Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Get A Job With A Disability

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  • Teacher

What they do: If helping other people helps you focus, give teaching a try. A teachers job is to instruct students in different school subjects.

Where they work: School environments

Working hours: 40 hours a week

Annual Salary: $55,790

Degree: Bachelor from a university, 2 years of experience.

  • Cashier

What they do:Cashiers generally have one simple duty. They process the payments of the client for goods and services.

Where they work: Behind checkout stands.

Working hours: Irregular hours, 40 a week.

Annual Salary: $21,803

Degree: Not required.

  • Police officer

What they do: Being a police officer gives you the chance to rely on your own skills and judgment. The main duty of the job is to protect people and property.

Where they work: Depends on the job position. In the field, station, evidence room or another department.

Working hours: Irregular hours, night shifts and weekends. 40 hours a week or more

Annual Salary: $53,540

Degree: Some agencies require a high school degree only. Generally, you need a bachelor in Criminal Law or a related field.

  • Nurse

What they do:Nurses have a challenging job that holds your attention. It is a high energy position with variety and a good patient-staff report. The main responsibility is to care for patients by providing health care.

Where they work: Hospitals.

Working hours: Irregular hours, weekends and holidays. Average of 40 hours a week.

Annual Salary: $71,730

Degree: B.S in nursing, or an associates degree in nursing.

Job Ideas For People With An Intellectual Disabilityjob Ideas For People With An Intellectual Disability

Like you, at APM we know that everyone is different. You have interests, abilities and challenges that are personal to you.

Its important to find a job that is suitable for you.

At APM, we help people find a job by focusing on what they do best.

We match people to suitable job roles where they can:

  • Use their strengths and skills
  • Feel supported
  • Seek help when they need it

If you are looking for a job, you should take time to think about what your interests, strengths and challenges are. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I good at?
  • What skills do I have? What things do I know how to do?
  • What do I like doing? What am I interested in?
  • What work environment do I need?
  • What are my challenges?

After you have thought about your interests, strengths and challenges, you can brainstorm what jobs might be suitable for you.

Here are some great job ideas:

  • Jobs with routine. If you work best with routine, you might work well in a factory as a process worker. Process workers have routine tasks such as preparing equipment, packing products and processing orders.
  • Artistic jobs. If youre artistic and creative, you might like to work as a designer, photographer or illustrator. These jobs require you to be creative, organised and good at communicating with others.
  • Working with animals. If you like animals, you might be a great animal carer. You could get a job walking dogs, working at a kennel or assisting a vet.

Disability Employment Accelerator Program

We offer the Disability Employment Accelerator program designed to advance employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

The DEA funds projects to increase employment and re-employment for people with disabilities. The DEA:

  • Creates partnerships between the AJCC locations and businesses to recognize the skills of people with disabilities who meet employers needs.
  • Helps businesses create strategies and funding solutions to help people with disabilities achieve professional success.

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What Do I Do If I Am Being Discriminated Against

Disability discrimination happens when your employer treats you unfairly or less favorably.

If you think an employer is discriminating against you, you can file charges on the basis of disability by contacting the EEOC office. The charge should be filed within 180 days of the discrimination.

Remedies include: getting hired, promoted, back pay, reassignment, and reasonable accommodation.

Career Guide For People With Disabilities

What people with disabilities can teach others about ...

As a person with a disability, you may hesitate to look for work. You can be unsure whether or not to make a disability known when applying for employment.

In todays job market, however, that shouldnt be an issue. A disability doesnt prevent you from having the job of your dreams. The job market accommodates people with a wide range of qualifications, passions, talents, and abilities.

Opportunities can be found in all fields: nursing, business, media, technology, law, social sciences you name it. There are people with disabilities working in almost all industries.

Read on to find everything you need to know about navigating the pathway to employment as an individual with a disability.

This guide is mainly for our US readers, but theres useful advice for everyone else as well.

In this guide you will find:

  • Job-Search 101 – All You Need to Know
  • Know Your Rights – All You Need to Know About ADA
  • 73+ Careers for People With Disabilities
  • Top 9 Job Sites for People With Disabilities
  • FAQ – Everything You Need to Know
  • Other Resources

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How A Disability Can Be A Career Defining Advantage

  • You Have the Necessary Experience and Resources
  • Does a Disability Impact Your Ability to Get a Job?

    With nearly 57 million Americans all having some form of disability, the question is bound to come up. If you find yourself wondering the same thing, youre not alone. If you are wondering the same thing, you arent alone. In fact, a recent survey by found that 77% of graduates and students with a disability fear that they will be discriminated against, and 72% are worried about being a nuisance to employers and as a result, 76% were concerned about being open about their disability at work or in job interviews.

    However, with a little bit of work, job seekers can turn their endeavors into a success. As is the case with most things though, having the right strategy is important. Just like anyone else who submits a job application for an opening, you arent guaranteed the position. However, its important to make every effort to prove your capabilities and qualifications, regardless of the outcome.

    With this in mind, lets look at a few tips for navigating the hiring process, to help increase your chances of success in the job hunt

    Know Your Rights: Who Is Protected?

    Secondly, in order to be entitled to the Americans with Disabilities Acts protections, you must meet their definition of a person with a disability. This disability must cause you to be substantially limited in a major area such as walking or speaking.

    Be Open and Professional

    Meet David

    Key Steps Towards Getting A Job

    Depending on what career you want to pursue, there are several pathways you can take to pursue your dream job. Below, well list a series of steps you can follow to get a job in the UK:

  • Research disability-friendly employers: There are a growing number of employers in the UK who actively recruit employees with disabilities. This means that there are jobs available that have already been adapted to meet your needs. The Careers with Disabilities jobs board lists disability-friendly employers, or you can also research companies online to learn more about the opportunities they provide for disabled employees.
  • Volunteer: Volunteering can be a great way to develop new skills, meet new people, and gain confidence in a specific job role. Volunteering can also lead to paid full-time positions, meaning that there is the potential for career progression. Some individuals also find that they prefer volunteering as depending on the role, it can be quite an informal, relaxed environment. Therefore, volunteering can be a great stepping stone towards your dream job.
  • Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships offer an alternative route to your desired career, and many employers provide apprenticeships for employees with learning disabilities. Apprenticeships can last up to four years, and during this time, you will be given the opportunity to learn on the job and gain qualifications in your chosen field.
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    Monster Can Help Find Jobs For People With Disabilities Just Like You

    The value you bring to a job is unquestionable, but that doesn’t make the job search any less stressful. Want some help with that? You can create a free profile on Monster and get connected to recruiters in your field. We can also send you custom job alerts from companies of your choosing. Let Monster help advance your career.

    Take Advantage Of Resources

    Finding A Job With A Disability / How To Tips and Tricks

    There are a number of disability advocacy and support groups that offer free job training and job-placement assistance.

    Ryan recommends the Job Accommodation Network , a service provided by the United States Department of Labor that offers advice on workplace accommodations for a wide range of disabilities. There’s also the Workforce Recruitment Program , a recruitment and referral program that connects federal sector employers nationwide to job seekers with disabilities.

    Attending networking events that offer jobs for people with disabilities can play an important part in helping you find companies that have excellent facilities and support systems already in place. Don’t hesitate to put yourself out there.

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    The National Careers Service

    The National Careers Service provides confidential and impartial advice to help you make decisions about training and work.

    If youre aged 13-18 you can phone them and ask for a call back, email them a question or use their webchat service or moderated chatroom.

    Find out more options for young people to contact on the National Careers Service website

    If youre aged 19 or over and you have a disability, learning difficulty or health condition, you can also get at least three sessions of face-to-face advice.

    Call the National Careers Service on to make an appointment with a local adviser.

    If you’re over 19 years old, contact the National Careers Service

    How To Get A Job With A Learning Disability

    For many jobseekers with learning disabilities, there are several different paths you can follow to pursue your ideal career. Employers are legally obliged to make reasonable adaptions for disabled employees, including providing specialist equipment, making changes to the working environment, and altering hours of work. This means that increasingly, people with learning disabilities can access work in the UK. This article will provide key steps that can help you find a job!

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    Are You Protected By The Ada

    ADA protects you if you are:

    • An employee with a disability. ADAs definition of a disability is a physical or mental impairment that restricts any specific major life activity. Major life activity includes basic everyday tasks and bodily functions .
    • An employee with a history of disability. No employer can discriminate against a worker based on a past impairment.
    • An employee who the employer considers as disabled. Whether or not the employee is disabled, ADA still protects them from discrimination.

    David & Victoria Beckham

    What Duty Do Employers Have to Disabled Employees?

    Victoria Beckham stunned the world when she yelled at the paparazzi in 2006 as they flashed the bulbs on their cameras trying to get the perfect shot of then four-year-old son Romeo Beckham at the airport. Hes got epilepsyall that flashing will start an epileptic fit you cant do that, she sternly told the press, via People.

    That revelation shocked the media and led to Splash News putting a moratorium on photographing the child or the Beckham family when they were all together. Photo agency owner Kevin Smith said, No photo is worth putting a childs life in danger.

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    + Jobs For The Deaf And Hearing Impaired

    • Archivist

    What they do: Archivists are responsible for managing documents that are highly valuable. This job is great for detail-oriented, organized and concentrated individuals.

    Where they work: Library or university.

    Annual Salary: $41,899

    Degree: Masters degree is usually required.

    • Audiologist

    What they do: On audiologist is a trained professional who treats hearing loss problems. Part of the job includes lip-reading and sign language training. These tasks are perfect for people with hearing impairments because they already have experience and knowledge.

    Where they work: Healthcare facilities

    Working hours: Full-time, 40 hours a week.

    Annual Salary: $82,877

    Degree: Doctoral degree.

    • Social Media Manager

    What they do: Social Media Manager is responsible for building a brand and promoting it. Main skills include writing, strategic thinking, and creativity.

    Where they work: Office environments.

    Working hours: 40 hours, full time. Overtime and longer weekdays are common.

    Annual Salary: $60,000

    Degree: Degree in marketing or a related area

    • Computer Programmer

    What they do: Computer programmers write code in a variety of computer languages such as C++, Java. They create, update and expand software programs.

    Where they work: Usually in an office, in the computer systems design.

    Working hours: Working hours can go up to 50 a week.

    Annual Salary: $74,280

    Degree: B.A in computer science or a related field. Programmers can also be specified in different programming languages.

    Ready To Start Applying Prepare Your Documents

    When you have worked through the options and decided what kind of job you would like, you can start applying for jobs.

    Have your resumé ready to go so you can apply for jobs when you see them. Having cover letter templates saved can also make the job application process quicker and less overwhelming.

    Read our tips for putting together an impressive resumé and cover letter to help you stand out and get hired.

    Don’t Miss: Nolos Guide To Social Security Disability

    Real Tips On How To Get A Job With An Intellectual Disability

    Trying to find a job when you have an intellectual disability can be frustrating.

    You may have felt overlooked by employers and not valued for your skills and strengths.

    Its hard to get a job if youre not given a fair go.

    But if you want to work, we believe there is a job for you.

    At APM, we help people with intellectual disabilities find work that suits their unique strengths and challenges.

    In this guide you will find tips about:

    Making It Work On The Job

    How to Get a Job with a Disability: 7 Steps for Success

    Keep an open mind, and work with your employer to be sure the job will be a good fit for you. Helpful changes can make your work easier, such as:

    • Different work hours, part-time work, and other options.
    • Assistive technologies, such as a screen reader, talking calculator, or buttons to open doors. Disability Related Employment Services offers help with these supports.
    • The choice to work from home.
    • The option to trade tasks with other workers.

    Also Check: What Is The Disability Rating For Hearing Loss

    Vocational Rehabilitation & Reasonable Accommodations

    Vocational Rehabilitation

    Social Security supports the State VR agencies in their efforts to help prepare people with disabilities for jobs and teach them job skills.

    State VR agencies provide a range of services including:

    • Vocational counseling & guidance
    • Assistive technology and rehabilitation technology services referral services support, advocacy, and follow-up services.

    For more information, visit:

    Reasonable Accommodations

    Reasonable Accommodations are modifications or adjustments to a job or change in the work environment that enables a person with a disability to compete equally or perform the essential functions of the position.

    Reasonable accommodation also includes adjustments to assure an individual with a disability has equal benefits and privileges of employment enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without disabilities.

    The accommodation must be job related e.g. hearing aids, prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, and transportation to work.

    Accommodations also include:

    • Specialized Training on the use of Assistive Devices
    • Modified Job Duties and Restructured Work Sites
    • Provided Accessible Technology or other Workplace Adaptive Equipment

    Reasonable accommodations can apply to the duties of the job and/or where or how job tasks are performed.

    For more information, visit OPM’s Disability Employment Reasonable Accommodations webpage.

    + Jobs For People With Speech Impairments

    • Landscaping

    What they do: Landscapers deal with groundskeeping and maintenance duties. They work in outdoor environments, with a limited need to talk.

    Where they work: Gardens, lawns

    Working hours: Average of 40 hours.

    Annual Salary: $26,601

    Degree: A high school diploma.

    • Food preparation

    What they do: Food preparators make food and meals under the supervision of a cook or chef.

    Where they work: Kitchens

    Degree: No education needed

    • Journalists

    What they do: Journalists deliver news and events to the public. Their main job is to analyze and edit information, which doesnt require a lot of speech.

    Where they work: Offices.

    Working hours: Average of 39 hours a week.

    Annual Salary: $55,530

    Degree: Bachelor in Journalism, Communication or a related field.

    What they do: Researchers collect information about the market and analyze it.

    Where they work: Office with a computer.

    Working hours: 40 hours a week, tight schedule.

    Annual Salary: $63,230

    Degree: Bachelor in market research or a related field.

    • Mathematician

    What they do: A mathematicians main job is to use advanced mathematics to solve real-life problems.

    Where they work: Comfortable offices.

    Working hours: 40 hours a week, sometimes overtime.

    Annual Salary: $84,760.

    Degree: You usually need a masters in Mathematics, but some companies hire candidates with a bachelors degree only.

    • Bookkeeper

    What they do: Bookkeepers deal with managing a companys expenditures and financial activities.

    Where they work: Offices.

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    Job Websites For Disabled People

    Some job sites have been designed to help disabled people find a job. Here is a small sample:

    • Evenbreak matches disabled job seekers with suitable employers.
    • Disabled Workers is a registered charity that supports disabled people looking for work. It lists the latest job opportunities and provides a space where you can showcase your skills online.

    If there are any companies that you particularly wish to work for, look for the jobs section of their own websites and check these regularly. This way, youre less likely to miss an opportunity if it is not advertised widely. You may also find it useful to follow their LinkedIn pages as companies often advertise job vacancies there.

    If youd like to know a little more about a company and other peoples experiences there, visit Glassdoor. This website features reviews, average salaries and interview questions for a variety of roles.

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