Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What Disabilities Qualify For Vocational Rehabilitation

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What Other Disability Employment Programs Are Available

Applying for Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • The Ticket to Work Program helps people who receive Social Security due to a disability find work and keep their health coverage.
  • If you are a veteran with a disability, check out Veterans ReEmployment for help with employment, training, and financial assistance.
  • Independent Living Centers provide job coaching, training, and information on disability in the workplace to help people with disabilities maintain their independence.Find your nearest ILC.

How To Get The Most Out Of Vocational Rehabilitation

Who Is Eligible?

Anyone with a disability who wants to work and can, with the right supports and services.

According to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a person who is determined by qualified personnel to require services because of a physical, mental, or emotional disability that interferes substantially with employment is eligible for vocational rehabilitation.

People with visual disabilities in both eyes are eligible for vocational rehabilitation via the Division of Blind Services , housed at the state Department of Education . Those with any other disabilities who are eligible for vocational rehabilitation receive services from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation , also at DOE.

Those who have Social Security benefits based on their own disabilities are presumed to be eligible for vocational rehabilitation, unless there is clear and convincing evidence that they are too significantly disabled to benefit from DVR or DBS services.

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About The Waiting List

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services currently has more people requesting assistance than we have resources to serve. Therefore, your name may be placed on a waiting list. This page will help you to understand what this could mean to you.Who gets put on the waiting list?When IVRS is unable to serve all job candidates that apply for services due to IVRS financial limitations, then applicants are placed on one of three waiting lists.What are the waiting list categories?There are three categories:

  • MOST SIGNIFICANTLY DISABLED individuals who have three or more serious impediments to employment and whose vocational rehabilitation is expected to require multiple services over an extended period .
  • SIGNIFICANTLY DISABLED individuals who have two or less serious impediments to employment and whose vocational rehabilitation can be expected to require multiple services over an extended period.
  • OTHER ELIGIBLE individuals who do not require multiple services over an extended period, and who have an impediment to employment but is not considered to be a significant limitation. A person may be other eligible if he/she only requires one service for employment.

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How We Help You

In most instances, your case manager will refer you for vocational rehabilitation if it appears you will have difficulty returning to work, or if your job is no longer available to you because of your injury. You will then collaborate with a vocational rehabilitation consultant, who assesses your needs and determines appropriate levels of assistance. Together, you’ll develop your vocational rehabilitation plan to help you return to work.

We partner with you to help you:

  • Return to work with your employer
  • Identify a suitable return-to-work goal for employment with a new employer if it is not possible for you to return to work with your existing employer
  • Get safely back to suitable, long-term work

How Much Does It Cost

Proposed changes to vocational rehabilitation services would create ...

It’s free to apply for vocational rehab. The evaluation process is also free. If you do qualify, you won’t get billed for any diagnostic tests, counseling, or job placement services. Social Security pays your local agency to cover these costs.

Other services may not be fully covered. How much you have to spend for vocational services depends on your ability to pay. Your counselor will ask about your income and expenses to figure out how much, if anything, you’ll need to contribute to the cost.

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What If I Want To Go Back To School

If you want to go back to school, you may be eligible for a scholarship from the college or university you attend. However, if you accept a VR scholarship, you are required to work for a public rehabilitation agency two years for every one year of full-time scholarship money you get. To get information or an application for a voc rehab scholarship, contact your school’s financial aid department.

Here is a list of programs that are eligible for VR scholarships:

  • Rehabilitation Counseling
  • Rehabilitation Administration
  • Undergraduate Education in Rehabilitation Services
  • Rehabilitation of Individuals Who Are Blind or Have Vision Impairments
  • Rehabilitation of Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, and
  • Rehabilitation Job Development and Job Placement.

How This Program Can Help You

This program can help you:

  • return to your former job with your former employer
  • return to a modified version of your former job
  • work at a different job with your former employer using your current or newly acquired skills
  • work at a different job with any employer using your current or newly acquired skills
  • be retrained for a job through skills or education upgrading, or
  • gain skills for self-employment

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How Do I Apply For Services

Contact your local office for the specific process to apply. You will be asked to submit a written application, and given instructions there. Eligibility decisions are made within 60 days of application.

Find your nearest local office by either contacting your states vocational rehabilitation office, or through the American Job Center network, where many Vocational Rehabilitation staff are located.

Eligibility For Vocational Rehabilitation Services

The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program: Individualized Path to Employment

To be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services, the individual must:

  • Have a physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability that is a real barrier to the individual getting and keeping a job,
  • Need Vocational Rehabilitation services to prepare the individual to get, keep, or regain employment, and
  • Be able to benefit from the services that will help the individual to get and keep the job or to benefit from independent living.
  • If the individual receives Supplemental Security Income and/or Social Security Disability Insurance , they are automatically considered eligible. But it is important to note that the individual does not need to be eligible for or receiving SSI or SSDI in order to be eligible for VR services.

    Students who are in special education programs, receive accommodations in school, or have a severe health conditions may be eligible.

    Applicants for VR services must have a substantial impediment a mental, physical, or learning disability that interferes with the ability to work and hinders their access to an ultimate employment goal. The regulations indicate that impediment should be interpreted broadly.

    A substantial impediment must also cause a person to need VR services in order to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in, or regain employment, AND the applicant must be able to benefit from VR services.

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    Bureau Of Vocational Rehabilitation

    The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation provides individuals with disabilities services and supports necessary to help them attain and maintain employment. Disabilities may include physical, intellectual, mental health, or sensory disabilities. Vocational Rehabilitation services are customized for each individual through assessments and one-on-one meetings with professional VR Counselors. VR services are available in all 88 counties and include:

    • Evaluation and treatment of an individual’s disability
    • Information and referral services
    • Job search and job placement assistance
    • Educational guidance
    • Transportation services
    • Personal attendant services .

    Watch a video to learn more.

    Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors are available at OOD offices located throughout the state of Ohio to assist individuals with disabilities. Counselors at these local offices can assist individuals with disabilities determine if they qualify to receive services from OOD. Click Regional Offices to locate the office closest to your location.

    Employment Services For People With Disabilities

    Individuals with impairments can attain their job goals with the assistance of Vocational Rehabilitation . For those who are disabled who wish to obtain a job, stay in a job, or progress their careers in North Carolina, VR can assist you in charting your course to an occupation with a promising future. If you require aid in achieving your goals of competitive and integrated employment , VR can give you with that assistance as well as additional services like as job placement assistance and assistive technology, among other things.

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    How To Qualify For Vocational Rehab

    To become eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation services you must have a physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability that is a real barrier to you getting a job, need Vocational Rehabilitation services to prepare you to get, keep, or regain employment, and be able to benefit from the services that


  • 48.2 Informed Choice
  • A Plan Of Your Choosing

    Welcome to ACCES

    When you are determined eligible for services, an Individualized Plan for Employment is created with your counselor. The IPE is an agreement between you and OOD describing services which will be provided according to your choices. You may be responsible for some costs of your vocational rehabilitation plan, especially pertaining to college tuition.

    When you are ready for employment, the counselor and other OOD staff will help you prepare for the job search. Your counselor can offer information on accessing public transportation or arranging for private transportation. You counselor can help you with job site modifications for accessibility and efficiency.

    OOD can provide assistance to help you keep your job if you are having trouble working because of your disability. The counselor can work with you and your employer to determine the services necessary.

    What kind of vocational guidance and counseling does OOD provide?

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    What If I Need Accommodations Or Services In Order To Participate In An Assessment

    The DOR must conduct an assessment in the most integrated setting possible, consistent with your needs and informed choice. 9 C.C.R. § 7062. The assessment must include appropriate supports provided by the Department, including assistive technology devices and services and personal assistance services to accommodate your rehabilitation needs. 9 C.C.R. §§ 7014 and 7029.1.

    Additionally, you have the right to reasonable accommodations throughout the VR process. Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, public entities or a recipient of federal financial assistance, such as the DOR, are required to make reasonable modifications in policies, practices and procedures necessary to allow applicants and clients with disabilities access to DOR services.

    If you are requesting services for assessments and/or accommodations from the DOR, we suggest you make your request in writing and keep a copy for your records.

    How Does Vocational Rehabilitation Work

    A vocational rehab program can help with many parts of the job search and hiring process. It offers services like career counseling, psychological testing, and on-the-job training. The program itself is different for everybody because it’s personalized to your unique talents and job search needs.

    To start, you’ll meet with a vocational counselor who will help you put together an Individual Plan for Employment . This plan is similar to the Individualized Education Plan you might have had at school. The IPE describes your skills and strengths and how your ADHD gets in the way of you finding a job.

    Together, you and your counselor will set a career goal. Then your counselor will help you figure out which services you need to achieve that goal.

    Vocational rehab includes some or all of these services:

    Diagnostic tests. Even if you’ve gone through the full battery of ADHD tests already, the counselor may ask you to take some of them again. Psychological and psychoeducational tests confirm that you have ADHD, show your counselor how ADHD affects your ability to work, and identify what services you’ll need on the job.

    Vocational tests. Tests of your skills, abilities, experience, and interests help your counselor find the job that fits you best. The counselor will match you to a job based on the results of these tests, as well as your interests, where you want to work, and the type of transportation you have .

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    Youth And Student Services

    Youth with impairments may explore employment alternatives, establish goals for their future, and overcome obstacles that they may encounter along the road thanks to virtual reality . VRs Transition Services may be given at no charge to children or youth who meet the following criteria:

    • Youth with disabilities may explore employment alternatives, establish goals for their future, and overcome obstacles they may encounter along the road with the use of virtual reality technologies. Virtual Realitys Transition Services may be given at no charge to students or young people who meet the following criteria:

    As part of its collaboration with schools and community groups, VR also provides pre-employment transition services to fulfill the requirements of students who are pursuing a career in the workforce in the future. VRs pre-employment transition assistance are provided at no charge to students who meet the following criteria:

    • Are between the ages of 14 and 21
    • Are eligible for special education-related services under IDEA or are considered an individual with a disability under Section 504
    • Are enrolled in a traditional or alternative secondary or post-secondary program
    • Have a school referral and signed consent form
    • And have a school referral and signed consent form.

    Youth and Student Services is a division of the Department of Youth and Student Services.

    Can I Use Voc Rehab And Gi Bill

    2021 RNDS | Disability benefits and vocational rehabilitation

    The level of benefits provided may also not be equivalent to your GI Bill. And before you ask, you cannot use your GI Bill and voc rehab benefits simultaneously. You can, however, use both for the same degree. For example, if you pursue a two-year MBA, you may use Chapter 31 Benefits your first year.

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    Am I Eligible For The Vr Program

    If you fulfill all of the following qualifications, you may be eligible for virtual reality services:

  • A physical or mental disability has been diagnosed in you
  • Your physical or mental impairment constitutes or results in a major barrier to work
  • And you are seeking employment. It is necessary for you to get VR services in order to prepare for, secure, maintain, or recover work
  • And, it is beneficial for you to receive VR services in order to achieve a positive employment result.
  • Individuals who are confirmed to be qualified for VR services may be placed on a waiting list due to a lack of available state funds. The waitlist is intended to guarantee that persons who are in the greatest need of VR services receive them as soon as possible.

    Vr Comparable Service Rules

    A VR agency can deny VR services in whole or in part if the services needed are provided by or funded by any other program within the state. Some VR services must be provided regardless of whether that is the case.

    Exceptions include:

    • assessments for determining eligibility or services needed,
    • counseling and guidance related to employment decisions,
    • referral services,
    • job search/job placement/job retention services,
    • assistive technology, and
    • post-employment services.

    A VR agency CANNOT deny VR services if the decision would interrupt or delay the persons progress toward:

    • achieving the employment outcome in the Individualized Plan for Employment ,
    • an immediate job placement, or
    • the provision of VR services to a person who is determined to be at extreme medical risk.

    If comparable services exist and are available at the time needed, the VR agency must use those comparable services or benefits to meet, in whole or part, the costs of the VR services. If comparable services exist and are NOT available, the VR agency must provide VR services until the comparable services become available.

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    Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment

    Find out how you may continue to receive assistance with Admissions, Counseling, Financial Aid, and a variety of other issues through our Virtual ServiceResource Center. Virtual Resources in Lemoore|Coalinga/Firebaugh NDC Virtual Resources in Lemoore

  • Find out how you may continue to get assistance with Admissions, Counseling, Financial Aid, and a variety of other issues through our Virtual ServiceResource Center . Virual Resources for Lemoore|Virtual Resources for the Coalinga-Firebaugh NDC
  • On the VA website, it states that a Veteran who is eligible for a vocational rehabilitation review under Chapter 31 must first apply for services and then schedule an appointment with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor . The Veteran Resource Center will collaborate with the Veteran to assess whether or not the Veteran has an employment handicap as a result of his or her service-connected condition. If it is determined that the Veteran has an employment impairment and that the Veteran is eligible to assistance, Following the completion of counseling, the Veteran and the VRC will collaborate to select a track of services for the Veterans rehabilitation and employment needs.

    The Veteran Resource Center and the Veteran will collaborate to put the plan into action in order to help the Veteran achieve his or her employment and/or independent living goals.


    counselor/advisor, along with a list of authorized courses.

    Division Of Longshore And Harbor Workers’ Compensation


    The Frequently Asked Questions below were created to assist injured workers in obtaining a general understanding of the vocational rehabilitation services available under the Longshore program. However, this guidance is general in nature and for specific answers to questions concerning provision of services in a particular case, please contact your Longshore office. Visit the Contact Us section of our website for the phone number for our district offices.

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    What If I Am Found Ineligible

    If you are found to be ineligible for VR services the DOR must:

  • Make its determination only after meeting with you and/or your representative
  • Notify you in writing, or by other preferred and appropriate modes of communication, of the reason for their determination, your right to seek a remedy including procedures for administrative review and hearing, and provide you with information regarding the services available throughout the Client Assistance Program .
  • Review your application within 12 months and thereafter upon your request.
  • Rehab Act §102 and 9 C.C.R. § 7098.

    If you have questions or problems regarding eligibility, you can contact the Client Assistance Program at Disability Rights California at 1-800-776-5746.

    Disclaimer: This publication is legal information only and is not legal advice about your individual situation. It is current as of the date posted. We try to update our materials regularly. However, laws are regularly changing. If you want to make sure the law has not changed, contact DRC or another legal office.

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