Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Does Bipolar Qualify For Disability Benefits

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Is Bipolar A Serious Mental Illness

Bipolar Disorder Treatment? Does That Qualify Me For Social Security Disability Benefits?

Health experts class bipolar disorder as a serious mental illness, along with schizophrenia and major depressive disorder. They have this classification because all three conditions can significantly impair a persons quality of life. People also present with symptoms relatively early, so their mental illnesses can interrupt their lives for many years.

Almost 90% of people with bipolar say medications help them manage their condition. However, establishing the issue can be challenging, with just 25% of people receiving an accurate diagnosis in less than three years. People with bipolar often spend up to 10 years waiting for the correct diagnosis.

When its left untreated, bipolar can cause severe problems. People with bipolar usually live 9.2 years less than people without the condition. As many as 20% of people with bipolar commit suicide. They are also more likely to behave impulsively and engage in risky behaviors, including substance abuse and unsafe sexual practices. People with bipolar also struggle to maintain positive relationships with friends and family members.

Bipolar Disorder And Your Ability To Perform Sedentary Work

Sedentary work is work that does not involve significant physical labor. This encompasses mostly sit down jobs. Most such jobs require you to be able to interact with others in an office setting, or to concentrate on tasks that require manual dexterity. Those with bipolar disorder may have a great deal of difficulty doing either of these when they are in a mixed mood episode.

Because of this, it is important when applying for Social Security Disability that you include detailed accounts of your mixed mood episodes, including their duration and severity. If your mental health professional is not already having you keep a journal or diary, start keeping one, as this may be used for evidence during a hearing.

If you apply for Social Security Disability benefits due to bipolar disorder, consider having a qualified SSD lawyer handle your claim for you. Besides the fact that your claim is considerably more likely to be accepted, your Social Security Disability attorney will save you a lot of the stress of going through the process.

Length And Levels Of Depression

Your depression or bipolar disorder must have lasted or be expected to last for at least a year, and must be at a level at which you would be unable to perform a job on a consistent and regular basis. The SSA does not require that you be depressed every day of the month, but you must show your depressive symptoms occur frequently enough to prevent you from working.

Quite often, your medical treatment records for a particular visit will say that you are “feeling better” or that your depression has “improved.” The SSA might use these records as a reason to deny you disability benefits. If your medical records include such notes, you can explain at a hearing before an administrative law judge whether you have good days and bad days with your disorder, and how often each occurs.

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Mar 08, 2021 ·Short term disability insurance covers leave from work for a temporary disability, such as pregnancy, accidental injuries, and illnesses. STD insurance replaces a portion of the employees income, which is a huge benefit for employees. The replacement income comes from the insurance company, not your business.

Bipolar Disorder: How To Qualify For Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability &  Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental condition characterized by alternating periods of elevated moods known as mania and periods of severe depression. Bipolar is further divided into bipolar I and bipolar II depending on the severity of the mood swings and presence of psychosis. People suffering from bipolar disorder may also experience episodes of auditory and visual hallucinations or delusions.

Click here to begin your application for disability benefits.

Symptoms of bipolar are based on the manic and depressive episodes. Manic and hypomanic symptoms include feelings of invincibility, extreme happiness, unlimited energy, or irritability. People experiencing an episode of mania may not sleep for multiple days at a time. Depressive episodes usually present with crying spells, tearful effect, limited eye contact, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, guilt, or anhedonia. Bipolar patients are also at higher risk of self-harm and suicide attempts when compared to people diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Bipolar symptoms may interfere with attention, concentration, social functioning, personal hygiene, or the ability to maintain persistence and pace in everyday activities.

Premier Disability Services, LLC has extensive experience assisting claimants who suffer from bipolar disorder obtain Social Security Disability benefits. If you suffer from bipolar disorder and you are unable to work, please contact our office for a free evaluation.

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Winning Disability Benefits For Bipolar Mood Disorder

Are the long-term symptoms of bipolar mood disorder preventing you from doing your job? Do you need to win disability benefits for bipolar mood disorder?

You may be suffering from the long-term symptoms of bipolar mood disorder, and you may want to learn more about gaining disability benefits to compensate you.

Does The Ssa Consider Bipolar Disorder To Be Valid Disability

Yes, the Social Security Administration includes affective disorders such as bipolar disorder in its Listing of Impairments under Section 12.04.

It is important to note that being on this list does not mean you automatically qualify for disability benefits. To qualify, you must prove that your symptoms are severe and meet detailed specifications on the listing.

The SSA requires that your condition meet one of the two following sets of requirements for it to deem you disabled:

Evaluation Method #1: As someone living with bipolar disorder, one way to meet the definition of disabled is to show that you have medically documented persistence of one of the following:

  • depressive syndrome characterized by at least four symptoms such as loss of interest in most activities, change in weight, sleep disturbance, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating, feeling of worthlessness, hallucinations, and paranoia
  • manic syndrome characterized by at least three symptoms such as hyperactivity pressure of speech, inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, easy distractibility, delusions, and involvement in activities that have a high probability of painful consequences which are not recognized or
  • bipolar syndrome with a history of episodic periods manifested by the full symptomatic picture of both manic and depressive syndromes (and currently characterized by either or both syndromes.

Your medical records must also show that you have at least two of the following:

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Diagnosis And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder

A diagnosis for bipolar disorder may rely on a physical exam and psychiatric assessment, among other assessments more specific to your condition. Self-assessments and keeping a daily record of your moods are common in reaching a diagnosis. A doctor may also look at your medical and family history, as bipolar disorder is often genetic.

Treatments for bipolar disorder are aimed at managing symptoms, as bipolar disorder usually lasts throughout ones lifetime and typically does not go away. Treatments may include medications such as mood stabilizers, anti-depressants or antipsychotics, and therapy such as psychological counseling or cognitive behavior therapy. Medication and therapy often work in conjunction with each other, depending on your specific bipolar diagnosis.

In more extreme cases, some may need to undergo hospitalization or inpatient or outpatient treatment, particularly for severe manic or depressive episodes.

What Are My Rights Under The Ada/social Security

Bipolar Disorder – Disability Insurance Benefit Tips from Disability Insurance Lawyers

The ADA prevents people who are disabled from being discriminated against at work. Your company cant cancel a job offer or fire you because you have bipolar disorder.

You must be able to do the basic tasks your job requires, but you can ask for accommodations. Accommodations are changes to your schedule or responsibilities that make your job easier to do.

Examples of accommodations for people with bipolar disorder are:

  • a flexible schedule
  • extra breaks during the day
  • a desk organizer or planner
  • noise cancelling headphones
  • job coaching
  • a support animal

Under the ADA, you also have a right to privacy. You dont have to tell your employer that you have bipolar disorder unless you want to share that information.

You can get Social Security disability benefits if your bipolar disorder is severe enough to prevent you from working or if it limits your ability to do your job.

Whether you can work depends on how severe your bipolar disorder is, and how much your symptoms affect your daily life.

Symptoms like mood swings, irritability, and trouble concentrating can make it harder to do many jobs.

In general, people with bipolar disorder have a harder time working than those who dont. Between never go back to work full time after their symptoms start.

It may be harder for you to work if you have:

  • severe bipolar disorder
  • frequent episodes of mania and/or depression
  • constant low-level depression
  • psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions

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Bipolar Disorder & Social Security Disability Eligibility

Bipolar disorder is recognized by the SSA as a disabling condition, but a person applying for SSDI or SSI must still show that their condition is severe enough to qualify them for benefits.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by the SSA as three or more of the following symptoms/behaviors:

  • Frantic, rapid speech patterns
  • Shifting, disconnected thoughts
  • An unrealistic sense of ones worth
  • Being easily distracted and unable to focus/concentrate
  • Participation in high-risk activities without recognizing the risk
  • Engaging in multiple projects at the same time without completing any or making physical movements that serve no purpose

To consider a person with bipolar disorder to be disabled, the SSA requires that the person has a severe limitation of one, or marked limitation of two, of the following:

  • Comprehending, recalling, or applying information
  • Interacting or working together with other people
  • Focusing, persisting, maintaining pace
  • Adapting, adjusting, or managing himself or herself

The Pennsylvania BDD will also consider whether your bipolar disorder isserious and persistent. This means you havemedical documentation that it has lasted at least two years, and youve received ongoing medical treatment or therapy but find it extremely difficult to adjust or adapt to changes and new thingsthings that are not already part of our normal routine.

If Bipolar Disorder Prevents You From Working

If you do not meet the strict requirements of the Blue Book listing, the SSA will also evaluate to what extent your disorder impacts your ability to work.

The SSA will conduct a mental residual functional capacity test, which will evaluate your ability to concentrate, remember details, follow directions, socialize and engage in other skills that are required in most jobs.

This evaluation will show the type of work the SSA believes you could do based on your condition. This may be skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled.

If you are found to be unable to perform even unskilled work, benefits may be offered through a medical-vocational allowance.

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Services You Can Trust

Many Canadians with disabilities dont get approved because they opt to fill out their T2201 Form themselves rather than seek the help of a professional. If youre living with a severe and prolonged mental or physical disability, we can get you approved for the Disability Tax Credit.

We have been helping clients with their applications for the Disability Tax Credit for many years now, and we can guarantee that you will be satisfied with our services.

When Will I Receive My First Ltd Payment

Getting Long

Generally, individuals who are awarded LTD benefits will receive them within 90 days of being approved for them. However, there are times where those who are awarded LTD benefits will have to wait much longer than 90 days . Rather obviously, this can be a very stressful situation when someone cannot obtain a paycheck through working. Our team can help expedite the process to ensure that you receive your rightful benefits sooner, rather than later. Give Walker & Hern a call today so we can get started.

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Guidance On Long Covid As A Disability Under The Ada

Jul 26, 2021 ·People whose long COVID qualifies as a disability are entitled to the same protections from discrimination as any other person with a disability under the ADA, Section 504, and Section 1557. Put simply, they are entitled to full and equal opportunities to participate in and enjoy all aspects of civic and commercial life.

Ltd Policies And Mental Illness Limitations

One thing to keep in mind when filing for long term disability is whether your long term disability insurance policy includes a Mental Illness Limitation.

Policies that contain a Mental Illness Limitation typically limit your benefits to two years if you are disabled due to a psychiatric condition such as depression or anxiety. Of course, each policy is different, so the prescribed maximum period may be shorter or longer depending on the terms of your particular policy.

Some policies with Mental Illness Limitations contain exemptions for certain mental conditions including, occasionally, bipolar disorder. Its important to review your policy closely to see whether your bipolar disorder will fall under the Mental Illness Limitation.

If you are solely disabled due to bipolar disorder and your policy contains a Mental Illness Limitation that does not exempt it, your benefits will most likely stop when the maximum allowable period expires. Unfortunately, the severity of your mental illness will become irrelevant after the maximum allowable period expires.

However, if you can demonstrate that you are disabled due to objective cognitive problems, your benefits may extend beyond limitation period. A neuropsychological evaluation, as discussed earlier, can provide this evidence.

If your policy includes bipolar disorder as an exempted mental condition, you may continue receiving benefits beyond the limited period.

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Secure Benefits & Stabilize Your Life

When you have a physical health problem, people can understand the challenges you face. When you have a mental illness like bipolar disorder, others may not recognize just how difficult it is for you to function in your everyday life.

Depending on your symptoms, you could have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. You want to run errands, enjoy your favorite hobbies and go to work, but your bipolar disorder has different plans.

On top of dealing with your disorder and the stigma surrounding it, youre worried about how youre going to pay your bills. You cant work, and you cant keep up with your expenses.

Help is here.

Social Security Disability benefits provide monthly incomeand with it a greater sense of peace, so you can focus on your well-being.

The Morgan Law Firm, serving South Bend and people across Indiana and Michiana, can help you get benefits. If youve already been denied oncelike many applicants arewe can help you appeal the decision.

You can start your appeals process by getting a FREE EVALUATION from our firm.

Social Security Disability is all we do.

Qualifying For Benefits With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder and Social Security Disability in 2017

The Social Security Administration maintains a listing of impairments. This list describes medical and mental health conditions that are considered severe enough to prevent an individual from participating in substantial gainful activity . There is a list for both adults and for children.

Bipolar disorder is listed in the SSAs listing of impairments. To qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits as an individual with bipolar disorder, you must submit evidence of the following:

1. Medical documentation of a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, characterized by at least three of the following symptoms:

  • Pressured speech
  • Involvement in activities that have a high probability of painful consequences that are not recognized or
  • Increase in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation

2. Extreme limitation of one, or marked limitation of two, of the following areas of mental functioning:

  • Understanding, remembering or applying information
  • Interacting with others
  • Concentrating, persisting, or maintaining pace
  • Adapting or managing oneself.

3. The mental disorder is serious and persistent, with a documented history of the existence of the disorder over a period of at least two years, with documentation of both:

  • Medical treatment, mental health therapy, psychosocial support, or a highly structured setting that is ongoing and that diminishes the symptoms and signs of the mental disorder AND

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Disability Benefits For Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a condition that causes extreme changes in an individuals mood. Thousands of Americans who are diagnosed with this condition every year are unable to work and hold employment due to their symptoms. If an individual is unable to work because of bipolar disorder, he or she may qualify for either Supplement Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance .

About Bipolar Disorder And Disability

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from serious mania to depression. Episodes of bipolar disorder can last a few hours to several months and consist of highs and/or lows . Others experience what is known as mixed mania or the combination of feeling manic and depressive at the same time. The individual feels all of the feelings of a manic high while also experiencing the negative feelings of depression . Many people consider mixed mania as the worst part of bipolar disorder.

Here are the symptoms related to episodes of mania and depression:

Symptoms of Mania

  • Feelings of worthlessness and pessimism
  • Inability to focus and concentrate
  • Thoughts of suicide or death
  • Repeatedly going over thoughts

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 5.7 million people are affected by bipolar disorder in a given year. There is no cure to the disorder but it can be controllable for some individuals with medication or psychotherapy. If the disorder cant be controlled through varies treatments, its symptoms can cause distress and disruption to an individuals everyday life.

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