Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can You Get Disability For Pots

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Access To Work Scheme

Teen Disability Essentials! (POTS)

Help may be available if your health condition affects your ability to work through the Access to Work scheme. Examples include:

  • Advice for employers
  • Providing equipment needed to help you do your job
  • Providing a support worker
  • Paying for transport to and from work
  • The scheme aims to help people get back into work, and stay in work in the long term. Further information can be found at

Is Dysautonomia A Disability is here to help Americans applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Whether you are applying for the first time or filing an appeal, we can help you get the benefits you need, deserve, and are entitled to – benefits up to $2,788/month! All we ask is that you fill out the form on our Home page. By doing so, we’ll be able to gather a little bit of the information that we need to assist you. Our service works, and it is free. That’s why so many Americans have already benefited from it.

Can I Get Disability Benefits for Dysautonomia?

One of the questions we get from our website visitors is, “Is dysautonomia a disability?” Yes. It is. If you have POTS, then you are entitled to benefits, even if you have been denied by the SSA. POTS is a medical condition that stands for Postural Orthostatic Cacacartic Syndrome. Some of you may have heard of Nick Foles, the wonderboy of the Philadelphia Eagles. He is the backup quarterback that took over the team when the starting quarterback went down with an injury, and he led his team to a Superbowl victory.

Do People Win Disability Cases for POTS?

The effects of this condition can vary from person to person, from mild to severe. POTS causes problems like extreme dizziness, feelings of fatigue, weakness, and there are a number of other symptoms associated with the disorder as well. However, these are some of the most common symptoms that our team has dealt with.

Disability Benefits For Pots

Social Security Disability Lawyers: Riverside, Orange & San Bernardino Counties

Disability Benefits for POTS

The National Institutes of Health describe Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome as one of a group of disorders that have orthostatic intolerance as their primary symptom. OI describes a condition in which an excessively reduced volume of blood returns to the heart after an individual stands up from a lying down position. The primary symptom of OI is lightheadedness or fainting. In POTS, the lightheadedness or fainting is also accompanied by a rapid increase in heartbeat of more than 30 beats per minute, or a heart rate that exceeds 120 beats per minute, within 10 minutes of rising. The faintness or lightheadedness of POTS are relieved by lying down again. Anyone at any age can develop POTS, but most individuals affected are women between the ages of 15 to 50 years of age. Some women report an increase in episodes of POTS right before their menstrual periods.

POTS often begins after a pregnancy, major surgery, trauma, or a viral illness. It may make individuals unable to exercise because the activity brings on fainting spells or dizziness.

Symptoms of POTS

In refractory and severe cases, treatment may not help much, and there may be a high degree of disability.

Treatment for POTS

Objective Tests for POTS

In addition to a patient’s self-report of symptoms associated with POTS, there are some objective tests that help to confirm the diagnosis.

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Pots Syndrome And Disability

  • The Blue Book does not have any precise listing for dysautonomia. However, you can file a claim based on similar symptoms that are listed for different disorders. Ultimately, the SSA tends to grant disability benefits if a person is physically not able to perform his/her job. The severity of your symptoms, and its impact on your life are something that can help in seeking disability benefits.
  • Dysautonomia can have many symptoms, so your documentation should include extensive test results. Testing may include a tilt table test which determines the blood pressure and heart rate fluctuations because of changes in body position. Other tests may be ordered such as digestive system testing, autonomic breathing test, and blood and urine testing for potential causes, etc.
  • The medical documentation from all the testing, results and reports, and other lab work should be provided to SSA. Dysautonomia is not listed as a Compassionate Allowances Condition by the SSA which means it does not qualify for automatic approval. The specific symptoms based on the type and severity of the patients dysautonomia will be evaluated.

What Is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome And Can I Receive Social Security Disability Benefits For It

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At Sharon Christie Law, we work with many clients who suffer from diseases that affect their ability to work. One such disease is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Commonly referred to as POTS this medical condition gained national attention when it was made known that the wife of Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl Winner Quarterback Nick Foles, suffers from POTS.

Here are Sharon Christie Law, Sharon Christie herself has represented numerous clients who suffer from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, mostly women. So we want to talk about why POTS may be a basis for Social Security Disability Benefits.

The effects of this condition can vary from mild to severe just like many conditions and it causes problems like extreme dizziness, feeling weak, feeling fatigued, and a number of other symptoms, but the ones listed are the most common, and ones that can be a basis for Social Security Disability Benefits.

While it is not easy to win cases if you suffer from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome there are some people that the condition is so severe even with treatment that the condition does not allow the client to continue working. In those instances when the condition is very severe even with the treatment, a case can be made for Social Security Disability Benefits.

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Can You Get Disability For Pots Some Key Details You Must Know About It

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or POTS, is a condition that disrupts normal blood circulation. Heart rate and blood pressure must work together to maintain healthy blood flow when the body changes positions. Regulation of blood pressure and heart rate involves the autonomic nervous system that regulates bodily functions, and sympathetic nervous system that triggers the fight or flight response. When these systems do not react properly, the heart is unable to respond properly causing orthostatic intolerance.

Orthostatic intolerance is the development of symptoms that come on when standing up from a reclining position, and are relieved by sitting or lying back down. The primary symptoms of orthostatic intolerance are lightheadedness, fainting, and an uncomfortable, rapid increase in heartbeat. Symptoms may vary from patient to patient. POTS disability may result from such symptoms.

Dont Worry You Wont Be Labelled As Disabled

Another important thing anyone considering the Disability Tax Credit should be aware of is that all claims and benefits within this program remain independent and confidential within Canada Revenue Agency . Only you, your medical practitioner, CRA, and anyone you have authorized, would be aware of your DTC claim and associated acceptance into the program benefits. Some of BMDs previous clients expressed that they were worried about applying for the DTC for some of these reasons, then after being provided with this information, they felt at ease and agreed to apply. It is important for DTC claimants to know that employers, family, friends, other health benefit program administrators, as well as any other entity that would not normally have access to your private income tax information, would not have access to any of your Disability Tax Credit benefits information. CRA is bound by very strict Federal Privacy Act guidelines that prohibit them from disclosing your private income tax information with any other source, without your express written permission.

Being approved for the DTC does not in any way formally designate or label a person as disabled. More precisely, being approved simply allows a person to qualify for an annual income tax reduction. In other words, being approved for the DTC is an income tax standing, not a medical standing. No other organization considers DTC approval as a formal medical classification in any way.

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Can You Get Disability For Pots

Qualifying for disability benefits due to POTS is a matter of proving that the individual has impairment significant enough to make it impossible for them to effectively maintain employment. The Social Security Administration will examine the symptoms that a patient is experiencing because of POTS. This will be done to determine if the individual is eligible for disability payments.

  • Patients with POTS should be sure to have all their symptoms verified and recorded by a licensed medical professional. This is essential to increase the possibility of being approved for disability payments.
  • The SSA will try to find a position appropriate for an individual with POTS before approving their disability benefits. A combination of the academic background of the individual, past employment experience, and physical abilities will be examined. These details will be evaluated to determine whether there is a job that the person can reasonably be expected to do.
  • Dealing with the debilitating symptoms of POTS can be difficult. Paying bills becomes extremely difficult for the applicant and his/her family members too. Fortunately, allowing the SSA to review a disability claim can result in the approval for disability benefits.
  • Keeping accurate medical records is essential to proving your case and increasing the chances of approval. Seeking out medical professionals to complete exams will help to pinpoint symptoms that can be attributed to POTS.

How Can You Get Disability Benefits For POTS?

Service Dog For Pots How They Help & How To Qualify

POTS or Postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and SSD Sharon Christie Law

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, also known as POTS, is a disorder that makes it difficult for the body to properly regulate blood flow. This, in turn, can lead to a variety of negative symptoms and physiological effects, including lightheadedness, difficulty having clear or coherent thoughts, blurred vision, and weakness of the extremities. While POTS is much more common in women, men can also suffer from this condition. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome usually appears in adults between the ages of 18 and 50, and is much less common in adolescents. In any case, you will need to consult a licensed physician to see if you or someone you love is suffering from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.

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Please Answer A Few Questions To Help Us Determine Your Eligibility

Dysautonomia describes any disorder of the autonomic nervous system. Some autonomic dysfunction disorders are:

  • postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
  • pure autonomic failure
  • neurocardiogenic syncope , and
  • neurally mediated hypotension .

Because dysautonmia disorders can affect any body system, the symptoms of dysautonomia and their severity differ widely among patients. Symptoms can include fatigue, fainting, digestive disorders, headaches, nerve and muscle pain, orthostatic hypotension , anxiety, significant sleep disorders, and sensory disorders.

Acquiring A Service Dog For Pots

There are significant benefits to having a service dog if you suffer from POTS. If you are looking for a way to feel a bit more independent, a service dog is a major step in the right direction. Additionally, service dogs can perform vital tasks such as retrieving items, alerting others in the event of an emergency, providing physical stability, and perhaps most importantly, providing companionship and emotional support.

That said, not everyone who has been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome will qualify for a service dog. You will first need to consult with a physician who is familiar with your condition to determine if a service dog is the right treatment option for you.

If you and your doctor agree that a service dog could benefit you and help alleviate some of the suffering caused by POTS, then you can continue the process of obtaining your service animal. Thats where we come in. The experts at know how much a service dog can mean to someone in need. Additionally, we understand the legal process that you must go through to qualify for a service animal, and we can help you every step of the way. To learn more about qualifying for a service dog, or if you have additional questions about how a service dog can benefit you or a loved one, feel free to contact us directly at this link.

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Can You Get Ssdi For Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

Qualifying for SSDI benefits is a matter of proving that symptoms of a disability are severe enough to make it impossible for a person to work. The SSA will evaluate medical records to determine whether the symptoms of POTS are severe enough to allow an individual to qualify.

The fact that medical records are used as evidence of disability makes it important for applicants to seek medical assistance on a regular basis. A licensed medical provider should be keeping detailed records of the severity and duration of symptoms. The date of diagnosis is also essential when SSDI eligibility is being determined.

If the SSA finds that an individual has a severe case of POTS, the background of the applicant will be examined to determine whether a less physical job position could be found. Some people with POTS may be able to keep their symptoms under control enough to complete light tasks in a work environment, so it is possible that an applicant will be required to find a position that accommodates the disability.

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome And Social Security Disability

Favorite Outdoor Pots

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system whereby your blood pools in your lower body when you try to stand up. Your heart begins to beat rapidly in response to reduced blood flow to brain and your blood pressure drops.

When a POTS patient attempts to stand up, she will begin to feel faint and may, in fact, pass out. In more severe cases, a POTS patient will be unable to stand up for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and must spend most of her day in a reclined position so that gravity will help blood flow to all parts of the body.

Often POTS is associated with a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Ehlers-Danlos patients have hypermobile joints and are susceptible to joint dislocations and disc herniations.

POTS patients are often encouraged by their doctors to drink large volumes of water and a high salt diet to increase blood volume. This, of course, results in the need for frequent urination.

POTS patients often have difficulty with food digestion since this autonomic activity requires increased blood flow to the stomach and intestines..

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How Is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Diagnosed

There’s no single test to diagnose POTS. Doctors start by doing a complete physical exam and taking a medical history.

POTS causes a heart rate increase of 40 or more beats per minute within 10 minutes of when someone moves from a supine position to a standing one. The heart rate goes up dramatically, with little if any drop in blood pressure. Doctors can measure this easily.

Sometimes, doctors do a “tilt-table test.” In this test, a person is strapped to a table, then tilted from a supine position into a standing position while heart rate and blood pressure are monitored.

Doctors also make sure the problem isn’t due to anything besides the autonomic nervous system. Depending on the symptoms, tests might be done on other parts of the body. These might check the blood, heart, brain, eyes, ears, kidneys, muscles, nerves, hormones, digestive tract, and more. Typically, a diagnosis of POTS is confirmed when symptoms have lasted for several months and no other causes are found.

If someone has POTS, the medical team will look for reasons that the autonomic nervous system doesn’t respond normally to standing. Finding an answer can help treatments work well.

Medical Qualifications And The Ssa Evaluation

The Blue Book is the medical guide used by the SSA that has specific criteria set forth for conditions to determine whether an individual is considered disabled to work. There is no specific listing for dysautonomia, but there are listings for the different body systems that are impacted by the disorder. In order to file for your condition, you need to focus on the severity of the symptoms and which body systems are most severely impacted.

If you focus on the primary body area that is impacted by your dysautonomia, you can narrow down the listings in the Blue Book that the SSA can compare to your application. This enables you to better understand the medical evidence you need to provide in order to give Disability Determination Services the evidence required to show you are indeed disabled.

As an example, if you are suffering symptoms that impact your blood pressure and heart, you should focus on the Blue Book Section pertaining to the Cardiovascular System, which is Section 4.00 and see if you can match your medical records and their details to the requirements for being disabled according to that particular condition.

There are several other Blue Book sections that may apply to dysautonomia, including:

  • Neurological Section 11.00
  • Digestive System Section 5.00
  • Your medical diagnosis
  • Symptoms and length and frequency of episodes
  • Treatments undertaken and their results

Your doctor should include statements that also indicate:

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A Call For Awareness & Understanding

Some estimate that roughly 500,000 people in America suffer from POTS however, with the difficulty associated with receiving a diagnosis theres no telling how many patients have POTS and dont even know it. While we dont have any short-term or easy solutions for these problems or homeopathic cures to provide, there are a few points worth making.

Its fair to conclude that increasing awareness about this mysterious disease not just among those who have POTS but among their friends, family members, and loved ones helps the patients manage their condition and, perhaps more importantly, believe they can overcome a challenging condition.

Its this statistic that motivated us to create the POTS Center. Wed encourage you to share this resource or if not this resource, any medically accurate and helpful resource on POTS with anyone you see fit. You never know who may have POTS but, due to challenges mentioned above, never got the diagnosis that could help them regain control over their life.

About the Survey

The survey was conducted via Facebook Groups dedicated to POTS Syndrome. We asked that only people with an official diagnosis take part however, no additional efforts were made to proof an official diagnosis. Thank you so much to all of those that participated!

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