Thursday, September 12, 2024

What Does Chronic Ptsd Mean

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What is Chronic PTSD

According to CAMH, PTSD will usually appear within three months of the traumatic event, but sometimes symptoms may not appear until many years later. In many of the PTSD LTD benefit cases we have had, the condition and symptoms of PTSD have arisen long after the traumatic event. This may be partly the reason these LTD claims were denied.

Whether the condition has been continuous or whether it has arisen much later, the symptoms of PTSD can be debilitating and affect every area of a persons life and functioning.

In terms of symptoms, CAMH provides the following list of common symptoms:

  • re-experiencing the traumatic event over and over
  • having recurring nightmares
  • symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks
  • having fears of dying.

It is not difficult to imagine how these symptoms would have a serious and debilitating effect on a persons functioning including with respect to their ability to work. Unfortunately, LTD insurance companies are not in the business of imagining how a person with PTSD is prevented from working. Rather, insurance companies are in the business of looking for objective findings as evidence of disability. Based on the denied claims we see, insurance companies seem to continue to find it difficult to assess the severity of PTSD symptoms and determine how those symptoms prevent a person from performing the duties of their own or any occupation .

How Is Complex Ptsd Treated

The main form of treatment for complex PTSD is long-term psychological therapy. This helps people slowly regain their trust in others. They can then gradually start to make friends, improve their work life and opportunities, and develop leisure interests.

People with complex PTSD often have problems with drug and alcohol use, anxiety and depression. These will need treatment too.

How Is Ptsd Treated

PTSD doesnt usually go away on its own. Getting treatment and help can make all the difference. Mental health providers have the experience to work with patients with PTSD.

Treatment for PTSD can include therapy and/or medicines to help with anxiety, mood problems, and sleep issues.

Therapy for kids with PTSD is called trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy . This type of talk therapy uses talking and learning activities, guided by a mental health therapist.

For younger kids, trauma therapy includes talk, play, drawing, and story activities. A parent or caregiver is almost always there during the therapy. Their support and comfort play a big role in helping their child feel safe and do well.

TF-CBT can help any child who has been through a trauma, not just those who have PTSD. Getting therapy soon after a trauma helps kids cope well.

For teens, PTSD therapy often includes:

  • cognitive processing therapy activities: to help with thoughts and feelings about the trauma
  • prolonged exposure activities: to help teens lower anxiety and learn to safely face things they avoid after trauma
  • eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy : combined cognitive therapy with directed eye movements to reduce the power and pain of the trauma. This helps the brain reprocess memory of the trauma. There are therapists who specialize in this type of trauma therapy.

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Are Chronic Illness And Trauma Related Heres What You Need To Know

If youve been diagnosed with a chronic illness and experienced trauma, you may have some uneasy feelings about the connection between the two. After all, some doctors who dont really understand tricky conditions like fibromyalgia or myalgic encephalomyelitis , for example, might be quick to tell you your symptoms are all in your head or due to a mental health condition.

While living with a chronic illness can be traumatic, research shows the reverse may be true as well. Trauma, especially if it happens when youre younger, can trigger chronic illness. Its not that simple of course trauma isnt the only factor that determines whether or not you get a chronic illness and its not associated with all conditions. And its worth mentioning, just because you have a chronic illness does not mean you experienced trauma.

Its important to talk about how trauma may impact chronic illness because knowing the connection can improve your treatment options and encourage doctors to look at your health from a holistic, mind-body perspective. In addition, some researchers hope early intervention and prevention of trauma may reduce the number of people who develop chronic illness in the future.

What Additional Problems Are Associated With Chronic Trauma

Psychology : Complex PTSD: What Exactly is It?

In addition to PTSD, chronic trauma is sometimes associated with other comorbidities including substance use, mood disorders, and personality disorders. A thorough assessment using validated instruments is critical to creating a comprehensive and effective treatment plan.

An individual who experienced a prolonged period of chronic victimization and total control by another may also experience difficulties in the following areas:

  • Emotional regulation. May include persistent sadness, suicidal thoughts, explosive anger, or inhibited anger.
  • Consciousness. Includes forgetting traumatic events, reliving traumatic events, or having episodes in which one feels detached from one’s mental processes or body .
  • Self-perception. May include helplessness, shame, guilt, stigma, and a sense of being completely different from other human beings.
  • Distorted perceptions of the perpetrator. Examples include attributing total power to the perpetrator, becoming preoccupied with the relationship to the perpetrator, or preoccupied with revenge.
  • Relations with others. Examples include isolation, distrust, or a repeated search for a rescuer.
  • One’s system of meanings. May include a loss of sustaining faith or a sense of hopelessness and despair.

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Seeking Medical Help: Why Cadabams Hospitals

Ignoring PTSD symptoms will only aggravate the problem. At Cadabams Hospitals, we have a multi-specialty team of mental health professionals who strive to ensure that no emotional disorder goes untreated. PTSD patients are treated using the most novel therapies and practices to help them recover and reclaim their lives faster. With customized treatment options and round-the-clock care, our experts ensure that you receive the best treatment. Our overall approach keeps care for you at the center, ensuring all your needs, requirements, and problems are met with complete adequacy.

For more than 30 years, we have worked with countless patients, enabling them to defeat their PTSD. We promise you the same outcome.

If youre experiencing PTSD symptoms or you know someone whos struggling with PTSD get in touch with us today. Call us on +919741476476.

Is Complex Ptsd A Separate Condition

ICD-11 complex PTSD as a separate condition, though the DSM-5 currently does not. Some mental health professionals are beginning to distinguish between the two conditions, despite the lack of guidance from the DSM-5.

Research has also supported the validity of a separate diagnosis of complex PTSD. At least 29 studies from more than 15 countries have consistently shown the differences in symptoms between traditional PTSD and its complex variation.

One 2016 study that included more than 1,700 participating mental health professionals from 76 countries showed that clinicians could differentiate between the two diagnoses.

A person with complex PTSD may experience symptoms in addition to those that characterize PTSD.

Common symptoms of PTSD and complex PTSD include:

  • avoiding situations that remind a person of the trauma
  • dizziness or nausea when remembering the trauma
  • hyperarousal, which means being in a continual state of high alert
  • the belief that the world is a dangerous place
  • a loss of trust in the self or others
  • report complete amnesia of the trauma.
  • Preoccupation with an abuser: It is not uncommon to fixate on the abuser, the relationship with the abuser, or getting revenge for the abuse.

Symptoms of complex PTSD can vary, and they may change over time. People with the condition may also experience symptoms other than the above.

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Physical Symptoms Of Ptsd

The NCBI has documented many physical complaints among PTSD sufferers. The physical problems reported included higher rates of neurological, respiratory, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular symptoms. Feelings of depression, guilt, tension, worry and difficulty sleeping may contribute to the physical ailments.

What Is Chronic Pain

Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and Strategies to Cope

Chronic pain can come from many things. Some people get chronic pain from normal wear and tear of the body or from aging. Others have chronic pain from various types of cancer, or other chronic medical illnesses. In some cases, the chronic pain may be from an injury that happened during an accident or an assault. Some chronic pain has no explanation.

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International Classification Of Diseases

The International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10 classifies PTSD under “Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders.” The ICD-10 criteria for PTSD include re-experiencing, avoidance, and either increased reactivity or inability to recall certain details related to the event.

The ICD-11 diagnostic description for PTSD contains three components or symptom groups re-experiencing, avoidance, and heightened sense of threat. ICD-11 no longer includes verbal thoughts about the traumatic event as a symptom. There is a predicted lower rate of diagnosed PTSD using ICD-11 compared to ICD10 or DSM-5. ICD-11 also proposes identifying a distinct group with complex post-traumatic stress disorder , who have more often experienced several or sustained traumas and have greater functional impairment than those with PTSD.

What Are The Special Requirements For Ptsd Stressors Based On Areas Of Potential Hostile Military Or Terrorist Activity

  • Concede a stressor when the Veterans DD Form 214 or other service records show service in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity.
  • Service personnel records must be requested prior to or concurrently with any necessary examination being ordered to avoid unnecessary delays in claims processing.
  • The receipt of military awards such as, but not limited to, the Vietnam Service or Campaign Medal, Kuwait Liberation Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, and Afghanistan Campaign Medal is generally considered evidence of service in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity.
  • The receipt of military awards such as the National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal generally does not indicate service in locations that involve exposure to hostile military or terrorist activity because these are general medals that do not denote service in a particular area or campaign. If the Veteran served in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity, he/she/they likely would have received a more specific medal for such service.
  • The GWOT Expeditionary Medal also does not necessarily indicate service in an area that would involve exposure to hostile military or terrorist activity. Consider that award and the other evidence of record to determine if there was service in an area of potential hostile military or terrorist activity before scheduling an examination.


Pro Tips:

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Free Brochures And Shareable Resources

  • Helping Children and Adolescents Cope With Traumatic Events: This fact sheet presents information on how children and adolescents respond to traumatic events, and what family, friends, and trusted adults can do to help. Also available en español.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: This brochure provides information about post-traumatic stress disorder including what it is, who develops PTSD, symptoms, treatment options, and how to find help for yourself or someone else who may have PTSD. Also available en español.
  • : Help support PTSD awareness and education in your community. Use these digital resources, including graphics and messages, to spread the word about PTSD.

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  • Feels extreme depression, fear, anxiety, or anger toward him or herself or others

  • Feels out of control

  • Hears voices that others dont hear

  • Sees things that others dont see

  • Cant sleep or eat for 3 days in a row

  • Shows behavior that concerns friends, family, or teachers, and others express concern about this behavior and ask you to get help

PTSD increases risk for other mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking.

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How Is It Diagnosed

CPTSD is still a relatively new condition, so some doctors arent aware of it. This can make it hard to get an official diagnosis, and you might be diagnosed with PTSD instead of CPTSD. Theres no specific test for determining whether you have CPTSD, but keeping a detailed log of your symptoms can help your doctor make a more accurate diagnosis. Try to keep track of when your symptoms started as well as any changes in them over time.

Once you find a doctor, theyll start by asking about your symptoms, as well as any traumatic events in your past. For the initial diagnosis, you likely wont need to go into too much detail if it makes you uncomfortable.

Next, they may ask about any family history of mental illness or other risk factors. Make sure to tell them about any medications or supplements you take, as well as any recreational drugs you use. Try to be as honest as you can with them so they can make the best recommendations for you.

If youve had symptoms of post-traumatic stress for at least a month and they interfere with your daily life, your doctor will likely start with a diagnosis of PTSD. Depending on the traumatic event and whether you have additional symptoms, such as ongoing relationship problems or trouble controlling your emotions, they may diagnose you with CPTSD.

Keep in mind that you may need to see a few doctors before you find someone you feel comfortable with. This is very normal, especially for people dealing with post-traumatic stress.

Who Is At Risk Of Suffering From Ptsd

There is no specific age group or race more susceptible to PTSD than others. Numerous risk factors come into play for the possible development of the disorder. These include:

  • Women are at an increased risk of suffering from PTSD
  • Children affected by traumatic events when young
  • Exposure to horrifying or traumatic incidents in defense-related jobs
  • Constant feelings of hopelessness and fear due to domestic abuse
  • Persistent experience of trauma due to similar recurring incidents
  • Lack of social support or tendency to live in isolation
  • Experiencing pain due to the loss of a loved one in an accident or gruesome incident
  • Having a history of emotional disorder or substance abuse

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What Treatments Are There

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence the organisation that produces guidelines on best practice in health care has not yet developed recommendations specifically for complex PTSD. They caution that the existing guidelines for PTSD weren’t developed for this kind of diagnosis.

You may find standard treatments for PTSD helpful, but many people with complex PTSD need more long-term, intensive support to recover. As part of your treatment you should also be offered support for other problems you experience, such as depression, drug and alcohol use or dissociation. The treatment you are offered may depend on what’s available in your local area.

See our treatment for PTSD page for more about the treatments available, which may be useful for complex PTSD. Or visit our page on self-care for PTSD for tips on how to look after yourself when you have complex PTSD.

What Are The Special Requirements For Ptsd Mst Claims

Complex PTSD (Memorable Psychiatry Lecture)

VA disability claims for PTSD MST require special care and handling by the Veteran Service Representative and VA Rater assigned to your claim.

Personal trauma for the purpose of Department of Veterans Affairs disability compensation claims based on posttraumatic stress disorder refers broadly to stressor events involving harm perpetrated by a person who is not considered part of an enemy force.

Examples include, assault, battery, robbery, mugging, stalking, harassment.

Military Sexual Trauma is a subset of personal trauma and refers to sexual harassment, sexual assault, or rape that occurs in a military setting.

Examples of PTSD MST include the following:

  • Being pressured or coerced into sexual activities, such as with threats of negative treatment if you refuse to cooperate or with promises of better treatment in exchange for sex,
  • Someone having sexual contact with you without your consent, such as when you were asleep or intoxicated,
  • Being physically forced to have sex,
  • Being touched in a sexual way that made you uncomfortable,

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Chronic Pain And Ptsd

Some peopleâs chronic pain stems from a traumatic event, such as a physical or sexual assault, a motor vehicle accident, or some type of disaster. Under these circumstances the person may experience both chronic pain and PTSD. The person in pain may not even realize the connection between their pain and a traumatic event. Approximately 15% to 35% of patients with chronic pain also have PTSD. Only 2% of people who do not have chronic pain have PTSD. One study found that 51% of patients with chronic low back pain had PTSD symptoms. For people with chronic pain, the pain may actually serve as a reminder of the traumatic event, which will tend to make the PTSD even worse. Survivors of physical, psychological, or sexual abuse tend to be more at risk for developing certain types of chronic pain later in their lives.

Apps for self-help, education, and support after trauma.

Get help for PTSD

If you need help right away:

  • Call 1-800-273-8255
  • Call 911 or visit a local emergency room

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How Do Health Care Providers Evaluate Pain

Care providers generally assess chronic pain during a physical exam, but how much pain someone is in is hard to determine. Every person is different and perceives and experiences pain in different ways. There is often very little consistency when different doctors try to measure a patient’s pain. Sometimes the care provider may not believe the patient, or might minimize the amount of pain. All of these things can be frustrating for the person in pain. Additionally, this kind of experience often makes patients feel helplessness and hopeless, which in turn increases tension and pain and makes the person more upset. Conversation between the doctor and patient is important, including sharing information about treatment options. If no progress is made, get a second opinion.

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