own leave process was slightly more complicated, as she took advantage of both short-term disability and FMLA for the birth of her child .

They have a whole team dedicated entirely to filling out forms and navigating this process, so I was on the phone with them a lot. They helped me figure out the best forms to fill out, what the dates would be, and any follow-ups that I needed. They even spoke to my HR team directly here at the office.

How Can I Qualify For Short Term Disability

To qualify for STD you must first have STD insurance. You only qualify for STD if you experience a covered accident, illness, or injury that prevents you from performing the duties of your occupation. The specific definition of disability will vary by Insurer; however, generally speaking, STD could provide coverage for common situations such as:

  • Recovery following major surgery
  • Mental health issues or leave
  • Recovery following an injury or accident

Which Type Of Disability Insurance Is Right For You

It is important to protect your income, but choosing the right policy can be tricky. Just as it is impossible to predict an illness or injury, it is also impossible to know how long it could keep you out of work, or if you will be able to return to work at all. 

Thus, it can be difficult to select the right policy, since you must make decisions based on hypothetical situations.

One notable difference between short and long term disability insurance is that short term disability insurance premiums are much cheaper than long term premiums, since the payout isnt as large and the coverage does not last as long.

Long term illnesses and injuries can devastate your personal finances. You may have enough savings to weather a months reprieve from work, but a three year battle with cancer can drain resources quickly. 

If you must choose between long and short term disability insurance, youd be smart to adopt a long term disability policy, which offers significantly greater financial protection. Ideally, the best choice for most consumers is a combination of both.

How Does Coming Back To The Office After Short Term Disability Work

While this isnt typically a formal part of short term disability insurance offerings, its a good idea to think about the various ways you can transition employees back into work after being away. There can be various tolls, from emotional to mental issues, that can pop up when coming back to work.

Think about if and how youll want to keep your employee up to date while theyre out. Or how youll get them up to speed in a reasonable way when they return. Even if it seems like everything is the same, it probably isnt to the person who has been away. Businesses are always evolving chances are something is different.

Attract And Retain Top Talent

Prospective employees are looking at an employers benefit plan when weighing their job options. The more comprehensive the plan, the better, and Disability Insurance is near the top of the priority list. Employers who want to remain competitive when it comes to acquiring and keeping their talent should look carefully at Disability Insurance options.

Recommendations For Maternity Leave:

There are a number of things you can do to make your maternity leave the best possible for both you and your employer:

  • Check-in with your human resources department to find out the details about your maternity leave options. This will help you plan for your best maternity leave options.
  • Sit down with your partner and evaluate what time you can afford to take. It is better for you and your employer to know the plan ahead of schedule.
  • After completing your first trimester, start the communication with human resources and those affected by your leave to help all parties prepare. Some employers are less friendly to pregnancy than others. You may need to evaluate the best time to share the news based on previous experiences you have witnessed in the office.
  • Provide your boss with suggestions and strategies to address your duties while you are gone, insights on what projects you are working on, and suggested co-workers to meet your responsibilities while on leave. This can help overcome the potential concerns noted above.

For Additional Information:U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division 200 Constitution Ave, NW Washington, DC 20210 1-866-487-9243

Compiled using information from the following sources:

1. U.S. Department of Labor

Do You Get Full Pay While Out Of Work

No, short-term disability does not pay 100% of your income. Each policy has different parameters for the percentage of pay and the maximum monthly benefit.

For example, the New York State plan covers 50% of earnings and tops out at $150 per week, while the California program replaces up to 70% and maxes at approximately $1,357 weekly.

Treatment And Return To Work Programs

Short Term Disability Insurance

You might have to do treatment or return to work programs physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and psychological therapy, for example. This is more common with long-term disability plans, but can happen in short-term, too. They cant force you to go, but if you dont, they can stop your payments.

So, if you have been getting benefits for a few months, be aware that you might be sent for treatment soon.

Should I Purchase Short

Although illnesses and injuries can’t be predicted, they’re likely to affect your workplace at some point in the future. For comprehensive protection, employers may consider offering a combination of both short-term and long-term disability insurance to employees. These policies are an important complement to any group health insurance plan and help to minimize the impact of debilitating illnesses and injuries on both your employees and your business.

Seriously Do You Really Need To Understand Your Short

Heres the short answer: yes. While its not exactly a fun topic to think about, its important that you familiarize yourself with the details of your planso you dont have to get up to speed when you actually need the benefit.

However, wading through our own plan documents is a step that most of us skip. That informational booklet is immediately relegated to our desk drawer or filing cabinet.

Do you remember the first day you started your job? Its kind of a firestormyou cant focus well or often, says McDonald. So we dont spend a lot of time achieving clarity about the benefit in the beginning. We only acquire an understanding of it when we are in deep need of the benefit.

But particularly if you have an existing problem or condition, youre going to want to know the ins and outs of the benefit thats available to you.

Anybody who goes into a new job and has any kind of serious medical condition that could at some point in time render them unable to work, I think its a good idea to be able to see the actual short-term and long-term disability plan documents to see how they define disability and how they handle pre-existing conditions, adds Bartolic.

Ideally, youll never have to take advantage of your short-term disability benefits. But in the event that the unexpected happens, youll be glad that you took the time to understand whats offered to you. This explainer is a good place to start, but you also need to read through the details of your specific plan.

Whats It Like To Return To Work After Short

As the above answer illustrates, depending on your disability, different logistical elements obviously need to be sorted out upon your return.

But thats not the only factor at play heretheres also an emotional and relational element involved when you return to the office after an extended amount of time off.

Most of it was just emotional and mental fatigue after having spent four months not really on a computer every day or using my brain in that kind of way, says Tiernan.

There was the expectation that I was going to be able to jump back in right away, she adds. Looking back, I appreciate that now because I dont think I wouldve been able to transition as well as I had if it had been slow.

In addition, companies arent stagnant and there are likely some larger changes that will happen while youre out on your leaveincluding employees leaving and new team members being added. There were shifts that occurred during my time gone, so I needed to readjust to the changes that had happened, Tiernan adds.

Policy Terms And Responsibilities

As an employer, you can create a policy dictating that employees use sick days before going on short-term disability for an extended illness. You can also require documentation from a doctor to prove an illness or injury.

During the time that an employee misses work, the employer may also request that the employee visit an approved medical provider or an occupational medicine center for regular updates on the progress of the employee’s health.

A third-party claims administrator will be in charge of managing these aspects while the employee takes time out of work. Employees must report any changes in their status immediately. These rules are in place to help prevent insurance fraud, a problem that costs employers billions of dollars annually.

Various short-term disability plans dictate different terms for qualifications. The main terms typically include:

  • Employees need to work for the employer for a certain amount of time before coverage kicks in.
  • Employees need to work full-time, usually 30 hours or more a week.

The following components may be included in a short-term disability plan benefits package:

  • Percentage of weekly salary paid out .
  • Duration of short-term disability benefits .
  • The maximum amount of time covered under the disability program

Employers may want to also consider offering a voluntary benefit option for a long-term disability program that takes over once an employees short-term disability ends.

What Is Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is income protection.

Its insurance that pays you, the policyholder, a regular paycheck when youre hurt or sick and cant work.

It protects your income from the very real possibility youll be disabled for a period of time during your career, whether due to injury or illness.

If you have disability insurance through your employer, you may pay for the policy, your employer may pay for the policy, you may split the costbut either way, youre the one whos paid if you cant work because of disability.

Accumulation Of Sick Leave Credits

Paid sick leave plans must provide one or more days of paid sick leave per month of continuous employment and allow for a minimum accumulation of 75 days. The plan may also allow for the use of sick leave credits while remaining at home because of pregnancy, to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, or to provide care or support to a gravely ill family member, to a critically ill adult or to a critically ill child.

Sick leave credits that are in excess of this minimum 75-day requirement may be used for other reasons . This is acceptable as long as at least one day per month is maintained to be used only in cases of an employee’s illness or injury and, if the plan allows it, while the person remains at home because of pregnancy, to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, or to provide care or support to a gravely ill family member, to a critically ill adult or to a critically ill child.

Enhanced paid sick leave plans must provide one and two-thirds days or more of paid sick leave per month of continuous employment and allow for a minimum accumulation of 125 days. The plan may also allow for the use of sick leave credits while remaining at home because of pregnancy, to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, or to provide care or support to a gravely ill family member, to a critically ill adult or to a critically ill child.


How Do You File For Short

If you believe that youll need to take advantage of your short-term disability benefit, your first step is to make sure that your illness or injury is well-documented, as youll have to provide some medical evidence or backing.

Consult with your doctor and find out what youre up against first. Make sure you speak honestly about your symptoms and the things that you are experiencing. That medical record will be reviewed by an insurance company, so start out with a strong pronouncement of, Hey, Im having this problem, advises McDonald.

Then, approach your HR department to begin the process of filing a claim . Dont have an HR department? Connect with your manager or consult your plan documents to understand exactly what you need to do to submit your claim.

Be aware that short-term disability plans have a requirement for how many days you need to be out of work before you can claim disabilityits called an elimination period. The reason is that they dont want to invoke short-term disability for something that could be covered by sick days, says Bartolic.

How Much Will You Get Paid When You Take Short

Can I Get Short

When you take advantage of your short-term disability benefit, your time off is paidbut that doesnt necessarily mean youll be getting your full paycheck.

The amount youll earn is dependent on your specific plan. Some plans offer full salary replacement, but most dont. Instead, they offer a percentage of compensation with a dollar amount cap.

There are also programs that award you different amounts based on your longevity with the company, says McDonald. If you are there for 10 years and have a 26-week disability period, you might get three months at 100% and then three months at 50%.

If you live in one of the five states where short-term disability benefits are mandated, then the amount youll be compensated will be regulated as well.

Do You Get Paid When You Are On Maternity Leave

If you live in the United States, you do not get paid by the federal government while on maternity leave. Various proposals have been floated to grant fathers and mothers 6 weeks of paid leave.

The Family and Medical Insurance leave or FAMILY Act  was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2013, but has not been enacted. The Act proposes guaranteed paid maternity leave, something many other nations already offer. Meanwhile, the National Conference of State Legislatures monitors state maternity leave laws. While less than a third of the states have them, many are working on some family-friendly workplace laws.

What Medical Conditions Qualify For Short

People often ask what conditions qualify for short-term disability. Really, any condition can qualify. You just have to meet the definition of total disability. This definition is different in each policy, however.

Above all, short-term disability is based on how bad your symptoms are not your condition. So, what matters is if the symptoms keep you from doing your jobs main duties.

But, your diagnosis is still important! This is because a diagnosis allows for a treatment plan. If your diagnosis is unknown, then doctors cant treat you. Instead, youll have to do lots of tests to rule out possible conditions.

Insurance companies dont like it when theres no diagnosis or treatment plan. If they dont see you working to figure it out, then they will deny your claim or stop payments.

There are some types of claims that get denied often. Stress leave, burnout, and pregnancy are a few, for example.

So, in these situations, you must have a concrete diagnosis. For example, stress leave and burnout arent very clear. But, you might be diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Pregnancy isnt a disability but there might be a complication that stops you from working.

Medical conditions that may qualify for disability benefits:

  • Sutton Special Risk

Do I Need Both Short Term And Long Term Disability Insurance

As you can probably tell, short term and long term disability insurance policies are designed to work together. Short term disability is intended to cover you immediately following a serious illness or injury, and long term disability insurance is intended to maintain income replacement if your condition keeps you out of work past the end of your short term disability benefit period, even to retirement, depending on your plan. If you have both short term and long term disability policies in place, short term disability will pay you benefits during the waiting period before your long term disability coverage begins, at which point youll transition from one policy to the next to receive benefits. For that reason, it makes sense to have both policies to help ensure an unexpected health problem wont derail your financial confidence for a few months or for several years.

When Can I Go On Disability For Pregnancy

Usually, disability benefits are between 6 to 12 weeks based on the following conditions of your pregnancy and delivery: Without medical complications: You can receive benefits up to four weeks before your expected delivery date and up to six weeks after your delivery.

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Whats The Elimination Period

While short term disability insurance begins paying benefits within a couple weeks following a qualifying illness or injury, long term disability insurance requires a longer waiting period, called an elimination period, before a policyholder begins receiving benefits. The length of the elimination period varies by policy but is often around 90 days. When considering a disability policy, take into account how you will cover your expenses during the elimination period. Do you have an emergency fund to cover your lost income and any medical bills you accrue during this time? If not, you may consider purchasing additional coverage to protect you immediately following a disabling illness or injury.

How Much Time Off Do You Get With Short

While I might sound like a broken record, a concern like, How long is short-term disability? is another aspect that can vary depending on your own plan.

By definition, its short-term, but it can range in duration. Ive seen be as short as 30 days and as long as one year, Bartolic says, pointing to the maximum covered benefit periods hes seen in his own practice. It depends on the overall structure of the disability benefits through the employer.

Your time off also depends on your specific health problem. The medical field has guidelines as to how long recovery should take, explains Bartolic. That provides a roadmap for your employer or plan provider to establish a reasonable amount of time for you to be out of work.

What if things are really serious and youre not looking at a few weeks or even months away from the jobbut much longer? That would fall under a long-term disability benefit, if your employer offers such a thing.

As the names imply, short-term disability is used to cover injuries or illnesses that persist for a shorter amount of time . In contrast, long-term disability comes into play for any issues that will take you out of work for longer than that.

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