Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can You Get Disability For Migraines

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Aug How Someone With Chronic Migraine Can Qualify For Social Security Disability

If you suffer from migraines can you apply for Social Security Disability

Outreach Specialist

If you experience chronic migraine that makes it difficult or impossible for you to work you can file a claim for Social Security disability benefits. You will need to provide medical documentation of your illness in order for your claim to be approved. This medical documentation will help support that you are unable to work for at least 12 months, which is a requirement for applying for disability.

Medically Qualifying For Disability Benefits With Migraine

A migraine attack can incapacitate someone for days. The light and sound sensitivity, as well as the physical toll that migraine disease takes on the body, can mean that the person needs days of recovery time. But in order to be approved for disability benefits due to migraine disease, there needs to be an underlying medical condition or a person needs to ask for a Medical Vocational Allowance.

All of the conditions that qualify for Social Security disability benefits are listed in the Social Security Administrations Blue Book, and there is no official listing for migraine disease. However, migraine can be symptoms of other health problems that are listed in the Blue Book. If you experience migraine due to any of these conditions you can be approved for disability benefits based on Blue Book listing for these conditions:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Epilepsy

Medical Vocation Allowance And Residual Functional Capacity

Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits

If You Are Denied

It’s Quite Difficult To Get Social Security Disability Benefits For Chronic Migraines Considered By Some To Be A Neurological Disorder

By Bethany K. Laurence, Attorney

Most headaches are not severe enough, or frequent enough, to prevent a person from working, but some migraines can be so debilitating that sufferers are not able to work. Migraines, a severe form of headache that causes nausea and sensitivity to light and sound, can last hours or even days, and happen daily or weekly to some people. Suffering from chronic migraine headaches can result in frequent absences from work, which can make it hard to hold down a job, and can sometimes result in a person’s complete inability to work on a regular basis.

If you are one of the people who suffer from frequent, long-lasting, severe migraines that keep you from working and that don’t respond to treatment, you may be able to collect Social Security disability benefits. If your situation is less severe, you may face an uphill battle getting benefits.

Contact Social Security Disability Attorney Nancy L Cavey Who Can Help You Regardless Of Where You Live In Florida

You owe it to yourself and your family to get help today! Ms. Cavey can explain the Five-Step Sequential Evaluation process used in every claim, the claims process and how to get your disability benefits for chronic headaches and migraines. Call today for a free consultation at 727-894-3188.

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The Social Security Administration Doesnt List Migraines As A Disability

The SSA has a comprehensive list of disabilities, including the criteria to qualify for each one. Itâs formally titled Disability Evaluation Under Social Security but more commonly referred to as the Blue Book .

Migraine does not appear in the Blue Book. But before you stop reading and throw in the towel, know that this doesnât mean you canât get benefits. It just means you have to work harder to prove why you need them.

Three Tips For Success

Can You Get SSDI Benefits for Migraines?

These tips will help you navigate the SSDI process:

If youre unable to work due to disabling migraine, SSDI exists to help people like you. Use Dr. Shapiros tips or to set yourself up for success.

The American Migraine Foundation is committed to improving the lives of those living with this debilitating disease. For more of the latest news and information on migraine, visit the AMF Resource Library. For help finding a healthcare provider, check out our Find a Doctor tool. Together, we are as relentless as migraine.

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Migraine & Chronic Headaches Symptoms And Treatments

Chronic headaches are not just a minor irritation that go away with over-the-counter medication. These types of headaches can last for days at a time and disrupt your life in every way, including your professional, family and social life. The types of chronic headache you have may vary, such as a chronic migraine, chronic tension-type headache, a new daily persistent headache or hemicrania continua headache.

Headaches symptoms will vary based on the type of headache however, you can expect some of the following symptoms: Pulsating or throbbing sensation, moderate to severe pain, nausea or vomiting, light and sound sensitivity, pressure and tightening, restlessness, eyelid drooping or nasal congestion. Some migraines involve visual disturbances which can make otherwise simple tasks such as reading, walking, or driving suddenly impossible for some part of the day.

The most common type of treatment for such headaches is preventative care. Some people might find success with prescribed medications chosen by their doctors. Certain people might benefit from alternative medicine, including acupuncture, massage and electrical stimulation. Other preventive care includes eating right, exercising, avoiding triggers, sleeping enough and more. These treatments may not eliminate chronic headaches however, they might minimize the symptoms. Only your treatment provider can determine what treatments you should try, and its important to see your doctor if you are having chronic headaches.

The Reality Of Living With Migraines

Its a neurological condition that affects the daily life of everyone who experiences one. Its impact is noticeable to those around you. And it can sometimes affect your performance at work and other areas of your life.

Migraine is also a common condition that affects 39 million people in our country alone. In fact, about 90 percent of people who experience migraines are not able to function properly at work during an attack.

Out of those 39 million people, 4 million suffer from chronic migraines. Chronic migraines are recurring migraines that happen 15 or more days a month. Because of this, migraines are the most common cause of disability. And thats not just in the United States. They affect people all over the world.

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Understanding Medical Disability For Migraine Patients

Anyone living with chronic migraine knows that managing the pain and other neurological symptoms alongside a career can be almost impossible. With disabling symptoms lasting days, even weeks, migraine attacks are not always responsive to medication. If you are living with migraine, with attacks so severe it keeps you from holding down a full time job, filing for disability can feel like your only hope. While the laws vary slightly by state, here is a guide for filing for medical disability if migraine is preventing you from holding down a full time job.

Proving Your Migraines Are Disabling

Migraine Headaches and Social Security Disability

There are no laboratory tests to prove a headache is a migraine or so severe that it’s disabling, and a physical examination probably won’t be able to uncover anything wrong with you. The SSA will need to rely on your statements about the severity of your migraines and your doctors’ reports documenting your symptoms. The SSA, however, does not have to believe your claims of how severe your migraines are. That’s why medical documentation is so important in migraine cases.

In order for SSA medical consultants to determine whether the severity and frequency of your migraines are sufficient to create a disability, they will want to see the following documentation.

  • Reports by the doctor who primarily treats your condition, such as a neurologist, pain management specialist, or headache specialist
  • Specific documentation of your daily symptoms and migraines, so as to measure the frequency of occurrence, duration, location, and intensity of your migraines as well as their effects on your daily living activities, and
  • Documentation of medications taken and treatments tried, whether successful or unsuccessful, and any side effects you experienced from them.

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Can I Get Social Security Disability Insurance Or Supplemental Security Income For Severe Migraines

Migraines are painful headaches which are more severe than a common headache, lasting for hours or days. Females are more likely to experience migraines, but it is estimated that over 28 million American may sometimes experience them.

Migraines may be triggered by a variety of factors: bright lights, odors, perfumes, allergic reactions, smoke, alcohol, irregular sleep patterns, fasting or missing meals, emotional stress, physical exertion, or certain types of foods.

Things You Must Show To Qualify

To qualify the 50 percent rating, VA mentions that you must have very frequent completely prostrating and prolonged attacks productive of severe economic inadaptability. We know that it is quite long to describe how to get 50 VA disability for migraines. So, if you want to know it clearly, you should break the words down into very frequent, completely prostrating, prolonged and productive of severe economic inadaptability

Once you can break down these words and their definitions, you can easily know about how to start the claim and get disability compensation.

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Lights Sounds And Smells

Migraines are notorious for stemming from environmental stimuli, like lights, noises, and smells. For example, a strong candle could lead to a full-blown migraine for some individuals, while others might experience migraines more from flashing lights or loud music.

Experts believe that environmental stimuli trigger migraines because migraine sufferers tend to have a lowered ability to perceive and process sensory stimuli, similar to what happens to someone with a sensory processing disorder. Shifts in the environment can make it challenging for people with migraines to function regularly, affecting both their personal and workplace lives.

Things To Do If You Are Not Qualified For Iu

Can You Get Disability Benefits Because of Migraine ...

It is possible if you have worked hard on how to get 50 VA disability for migraines but the evidence cannot make VA specialists accept your claim. If so, you should be able to show that your disability comes from the exceptional or unique circumstances that ruin your earning ability. It is called a special consideration and it is possible to happen. For example, you should prove to them that your migraine makes you get frequent hospitalizations so you cannot show up your job consistently and you have lost your job due to your migraines.

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Getting Ssdi And Ssi Benefits For A Migraine Or Cluster Headache Disability

The first step in getting SSDI and SSI for headache pain is proving that the headaches are equal in severity to a medical condition that is on the SSA list of approved conditions. To make this determination the SSA will:

  • Review the medical notes and reports made by your doctor. In headache cases, SSA will give significant weight to the treating headache specialist, neurologist, and/or pain management specialist
  • Review your description of the location, duration, frequency, and intensity of the headache pain and how it affects daily activities
  • Review the type of medications youre taking, their effectiveness, and any relevant side effects

The application process for SSDI and SSI is intended to allow you to handle your own claims. However, it can be extremely helpful to have a knowledgeable Social Security Disability lawyer on your side. This is especially true considering that a majority of initial headache claims are denied.

Disability Benefits For Chronic Migraines

It is possible to qualify for SSDI with a migraine-related disability if you experience severe migraine symptoms frequently enough that it interferes with your ability to work. The SSA will consider whether you have documented medical evidence for your migraines and how much your symptoms limit your everyday activities. It will also consider whether your migraines will likely last past one year.

If youve missed several days of work due to migraines, its in your best interest to provide proof of them to the SSA with your claim. You should also ask your doctor to send your medical records of any visits or tests youve had associated with your migraine symptoms.

Other conditions may be present alongside migraines, like neurological symptoms, asthma, or stroke. In that care, be sure to send evidence of your coexisting condition too.

Regardless of how much information you send to the SSA, you still could receive a denial of your claim. Consider consulting a disability attorney to help you complete your claim and file an appeal, if necessary. Your disability attorney can also guide you through the appeals process to explain anything you dont understand and represent you during a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge.

You shouldnt feel like you dont have options as a migraine sufferer. A disability determination in your favor could be right around the corner to give you some relief as you continue to seek care for your migraines.

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How To Apply For Disability Benefits With Migraines

When youre ready to apply, just in mind that the review process will take some time and that the application is only the first step. Youll receive functional report questionnaires in the mail that you must fill out and get back to the SSA quickly. This is usually just 10 days from the date they were mailed to you.

Since your migraines may make it hard for you to read, write, or concentrate, consider preparing for these questionnaires in advance, and be sure to ask for help if you need it. An SSA representative, a friend or family member, or a Social Security disability advocate or attorney can assist you.

You can ready yourself for the functional report by writing down notes about your daily challenges and struggles. Make a list of the tasks you have to ask others to help with when you have a migraine. These may include everything from washing your hair and preparing food to shopping for groceries and running other errands. Keep track of how often you have attacks and how long they put you out of commission. Your notes can be invaluable cheat sheets when it comes time to fill out questionnaires.

Your medical records are a primary source of details for the SSA when determining eligibility as well. Although the SSA has no disability listing for migraines and therefore no clear list of essential medical evidence, they generally need to see the following for a migraine application:

  • your diagnosis, symptoms,

What Does This Mean For My Migraine Disability Case

How to Get a 50% VA Rating for Migraines

Information that you may need can include:

  • Can you drive?
  • What do you have to do when you have a migraine?
  • How long do they last?
  • How many times per week do you have migraines?
  • How would your migraines make it impossible to complete an 8 hour workday?
  • Have you taken medication to control them?
  • What are the residual effects of your migraines?
  • How long does it take for you to recover from a migraine?
  • Are there any environmental work factors which trigger migraines? For instance, would you have difficulty working in an environment with bright lights, loud noises or fumes?
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Do Migraines Qualify For Social Security Disability Benefits

Claims based on chronic migraines need to be supported with strong medical evidence

Does Social Security consider chronic migraines to be disabling?

How exactly does Social Security evaluate a disability claim based on Chronic Migraines?

Step 1: Non-Medical CriteriaStep 2: Severe ImpairmentStep 3: Medical ListingsStep 4: Past WorkStep 5: Other Work

Wondering If You Qualify?

Find out if you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in just seconds with our free evaluation.

Medically Qualifying For Benefits For Migraines

The SSA has no standard disability listing for migraines in their Blue Book, but this doesnt mean you cant get approved for benefits with chronic migraines. It simply means youll need to prove that youre unable to maintain a full-time job and earn a gainful living due to your limitations.

To determine your eligibility, the SSA will:

  • Look at your daily limitations
  • Consider the frequency and severity of your headaches
  • Examine your employment options
  • And review your medical evidence

If after taking all of these factors into account, the SSA finds youre unable to perform the essential job duties of any job for which youre otherwise qualified, then youll be deemed medically eligible for SSDI and/or SSI benefits.

The frequency and duration of your headaches and the extent of your migraine symptoms , tell the SSA how often you must miss work. The length of migraine attacks, which can average a few hours or several days at a time, inform the SSA about your ability to keep a consistent work schedule.

When it comes to evaluating daily limitations, the SSA will use your medical records and functional report forms that you and your doctor complete. Ensure you accurately reflect all of your limitations by thoroughly completing these forms and describing in detail the manner in which your headaches and other symptoms affect your ability to perform everyday tasks.

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Are Migraines Listed In The Ssa Blue Book

The SSA Blue Book contains hundreds of medical conditions that may qualify individuals for disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration does not have a specific listing for chronic migraines. However, this does not make you ineligible for disability. The SSA will review your medical evidence to determine if your migraines are serious enough to be considered disabling. It is important to provide sufficient documentation that shows the side effects of your migraines to increase your chances of approval.

In some cases, chronic migraines may be an underlying symptom of another serious condition. Conditions that may cause chronic migraines include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Inflammation or other issues with blood vessels in the brain, including stroke
  • Brain tumor

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